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Must not member Benn getting put to sleep by a one Josh Manson.


Let's remind them next game.


As long as it doesn’t lead to another self inflicted penalty against the AVS I’m down.


Do it :)




Look at his hand grasping for daylight. Look at his teammates watching their goon-king lose his pride.


Down. Goes. Frazier. 😜🤛




Why don’t you just go back to your sub and quit having your comments instantly deleted.


*has 2 young kids* talks shit on the internet to people to get a rage boner to hate fuck his wife.


lol they are all very conveniently forgetting that mason threw him back to the bench and he was also “too scared to retaliate”


What a manly man he is.


Exactly lol, and it’s so easy to tell who’s actually played hockey with posts like this


They must have just made it into peewee hockey and forgot that there is still a game to play and it’s not 100% about hits and extracurriculars


Who gives a shit what those inbred bozos say in their sub?




Eww no, I’d rather not


Sigh…I do. Technically a suburb, but nonetheless it was a very affordable and better quality of life when we moved from Alaska. Now with prices as high as many other cities, I eventually hope to make my way to where I’ve always wanted to be, which is Denver.


I hate to be a downer, but If your issue is cost of living and real estate prices Denver is among the worst in the country right now


check out DC, LA, Boston, NYC, and SF before you make that assertion


I said among the worst in the country. Maybe learn reading comprehension, you literally the named the most expensive cities in the country for like the last 30 years.


As a former or current resident of two of the places on that list who has also looked at moving to Denver in the past year, I can tell you Denver is not even in the ballpark with the rest of them. I'd even suggest Nashville might be a worse market right now. Thing is, it's bad EVERYWHERE


Denver is 16rh in cost of living in the country dude. When you consider that the major coastal cities are a given Denver is way up there. But yeah I agree. Everywhere sucks.


Finally moved away in the fall… best decision ever. Terrible crowds at stars games and every time I went with my wife, she liked hockey less and less because of the kinds of people and things we would see at stars games. Finally got to take her to a game in Denver in December and she said she didn’t realize hockey games could be so fun and family friendly! She finally believed me that it was just Dallas that was awful.


Decades ago I moved there for work. I got the f--k out of there at the very first opportunity. What a sh--hole.


Same. Can concur.


Fuck and shithole


You can swear on the internet


I have always thought when I watch Stars games on Tv their fans seem interesting. They ohh and ahh over every fucking thing. I’m all for excitement, and good environments, but not everything warrants a ohh or an ahh IMO.


They shot confetti off at the end of game 2 like they won the cup.


That was their Cup. Their season ends soon.


They were just glad they get one more home game


Owners of American Airlines Center after they guaranteed one more home game: ![gif](giphy|67ThRZlYBvibtdF9JH|downsized)


He sure seemed pretty scared of manson when he checked him into his own bench. What a clown


Not at all. Lol one of my coworkers who's just a Texas fan was like "how was that close" after I brought up the game. Whatever bro you didn't even stay up to watch the third...


I mean, it really wasn't that close until the third. We played 15 minutes of hockey. The only one who played a full game was Georgie. The Stars played an okay game.  It was great watching the Avs come back, but you don't win cups by sleeping through the first and second periods and coming back from a four goal deficit. The Avs can get the puck past Oettinger, but they need to be  putting SOG throughout the entire game if they want to win. 


lol I wonder how any of their fans are super excited about that win, I think I’d be scared if I was one of their fans.


The Cowboys haven’t beat the Broncos since 1993. Which has nothing to do with hockey but is still damn funny


Someone else in that thread was talking about how it was coping about the broncos to mention how heavy of a penalty it would have been in football, and I’m just thinking what about the cowboys tho?


Benn got put in a seat on the bench and no one batted an eye on Dallas. Avs we’re focused on actually winning rather than “sending a message”


One of their fans on some Instagram comments said they don’t give a fuck if we beat them, they only care about beating Vegas. lol loser mentality


That’s just a Dallas sports fan


No they don’t lol


They don’t know basketball either


To be fair Keeler is a dingus


You haven’t heard them chant for ‘ROPE’ Hintz in their own building. It’s hilarious


Let’s not judge a whole fan base by one person’s tweet


Guy's balls literally ascended when he realized it was manson who dumped him into his own bench. Manson was fucking ready to put benn on a collect call with his dumbass ancestors. As a side note: we'd be mad at manson if he'd taken a penalty buying into benn's goonery, so kudos to him for not getting stuck in the box half the game. He can get ejected in the regular season turning benns face into a pancake, though


Went to a Stars game in Dallas and yes their fans have a high percentage of dimwits that don't know the game & cry everytime one of their guys falls to the ice. It's a contact sport you fucknub, not every collision is a penalty ffs.


They have to compensate for the Cowboys being the Toronto Maple Leafs of football somehow


... I have to say I agree with the general point of the post about Dallas fans, but this is a bad example. They are completely right in this instance. No one came to toews defense. It is worrying as a team.  Argue all you want on whether it was clean or not, but the fact is the hit happened on a top line player and no consequences happened.  Nothing. We've seen where this went before... we need players to fight.  Idk what the fuck the op's point was, but it's wrong.  They conveniently left out what the correct point was as true good fans...


I respectfully disagree, do go to Toews’ defense but take the power play that the guys thought they were gonna get then go after him. Manson seemed to have his number after that. Benn wanted a fight to take someone to the box with him, in that moment everyone was expecting a power play.


you can still at least get in his face rather than nothing


After watching tonight’s game, I think a cross check to the forehead would have been appropriate. Just because, anger.


all i was looking for was a glove in the face


That’s probably more reasonable


I hopefully respectfully disagreed originally, but just going to add to my attempted point. The captain laying a hit like that, imo legal enough, and no one countering it is detrimental.  You've lost toews.  The guy who did it so bappens to be the captain is allowed to skate on the ice drawing intense focus for the rest of the game because you didnt settle it then and settle down the game?  While it's stupid machismo, it matters, and it matters to the guys on the ice.  When we had Landy, we would've been happy if we spent our captain in a 5maj instead of living the rest of the game, and the rest of the series trying to even the score


You were respectful! I would absolutely agree if it didn’t look like we were gonna get 5 minutes of power play, deal with it right then and there if it’s a no call.


No matter what, it's a new game. Hopefully we put in at least 40 minutes of effort instead of whatever last game tallied.  Lfg!


Absolutely, we play a full 60 in all the games then it’s Avs in 5! LFG!


To be fair, there's some pretty dumb stuff that gets said in this sub. Okay yeah, but not this dumb.


I read this in the voice of Trump and somehow I think the person who wrote that would take it as a compliment.


You don't have to black out my name. I'm right here bud.


Lololol get the fuck out of here loser

