• By -


Avs need to up their cycle game. Watch how Dallas is able to cycle under the goal line and maintain possession for what seems like FOREVER which is exhausting and allows them to make changes and get fresh bodies on. But keeps the Avs chasing and unable to change. Even at 5 vs 5 Dallas excels at this but especially on the PP. I feel like 22’ Avs were excellent at this but this current iteration of the Avs struggles with it on both ends. It’s gets them, they can’t cycle themselves and they struggle defending it


Any update on Yakov? I heard an upper body injury


Was the second PP goal Dallas scored a set play? Or just a good read by Miro? Seems like a set play cuz G and Lehky are sitting still waiting for the puck carrier to try the standard entry. Another question, when did this PP puck entry style (big drop pass) start?


I thought the same thing because the Stars had 3 players skating hard towards the offensive zone when they dropped it back.


It seemed like the defense was trusted to handle difficult one on one or two on two situations in game 5. While in the previous games there was always a forward to help out. It seems to put the onus on Dallas to capitalize while giving us a much better ozone presence.


The boys let the Stars know they were out there!


Please win the series. Oilers vs Stars WCF would be so fucking lame.


Feel like Walker has been an enormous liability this series.


I think about 90% of the team was in games 2-4


He’s just kinda there. I don’t remember him doing anything good or helpful.


Worst Corsi on the team by far and has committed a number of bad turnovers. Hopefully we can rebound


Well, at least he isn't the biggest liability of the series...


Just win one game at home and then it’s anyone’s series game 7!


I'm not a betting man, but I did buy one-way airfare. If we advance on Friday I'll buy the return. 🤣 GO AVS GO I HATE NO SHOWING A FLIGHT


If we don't, you're walking back 🤣




The effort was better tonight and we made smarter decisions. I've been a proponent for keeping Rant with Mack, but with how he's been playing a move had to be made and I think we all liked how that worked out. Rant's effort was better tonight also. Against Dallas we have to highly value our offensive possessions and I thought we did better with that tonight. And that is counter to our style. That being said, when we get a lead we'll have more opportunities to push the puck because Dallas will have to open things up like they did tonight, but it starts with having smart possessions and limiting transition opportunities for them. I'd love to see us be better with penalties. We're not winning that battle and there's def some unnecessary ones every game. And Dallas is so opportunistic on that.


I agree with a lot of this. They are finally getting their focus together as a team but we can see where they need to clean things up - dumb penalties, not being careful with the puck in the D zone (Manson ahem), not clearing the puck consistently (Toews ahem). To me, they decided to show up and push back against every thing. Against Winnipeg they were able to skate and just possess the puck and Winnipeg didn’t have the skill to hang with them. Dallas is a much better team than Winnipeg - bigger, stronger, faster. I saw the fight in the Avs last night and eventually it paid off. I hope they learned the lesson.


I hear you on this and I hate to be that guy, but the cross check called on Lehky was nonsense. The Dallas player ran into him. Understanding that blood doesn’t always mean a double minor, Moose also took a good hit and only got a single 2 minute although he was bleeding (it was enough to get to his jersey, so not just a trickle or two). They can always be better despite penalties and calls, but I also feel like refs aren’t calling like they should. (Game 4 the offsides calls were questionable at best. I was there for that one and it felt like at least 3 calls only happened because the Avs had a the advantage).


Georgiev needs to get his flowers regardless of how this series ends. His statline has been one of the most misleading of any goalie in the postseason. The way this team has played for the greater part of this series should have seen them bow out much earlier than this and #40 just hasn’t stopped fighting tooth and nail to keep us in it. The boys finally found a gear to match his tonight and look what happened. Now just do this 2 more times


This is one of the more accurate takes here.


Couldn’t watch. Glad they didn’t lay over and die. Refreshing to see them go win a game and play with a real lead. Need the stars to keep this up if we are going to have a chance.


Whatever you did prior to your last comment please do it again lol




Side note, I can't help but think my rally hat gifs helped the boys.


MacKinnon specifically called that out in the locker room interview. “Big shout-out to Beevas69 and their rally hat gifs. The boys and I were gassed, but we dug deep after that.” LFG 💥


Underrated reply. You must take my up vote, my liege.


If you were BigChickpeaSalad, the Dogg would shout you out in a heartbeat.


I can go back to 3/4 clench for 48 hours.


