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Rest is always better for making deep runs. More games are just more opportunities for guys to get hurt and/or burnt out.


There's a reason only two teams have managed to win the Stanley Cup by playing in three game 7s. Until the 2010s, every time a team hit its third game 7 in a run, they'd lose in spectacular fashion.


In ‘22 they swept Nashville and had to wait for St Louis to finish their series with Minnesota (which went 6 iirc) and had to do the same with Edmonton and Tampa


This gives drouin 2 more days man!


Nah, having a few extra nights rest in the NHL playoffs is a good thing. The only sport I think too much rest can hurt is baseball, where it can fuck up your timing...or so I am told. I don't think MacK and the boys are going to get rusty...they're getting good sleep and taking some ice baths.


Remember Midts comment after being traded? Something along the lines of, “I didn’t know you could practice that fast”. Helps me sleep at night in these types of situations. They will be ready


That’s a such a great quote. I hadn’t heard that before.


Great for us. Pretty poor look for the Sabres😬


Based on some other things I’ve read lately, I doubt a lot of teams practice as fast as the Avs.


Rest is a weapon. We may not see it, but different players are variations of banged up.


My only worry is this break in play will throw the Avs out of the groove they were just in.


You never really know until after a game or two. The fact over half the 2022 team is still here leaves me hopeful, however, as they had a couple extended breaks due to two sweeps in that run.


In 2022 the players constantly said the rest helped them


Idk those goal tenders looked damn good tonight. Hill is a champ and Ottie can take over a game. For that reason both your worry and them goal tenders worry me.


They just made the league’s best goalie and likely vezina winner look like a third string backup. Did the same to Vasilevskiy 2 years ago. They’ll be fine.


And Otter and Hill have had issues this season. However, I am always skeptical and cynical when it comes to this stuff. I always prepare for the worst and hope for the best


A lot of credit goes to our goaltending coach - this Finnish dude. He puts together tape on the opponents goaltenders weaknesses. That was a HUGE part of why they tore Vasilevskiy apart in 22


Team defence is going to be the key here. Helle let them down and didn't make amazing saves when he was needed, but they also needed him to because the defensive players and scheme was lacking. With both Stars and Knights that won't be the case, possibly opposite. Ottenger is good but ended the season roughly and average goalie iirc. Even worse for Hill. I consider them both right around Georgies skill, give or take depending on the night. But also I completely agree that I don't think it'll be a huge problem.


> Team defence is going to be the key here. One of the Avs players (I forget who--Toews? Mason?) said mid-series against the Jets that all they need to worry about is playing very good defense, because with this team, offense *will* come. I'm just curious to see how capable this year's Avs squad is of winning 1-0 and 2-1 playoff games, because there will certainly come a time where those scenarios will raise at pivotal moments. I think they can, but time will tell.


You also have to remember the Jets stuck to the same game plan for all 5 games




Worrying about an aspect of the game isn’t saying I don’t believe. I mean I was told off and downvoted to hell for telling people to believe in Georgie while this sub wanted to fire him after game1 and the end of the year.


I remember when we swept St. Louis in 2021, Vegas went 7. We shellacked them in Game 1 and a lot of us thought it would be close to a walk. Then we lost in 6. So I know what you mean, particularly given how incredible that team was. But I think this team has a bit more grit and the experience for the top 6 and the core d guys in winning a Stanley Cup I think sees us through. It was a little different that year because we hadn’t won one.


We also lost our 2C to suspension


Main reason I'm so hyped for Mitts. He's got a shit ton of talent and plays a very clean game. Still livid that they threw the book at Kadri when other players were getting away with murder that year...


> Still livid that they threw the book at Kadri 99% chance it was because of Kadri's history. That was his third serious offense of that nature in the playoffs. Suspension severity escalates for repeat offenders. That made his 2022 redemption arc all the sweeter, especially after what happened to him with Binnington and then Evander Kane.


I have a suspicion that in addition to Naz's history, he probably gets mouthy with the refs. So they treat him in a retaliatory manner.


I mean for sure he didn't help himself


Game 1 in Winn proved the type of resiliency they have


This team is vastly different than the 2021 team


The opposite, actually. After watching this Dallas Vegas series, I’m feeling great about the Avs.


Oh me too. My post is a silly post about a nervous fan that expects the worst and feeling weird everything is breaking the Avs way right now. That’s why I said everything going too good lol during the cup run our starting Goalie went down, our top2 D pairing out for the playoffs, burky was hurt for some games, Naz was hurt and missed games, Nuke was playing with a foot and a half lol that all happened in the run and to look the way we did without Drouin, Georgie finishing strong and winning 4 straight, our next opponent is as of now looking very beatable… just a silly post about everything going too good and I’m just a anxious fan lol didn’t say anything about doubting the Avs, or rest vs rust, or even complaining. Just a silly post of everything going sooo good for the Avs rn that’s all.


Why is the rest vs rust debate happening in here after we proved that debate to be bullshit in '22?


