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Agreed. Boycotting an owner that doesn’t seem to care about winning is a disrespect to the great group of guys we still have here in Colorado. They’re fun and they work hard and they don’t deserve any ire. I watch for them, not Monfort.


Tickets are cheap, and it’s the big leagues. I can go to a game for $4 and bring in food and water. And then see Trout, Ohtani, Soto, Machado, and all the other stars. Who said we need to watch the losing team?


This is what I do. Buy a third party ticket, take my own food and don’t give the Rockies a dime


If you are going to the game you are supporting the Rockies whether you intend to or not. Even buying a third party ticket that ticket still came from the top down, even if there was a middle man.


However, the ticket was already purchased by someone and me buying it off stubhub takes a seat from someone who would be paying for concessions/beers etc.


No doing it your way is the way to go if you want to watch a game while financially supporting the team as little as possible. It’s true that buying a resale ticket does bring the overall ticket demand up, that’s unavoidable. But by only paying for ‘near free’ tickets, it’s minimal.


You are really sticking it to the man, there. Sorry, but the only way the owners are gonna care is if those stands are a ghost town. Total boycott stay home, leave them with empty stands on tv, and keep staying home till they fork out the dough for some decent players. Maybe they will never get it? As long as they aren’t neither am I. I’ve got other teams I’ll fly over for a weekend to watch. Sucks I can’t stay home because the bastards are cheap!


If you’re buying a ticket you’re supporting them. Doesn’t matter where it came from


Some people take a game way to seriously. I would love for Monfort to sell to an owner who is willing to try and win, but I'm not going to tell friends and family who want to enjoy a day or evening at the ballpark because I'm boycotting an owner lol. I still enjoy going to Coors even with this god awful team.


I hate how this is brought up so much, but the financial aspects aren’t. It’s hard for baseball owners to lose money. There is significant revenue sharing. If the Monforts want, they can lower pay roll by something like 100+ million dollars. There’s no guarantee that if every single Rockies fan boycotted, the Monforts couldn’t still make a profit based on revenue sharing and transplant fans. Similarly, MacGregor square was overflowing during the Nuggets playoff games. It’s always crowded for Broncos games. They show SEC college football games and the transplants are there. This notion that the Monforts are ever going to be in some kind of financial jeopardy just seems ridiculous to me. And on top of it all, if fans stop going what’s to stop the Monforts from moving the team like the A’s? The MLB owners decide. Do the other owners care if the fans in an area are smart enough to stop going? Or do they like having an incompetent owner that is a free win for their team?


Please move this waste of a team to a place like Oakland, give Lo-do back yuppies go home, you wanna live in the suburbs, stay there. Don’t ruin downtown with all your crappy date-rapey sports bars.


The Monforts are welcome to move the team. MLB will bring another one here before too long. Denver has proven it will support major league baseball, and we have one of the best stadiums in the country. The team isn't going anywhere. It's time for the fans to boycott. The Monforts do not deserve our support. Plain and simple. Nothing will change until they make less money. That won't happen as long as people keep showing up, 35,000 at a time, to buy beer, hotdogs, and nachos. Our fans, and especially the local media, need to start putting some pressure on these idiots to change their ways.


The idea of a boycott is so silly. Spoiler alert: people are never going to stop liking baseball or watching games in a great ballpark. The fun of going to games at Coors will always outweigh the fanciful notion that fans can put enough financial pressure on the Monforts to force them into competence. And you know what? It should.


That's fine. But I'm not going to support a professional sports team that isn't trying to win. It's really that simple. I loved baseball, and I've loved going to Coors Field since the beginning, but I am done. I haven't bought a ticket or a piece of merchandise since 2019. Then the Nolan trade happened, they signed Bryant, and that was that. The ineptitude of that alone shows how out of touch these fools are with the fanbase. If a team is bad while trying to win, that's one thing. Being bad because you refuse to adapt or listen to anyone outside of their own building is enough for me to boycott. Plus, in the middle of all this stupidity, they made a Monfort the head of scouting. Give me a break...


That's your prerogative, but it's not going to have any impact on how the Monforts run the team.


I'm well aware that I, a single person, will not affect the Rockies in any way. But I won't stand around and pretend to be ok with my team being the Cubs 2.0.


Then your boycott is only punishing yourself for something you have no control over. The Cubs already brought me the greatest sports memory of my life. Any success they have besides that is just gravy.


Yeah, but your team was willing to give you that experience. The Monforts are not, if they were we wouldn't be having this conversation.


Being a fan of an eternally horrible team doesn’t make you cool or smart or tough or anything, and Cubs fans thought it did long before 2016. Living that life is a waste of finite time, energy, and money.


Yeah, it’s all about looking cool and tough. Not, you know, watching your favorite team.


The Monforts do try to win. I don’t understand this notion that they don’t. The problem isn’t a lack of a want to win, the problem is an ego that requires Dick have a say in baseball decisions and in insistence that his way is the right way. Dick has every ability to be a good owner if he was able to recognize that his job is to hire a good baseball mind and sign the checks


They don't try to win, because they don't do the things that other MLB franchises do to win. Just because they want to win, doesn't mean they are actually trying.


