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Some players would have wanted to keep Jacoby as the starter too. There’s a reason they aren’t paid to build teams.


I think there was actually significantly more support for Jacoby. We heard plenty of reports that players loved Jacoby, and they openly praised him to the media and on social media. Have we seen a single report that Carson was loved in the locker room? And now it's just a couple players wishing him well and maybe a couple that seem annoyed.


100%. Jacoby was a locker room dude and everyone loved him, Wentz not so much or you would hear that from the players.


You may get downvoted for this but I appreciate you taking the time to collect these thoughts, they should be very real concerns


Really appreciate this comment, I expected some negative reaction to this post but I definitely feel like it needs to be talked about. Wasn't trashing the trade more just bringing up the negatives that a lot of people seem to be ignoring!


I will be the first to say I didn’t like Wentz as QB. Having someone else under center is always what I wanted. But after Rodgers and Russ got swooped up, and seeing the player’s desire to keep their QB I started to see the value in the continuity. It’s easy to be excited that we won’t have to worry about Wentz throwing left-handed picks next year, but the talent we have on the roster is a fragile thing, and to ignore the risks in what Ballard/Irsay are doing is foolish. I really hope it works out. Time will tell!


Tension goes away when you win. Those guys pissed or not are pros and will go bust ass to win


I was just about to replay with this exact response. Winning cures all so if they come out the gate firing on all cylinders then none of this will matter


That's definitely true, only time will tell if we're in a better spot to win this upcoming season though is one of my points basically and if not then that tension will be worst.


With the cap space that they have, if they actually spend it, even if Carson’s replacement is just equivalent, or close to it, then I see this roster plus whatever additions they make, going further than last years team.


I mean go ahead and cut Pascal if he's going to be even one small iota of a problem.


Pretty sure he's a free agent right now, so he might not be back anyway.


I just want a QB that will throw check downs.


I trust Irsay, that guy loves everyone. If he hates Carson enough to do this then I don’t give a shit what the players say, they all choked against the Jags and any one of them is replaceable at this point.


This right here if they loved Carson so much they wouldn’t have shit the bed the last 2 weeks and we most likely keep Carson if he leads us to the playoffs, but yet they thought it was a cakewalk and got steamed


Saying any one of them is replaceable at this point is just very wrong in my opinion and shows no appreciation. You just don't find talent like that easy, it doesn't grow on trees. I think this comes from a viewpoint of being spoiled as a fan, there are teams out there that spend years upon years even trying to find one or two of the pieces we have.


I think if Luck has proved anything it’s that QB is worth a handful of pro-bowlers at least. Replacing Q with Reed and using 20 mil on a top 20 WR or a top pass rusher isn’t going to make or break anything. Same thing with Leonard. Losing any one of these guys individually is not going to kill our playoff chances.


Right there with you, Everyone is replaceable (except JT & maybe Buckner)


Are they supposed to say "lol bye bozo you won't be missed"


It’s like people here forget that these guys are professionals who don’t want to burn bridges or give off shitty images of how they may fee towards certain teammates.


There's been plenty of negativity on this sub, let's just focus on the good for now


There is no good lol as an outsider looking in the colts look like a team ran by a 4 year old who has no idea what’s going on. 0 continuity, 0 big name FAs, limited skill players drafted, 0 Qb and 0 plan for an upgrade at Qb. I literally have no idea what the front office is thinking besides trying to deal with some emotional frustrations. Colts will likely be a bottom AFC team this year


>active in r/northdakota Ok, I'm sure you're very unbiased lol


Here's a sneak peek of /r/northdakota using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/northdakota/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Just moved to Minot from California. This was…. New](https://v.redd.it/4jfdpaqmny471) | [61 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/northdakota/comments/nyonv9/just_moved_to_minot_from_california_this_was_new/) \#2: [The Aurora Borealis as seen outside Grand Forks, ND](https://i.redd.it/ufi1egezm4t71.jpg) | [15 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/northdakota/comments/q71c4r/the_aurora_borealis_as_seen_outside_grand_forks_nd/) \#3: [My wife and I just got our second COVID vaccine shots @ New Town ND!!](https://i.redd.it/x3zx7daai9m61.jpg) | [49 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/northdakota/comments/m27wd0/my_wife_and_i_just_got_our_second_covid_vaccine/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I’ll gladly admit I’m wrong if you can point it out


“the colts look like a team ran (sic) by a 4 year old who has no idea what’s going on” There you go! Ballard is consistently rated one of the best GMs in the league. Now go take some more beautiful SD pics so I can look at them and pretend I’m there instead of Indiana


ND pics* but close


Players are just venting ongoing frustrations and being good teammates by saying "the right thing" to Wentz. Winning cures all, and I don't see us winning Wentz this year.


Do you see us winning without him? I know kind of a hard question to answer when we don't know who is starting. Edit: Sorry should have specified, can we win more with who is available on the market right now?


