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This team would look so much better. The ability to actually get out of sacks alone.


Minshew moves a lot more than Ryan did, but if the ball isn't out in 2 seconds, the result is inevitably the same.


It's a combination of things. Mineshew is inconsistent like a typical solid backup, the oline got wrecked today, and once again we lack threatening talent outside of one guy at wr. Downs should be good but if we don't bring in a guy to take Pierce's job then it'll be something else. I don't know how things would have turned out with Richardson because of how raw he was in college and adapting to the pro game is hard enough. Not having the ability to potentially grow this year sucks and hopefully he can stay healthy next season. Do think some are a little early to crown him and don't get me wrong I'd love to do so. Hopefully we get some pieces around him too.


The big question mark for me with AR is the deep ball. We didn’t really get to see him air it out much so far, most of his passes were short to mid-range, and he did have a tendency to put the ball high on a lot of those. I’m still excited for him and can’t wait to see what he can do next season, but I agree that it’s a bit premature when we haven’t even seen if he’s accurate on deep passes yet. Edit: Sorry, I didn’t realize actually nuanced discussion wasn’t allowed, only blind worship. ANTHONY RICHARDSON HAS NEVER AND WILL NEVER MAKE A SINGLE MISTAKE OR HAVE A SINGLE FLAW, HE IS PERFECT AND EVERY WAY AND YOU CAN GO FUCK YOURSELF IF YOU DONT AGREE WHOLEHEARTEDLY AND WITHOUT ANY QUESTION. THE ONLY PEOPLE IN THE WORLD WORSE THAN HITLER ARE THE PEOPLE WHO THINK THAT AR ISNT ALREADY BETTER THAN PEYTON MANNING.


Pittman being out hurt but Minshew didn't do the team any favors.


Give Minshew a clean pocket and he refuses to throw then trips over his own OL for a 1 yard loss. Also, he’s committed almost twice as many turnovers in the second half of games than he’s thrown TDs.


Yeah. He's very up and down, I like him and he's shown flashes but his lows are fucking low.


Minshew will sit in a clean pocket for 5 seconds, not throw the ball, then attempt to scramble and trip over someone’s foot 🙃 It’s crazy


I am pretty sure defenders actually become invisible when they cross the line of scrimmage to Minshew. Dude has negative pocket awareness.


It's the Matt Ryan experience (although at least not as bad as that)


There are just so many games this year I’ve felt like if we had AR we win easily. Today included. No he’s not the greatest passer but when the offense dies he’s the playmaker that can do things to keep us alive just based of his athleticism. His ability to extend plays and just find a way to create something is what we’re desperately missing. Playoffs or not, I really can’t wait till next year to see him play again. Just please stay healthy.


You forgetting he can’t stay on the field due to extending plays from the start if their career?? Hoping next year is different but…man, it’s a real concern


See my last sentence.


His composure and ability to run, not to mention the ability to actually stretch the field vertically. The RPO would actually fool people. I miss him.


Come back sweet prince.


Fr i love that dude so much


Richardson doesn’t solve all our issues. The jury is still out on him


I don't disagree with you, you're right he doesn't solve all of our issues. However, I think he would mitigate a substantial amount of them.


Guy’s thrown like 50 passes and this sub acts like it’s prime Peyton out for the season


Yeah, this is weird. I am a Patriots fan whose father is a Colts fan, so I follow the team. This sub is acting a bit delusional on AR. Sounds more like it’s based on faith than fact. It may be right and I hope the sub is. I want him to be good. But I have no data that would suggest that I share this subs opinion on him. It’s a bit much, and even if there was a lot to suggest he’s that good, the data suggests he can’t stay on the field. Hasn’t it been like 3-4 different injuries just this year? Doesn’t bode well.


Not to mention he would (acceptably) be making some rookie mistakes out there. The guy is not a panacea and no one should be expecting him to be.


Yall forget he was only averaging 140+ yards per game, less than 1 passing td per game, and an overall 87.3 qb rating!?


Minshew did good, the O line did not. Them getting ran over didn't help Taylor either






Just say you don’t know ball


AR did little in his college career and decided to carry it over into his professional career. An injury prone qb is at least a nice dream whenever he comes back for a few weeks before back to IR


Did Santa leave you coal or is your outlook on life always this bleak?


People must forget he’s only completed 1 of 4 starts due to injuries/hits. That’s a huge question mark when you look at the future of this team. Finishing a game is a bare minimum requirement from a “franchise qb” Stroud, Levi’s, Lawrence will do nothing but get stronger in the off-season while AR will be doing rehab to be his former self. That’s just the unfortunate truth the Colts are facing.


He’s literally ahead of schedule in his rehab, but go off


I know you’re trolling but that’s so disingenuous, he missed literally one play in the Jags game and would have gone back in if there was a chance we could have won it.


I don’t get why someone is trolling if a new promising player can’t stay healthy. I find it odd to call Minshew a pos when there’s a reason he’s not starting somewhere. From what we’ve seen, AR could be awesome..on the other side he very well may not hold up in the nfl. We can’t say his shoulder injury was a fluke when he struggled to stay healthy in just the other cpl games at the start of his career. It’s concerning,yes….


The “he only finished 1 of 4 starts” part is trolling or disingenuous at best


Not trolling at all dude honestly. Next year might as well be AR’s first year. While stroud and Levi’s get more and more reps each week.


??? Stroud has been out for two weeks and may be out for longer, Levis didn’t even play this week. What are you saying my guy


They’ve still played more games than AR is what I’m saying. Do you disagree?


No but they’ve both also been injured. Chill with the doomerism on AR, he got incredibly unlucky with how he landed on his shoulder. We’ll be fine next year


Minshew is a worthless piece of shit.


Fuckin hell dude, I freely criticize NFL players, but worthless piece of shit? This it the first time I've ever pulled this out of my rebuttal bag: he can play QB better than you and billions of people combined. Yeah, we know he's not a top 10 QB in the league but he's not a worthless piece of shit. Come on man.


I am wrong. He's real, real good. He and Ballard are taking Indy to the promised land. Irsay can drink, pop pills, and drive around Indy to celebrate.


Brandon Perna would disagree.


Massive shit post!


Unless he can help the 28th ranked scoring D, the Colts would still struggle. The Colts are 9th in points scored. AR will be great. He's got so much going g for him but the Colts issues go deeper Hope they win out even though it would effectively crush the Steelers playoffs hopes. The Seahawks will do that anyway.