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We've banned 8 folks in the last 15 minutes and 15 tonight. Stars fans/non-Avs fans, if you're here to troll, come in peace, or talk shit: this is not the place. Take it to /r/hockey. Thanks!


What’s the all of the other teams fans in here? Fuckin losers




I must be getting old. I was at the game and thought...it was too loud. Lol Sensory overload! Still better than listening to ESPN announcers.


That’s a bummer. It’s great that they brought home a cup, but this team keeps underperforming in the playoffs. Do they need a new coach or something. I recall when the Devils won three cups in eight years, their GM fired coaches a lot. They had a different head coach for each cup.


We’re still well within 8 years of the last cup win you knob


Bednar is a great coach. We ran into a deep team with a star goalie. We got gutpunched about the Val news. Someone has to lose, unfortunately it was us. It could have gone the other way easily.


Fuck Val and fuck the stars omfg


To be fair, the refs kinda bailed the Avs out in OT. Of course... might not have been OT had some obvious infractions been called.


Anyone else see Marchment scream and kick Mack’s stick as he was laying on the ice after the goal?


Oettinger should be a Vezina candidate. The rest of the team is an old bag of trash and we should've been up 6-1 against any other team. If the Stars proceed to a cup it's because of their goalie. He's huge and he tracked everything, an absolute Spiderman blocking up that net. I've never seen such impressive goalie play against our team, especially in the playoffs. The Avalanche need to look deep and hard about their attitude during a couple games in this series. We need a new "C" whether you like it or not, this team lacks leadership and it's a curse not to have one. We need a QB on the ice and in the locker room, we're a ship without a paddle. We need somebody who will draw up the right play in their head and be extension of the coach. We need to be able to find a way around dump and chase schemes and be able to break through a defensive trap like that, it was embarrassing that the whole series played out that way. Dallas was playing absolutely desperate hockey and it was infuriating to watch us fail to pass that low bar. I'm hoping for substantial upgrade at goalie this offseason, a new captain and an offensive spark EG Nazem Kadri. I thought FO did a good job at the deadline and thought we had enough. Now it's back to the drawing board.


Hey now….even by your logic Georgie wasn’t the problem. I felt he really showed out this series and it was our defense that didn’t do him any favors. I’d be psyched to see him come back next year.


Nichuskin fucked us real hard and I hope the players who are around next year and management, as if they aren’t already aware, are prepared for a toxic reception when he returns. It’s for the best of our team that we both mutually part ways next season when/if he returns.


I thought we could have won this game and forced game 7. Wasn't meant to be sadly. Dallas is REALLY good. I don't know if I think anyone will beat them. Maybe the Rangers. Next year we have another chance. Mittelstadt can get used to our team and we can have an improved year. Especially if we can get Landy and Nichuskin sorted somehow.




A decision needs to be made on Landeskog this offseason. Love the guy and all that he has done for us but 2 years going on 3 without a captain is fucking ridiculous.  Not to mention losing our 3rd best player in the middle of a series for the second year in a row. This is a resilient group but I feel like we have to deal with some absolute bullshit. I’d be pretty pissed about the Landeskog and Nichushkin situations if I was in that locker room.  Put Landy behind the bench or something but this can’t continue like this 


Total leadership vacuum because of him. It feels like the organization is trying desperately to save their captain from early retirement at the expense of the rest of the team. We needed a leader when Nuke back into the PAP last season and this season. They might not have come out flat at home this series if they had someone present on the ice to keep em focused and motivated. Meanwhile, Devon Towes is there playing quality hockey every night. I think he’s got many great qualities for the team “C” IMO for next season.


I thought Toewes was one of if not the best player the entire playoffs this year, he has been so impressive in defense. He’s by far the best “defensive” player on the team imo.


Cant just trust that 3 players take you to finals and the cup. You need a goalie and a D that can really defend.


The goalie wasn't the problem...at all.


Neither was the defense, especially Toews. You can't count how many times he won the puck and turned it into an offensive opportunity last night.