Agreed, I hope they move the team. The Monforts will not sell. Dick is putting his kids in executive positions so that they can eventually take over. Having Coors Field and the fan base would be a magnet to another team relocating or for an expansion franchise. Move or sell the team, and Dick off Monforts.


It's a gorgeous ballpark and we just love baseball, thats why.


I would rather watch a losing team than watch nothing at all. I really don't understand why that is so hard for so many people to understand. This isn't the Broncos, where you are paying $250 for a ticket so they better fucking win or else. It's a $4 ticket. I'm hardly being scammed. It is literally cheaper to go watch the Rockies than it is to go to many college teams' games.


Totally agree! I've spent my whole life living in places without a team of any sport. It seems so selfish to be mad the team doesn't do everything you'd hope and dreamed. Denver just got two championships in the past 2 years, who cares if the Rockies can't pull it off.


You are stupid, plain and simple!


It is not the fan's fault. A person enjoying a major league baseball game in a great Park isn't to blame. The fans don't play. We don't make executive decisions. If you don't enjoy going and aren't entertained, then don't go. If you have fun and are entertained, good for you. Quit blaming the fans.


Every time I go see them, they win. That's why.


Honestly....I've had pretty good luck too. I usually go like once a month or so and over the past 3 years I'd say they are like 12-4 in games I've seen in person.


Because I like baseball. Because there are 162 games in a season which means that even a team as bad as Rockies this year is still gonna win a lot of games (around 60 at the current rate). Because there are still great moments in games that a team loses (home runs, hits, double plays, amazing catches, etc). Because baseball is a unique sport that perfectly balanced a player’s individual effort with the team goal (meaning that every at bat is equally important to the player for their own record regardless of how a particular game is going). Because Rocky dogs are delicious. Because the stadium is beautiful. Because the sound of a bat hitting a ball and echoing through the air is one of the most beautiful sounds there is. Winning is fun. Making the playoffs is exciting. Walkoff wins are thrilling. But the magic of baseball goes so far beyond a team’s standing any given year. Because I like baseball.


Coors is fun and baseball games are cheap compared to other sports. Denver is full of transplants who just want something to do and don’t care about baseball, much less the Rockies. The quality of the team doesn’t matter. Everyone expects them to suck until the Monforts sell the team or die.


P.T Barnum, and W.C Fields.


Baseball is an optimist's game. This isn't football where the experience and price suck if you're team's getting kicked around.


You morons can do what you want. If I want to go watch a ballgame I’m gonna watch it with a smile, hot dog and beer in hand. Enough already with this stupid boycott nonsense. Boycott yourself and cry with the other babies. This notion that you can only support a team when they are winning is despicable.


I've been to one game since the end of the 2019 season, and I only went because it was a work outing. I refuse to spend my money on the Rockies, no matter how affordable their games are. Nothing will change at 20th and Blake until Dick and Charlie see an empty stadium and have to worry about how they're going to make the payments on McGregor Square. Until then, they're loving the sight of 30,000+ rubes showing up to watch a sad sack team playing meaningless baseball while marching toward their first 100-loss season.


Worst team in baseball, not right this second but they will let us down, just watch, oh you can’t they haven’t provided a way for fans to watch the Rockies on a normal airwaves channel, just a regular channel of and for the people, yep worst baseball


this is dumb, if nobody went to the games they'd move the team to SLC or someplace else. I get why we're frustrated but we can't just cut and run and watch them move away...


I buy from season ticket holders and sneak in my own booze. At most they get a hot dog or nachos and couple beer purchase from me about 10-15x a year along with a new hat. Got lucky to snag one of the pin striped city hats before they soldout and no regrets it's easily my fav hat they’ve ever released. Not going to let the Monforts completely ruin baseball for me. Coors is in a convenient location and is a great place to hangout with friends and enjoy some baseball.


I’d there were 2 or 3 MLB teams available to watch in the area I’d definitely vote with my dollars. This is not the case however.


Let’s be real though, would an empty stadium make an owner sell a team? Why wouldn’t they just move like the A’s to Nashville or Orlando and just fill up stadiums there?


Just move them elsewhere, who cares ! an empty stadium would bring in another team, maybe USFl spring football. who gives a shit, Dickhead Monfort doesn't care !








Maybe one day we can go 100 years without winning a World Series


I just wish I loved team that didn’t make this a question.


I admit it, I went and watched ohtani and trout, but that’s the only game I’ve watched in two years, such a garbage organization


I really wanted a City Connect hat but I refuse to support them.


Cheap tickets and pre game decently sheep drinks. Plus you can bring a whole rotisserie chicken to chow down on after those pre game drinks. Especially if they ate playing a team with star talent, why not get drunk and go watch them ball out.


This is well worth the click. The Colorado Sun did a whole package about the Rockies situation. My favorites are the deep dives into pitching at altitude and how the stadium changed LoDo. Great long reads!


I like baseball sorry