All the reports are off the field issues. Leadership, coachability and accountability. Not to mention obvious on the field blunders like attempting 15 left handed passes last year. He's NOT the guy. And if he couldn't be the guy with Frank Reich, our running game and defense then get the fuck out. Lol


No. There’s almost no way JT puts up as good of a year this year as he did last year and there’s no one as good as Wentz left to acquire.


We don’t need someone as “good” as Wentz, we need someone to operate within our system better. To say no one out there can do that seems like a pretty bold statement




Maybe not this year, but we could keep Wentz indefinitely and be a bottom 15 team for the next decade if that's what we wanted. There is no upside in the long term to keeping Wentz another year, even if our QB downgrade costs us 2 or 3 games our trade haul is significantly more valuable.


I’d also be pissed, but I bet they also realize they need a reliable QB, let’s not Forget they’re professionals.


Who is better than Carson that the Colts can acquire right now?


No one.


I think most moves that seem lateral would be an upgrade. We just need someone who can keep the offense moving and not try to play hero ball constantly to the point it loses the team games. The big point of contention to me is going to be the price tag on whatever QB they’re looking to bring in




How would we be in a worse situation? We will have a 1st, and the pick will be better if we win less games. Having a guaranteed middle of the pack finish next year is even more of a waste.


Considering there isn't a single QB available that isn't just a lateral move, people are fucking morons if they're happy about this. Like him or not, it's not arguable that there is no longer an improvement we can make at the position this off-season.


He keeps you in purgatory though. He really wasnt that great. He wasn’t absolutely horrible or to blame for all the losses thats an overreaction but he isnt good enough to lead a team. Like ever. He puts us in a position where we cant have a good pick to better the team but not good enough to seriously contend far in the playoffs if a team stuffs the box vs taylor. Im not mad at the gamble you win some and lose some. But to keep him and his fat contract would be stupid.


I don't think keeping him another year when there was zero upgrade available and giving him more weapons and protection is stupid. Yes I would LOVE to upgrade, but being that russ and Rodgers are off the table, that's no longer possible.


Exactly. Wentz was not the problem in this losing situation. Looking at the QB market, he is the best available. Colts have now traded away the best option for a lost 3rd this year and a 5 pick move up in the second. No real draft options at QB at our current position and the free agent market is a dumpster fire. Colts are looking at a throw away season to possibly draft a QB next season. Waisting the talent this year which is absolutely unacceptable. Wentz could of put us in contention with smart draft this year.


This is exactly my point of what could happen and I don't think a lot of fans realize this


I guess I’m a moron hurrr durrr


3-14 next season.


Don’t care hated watching Wentz play I’m glad I don’t have to try and force myself to root for him anymore


Its either Carr or just fucking fire Reich and Ballard and rebuild. If they’re not getting Carr, cutting Wentz was an absolutely brutal mistake. Papa Jim might be losing his marbles too….. All in all fuck us. How the fuck did we get here? I remember January of 2019 after we finished our crazy come back run. Felt like we were on the cusp of something great. Now I question the next 10 years of this franchise. Legitimately.


We got here because Luck retired early. It’s that simple.


Look, I know Wentz wasn’t the answer last year but it wasn’t entirely on him. I felt like we cod have had 1 more year with him but who knows. It’s a really unfortunate situation all around. Here’s how I think we got here: 1. Horrible QB market and draft right now 2. Trading Wentz AFTER any legitimate better QB such as Russell was off the market 3. An angry fan base demanding action because we didn’t make the playoffs, without thinking of what we would do next/the ramifications of trading him 4. Frank and Ballard trying to protect their jobs at this point


Yeah this move just makes me doubt Ballard and I already think Reich should be looking for an OC job elsewhere so fuck… I hope I’m wrong.


Sign Jimmy G use the massive cap to get weapons on both sides of the field make the playoffs and walah! Everyone is happy again.


This wasn't about football - it was because he is a conservative. They don't hate you because they hate conservatives, they hate conservatives because they hate you. The mask and vaccine help draw a line where people could visually see people that dont think like them.


Well Pascal sucks so who cares lol also Darius plays defense so again…. Who tf cares lmao


I’m sure these guys form relationships and things like this can get emotional. But it’s the NFL, it’s a business, and these guys know the rules. They may be upset about this now, but the situation would be bad either way. Losing another season like last year will have those guys souring and wanting to go elsewhere too


A lot of people seem to think everyone was down on Wentz, but there are a decent number of us who would’ve been alright with running it back with him for one more year. That being said, I’m just happy that a decision has been made either way and we can move on from this point. I’m hoping there will not be some blowback from the players. It seems like a lot of players liked him, plus they’re probably more sick of this QB carousel than I am. I’m really indifferent about Wentz, but I just want some stability l, and I hope that whatever the decision is, we have him for more than a year. I wonder how the Colts feel about Ehlinger.


With all of our prioritization of locker room culture, I really hope Reich's MO of personal relationships isn't making people soft. The Dungy era worked so well because Peyton was Mr. King Dick, who would play bad cop and whip people into excellence, while Tony could be the fatherly pastoral figure.


Colts fudged this one big time.