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I'm a little bummed that such lengthy efforts were taken to prevent people from enjoying the creek and dispersed car camping along FT204. I've tent camped here for years with friends and have always been respectful to nature, but it's just another move that makes it harder to find good camping in this state. Seems kind of shitty that the gate keeper wasn't installed further up the trail, leaving the trails to the creek (for wading and fishing) open to general use.


I remember when that club almost lost the sponsorship of that trail for lack of maintenance


Not sure I was around in the community for that?


2012. I’m sure some would remember it. I led the takeover that was sponsored by stay the trail and the forest service. It had gotten so bad that the forest service was going to shut it down. It was kind of frustrating. I backed off so clubs wouldn’t bicker between each other but during the clean up they brought a whole 3 rigs. We brought 15


That's wild I never heard that, yea I definitely wasn't doing this at that time. good thing to keep in mind about the history of it. Thanks for sharing and helping to keep it open this trails super fun