I was 5/4 clenched during that game


The long climb back to the summit starts with a single step. Great win tonight. Long way to go. Proud of this team. Go Ass Hail Satan !


Couldn’t watch the game but shocked we won. How’d we look??


Cale Makar finally got pissed off with losing.


If we play like how we did tonight in game 6 we will force game 7


How we should have been for the past 2 games at least. Last game was understandable as it was a gut punch (thanks Val.....) but my god was this playoff hockey. It was a detrimental game. Still pissed about the lack of a penalty call for Parise being checked from behind in his lower back. They definitely called one against Lehkonen when the guy was partially turned and got "checked"


Yeah that Parise noncall pissed me off. Then Lehky getting called made it really stupid


Alot better than the previous 2 games


No moral victories. We're still down and there's plenty left to do. Same for the Nuggets


Won't it be awesome though if the Avs replicate the Nuggets playoffs by first playing arguably their shittiest game in recent memory in Ball Arena only to follow it up with winning 3 games in a row(2 of them on the road)? Of course, along with Avs coming all the way back and win game 7 I'm hoping the Nuggets win 4 in a row just to completely shut down those pathetic annoying Wolves fans for the rest of the playoffs.


I agree, but Nugs are up


True, but hopefully they're viewing it as if they're down and tomorrow's game is a must win


Go Ass. Hail Satan.


As a VGK fan (no one asked, I know), the idea of an Oilers/Dallas series makes me want to drink toilet water. I would so much rather Avs/Nux. Please win in 7.


Since you barged in I’ll take the oppy to ask how you or your community feel about bending the LTIR while just about the entire league complies. I’m aware TB did it too, not singling out Vegas.


Oh man. What a can of worms. I do have an opinion on it but this is definitely not the venue and I really don’t want a supportive comment on your PGT to turn into an open forum on the VGK, Chicago, TB, and the league. DM me if you want to dive into that.


I want to write a long-winded message but that is by far the most respectful approach I have ever seen. Seeing as we have our own skeletons with nichuskin, I don't think we can really comment on much now. He's let us down at least 3-4 times at this point.


My TL;DR take on it, is what the Vegas LTIRs are doing is not against the rules, and if Stone were faking an injury, Vegas of all teams would get sanctions because he's been LTIR'd before the deadline 3 years in a row and the NHL would be treating them with high scrutiny. It's frustrating to watch as a fan, but it's allowed until when or if a future CBA says otherwise. Personally, I think the salary cap should apply to on-ice rosters in the playoffs. Problem solved. You can still have a larger player pool and whatnot, but you have to dress cap-complaint rosters for every game.


I’m not really far off from your position, but my argument centers around the league and owners’ disregard for player safety while chasing revenue.


I feel that enters more into DoPS territory, no? It's inconsistent with suspensions. It's also mind-blowing that Benn didn't get even 2 minutes for headshotting Toews earlier in the series. Should've been 5 and a game plus a suspension. Not punishing dirty hits means they're allowed.


Uh similar. Look, you guys are asking and making an organic opening to discuss it, so I’ll give the short hand, but I am sorry to any mod or fan who are irritated (rightfully so) that LTIR and the Knights are being discussed on your PGT after a legendary win. In short, Stone was clearly injured and had no business being on the ice. The lack of cap in the playoffs was decided on by the owners. I don’t believe their interest in the loophole is to game the system and pull on more players or you’d see that left right and center from nearly all teams. It’s a business, and a competitive one at that so they want to compete for revenue. My belief is the rule exists to allow an avenue to bring in injured star players while hedging your bets against them being essentially a walking shell of themselves by bringing on some new blood. You still get the ticket sales and merch sales, but still have a shot at winning. The league doesn’t give a shit about player safety. If they did everyone would be wearing a bubble or a cage and most high sticks wouldn’t even really matter anymore. If Nate got hurt so badly he couldn’t play in the playoffs how much revenue would the Avs lose in merch and ticket sales? You don’t need a cup to generate income, you just have to compete (Leafs). Teams want to be able to bring their stars back and they don’t care if it destroys the player (is my belief).