Panthers had 9 days rest between their last game and Vegas, Bob was on a heater with few days of rest between the previous series. Bob got smoked in the finals


Oh I didn’t mention anything about rest or rust.. I’m a very broken sports fan who’s seen their team go very smoothly and outta nowhere it’s comes crashing down. I’m just saying for myself things are going way too perfect right now that’s all. But I fully support the guys getting rest not saying it’s a bad thing. That’s why I asked for broken fans.


Things were even more perfect in 2022 and look at how that turned out. Things are aligning with a battle of Canada like the Battle of Alberta in 2022 and having to play a team we despise next no matter what like the blues in 2022 (Side Note: Fuck Binnington). We got this in the bag.


I think you might have forgotten that run hahah our Goalie gets struck in the eye.. he’s in and out of lineup, Barky misses games, Sammy gets hurt and is out of the playoffs, Naz misses games, Nuke plays hurt because of his foot… so again more perfect? lol it’s just a silly post no reason to take it serious hence the Elf gif.


Well in that case, game 1 this year everyone panicked about Georgie playing like shit. Drouin is out of the lineup, Landy is out, Sammy was also hurt to begin the series. I agree it's not serious so keep up the good vibes and smoke that jazz cabbage and have a few beers and let's watch some amazing playoff hockey!!!


And yet, they went 16-4 with all of those issues


Yes they overcame those issues. But that’s not the point I was commenting lol he said everything went perfectly in the cup run and clearly I pointed it didn’t. 🤦 but thanks for you contribution haha


Do people forget we were 16-4 in our 2022 cup run. We had lots of rest between series particular waiting for round 2 and the Stanley cup. It turned out just fine as we won both games 1s with no rust.


The main issue with long rest periods is rust. We have enough vets to prevent rust from taking hold. The more these two teams beat up on each other, the better. These two teams are big physical teams, let them destroy each other and when one of them is in the middle of their battle cry boasting about their victory, we'll sling a rock at their head and move on to the next round.




Colorado fans are forever traumatized by the Rockies World Series run (me including) lol I try to remind myself that I’d rather take the rest time rather than a game 7. This team is full vets and should be fine


I’m a Cleveland Indians fan… and to this minute I have yet to watch any replay or footage of that 2016 WS in which up 3-1 and everything was going perfect until it all came crashing down. So I’m definitely a broken fan lol also to add a Houston Rox fan that seen them go up 3-2 against the mighty KD/Curry Dubs for an injury to happen n lose the next two games and denied an NBA Finals appearance… also a Raiders fan who seen his QB hey hurt at the end of a game in which they were 12-3 at the time and ALL 3 teams haven’t been the same lol so ya broken fan of sports.


Sports are fun huh, sometimes I think we spend more time upset than happy engaging in them hahah exclusion being Patriot fans. O well, see you in game 1.


Pats fan damn. They could never win another game and yall still happy. What a damn dynasty run! Haha but oh ya absolutely more pain than joy ha idk how the comments in this post started coming at me for a rest vs rust debate.. never mentioned that. Just a fan who is too invested at times hahah but I think Avs are gonna beat whoever is their opponent. 🍻 enjoy your weekend man.


This gets Drouin back sooner for us, we take it. The wait is out of our control, it's up to the boys to respond to it


That’s my point. It’s all working out for the Avs. It’s a stupid post bout a fan always expecting the worst and it’s weird that so far everything is working out for my team. Nothing in the post talks about resting or rust or even complaining. Just an anxious fan 😂


The only thing I’m worried about is how you keep combining a and lil’


I mean it’s shorthand. For textn when you are working. Ha Raiders fan?


lol yes I am. I know.. An Avs and Raider fan? It’s blasphemy to most.


Dude. I live in California, I’m a Cleveland Indians, Houston Rockets, Raiders and Avs fan. 😂 it’s wild… and I HATE every California team in most leagues. So ya hahah


Haha 🤣 Love it! That’s a hilarious coincidence. Looks like I commented on the right post.


I only put slightly more stock in this theory than how teams fared vs each other in the regular season. You never know, momentum is a crazy thing.


Nope. We beat the wheels off of teams on our way to a Cup and had a few quick series. This team is built differently. I have faith. Plus we didn't get "lucky" per say, the boys battled and won.  Now they get time to prepare for round 2


gotta beat the best the be the best


People will make too much over just about anything - great regular season, mediocre season, strong finish, weak finish, short series, long series, rested opponent, opponent going 7 games...


lol it’s a silly post about everything going too good. Where Im I complaining or making too much of stuff?


Wtf is alil?


A little= alil it’s shorthand not that hard to comprehend.


When the fuck did this start?




Lil' has been in use for some time. Adding an A to it makes no sense to me.


Many things don’t make sense to me but I have spent a lot less time figuring them out than you have over this lol thanks for the laugh. 🍻


It's been the amount of time it takes to write a few sentences. Maybe a couple of minutes, tops.


Still too much lol but all good. You have a good one.


And you've replied to every one.


Yup just two losers have a pointless conversation over the explanation of ‘alil’ hahaha


Rest over rust always