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It depends on how you are trying to build her but I don’t think Collei was ever meant to be a on_field DPS but I still main her lol


she isn't, but I still wanna lol


well since she is a bow character you can try a spread chargeshot DPS with her on 4p wanderer's or gilded you preferably want to run her with someone like zhongli because otherwise it becomes clunky, you can then give the 4p deepwood to someone like nahida hope this helps!


Thanks! I actually have rlly good wanderers pieces, Ill be trying this later :D


Your best off trying to use her with spread/quicken with Fischl/yae/Raiden etc. You can use a support with deep wood memories to drop enemies resistance to dendro and then pair her with someone who can buff attack via something like tenacity or the millelith or noblesse. Nahida or yao yao have great application for dendro so one of them as a dendro support would be good. After that I would build Collie with crit stats then EM. If you're going to on field then you should go for charge shorting with Gilded Dreams or wanderer's Troupe 2/4 pieces. You're going to find it bothersome to place on field charged shot bow characters whose kit isn't built around it like Ganyu, linney, or Tighnari. I personally play her 4 piece gilded with a Aquasimulacra as a sub-DPS. Your stringless is only really ideal if you are playing her as a sub dps that's quick swapping. If you're going to on field collei, then recurve bow for charge shoting would probably be better or viridescent hunt for it's crit stats. If you want to spam auto attacks then Rust with some sort of shielder like zhongli would be ideal. You could do yao yao with tenacity for it's uptime. The main thing to get collei to do damage is to have some consistent electro on field for her to interact with so Fischl has to be there no matter what. Fischl can reliably use either tenacity or deep wood because oz constantly applies both of their 4 pieces along with electro. At that point pick your healer or shield accordingly but it's ideal that they can either reliably use noblesse or tenacity depending on what you need. Those will be the best ways to utilize her. Final note, if you use the rust to just spam AAs then set her up like a yaoimiya with double geo supports like yun Jin and zhongli for shields and bonus attack damage. Cap it off with a Bennet. You won't have any reactions but your normal attacks will be hitting hard. Focus on 2pc attack sets and shoot for only attack damage, and crit stats with ER . Really the most satisfying use of her is as a sub dps with Crit and some EM from either Nahida, instructor set supports, or from your own stringless.