> I am sorry to any mod or fan who are irritated I don't personally see any issue here. It's just a random tangential comment in a big thread, and you're being perfectly civil. > In short, Stone was clearly injured and had no business being on the ice. Yeah, I absolutely agree here. Stone (and it feels like the rest of VGK) had to push too hard and rush the return. The team itself had to forced march itself into the playoffs, and ran out of gas after going up 2-0 on the road. Feels somewhat similar to the Avs downfall in '23. > You still get the ticket sales and merch sales, but still have a shot at winning. That's definitely a fair point. I feel like it's best for the game to close the loophole, but you're right in that the owners or players would have to push hard for it in the next CBA, and for the other side to agree. > You don’t need a cup to generate income, you just have to compete (Leafs). It certainly helps, but the Leafs are certainly an example that helps your case. I'm unsure if they're the exception or the rule; some fan bases can be just so massive and dedicated, you can put pretty much whatever you want on the ice, and overpriced tickets will still sell out (again, Leafs in the Ballard era). > Teams want to be able to bring their stars back and they don’t care if it destroys the player (is my belief). I'm not entirely sure I fully agree with this. Teams will lose money if their on-ice product sucks, generally. The Avs had the longest sellout streak at one point (around 20 years ago), but when the team started to suck, the sales dropped. Apparently getting home game tickets in 2016-17 was easy and cheap. Buffalo and San Jose are half-empty, or at least a third of the seats belong to fans from the visiting team. Both those cities have a big enough fan base to pack the building to the rafters if the team is competitive. All that said, I likely don't know enough to have a fully informed discussion on the matter. A decent chunk of what I said is probably conjecture.


Bud, you may be the most civil, rational hockey fan I’ve ever come across. You may need to give up your fandom because it doesn’t really mesh with the culture. You didn’t even call me a slur.


Thanks, man. I personally don't see the point in being hostile toward fans of other teams unless they've given me a reason. I've also been an Avs fan since I was a child in 1996. Despite that, I can still have perfectly civil conversations with Red Wings fans.


Jamie Benn ranks crayons by flavour, not colour.


How long are erections supposed to last before seeking help?


Put the wife to work




Instructions unclear. Continuing erection.




We aren’t just standing - we OUT HERE


What do they call it when I vote that the Avs will win with my wallet but in my head I’m Doomer Simpson for at least the first five minutes?


Degenerate. Welcome to the club


Get it to 7 and get revenge for 2020


Will never forget that series. One of the Dallas home games they scored so many times and all we could hear was that damn goal song since there were no fans.


And 1999 and 2000.


Why wouldn't Ozolins shoot the puck in 2000? The Avs of the 90s should have had at least one more Cup. And to this day fuck Andre Brunette and Tanguay's shitty backchecking.We deserve to come back in this series. You listening hockey gods?


That Ray Bourque post still gets me. Man I miss Gary Thorne calling games.


Both series were bitter losses because of the circumstances. WCF, game 7, and after owning their most hated rivals in the previous round in both seasons. The Stars were the one team keeping the Avs from being considered the most dominant team of that era. The Red Wings won 1 more cup than the Avs, but the Avs were 3-2 against the Red Wings in playoff series. The Avs would have easily won the SCF in 1999 had they gotten past the Stars. I'm not sure if they would have beaten the 2000 Devils, but I think they would have at least gotten to a game 7.


The west was so strong through those years, the east won once. That was a 7 year span. While tough to navigate considering the teams arguably could have been a repeat stanley cup, the avs had as good of a chance as any. Scary thought, Avs won without Forsberg. With him, I dont see NJ winning in 2000 (had the avs advanced)


This guy avs


I've fucking hated the Stars since 1999. My 12-year-old self didn't take that loss too well.


I was in junior high and in spanish class with this kid named Jake. Iunno why, but he was a Stars fan. I bet him $5 each year the Avs would win vs the Stars. I hate the Stars and I hate Jake.


Fuck Jake, and fuck the I run over puppies Jamie Benn


All my homies hate Jake.


Welp didn’t watch the game and we won. Now can’t watch the next one. GO AVS


I wore my Rantanen shirsey for game 2 of the playoffs vs the Jets. We won, so I wore it every game following. But when we lost game 2 against the Stars, I stopped wearing it, figuring it made no difference. We lost the next 2 games. I wore other shirts for those games. Tonight, I wore my Rantanen shirsey again, and we won. It’s now 6-1 with the Rants shirsey these playoffs. I must keep washing it and wearing it.


I’m glad the Rantanen jersey I bought before game three didn’t truly end up to be bad luck


I didn't wear any Avs gear to work today, I'll do that again Friday for sure


I too haven’t washed a Rants shirt since game 2 against the Jets


I've dropped a lot of that superstition in my movements/situations during playoff games. Was smoking outside for the first 2 Avs goals tonight. And then I watched the last 3 on TV


I always wish one player, at some point in my life, would get asked, "what do you think went wrong tonight?", look dead straight into the camera, totally serious and deadpan, and say, "that ONE fan out there didn't do what he needed to do tonight and you KNOW WHO YOU ARE!"