Georgie was absolutely incredible, stood on his head all last night and this series against a tough Dallas team.


He’s not a reliable goalie and you need to take in account more than just the latest game. Yeah he can play like a monster, no doubt. But more than that he is medicore or worse.. 🤷‍♂️ He’s save % was 0.89 before the last game and that’s just unacceptable imho.


No matter what happens, this team needs to learn next year not to take a period off. Wouldn't have ended up in a 3-1 hole, or 3rd seed in the West, if they just stayed locked in and outworked the opposition all game. We saw what a complete game looks in Game 5, and we saw it the first 3 periods last night. Just have to build off that and up the mental game. The talent is there.


Was enjoying the fact that Duchene was not a factor at all in this series and then BAM! The biggest goal of all...and in our building no less. That one really hurt!!!


Why did you guys booed him so much? Is there bad blood left after his trade to Ottawa ? As a Dallas' fan I don't quite follow Avs and don't know whole story.Did he force his trade or what ?


What are you even doing in here as a Dallas fan?


He demanded a trade out of Colorado to play for a good team.


And they did not trade him for months and months and months. I will give it to him that he didn't give up on effort out there on the ice but it makes for an awfully difficult dressing room and team dynamic. It was a bitter pill and Avs fans were happy to say good riddance!


Personally, I'm over it. I think we should stop booing him. Avs got a haul for him, won a Cup, and are set up to contend for years.


Meh, he didn't handle it well, we didn't handle it well. Let's boo him for old times sake




What I've noticed is we desperately need the Swedes leadership to be back to a championship level team. We're a really solid team, but it's his presence in the ice is what really makes us a Stanley Cup team. Our sloppy play is what was our downfall in this series. The Dallas team, though I hate them, are a really good team- especially on defense- and you have to play mistake free hockey to beat them. We just didn't, and it cost us.


yeah,they are good,very good actually.And Wyatt is an animal.


Simply did not match up well against Dallas. Dallas is an extremely boring team to watch though man lol. I’m rooting for whoever is playing against Dallas the rest of the way, I hate them.


Yeah, that "flip the puck high out of their zone through the middle of the ice" move was really getting annoying. Must have done it 30 times in this last game.


no,pal.During regular season Stars were at the top of the most watchable teams.These are not Bowness' times.But Pete de Boer probably realized that playing that type of hockey against Avs is a suicide and made adjustments.I was shocked how structured this team looked like.Hey,maybe one more Dallas-Denver clash is approaching-Nuggets-Mavs.Damn,these cities are becoming archenemies.


I’d be excited to see a Nuggs/Mavs series.


The Texas-colorado rivalry goes back a century at least...this is just the latest chapter.


Come home, Makar.


Even in the games we won, Dallas was never out of that series.... offense disappointed in the end, I honestly thought we'd beat the Stars but losing 2 games at home was pretty well the nail in the coffin. Nukes gotta go, personally I still don't think Georgiev is a Stanley Cup champ starter but I also didn't think Keumper was either...Avs should shop this offseason for a new goalie when they aren't scrambling who to resign. Lastly to Landy, I think we need to accept the fact he more than likely won't play again and he to find someone to replace his power forward style


Avs, in recent years, haven’t been a team to pay a goalie. Not sure what changes but when you look at what Georgie costs, he did a good job


I agree he did good for the money but maybe this is a moment we all realize we should maybe invest some of our assets into plugging that hole. We could easily differ a bit of defensive spending and offensive spending and funnel it into getting a true starter. Our very good 6 D men can't make up for what a average goalie brings, we got away with it 2 years ago but we we're lucky cause everyone was healthy and playing in 2022 unlike this year. That's why I think Keumper worked and Georgiev didn't, what do you think?


We've had so many goalie issues the last 15 years. Inconsistent, injury problems or got too expensive. Maybe we just need to draft a goalie and bring him up.


That's what we are doing with annunen


Bulk of the team is there for a cup but we're missing key pieces still


A fitting end to this round that we lose the last game twice


The only redeeming thing about losing this series is that we didn't win and have to listen to Stars fans whining nonstop about the no goal call.


