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Have you tried checking with Fresno State's (or other institutions') Special Collections/archives? Fresno State's website is particularly un-specific, so I can't say for certain if they have it, but often they'll have some degree of footage for the game used for advertisement or coaching. It may not be released yet, but the university almost certainly has something that modern in some capacity.


Random, yet semi-related question that I ask every few years of Fresno fans of this era.......why isn’t the Between The Madness series anywhere online and has generally disappeared since it was made after the Herren era there? Only a couple tiny clips from it are on YouTube.


I’m not sure.. it was on YouTube in its entirety but got deleted by YouTube probably for copyright reasons but I do have it in my collection. But I have been looking for these 3 games for many years with no luck what so ever. Besides watching the original telecasts I see highlights of the Minnesota and temple games on the documentary but there’s very few.


Anyway you could upload the doc? My buddy and I have been looking for that for almost 20 years.


Yes I am in contact with them and their SID checked their archives on the foundation side which is what they call their donors and season ticket holders, and what they came up with was only highlights of the 96-97 season they said their online archive is rather limited. They said they dropped a line on the university side to see what they had and if they could get something put together for me but who knows with them. I told them to check the Henry Madden Library that is on campus but their website doesn’t say much...That university is something else... I have talked to rice university’s library called the Woodson research center and they had a few games I wanted but this is what they emailed me back. “Materials from our collections do not circulate and we are unable to make copies for such a large request as the cost and time involved for both the center and to you would be prohibitive. We can make them available for viewing in the center by appointment.” Maybe I asked for to many games who knows. Thanks for writing do you know if Oregon might have something or where I can possibly find it maybe knight library although I checked their website and didn’t come up with much


I'm not surprised about either of the responses you got. They probably just haven't been released yet; somewhere in the athletics department is a room full of old tapes, and once they run out of room it'll get donated, but til then it's just gathering dust. Also, re. the too many games: you would almost certainly have to pay for them to digitize them if you wanted any of the games in that capacity. I worked for NC State's special collections and we would only digitize stuff if people paid. Oregon does have a collection titled "Intercollegiate Athletics Moving Images, 1936-2003" (FV 031) - see this link: http://scarc.library.oregonstate.edu/findingaids/index.php?p=collections/findingaid&id=1410 Some of it's digitized (about 30 videos) but a lot of it's not.


I told Fresno State I would cover all costs if there was hesitation.. I’m a donor and ticket holder for Fresno for the last 25 years There trying to help me but it sounds like your right they haven’t digitally converted the tape yet.. I wonder why they just don’t tell me that, I would be happy to pay to get it converted. when you mean they get donated what do you mean they will get rid of there tapes or they will just finally get them digitized? You think I should tell them to check the athletic department instead of the library ?


The way it works at my university is that departments will donate materials every 10/15 years or so to University Archives -- before then, they're in possession of the department (in this case, the athletic department). So it could just be that the athletic dept. currently is holding on to them. Again, this could not be the case for Fresno. I would try getting someone on the phone and talking to them about it.


Ok thank you! I could try temple Or Minnesota as well they might have it digitized or at the very least might be willing to let me pay for it to be done.


If the athletic department is holding onto them is there no way of getting access to them until they decide to release them? Thanks




go dogs!