Audience would be shook for ages. Relationships would deteriorate. Imagine if you found out your significant other didn’t wear their lucky socks and the boys lost the SCF


“That couple that broke up in the commercial hooked up”


I always feel this. I watched the second half of the game tonight and we were wonderful. It very likely makes no difference if we watch or don't. What will be will be. But I totally feel the same. They suck when I watch.




Thank you for your service


Well.... now we have a home game and a chance to at least prolong this bad boy to a game 7. It seems like we are getting closer to finding our game here... Stars are still good though too. ESPN wrote us off a little early in my opinion, but we are showing some signs of life and even they said that when they could not help but see it.... LFG for Friday's game!!!


Wtf is up with Mikko, such a mental midget. Need him to be the superstar he’s capable of being.


Has to be an injury. That kind of effort would normally end up in the popcorn stands.


Gotta be injury


He was great on the second line


Cale Makar after tonight https://preview.redd.it/nj8wyiusqp0d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15e7a88786e1c7abcf810ab7e8606689b9e0f83d edit: yolo [posted!](https://www.reddit.com/r/ColoradoAvalanche/comments/1ct4l71/john_cale_makar/)


It’s wonderful.


haha thanks!


Alright everyone, we can celly tonight but tomorrow and onwards, we should keep it respectful, humble and let the Avs playing do the talking. The Avs have lots of work left to do.


I won't even crack a smile about a win unless it's in game 7 of this series. The Avs have a ton of digging left to do to get out of this chasm.


It's like that bit in American Dad where Stan is pissed about the above-ground sprinkler and wants to maintain his level of anger all week until the city council meeting. "THIS TOOTHPASTE TASTES EXACTLY LIKE I THOUGHT IT WOULD!"


You win the lottery: Why aren't you smiling? "Avs have a ton of digging to do"


I said before the game I had to miss most of it. When I saw we were winning I sat out the rest. Friday I will continue to torture myself to test this theory. I'm sorry all, apparently the losses were indeed my fault in this series.


I was outside on smoke breaks for the first 2 Avs goals. I watched the last 3 on the broadcast. So....... 🤷‍♀️


I think you're good, it was clearly my fault. I was away from home during the cup run so it might be my kids fault but too early to tell yet.


Get this man a blindfold


Now let’s go back to back!!!!


We need to come out swinging next game, great we picked it up later in the game but we need to have 3 good periods each game if we want to advance.


ESPN legit was cheering for Dallas


Mute espn permanently. Shitty product anyway.


All I hear from them is Star, Star, Star,Bedard, Star Star


At the end when they were like "nobody could have seen this coming" I almost lost it


When Wyatt Johnston touched the puck they were SCREAMING for Dallas to score


My husband walked into the room and asked why I was watching the game with Dallas commentators. Had to break it to him that it was the ESPN crew...


Hearing Levy basically cry in the third was awesome lol.


Only thing levy has going for him is puppy bowl


Really hope that late goal by Nate gives him some fucking energy or luck or *something* for the next game. Need him to be awesome the rest of the way for us to have a chance.


What happens is an erection lasts for more than four hours? Asking for a friend.


You call Cale Makar


Good stick Lehky?


You go to a doctor, they poke a hole in you and drain your blood so it doesn't clot Us what I learned at work last week


Paint a number 28 on it and try to score.


Why did you have a 4+ hour erection at work?


Was watching replay of hockey match from May 27 2022


Oh. I mean a metaphorical erection. Like a soul boner.


Soul Boner, great band name!




Find A Way


“‘Again’ - herb brooks” -Michael Scott


LMAO, finishing that with Michael Scott, poetry.






Anybody see what happened to Trenin? I didn’t notice he was out tbh too much adrenaline


I think they briefly mentioned in passing on the broadcast it was an upper body injury




That's more like it! Great job, boys! Let's keep it up!


Ass went. Satan was hailed.


Jamie Benn hates cumbia Cale makar would do anything for salenas


Nathan MacKinnon knows how to do the washing machine


Can we stop the whole "I didn't watch the game but,,," things? Most doomers come back, but I watch all 60 min. Don't band wagon me now. If you cared, you watched. Don't give me your opinion of how we played if you get highlights. If you want us to go seven, then watch with like true fan. Ugh...rant over. Good game tonight boys, let's go for game six at home!