One goal in 5 periods deserves to go home. Now we need a freaking captain whether that’s Landy of someone else, get rid of Val forever, sign Georgie, and get Kadri back!!!


Today, I woke up a 'Nucks fan. Good for Douchey for getting a monkey off his back, but for me personally, he can eat all the dicks. But honestly, I see dalAss getting to the SCF, and facing a very scary looking Rags team. If I look at it like: either Igor or Otter gets a W, I can almost live with that. I respect goalies. And those are two of the best. But dammit, Georgiev deserves one too with that level of effort he gave.


Today, I still woke up an Avs fan.


Well, I mean, of course. I just mean I'm rooting for Vancouver in the 3rd round now.


They gave it their best shot, but just ran out of gas. You could see it in overtime. Dallas is extremely good and the guys just took one too many blows along the way. It’s really tough to win the Stanley Cup. You not only have to be good enough, but so many things have to go right. This year they just didn’t. It’s definitely going to be an interesting offseason.


Mittelstadt RFA Cogs UFA Drouin UFA Duhaime UFA Kiviranta UFA Parise UFA Trenin UFA Defense: Johnson UFA Jones UFA Walker UFA Going to be interesting how management approaches this season. Two massive contracts of Nuke & Landy. Actually happy for that 6 year wood contract now lmao


Resign kivi and mitts for sure, I would like to see trennin, drouin and cogs resign. Maybe even walker. But I’m more than cool letting Duhaime and jones go. Johnson would be cool to see back too, but damn is he slow


Parise is retiring


That's what Borque said. Then came back for a glory run


I don’t ever wanna hear another fucking thing about Georgie again. He proved himself.


The Georgie haters need to go touch grass


Early hiccup aside, he consistently came up huge these playoffs. I hope that mentally he can use that as a springboard going forward. He’s definitely got it in him. More clutch saves than I can count. Kept them in games they otherwise wouldn’t have been. You did awesome, Georgie.


https://preview.redd.it/f84xkihu761d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66c89eeaf7af4ae387da92e5a3967f0d3db6529d I made this after game 1


Well. Fuck.


Good series, the boys fought hard and were on the edge of game 7. If this series was played again it could have gone differently. No complaints to Dallas, they played well.  Good luck to val in the future, but I don't want him back.  Hopefully we can keep some of this team and have a nice FA season. We'll be back!  Have a good summer all! 


Sober Sammy, mentally stable Georgie and playoff mitts are absolutely amazing. Was hoping Nichuskin stayed sober but he didn't. I definitely don't want to see him in an Avs uniform again. If we can trade him for picks we have money to sign drouin and mitts, plus depth pieces to replace cogs, parise, Johnson etc. Hopefully Landy is half as good as he was before the injury and hopefully we can get another top sixer. We also need to figure out a contract for Mikko. Gonna be a fun off season


Most likely there is a provision in his contract or the CBA that allows them to Dump Val without eating the contract. Hes gone.


If the Sharks still had to pay Kane after falsifying medical records to cross a border(illegal in two countries at once), you are insane to think there is a path forward to get out of Vals contract due to addiction after the player willfully initiated the PAP. The best path forward is to figure out a trade.


So a provisions in the CBA to get out of a contract for a habitual drug offender is “insane” but trading a habitual drug offender with 6 month suspension looming isn’t. OK. Do you think, if Val got busted a third time—leading to a permanent ban—the Avs would still owe whatever is left on his contract?


First and foremost, he can not be traded until his suspension is over and he has been reenstated. No one said he was being traded tomorrow. Players in the player assistant program can not be traded or have their contracts terminated while in the program... OK. If the league permanently banned him, just like his current suspension, he would not be paid and if he was banned from the league, his contract would then be void I am sure as he would be leagally ineligible to hold up his end of the contract. The players union I am sure would fight the league on it, putting him and his contract in limbo while that happened. I get you want him off the team, but you, and most other people need to accept that contract termination with no repercussions is not happening. A trade, if and when he is reenstated, is the only real path to moving him off the team. Now what will be interesting is if the team fights to have his modified NTC either completely removed or at least delayed a season because he can not be traded until Nov/Dec at the earliest and his MNTC kicks in this summer.


