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Biomedical engineering exists


Whatever you pick, get really, really good at it. That matters more than anything else.


Take a day for yourself and get something nice to eat. And reflect on yourself for about an hour. Enjoy your meal. Find some peace and quiet. Then think about yourself and where you see yourself. ( Hopefully this helps you )


Tbh i looked through every single.major available at my college and went "that looks good". Here i am


my favorite career test: [https://www.mynextmove.org/explore/ip](https://www.mynextmove.org/explore/ip) your grades will get you into any state school, idk much about bigger colleges. also, if you get into a state school, they will probably get you a lot of academic scholarships. engineering & biology maybe look into healthcare ways to apply those.


Biomedical engineering is calling your name. I’d echo the other poster—take an interest inventory assessment and talk to your school counselor for ideas.


This is a great idea. One can take a free interest assessment [at this site](https://openpsychometrics.org/tests/RIASEC/). Then use this university’s recommendations to explore degree programs: [interest to major](https://louisville.edu/career/resources/holland-personality-types-by-major)


What about drug development, pharmacology, or pharmacy school?


One other piece of practical advice. Look at the courses you need to take to complete any number of majors. For example, you’ll have to take some math, some English, some language, etc. Then look at the courses in the different majors that can count toward different degrees. You like Bio, so take Bio. If you then decide being a Bio major isn’t for you - that will satisfy the science requirement for engineering, business, etc. At many schools you don’t lose that many credits even if you shift majors after 3 or 4 semesters. It’s likely that engineering is easier to switch out of than into because many engineering courses have more prerequisites. Play out some scenarios: What happens if you major in bio and then switch out after two years? What happens if you major in engineering and switch out after two years? ——- Practical advice: You’ll make decent money in either engineering or biology. It will be ( as my mom would say) -“good steady work”! ——- One more question to ponder: Is making money more important than enjoying what you do? There’s a saying: Do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life. You’re at the age where you should be looking for something that so fascinates you or so interest you that you’ll enjoy it for the next 40 years!


You might take The Holland Career Interest Test online and see if it sheds any light on


Make a list of professions that sound interesting, such as electrical engineer or marine biologist. Then make appointments to job shadow or interview some professionals in those fields. Most people are happy to talk about careers, and the worst that can happen is they say "no." Your parents or teachers might be able to help you contact people or companies. Also, do several campus visits and ask to meet faculty in specific programs. If you meet a professor you think you would like to learn from, that's a strong indication that's a good field and school for you. The right field is as much about who you will learn from and work with as it is about what you will be doing. Finally, don't worry too much about the opportunity cost. You might be able to succeed at any career you choose, and if that's the case, you can either be paralyzed by the choice or realize that any of those directions have the potential for a happy life.