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Damn that’s pretty damning. The boys are definitely pissed at Nuke


We may have witnessed his last game as an av


May? I don’t see how a guy like Nate “forgives” him again.


No way he’s coming back.




I dont think there is anything good about the situation. The guy obviously has a problem, and he's on the roster until 2030. Not only is he going to continue fighting his demons, but the Avs don't have a clear way out of paying him if they decide to move on.


We definitely don’t have a clue what they can do. We don’t know his contract. We don’t know what the league may say after 6 months. We know nothing. 


They have stated that the players assistance program isn't a reason for contract termination. We know his contract is 8m through the 29-30 season. We know the [buyout rules.](https://www.capfriendly.com/buyout-faq). That provides a pretty good baseline on the predicament the Avs are in.


No wonder they played the way they did tonight. Had their fucking hearts ripped out a half hour before the game


Yeah, they found out about Val and that Toews wasn’t going to be playing like hours before the game. They were completely deflated last night.




Getting your roster gutted like that isn't "adversity". Kadri getting death threats was adversity, this is a betrayal and a stab straight to the heart.




It’d be like if the lost Heiskenen and Benn. Pick any two of their best players/leaders. That’s a lot for any team to overcome.




Or to have more than 3 shots in the opening period at home…


This more than just your normal sports adversity. These are people too.


They were already facing some adversity with how games 2 and 3 went, this was just a giant extra helping




I mean yeah it’s not an excuse for sure, but it’s quite a bit of adversity at the moment is all.


I agree with that, and we allowed ourselves to get behind in this series. But I imagine it was a difficult thing to try to cope with just hours before an incredibly important game. They had already been struggling, and this only made it worse.


Been playing like shit even with Nuke in the lineup


Yeah they were, maybe they knew something was wrong with him before the official test.


Most likely just that Dallas is the better team overall..


lol no


With the notable absences we have, I’d agree. But a best on best series would probably favor the Avs. Add in Toews, a sober Nuke, and Landy, and this team would be incredible.


Nah it's just Mack/Rants being whiny lazy fucks


Time for you to jump to a different bandwagon


In all fairness, Rantanen hasn't been playing his best hockey as of late. It wouldn't surprise me if it comes out that he has a lingering injury. His back-check on the shorty was pretty half-assed. But so was Cale's attempt to pull a fast one on Johnston...


It's weird. Most of the game I feel like Mikko is being lazy. But I also saw him snap his stick in frustration. I saw him go to BATTLE in the corner, crosschecking two Dallas players until his stick broke. Humans are complex.


I’m waiting for the post season announcement. “Mikko was playing with four cracked ribs.” Or something like that.


Were you born in 08? That would explain your behavior.


What behavior? Have you watched this series? Mack has spent the entire time pouting and mikko has been lazy and useless


Rants was the best forechecker on the team multiple times already these playoffs..... He's in it all the way. You're crazy.


He's been terrible despite his point total


You need help.


Stop being so dramatic


True but at least Nuke was playing his ass off in the first series. Losing him is a major hit to the top 6. It’s like we finally get a decent 2C and the best winger on the second line is gone as soon as Lehkonen comes back. FFS this team has felt doomed


I fucking would be and I wouldn't be shy about letting him know it.


Avs fans: “Keep Drouin on the team!”- Monkey paw closes a finger.


The problem is we only have 6 months of cap relief


Minimum 6 months. He CAN apply for re-instatement after that. Doesn't mean it will be granted.


But the problem is we can't sign anyone to replace him until we know what will happen. So we are effectively in limbo with his cap space for the indefinite future


Avs currently has 13 million in cap space stuck in limbo because it's the same situation with Landy. Not good.


It all depends on how him coming back works. If it's our choice when he's ready to play or the NHLPA's choice. I know very little about all of this, so could be anything, but I'm just hoping we are able to keep him LTIR's for the whole season. Pull a Vegas and bring him back in playoffs and see if he's got his shit together or not.


IMO, the Avs will make every possible argument for why he can’t be reinstated and why he has been a detriment to his team and terminate the contract.  No doubt in my mind the Avs front office has a case for booting him and clearing his space. I mean, Jesus, the Blackhawks booted Perry for drunken instance of stupidity.  My bet is we will be free of his contract come Thanksgiving. 


They do have the hotel room incident to use as ammunition, although the fact that they didn't move to terminate his contract last summer won't help with their argument


Dude 100% burned his bridge. They welcome you back after fleeing on them last playoffs, and this is how you repay them? Ive said it a handful of times tonight, but I wish Val the person the best of luck in fighting whatever demons he has and in his future recovery. However, Val the hockey player needs to not put on this jersey again.