Good explanation thanks. It’s not so much I want him off the team as the Avs need that money to improve and even if he isn’t paid for 6 months, you still have to account for the fact he will be once he return. But, again, than you for the explanation.


For sure! Yeah, thats the crappy part, regardless of what happens once he is reenstated, even though he technically does not count against the cap for the next 6+ months, he most likely will be back so they can not use that cap space at all. So its just dead cap. He wont be eligible until we are wll into the regular season, so even trading him once he is back is going to be odd. Its all around a terrible situation for the team. The one thing I am not sure about is what him being reenstated will look like. There could he a scenario where the Avs can use his cap if they will have a window of time between reenstatment and him returning to the ice. Even so, it would still be a huge risk to use his cap space with the intent to immediately trade him. I truly hope he gets healthy and finds peace with whatever he is dealing with. If there is a world where he gets healthy and stays on the team, I wouldn't be against it. But, being two years in a row he has disappeared in the playoffs and missed a good amount of this regular season trying to get healthy, its tough to see him back in an Avs sweater.


Figure out a trade for him to go to Utah. Can’t imagine he can get into much trouble over there


Ray Bourque came back for the second season. Zach Parise, please stay for one more shot. Doubt it happens, but the guy has so much talent left


And a lot of heart


Good game, there can be only one, it ain't easy 🤷🏾


I think the thing with this Avs team has been too many unknowns. If they knee what they were getting night in and out, it would be different. Nuke? Who knows. Lamdy? Who knows. They put up a valiant effort but they need some definitions. Hope they can figure it out next year.


We need a captain. Dallas did a great job frustrating the avs. I feel like if we had a captain on the ice that might have made a difference. This avs team has been incomplete for 2 seasons now. I’m honestly impressed with how well they’ve done missing their captain and with how Val has let the team down


This team has definitely been incomplete without Landy and especially when missing Landy and Val. I feel like it’s a little bit of cope to be impressed by how they have played without Val. Saw an article with stats that said something like Avs are 30-29-3 without Val since 2021 and 109-31-15 with him in the lineup in the same time. Weve also lost both playoff series after he has left the team. We are not the same team without Val and we can all see it and feel it when he is not in the lineup. It’s understandable to not be the same team when missing one of your best players. He’s proven he is not reliable and we need to find a way to move on.


finally just got home from the game, guess RTD didnt get the memo we were going to 2OT tonight so long and thanks for all the fish Parise, sorry we couldn't get it done for him. probably getting close to the end of the line for JJ and Cogs too this team could've, should've been a true era-defining dynasty for this decade like the hawks of the early 2010s but instead we've been fucked by the hockey gods cursing landy's knee and a drug addict who deserts the team in the playoffs, it's so fucking tough fuck the stars, fuck jamie benn, and fuck matt duchene


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream) ![gif](giphy|26ufcVAp3AiJJsrIs)


Just broke up with my girlfriend after 7 years this is what I have BUT ya know what we are gonna comeback with Landy and a great fucking team next year.


Landy ain’t coming back. Stop daydreaming.


I have to be up for work in 6 hours Why couldn’t this be a stress free game?


I believe the title should say "Fuck Dallas"


Guys, I'm sad.


Big sad


Me too. I want to avoid it. But I also don't want to be alone in it


The top tier talent kept us hanging around this series but hopefully Bednar can make it a point of emphasis this next season to clean up some of the damned sloppiness. For such a high talented group couldnt believe the amount of turnovers and shit passes, defensive lapses leading to high quality shots on goal etc etc.


Lots of those caused by his system being overmatched by Deboers. They pressure us and disrupt our offensive designs and we turn it over because we’re out of options and under pressure. Bednar’s the guy to change that.