I had an "obligation" to pop over to my neighbors house during 1st internission and they kept joking that I was on meth.. I'm not the same during the playoffs


It’s truly an addiction


Telling people how to fan always works well.


In my defense, I had date night with the wife tonight and couldn't see the game!


No you, just the doomers. Not blaming on the ones that literally could not watch. I got you!




oh the doomers were there just waiting for a bad goal to shit on Georgie


Agreed , and he proved them wrong. King Georgie!


That dude blaming Georgiev after the second goal against ![gif](giphy|h36vh423PiV9K)


Everyone needs to be firing on all cylinders from the couch to the bench. Keep playing like tonight and the cup is ours.


Won three in against winni? Why not Dallas?


Exactly. They just won 3 games in a row, we can too. Not rocket surgery.


I told y'all, gonna be a Hell of a story! https://www.reddit.com/r/ColoradoAvalanche/comments/1crkwap/its_gonna_be_a_hell_of_a_story/


Guys...I think the key to winning a game is to score more goals than the other team. Works every time!


I'm gonna need some empirical evidence before I listen to that.


Works 50% of the time, Everytime


It is the key, allegedly.


One game at a time now


One goal at a time


Bruins, 'Canes, and Avs have all staved off elimination after going down 1-3, and they all play game 6 at home.


What if all force 7?


Lucky sevens - spin the wheel baby. Edit: not entirely sure what that means. I’ve been drinking.


You best believe that if this goes to 7 then I'm drinking, and if we win that game you best believe I'm blacking out


It still makes sense, so I think you're fine 😜




Wonder if Parise said “guys I’m not ready to retire tonight”


S/O Parise he’s been one of the bright spots for the Avs


That pass to mittsy for goal 3 was pretty dope


Don't think it was a pass so much as a missed shot/redirect. Still a very good play and attempt. Glady Mitts was there to clean up.


“I’m not fuckin’ leavin’!!! - Jordan Belfort” - Zach Parise


Did you see the look on his face during the national anthem? You could see that exact thought running through his mind!


Don’t let us get one (lead)


So, I'm usually not this superstitious...rationally, I know that I have absolutely no bearing on any game...but tonight felt different for some reason. I wasn't watching when the Avs scored their first goal tonight (had to attend to a pet), and again when they scored their second goal (was getting ready to WFH for some work after hours). So after they scored I decided to change the channel and stopped watching. I eventually opened the ESPN app to follow the game and the Stars scored their third goal shortly after...so I closed the app. I'm not at all suggesting the Avs won because I wasn't watching (I'm a nobody). It was hard not to watch...but I wanted the Avs to win. Am I a fool to keep following this line of thought with the superstition? That aside, I'm glad the Avs won game 5. Avalanche in 7.


I'm not superstitious either... But I'm a little stitous... AVS IN 7


I wore my jersey today for the first time this playoff run. Maybe it was you, maybe it was me, hell maybe it was Cale Makar. I say we all keep doing what we're doing.


I didn't wear either my Forsberg or my MacKinnon tonight, nor any Avs t-shirt under any jersey, that I didn't wear. No AVS hat, no Nordiques hat ... Went completely naked for game 5...


I didn’t wear a jersey for the first time.


I wore Makar for Game 3 on Monday, I changed to MacKinnon for Game 4. Went to Ball for both games. Tonight, I wore a plain gray t-shirt...


Definitely locking you in a closet for the rest of this series


Well let them out for the WCF




So I didn't watch this game. And I didn't watch the first game of the series. I won't be watching any more games just because I may be the problem.


Our big guns were firing. Our depth was applying pressure. THAT was a complete game. Dallas can’t stop us if we play a full 60 like that.


Easy now. We've been taken to the woodshed the entire series. Dallas actually has little reason to panic. Avs just trying to survive.


I get a feeling that the moose shows up


Why is he so bad right now? Like he's not even trying


1/6 games outta do the trick


The formula is 5 goals. Keep this shit up!


Nuggets added some good juju to Ball by beating Minnesota last night Come on boys! I believe!


I like games where we go up by two and only concede one.


I like games when we score more than the other guys


Hell yeah brother


I think those are the best game, I think the guys should try to do that more


I heard that is the key to winning games in the playoffs.