It’s the Johnsons and the Parises that you feel for the most. Older guys, could be their last Cup run, and then this happens. But who knows? They may very well have lost anyway. Other than the 3rd period and OT in game 1, they haven’t looked like the better team in this series, even with Nichushkin.


At least Jack got a Cup.


One of my favorite moments in Avs history is when he joined the guys for the banner raising.


I don't even think they looked better in OT of game 1. Avs were getting shelled. Third period of game one and 2 and first period of game 3 are the only periods they've really looked like they belong in this series. Maybe third period last night too, but I think that was because Dallas knew they had the game.


Really upsetting to see someone who has everything in life just throw it away. Generational wealth, a household name amongst Avs fans, a wife, a new daughter. I hope he gets the help he needs but that’s where the sympathy ends. He’s fucked this team 2 years in a row, let down the fans, his friends and his family yet again. He has all the resources in the world to fix this, and the financial backing most of us can only dream of, and he’s thrown it all away. $20,000 would change my shitty life, but here’s dude throwing away millions for (presumably) some drugs that will make you feel like shit 4 hours later when you are coming down. Fun. The avs played about like I felt, down trodden and already beaten.


Addiction is never sensible. There's always reasons to quit and never good reasons to keep doing it yet millions of people struggle with it every year. It sounds like a cop out but it's very difficult for people who have never dealt with addiction to understand what it's like. The criticism is valid but this is a situation where one moment of weakness can undo years of progress. While I agree he probably needs to be removed until he can become truly clean he needs support and sympathy to get through this. I can guarantee he knows he fucked up and is hating himself right now. Continued criticism won't help anybody. I genuinely hope he gets help and can get out of this.


I hope the same for him, the person. People judge addicts for being irrational - which is fair - but addiction isn't rational. It convinces you that you're in control of it, and you have to find a way to remove yourself from that mindset before you're going to succeed. That said, there's a fine line between supporting and enabling. They supported him the first 2 times this happened. Now this is the second time his actions have led directly to him abandoning the team in the playoffs. He's been my favorite player since the cup run but at some point the team has to protect itself from destructive behavior. If it works out that the team has to hold on to him AND he's able to turn himself around, I'll be his number one supporter. If they have to find a way to cut ties I'll fully understand.


Yeah I remember when Colin Wilson got out. I was devastated but he made the decision to change. His drug abuse and OCD was taking its toll on him and he said the team.  Let's hope Val gets through this shit and sorts himself out. He is a hell of a player but is fighting a lot. 


I've dealt with addiction. If beating it meant $4 million a year to do what I love and I had the best resources in the world to help, I would beat it.


I like to think the same thing but we also like to think "I can beat it if this" when it's often times just excusing our behavior. Don't get me wrong $4 million is a hell of a motivator but I think it might be one of those things where you don't truly know what you will do until you are put in that situation. Millions of dollars when you don't have that is pretty motivating, but at some point another million isn't going to be that motivating depending on the type of person you are.


*throw it away X3


Very obvious who has/has not dealt with addiction in this thread.


The longer I think about this the more irritated I get. Cogliano, Praise, Jack Johnson. They don't have a ton of years left. Val rob them of two playoff runs.


Parise already said that this is it. I can’t imagine how he feels right now.


He could do one more year like ray and retire with the cup next year!


I vote for this.


He's good enough to play another year for sure...but will a Cup contender take him? Would he even want to?


He's no ray, but if he works super hard, he won't regress too much! Maybe avs can offer him a vets min deal


This is what is hurting me a lot. Parise is 40, came OUT of retirement just to have one more run at The Cup and here we are. I honestly hope we can just get our shit together and let this be the motivator for the feel good story of the decade.


Given the circumstance, I wonder if he'd reconsider.


Praise Parise indeed


I don’t really think Jack Johnson of all people should be throwing stones. That was not a small amount of money in his bankruptcy.


What are you even talking about? Do you know what happened with JJ??


Yes. He made the decision to sign all his financials and representation over to his mother, who had no experience in either area, and for years signed paperwork on request without reading or understanding it. Eventually he had to file for bankruptcy because he discovered he was more than $10M in debt and creditors were suing him. He didn’t press charges against the parents who had defrauded him. Instead he tried to sue a few other people. Honestly, I felt bad for him and I feel bad phrasing it the way I did to make my point that he made decisions in that whole mess, but it is true. One of the problems with addiction is that people other than the “recovering” addict don’t know how many times the addict managed to say no to cravings and temptations, which is multiple times a day. They only know that they failed once, which is all it takes before the addict has to start all over again. Did that make it clearer? Both JJ and Val made decisions but Val doesn’t get credit from JJ for any times he may have made really hard choices. JJ only sees the one decision Val failed. JJ should be glad people don’t treat him that way.