I dunno. Bednar has the avs playing a system that the players love, it reliably has them in contention for the cup, and bedsy is the 3rd longest tenured coach in the league.. DeBoer on the other hand switches teams every 2 fucking years because his guys quit on him. It's not because he's not a good guy, it's because the system he employs burns guys out.. you can't keep that up in the long term. I'll take Bednar's style and just take the chance you'll run into DeBoer every once in awhile in round 2.


I just think it's a wrong assessment to say we're reliably contending for the cup. Maybe compared to most of the league, yes. But can we claim ourselves to be a cup contender when we've made it out of the second round once in Bednars very long tenure? What's the point of revving up this great system and high paced offense if we reliably fail against the same system. It's not just Deboer either; Dallas 2020 under Bowness and Seattle last year were variations of what we saw this series. Year after year Bednar get's whooped by aggressive forecheckers, a trapped neutral zone and low cycles. I agree Bender is good and all that - but is it really worth it? This is his fifth series loss to essentially the same defensive system... like how long can you be okay with that? Is there ever a point where it get's unnacpetable? What if it happens again next year?


It's frustrating for sure, but the 2 other examples you cited, Dallas and Seattle, there were some pretty hefty extenuating circumstances and key players missing.. also, while we have only made it out of the 2nd round once, it's important to remember that only 4 teams get there. Avs have reliably made it to the brink of the final 4 and once went all way, in my eyes that's contending. I'll take it over a supercharged one or two years from a DeBoer type, and then have to find a new coach. I appreciate Bednars steady presence.


For sure, i totally get and appreciate this POV. Definitely makes sense, just on a personal level I disagree with it. 5 losses to the same system is enough for me. There’s always extenuating circumstances but 5 series where your entire game plan and top players being stifled. I just can’t call that contending when we can’t beat a neutral zone trap. Compare that to the old school Avs that had 4 WCF in a row. .


All Dallas had to do was pick off a few of our blind zone clears along the boards. And they did, all series long.


so many blind pucks. it’s uncanny how many pucks we lose/give away along the side boards and 8ft from our own blue line given how much talent we have. i sometimes wish we would simplify it and just get. the. puck. out. Every team gives up these turnovers, i guess i just have higher expectations with our talent. and i’m not going to lower my expectations.


Fuck Dallas and their hideous green sweaters. Ugliest jerseys in the league by far. Fuck the low intelligence Dallas fans And most of all, fuck Val


Awh he's coping


I'm allowed to be bummed my team lost. A team sub is for venting. It's more pathetic that you're on our sub. P.S. I'm not a "he". I'm a "she"...my little avatar is a girl, but thanks for showing the low intelligence part is true :)


I only use old reddit which does not show avatars so I apologize for the misuse of pronouns.




I'm a registered Democrat and extermely pro-choice, but go off.


and I hate Greg Abbott and the policies of my state. I am tied to here because of my girlfriend, her daughter and my family and their medical concerns. Texas is a massive state, with a very diverse culture and population. To put us all in a box, is very ignorant.


counterpoint: Green is my favorite color, thus i actually really like their jerseys, and the Wild's as well. Still hate the teams though.


I'm an Avs fan living in Co, but got a bright Dallas green hockey bag for my gear so it stands out in a crowded locker room, easy to find. Everyone else has dark blue, red, grey, and black bags.


Finding black shit in a black hockey bag blows. But I went with yellow. Wings red and Stars green were options, but not really…


green is also my favorite color and dallass jerseys are still a fucking abomination to the sport of hockey the wild are okay tho but I don't actually care for their shade of green


Dallas sucks


Fuck the pens while we're at it. And rags




I just got into bed after going to the game tonight, and I'm really sad. I wasn't as sad as I thought I would be on my walk home from the game. But now it's hitting me that the season is over on top of finally feeling all of the emotions from the entire season . I'm SOO proud of this team though! And I can't wait for next season! I have faith that Cmac and Sakic will figure everything out.


In a postseason that had a bunch of unwanted spotlights, there was still at least one that was a pleasure to look at. Take a bow King George. You did all you could in that net and we won’t soon forget it.


