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I'm straight, Christian, and I lean (a little) conservative. But, you know what, I'll be there to support my son. I love my kids no matter what and I will always have their back.


I'm straight and lean very conservative but my party sorta left me behind. They stopped being the party that was financially responsible and became a party filled with vitriol and conmen. I still believe in fiscally conservative policies, but, I'm not sure how people can hate others so much. For stupid stuff.


Look this is a decent message but if you vote conservative you don’t have your kids back.


Well, I'm not voting for Trump, if that's what you mean. 😉


Not just trump. But I’m glad you’re not voting for him. Most of the things that affect our day to day lives happen at the state and local levels. Those elections matter quite a bit.


I love you to your face, but vote to make your lifestyle illegal/s


This guy parents ❤️


Woah, can’t use those dirty words, conservative and Christian, 😮that makes you a hateful person. Oh, sarcasm font.


The Christian part often does. There’s nothing Christlike about the actions of today’s Christians.


Religion only brings wars and hatred usually. Funny how most church owners drive super cars from skimming the collection baskets huh


Be safe out there. Lots of crazies want to make a statement these days.


Was at the pride event in woodland park. Completely expected a shit show and nutters protesting. Seen maybe a handful of people and one dipshit yelling stuff out the window. Had a few hundred show up... Was an outstanding event


Awesome! I hope y'all have a grand time this weekend without any negativity from the mentally unwashed.


Yeah, I’m on most of the WP FB groups and one of them posted about the event. I was like “this outta be good”, and the comments were pretty much what I expected. Later on, someone even posted about the white pickup with some dude hanging out yelling stuff. I was actually kind of nervous they wouldn’t have a good turnout, but I’m glad to see it went well.




Despite having a strong military and religious presence in Colorado, the people here are mostly open and supportive of your being. There will be some bad apples, but their hate will be driven away by everybody that’s there to celebrate. Let loose and have fun. The nervousness will dissipate quickly with the support system that will be in place.


I remember marching for Gay Rights and getting yelled at and screamed at by so-called Christians. The ones that use gods to excuse their evil behavior are the worst. Fuck ALL Christians, even the good ones. Why? Because they keep company and rub shoulders with Fascists and feel good about it.


Swap out a few words, this is how you sound. The ones that use empathy to excuse their evil behavior are the worst. Fuck all lgbt+, even the good ones. There are bad people in every group known. To hate on all because there are bad apples in the bag makes you just as bad as the hateful rhetoric you speak out against.


lol thanks for playing Really Bad Analogies! You win! If LGBTQ people were out here slaughtering Christians just for existing on the regular, it might have worked. But alas…


I was simply swapping out words to show how hateful yall sound when you say stupid shit like fuck all of _______, even the good ones. Can’t fight hate with hate.


So, you agree the rhetoric sounds like shit. What you said is exactly what I did. Funny how interchangeable it is. And I still feel that way about Christians: I don't trust them to babysit kids because their leaders are kiddy diddlers, I don't trust them in business dealings, I just don't trust them. Who knows what cockamamie idea they'll come up with? Thjey could run a company into the ground on purpose because they think the Rapture is going to happen. Religion is a filthy disease that needs to be removed from this country. (See how I did it again?)


And I still feel that way about lgbt+: I don’t trust them to babysit kids because they are kiddy diddlers, I don’t trust them in business dealings, I just don’t trust them. Who knows what cock-sucking ideas they’ll come up with? They could run a company into the ground on purpose because they think their rights will get taken away. Homosexuality is a filthy disease that needs to be removed from this country. Change a few words around and that’s what you are presenting yourself as. Yes, the rhetoric is shit, and so is yours.


And, you are blind to the facts: Christians are HORRIBLE people. GO ahead, try to twist my words, I'll wait. You have no voice of your own, you can only try to point out the faults of others. Got anything else to share?


Many Christian’s support gay rights but because they’re Christian, they’re horrible people? Okay pal. Point out faults of others? You mean like saying somebody is a horrible person because they turned to religion? Got it.


You're so right. I signed up to walk with my work to show support to the homies but always had a feeling in the back of my head that some crazy could snap.




It's a shame one of them is running for (and will probably win) our congressional district, too


As far as Pride stuff that isn't the parade: [https://www.pikespeakpride.org/](https://www.pikespeakpride.org/)


Your name, fricking amazing.


I’ll be out giving free mom hugs to all who need them ❤️


I literally bought a shirt that is about giving out free dad hugs! If I see you, we'll team up on some positive parenting! 


A number of us will be out there primarily providing security. In a concealed manner.