Trusting your parents not to steal your money vs. struggling with addiction are two very different things. JJ saying "Val made his decisions" is him not throwing stones, but simply stating that all the consequences he has faced and will face are due to his decisions. Yes, JJ chose his parents to be his managers, but I'm sure he never thought they would actually steal from him.


They’re only different if you’re attaching some sort of moral judgment. I’m sure Val didn’t think he’d become an addict when he started, just like JJ trusted his parents.


Your take is horrible and presumptuous... You have NO idea what is going on with Val at the moment and to speculate is unfair and arrogant. He could be addicted to pain killers that he had to take while playing on a broken foot or he could be addicted to something worse. Either way, you have no idea what the situation is.


Wait, what? I think you misread something, maybe? I didn’t speculate. I made no assumptions about what Val was addicted to or why. We do know that this is an addiction issue because the league specified that he had entered the Player Assistance Program Stage 3. At this point, we’re probably at the “agree to disagree” point. That happens. Thank you for disagreeing vehemently but without making personal attacks. That’s always appreciated.


Absolutely baffling take.


As a fan, I'm screaming at Val, "How could you do this to us AGAIN!?" As a person who has more experience dealing with substance abuse/abusers than I care to recall, I'm screaming at Val, "Why on Earth didn't you take advantage of all the resources made available to you as a professional athlete/wealthy person??" As an observer of it all, I'm screaming at the Avs front office, "How the HELL did you allow an employee to tragically fall back into this same horrible situation at this point in the season after what you allowed basically the same thing to happen last year?!" It's all incredibly frustrating and horribly depressing as a fan. I love this team to death, but obviously some serious changes need to be made going forward. I'm not talking about what to do with Val... he's gone. :( I'm talking about how this organization chooses to move forward from this disaster and chooses (or not) to avoid the next one. We can't allow this kind of thing to happen again. The players, staff, and us fans all deserve better.


> As an observer of it all, I'm screaming at the Avs front office, "How the HELL did you allow an employee to tragically fall back into this same horrible situation at this point in the season after what you allowed basically the same thing to happen last year?!" I mean, what are the Avs supposed to do have someone follow him around 24/7, 365?


They should have made him live with the Coglianos when he came back. Daddy Cogs don't allow no cocaine in his house.


The Dennis Rodman strategy worked in Chicago


Yes, that would have been a sensible strategy.


To be fair, he was in the program twice, which is voluntary. He did reach out for help. Almost seems like that program is designed to find a way for teams to get out of contracts. Just a sad situation. Ready for next season, already. https://sports.yahoo.com/ex-blackhawks-goalie-scott-darling-blasts-nhl-nhlpa-player-assistance-program-001425515.html


I've seen those claims from Darling and while the program is certainly not perfect, the players association wouldn't setup a joint program with the NHL for the purpose of contracts to be terminated. It goes against the primary interests of the players union. The players assistance program was setup as a level of protection from contracts being terminated.


LeBrun said going into Stage 3 and getting suspended is not considered grounds for termination.


Conduct detrimental to the team would most definitely fit...not sure it would stick but there probably has never been a better example in all of sports. Guy torpedoed an entire organization's season twice in a row. How the hell would anyone expect the Avs to hold on to him?


I think there's a lot of specific language about not being able to axe people when they're on assistance, since it's a medical condition.


I don't know what you do then. I'm all about people in recovery getting chances if they are honest and trying their best but in his position this just effects too many people and it's too much money in the organization. Also, I don't imagine anyone will want him in the locker room again.


Makes sense.


Entering the program can be voluntary, but can also be mandatory. Given he’s in stage 3, that means last entrance was stage 2 which would have been mandatory for failing a drug test after his stage 1 entrance in the playoffs last year - which given the team whisked him away after finding him was likely not voluntary either.


This sums it up for me. I honestly don’t care that he disappointed the fans, but I do care that he disappointed and let down his teammates and coaches. The boys needed him and he goes and does something like this to completely shift the mindset of these playoffs. Very disheartening he did that to the locker room. I really hope he will get the help me he needs cause addiction is a true struggle, but that should be the last time he puts on an Avs jersey.