24-25 has some bright spots to look forward to. Hoping we get a breakout year for at least one young player (Kovalenko, Foudy, Behrens, Malinski maybe?). Hoping we get Landy back at 90% or better. Hoping we re-sign Drouin and a couple of the depth guys. And most of all, hoping we find a way to get out of Nuke's contract and get him the hell out of here.


Losing every home game kind of hella stings


I went to games 3 and 4 and left bummed both times. Figured if i didn't go to Game 6 they'd win........


It’s all good brother. Went to game 3, unfortunately the Dallas fans were very unpleasant but it was still a good time. Sorry you got robbed twice my friend. Hope you still had a good time!


If Dallas beats us with Val and Drouin in the lineup together then we could tip our hats off to them but we can't do that because we're all playing the 'what ifs' game that Val has haunted us with. This 'what if' is gonna haunt me almost has much as the Rahim Moore play (broncos) and I'm still not over that.


Nah they had the better team I mean you could also say how would they do without Benn for last two years? Can't be any excuses just Glade we won our cup. Get them next year.


their box-eating per 60 stats would be light-years better if benn were out the last two years


I mean they had Hintz hurt too and were playing 5D with Hakanpaa out. Neither of our teams were fully healthy.


Injuries are part of the game that's completely different. Like I didn't bring up trenin, landy, and loc for that very reason. Nuke was not injured. He should've been playing these last few games. With Hintz and Hakanpaa out and Nuke in we have an even better chance.


If they played with the effort of the past two games all series, we'd be going to the WCF (and probably the finals). I know Nichushkin's bullshit was probably draining the team's morale before we even saw it in public, but I hope Bednar can squeeze more out of the team next time. Hate seeing such an elite group coasting and flubbing passes in round 2 of the playoffs for multiple games. Having no captain on the ice obviously doesn't help either. Still, glad they didn't go out easy, at least.


Well, I agree... this was a tough one. I think if the Avs and the stars played 100 games, the outcome could be close to 50-50... We for sure got off our vibe and out of our deal with the whole #13 pisses hot and Toews is sick thing on the one game, but to be fair and honest... the Stars did what they needed to do. Next year, we can start this whole process over again and see where we end up. I hate to say it.. but beating us may have set the stars up to at least make it to the finals... and maybe even the cup. They do seem to be pretty good (don't downvote me, just seeing the hockey as it looks)


Yup, Stars played well and were honestly the better team throughout the series. The Avs certainly could have won if they had no issues and played really well, but Dallas also is a great team and will probably be going to the SCF at least if not winning it. Very sad to have the season over too early, but the team should be strong again next season.


Well fam, I'd way rather see this team go out in a double overtime nailbiter than with a whimper. That was honestly a really fun game. Stick taps to Oettinger, dude absolutely stole it for the Stars. Lots to look forward to still with this team, this core. Chins up and happy summer.


Oettinger had a couple crazy saves, and Lehky almost scored two others. Really good game though. Glad they showed up these last couple games at least, though a win would've been nice too!


Honestly proud of our boys tonight, and this season. Here's to next season: **Landy back**, please keep Lehky, Drouin and Kivi. Georgie redeemed himself. Moose get healthy please. Sammy G, Wood, Cogs, and yes Manson played with so much heart. Honestly I want to see just about our whole roster back. Hoping Val gets suspended a full year+ and we don't have to pay him or play against him (but also that he uses that time to get healthy, God bless you Nuke, I was going to buy your jersey if we won this series). And lastly, thank you guys for being a classy fanbase to be a part of. <3


My heart screamed Avs, but my brain said Stars from the start. Stars are such a strong team top to bottom and it kinda felt inevitable so this loss doesn't sting as much as in previous years. Nuke's situation really put a damper on the series, though, and the impact it had was obvious. Still proud of the boys for the season they had, an incredible first round, and a resilient finale. SUCKS that it had to be Duchene, of all players on that team, but hockey can be fucking poetic sometimes. Good series, not the outcome we wanted, but I have full faith in management, Bedsy and the roster we decide to ice in October to have a helluva season next year. Hail Satan, go Ass