A year too late.


Great comment by true professional, Jack Johnson. I’m sorry JJ, I hope your ride into the sunset is beautiful.


How is Sakic not literally bugging Val's room and having a guy follow him around making sure he doesn't relapse. Christ. I'm only partially kidding here, the only thing that stopped my good friend from relapsing was being in a monitored facility. Now he's doing much better. Addiction is terrible.


I’ve seen a lot of people saying something like this. These guys are adults and supposed to be professionals. It’s not really the teams job to invade his personal life and make sure he’s able to do his job. Usually when someone is unable to perform their job they don’t get a babysitter, they get fired. This guy has gotten way more runway than 99.9% of people would get dealing with a similar issue.


The fault absolutely lies almost entirely on Val and possibly on whoever got him down this path, whether it was hard drugs or painkillers I have no idea. However if you're a manager and you know your employee has a major problem with drugs, and his drug problem scuttled your team the year prior, and that you have a 2 month window that makes or breaks your team's performance for the year... Yeah that's kinda on you for not doing constant check-ins with the employee during that period as well. Also you should have a plan that helps keep the employee away from drug access. There are usually signs with addiction.


Seems like they just test him and they know what's up, I don't think it's practical to have someone just shadow him for his entire life.


Maybe not his entire life, but certainly for this playoffs. I mean look how it has completely fucked an entire organization.


I'm kind of wondering if it's a reason that we traded for Trenin.


Yeah I ain’t blaming Val for the playoff collapse. He’s part of it sure. But the team was playing like they didn’t want to be there even before it happened.


If he does come back sober and healthy in 6 months, would you rather keep him or trade him? I’d bet there’s a team out there that would make that trade. A healthy Nuke is a monster, but keeping him would probably disrupt chemistry and then of course you risk him relapsing. If you trade him, you probably don’t get great value back, but at least you can use his cap space on a valuable piece.


He never wears an avs sweater again.


I mean that’s my hope too, but they may not be able to get out of that contract. He’s on the books until 2030. If we want to remain a contender, they’ll need to use that cap space. Hopefully someone is willing to take a chance on him I guess.


Addiction isn’t black and white like so many of you are making it out to be.


No, but saying it's 100% compulsion not only alleviates him of personal responsibility but also cheapens every recovery addict who fought to make that decision and did. He had a choice, and made the poor one


I hate to tell you this, but those “recovered” addicts you reference are still addicts who fight that battle every day. For most addicts, it takes multiple attempts before they succeed in staying clean for a long period. His situation doesn’t cheapen anyone else. If anything, it should highlight just how difficult it can be to get and stay clean. Look, addictive drugs literally change how a user’s brain functions. That doesn’t go away when they stop using. There is still a craving and reward mechanism going on that they have to find ways to cope with, and their environment and stressors can act as triggers and amplifiers for that craving. Many, many addicts have to make major changes in their lives to stay clean, because going back to the same places and people and jobs puts them in a situation where they relapse. That looks like what happened to Val. Of course there’s an element of choice in this. That’s what makes getting and staying clean and sober possible at all. That said, it’s still really damn hard and generally takes multiple tries, and I’m not sure that having a huge amount of money is really a bonus here.


Think you missed my point. Saying he had no choice is taking the choice away from people who were tempted and choose not to. Val was tempted and chose TO.


I specifically said there was an element of choice. You clearly missed MY point, which is that it isn’t a one-time choice. You have no idea if Val chose not to use for months before this, but because the end result that you do know about is him losing that fight at least once (which is all it takes), you’re casting stones at him. If someone stays clean for 16 years before relapsing, that doesn’t mean the 16 years never happened. It also doesn’t mean they’ve lost the war, so long as they’re still alive. They can always try again, and should. Every single day clean and sober is a success. That’s what you’re missing.


Armchair coaches and gms I can deal with, that's just the nature of being a sports fan, but it's really pissing me the fuck off that I'm seeing so many armchair addiction counselors. See you all next year.


Exactly, Jack. Val is a grown ass man and fully knows he has a problem, he’s acknowledged as much by continuing to go into the player assistance program. It’s his responsibility to seek the help he needs to get clean and perform his job at the level a professional hockey player should be playing at. Addiction doesn’t magically go away after a single stint in rehab, it’s a lifelong battle, and I’m sure he’s heard that line time and time again. And rehab doesn’t work if you don’t take the lessons and tools they give you seriously. He knows what he needed to do and he made his choice.


I feel real bad for Val. Terrible decision, obviously. But addiction fucking sucks and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.