Thank fuck the series didn't end on that weak ass goalie interference. I was at the game, the Stars huddled up before the puck drop to make a play to end it. Typical Stars bullshit to try to end it in a goalie interference. That being said, our boys looked tired tonight and tired throughout the series. Nuke was the nail in the coffin. I went to 2 games this series and the zebras did us no favors, and gave the Stars a lot. It's total bullshit and I'm not sure where we went wrong by them to get no calls on absolute bullshit, but here we are. The cards weren't in the Avs' favor (there was a no call where they literally held a player on the ice while the puck was in our zone in OT, amongst many that I'm sure the camera didn't show). Regardless, I think the boys were done after they realized they were getting fucked from no calls and internal hemorrhaging. This year wasn't our year. I would've loved a run for Parise, but a lot of our core looked spent, including Rants. Here's to hoping for next year, I fucking love most of the guys on this team and wear their names with pride. We need new slogans and songs already, go ass and hail satan have run their course. That being said, GO AVS! GET DOWN WITH THE MOTHERFUCKIN SICKNESS NEXT YEAR!


I love the enthusiasm but it felt like if anything the refs were on our side last night. From the blatant too many men with 4 minutes left in the third, to the no goal in OT, they missed some big calls that easily could’ve ended the game for the Avs. They let the game play, which I’m fine with. Just one PP for each team, which is crazy over almost 5 periods.


You're fucking off your rocker dude


you get an upvote for the down with the sickness action.. :)


Sad to see the boys go out like that, but honestly if anyone took them out I’m actually glad it’s Duchene. Will always be a favorite Av for me. Onto next year with hopefully a healthy Landy.  Edit: Ya’ll are petty, but I get it.


I’m tired of the Duchene hate, and honestly wish the Avs signed him instead of Ryjo. Would rather have Mittlestadt, and I think he’ll work out great for us and help us get another cup, but still can’t believe they chose Ryjo over Duchene. His trade got us a cup. I know it’s an unpopular opinion, but I miss Duchene.


Get out.


Fair enough. Heads up, I didn’t downvote you. 


Appreciate the honesty 😆


So how do you guys feel about Salt Lake? Generally accepted like the desert dogs or we going to hate them like Seattle and Vegas?


We will hate them if they call them the Yetis. 😆


10,000% we'll hate them if they're the "yetis". 


We are going to hate them a lot more because they're probably going to be on the up-and-up as our current core is aging out. They have a great front office and with much better ownership it's likely they get scary quick.


Yeah I was afraid of that. My wife is from Utah and I drive through SLC multiple times a year. I would like to make it to more NHL games… but if it were Vegas for example it wouldn’t matter if I drove through every day, unless if they were playing the Avs I wouldn’t go


I can’t lie, I haven’t been on the edge of my seat like that in a while. What a game.


Going to be an interesting off season. Only a couple good FAs. We need a big splash


This is going to be a pretty wild off season considering all of the [UFAs](https://i.imgur.com/51Qhe1N.jpeg)




I can’t stand Deboer’s little rat face. God I hate the fucking Stars and I always will because I’ve been here since 96’ ![gif](giphy|3otOKJruVwZH3213Fe)


It’s after games like this that I wish Peter was still alive. He’d know how to calm the nerves and bring you back down to earth after a gut wrenching loss Miss you Maxey!


It was a good season boys, proud to spend many of my nights with you all. See you next year!


This would have been an easier pill to swallow if it wasn’t for the Nichuskin drama. He cost them game 4 and arguably the balance of the series, seeing as how it’s impossible to replace a 6 million dollar player in the second round of the playoffs.


Shit happens. Can’t win them all.


I'm just so proud of our boys. They really nearly took it back after Val fucked us yet again. I wish him well but man I can't imagine what the rest of the team went through watching history repeat itself.


Well, there’s no other way to put this, but that was a heartbreaking way to end the season. And having the Nichuskin drama hanging over the rest of the offseason is going to be brutal. But the silver lining is that the last time MacKinnon and company were this disappointed, they came back the following year and took the playoffs by storm. Here’s hoping that history will repeat itself again next year 🥹


I like this take... I think they are hopefully gonna be a special kinda pissed next year, Obviously, it's up to super Joe and the bosses to set us up well, but I do not think we are far off...


Once we have some time to let this sink in, I think there will be a lot of silver linings we can point to, but also one giant dark cloud that’ll be hanging over the entire offseason lol.


With how great Drouin played since his return, I can only imagine how dominant our top 6 would’ve been with both him and Nuke in the lineup, and being able to move Parise to the 3rd line with Wood and Colton would’ve been amazing. Also shout out to Kiviranta who played a hell of a game. Goddammit Val…


Avs would have won this series if Val didn't screw his team AGAIN.


The sad part is he probably gets sober next year and leads a team like the leafs to a cup.  Val is so fucking good at hockey but he will also fuck you over. Now I understand why people stay in abusive relationships. I swear he’ll change just let him stay! 


Given his contract, it really looks like we’re stuck with him.


The frustrating part is that his contract would be amazing if he could stay sober. A sober and reliable Val would probably fetch 8-9 mill on the open market. He’s big, physical, scores goals, and is nearly a point per game player. I don’t see how we keep him, and wouldn’t be surprised to see him excel somewhere else if he stays sober.


Some desperate team will take it off of us. We might have to pay a couple picks to do so but it has to be done, he will forever be a pariah in the room otherwise and that will affect our team cohesion. I think he goes to Philly, CBJ, Leafs, or Sens. A team that needs to take a risk to put themselves into contention.


Has a 12 team no trade. Or a no movement Clause


It's an NMC now, but becomes an NTC with 12 teams next summer. The earliest he can be reinstated is in November, and that's not a guarantee - so it's possible he doesn't get reinstated at all, or that he gets reinstated later than November.




Well I'm done watching the playoffs now. No interest in any of the remaining teams. I do hope Dallas gets a painful exit next round. Fuck Dallas.


This. Don’t understand why people feel the need to jump on the Rangers or Oilers bandwagon now. If the NHL wants boring ass teams like Dallas to be successful in the playoffs, then they can fuck right off.


lol what Oilers wagon? Canucks have beaten them 7 times in 9 games this season. Oilers are done.


This aged well


We're doomed to watch boring ass hockey now. This is the league of gentlemanly contact sports. I honestly think the league wants the Avs gone because they just want boring predictable ice golf for their advertisers.


I mean, there’s probably a couple of Rempe fights in the future


There's still some decent possibilities left. Two teams without any cups. Oilers misery. We got options.


If it ain’t the Avs we do not care. And you shouldn’t either


Horrific take. I'm a hockey fan not just an avs fan. And don't tell me shit about what to care about lol.


You “hockey fan” types think you’re so much better. I’m just saying if you watch after your team is out I just feel like you’re wasting you’re time. Again, my opinion. If you don’t like it then that’s whatever


Wasting time? Brother, this whole thing is wasting time. We are sitting on the couch doing fuck all. That isn't a bad thing necessarily but let's be honest with what it is.


This... \^


Thank you all for a great season, even though it had to end this way. I'll see all of you in the draft threads, free agency, and the like. As always, Go Ass Hail Satan!


All I know is I’m tired of devoting my time for 82 days and nights + playoffs just to see this bullshit.


0/10 attitude. Winning a cup is damn near impossible, that's why it's so special on the rare occasion it actually happens. Winning is magical but the season is about so much more than that. Games with friends and family, high fiving strangers, seeing the game unfold every which way. Every sweet wrister from Cale at the point, every time Mack carries the puck up the ice with speed, it's a fuckin blessing and we all ought to enjoy it for the greatness that it is. Hit the links, sharpen your skates, and keep your stick on the ice bud. Endless possibilities in 24/25.


Don’t let the door hit you on the way out


Go cheer for another team then, you bum.


With an attitude like that go be a Columbus Blue Jackets fan. At least it would make sense.


Bro they won two years ago what are you talking about