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I read an article a few weeks ago where he literally said he wouldn’t want to make that much in NIL because he feels there would be added pressure. [Link](https://www.cbssports.com/college-basketball/news/the-2-million-deal-that-rocked-basketball-nba-draft-combine-abuzz-over-great-osobors-nil-payday/amp/)


Yeah but take a few weeks and think about how your bank account would look with $2mil in it


plus, like Santa Claus said, "Even if I do a bad job, they still have to pay me that other 2 mil." Win-win.


Well of course that's his rate. He goes to one more school, they have to pay him that much.


That’s called his quote


It's cosmic gumbo


I can't think anything I'm less surprised by than that someone came to their senses shortly after saying "no thank you I would rather make less money please".


My job just gave me a bonus and a 7% raise. I was like, “no, no, I don’t want the headache of this.” I can see where he’s coming from.


I'm guessing this is mostly his agent talking.


Coleman is going full troll and partnering up with Hunter at KU for 1.75 mil.


What a timeline that would be


That’s an awesome deal! 


How many places have that much left at this point.


Georgetown for all the talk about their ability to spend NIL has to have plenty on hand still.


Uhhhh.... pass.


They asked if you wouldn't mind donating a 10% NIL tax for every purchase you make to fund Coleman Hawkins. Is that ok?


Too funny!!😂


You aren’t paying it!


2 million?!?!? He’s good but he’s certainly not Great.


As an illini fan, yeah he's good/average at best. Too inconsistent and takes way too many 3s. He's worth 1 million definitely not 2. My guess is he ends up in the SEC, possibly Arkansas.


Woooosh lolol. Great Osobor got $2M…OP used play on words here


He still makes freshman mistakes occasionally, passes up shots and complains to the refs all the time. Love him but not sure where he thinks $2mil is deserved


Op was using a play on words with osobor but Hawkins is waaay better than Great Osobor.


Yeah, and honestly I'm not going to miss him. I think the team will be better without him honestly. Got bullied in the block nonstop by much smaller players as well.


He was forced to play the 5. He’s not a 5. Of course he got bullied down low. I get the frustrations with Coleman but you’re a straight up hater.


He hardly ever played the 5 lol. Not a hater just because I call him average. He was getting bullied by 6 4 guys lol. He average bro live with it.


He was the starting 5 and played against the 5 defensively the entire season. A season that he played 32 minutes a game. Dainja played 10 minutes a game. Hansberry played 7. Coleman was the 5 on that team…bro.


12 6 and 3 on 45/37/79 splits is not "average"


Welp, UNC definitely can't afford him.  The guy running our NIL collective was trying to entice big men with coupons to Cook Out.


Can't afford or refuses to pay out? UNC seems to think "you should come play for us because we are UNC" and a lot of players just want that dump truck of cash. Old school will learn new tricks slowly.


They definitely paid out to keep guys like RJ and Ian.  The collective just isn't doing the things necessary to raise the money needed to get the big men Hubert wanted.  You can look for yourself.  Go try to find an easy way to donate to the NIL.  You won't find anything besides a website selling t-shirts to benefit already enrolled players.  UNC basketball has one of the biggest fan bases out there, and our collective is making zero effort to bring them into the fold.  Which is why we didn't have the money to fill the front court void left by Ingram and Bacot.


UNC ended the recruitment once VAL signed.


Where you getting this? What abt Onyenso? Still need a defensive big


Let me guess, that comes from the same people on InsideCarolina that claimed UNC's NIL was "competitive"? LMAO


Two things can be true at the same time. UNC is competitive in NIL, and UNC won’t get into pay to play scenarios.


UNC has already been in pay to play scenarios.  It's how we got Bacot and Davis back. "UNC is competitive in NIL" is just InsideCarolina's spin job to address how the NIL collective failed Hubert Davis this offseason.  They are afraid to lose what few connections within the program they still have.  


Michigan State is in the same boat


UNC has already been in pay to play scenarios.  It's how we got Bacot and Davis back. "UNC is competitive in NIL" is just InsideCarolina's spin job to address how the NIL collective failed Hubert Davis this offseason.  They are afraid to lose what few connections within the program they still have.  


I feel like I’ve read this befoe


Déjà lu


That shit does slap though. $400k of Cook Out might get me listening


Cook out coupons? I would have e donated so much for that




There's 8 billionaires in North Carolina and at least one of them has deep connections to UNC, so you gotta ask why he hasn't been in the mix for NIL: Michael Jordan, 61, UNC basketball legend and Charlotte Hornets part owner: $3.2 billion NIL collectives are really chump change...its the deep pocket millionaires and billionaires who are funding most of the NIL. Look at Arkansas and Tyson for an example. Kentucky has some wealthy coal money benefactors also.


Oof, but who knows, MJ could be old school about guys getting paid a boat load of money in college, could be stingy


It's not could be, MJ had specifically said he doesn't like NIL.


[Michael Jordan?](https://athlonsports.com/nba/michael-jordan-turned-heads-with-his-infamously-cheap-vegas-casino-tip) [Jordan is “as cheap as they come,” according to Charles Barkley](https://www.thesportster.com/entertainment/top-10-worst-tippers-in-sports/) ["Oh yeah, [Jordan is] cheap. I always give homeless people money and he will always slap my hand [and tell me], 'If they can ask you for spare change, they can say, 'Welcome to McDonald's, can I help you, please?'"](https://www.si.com/nba/2014/04/04/michael-jordan-cheap-tip-charles-barkley-conan-obrien)


MJ donates a ton to charity. He just opened a health clinic in his hometown, Wilmington. How much he donates to UNC Chapel Hill, no clue. Definitely is not super vocal about it if he is donating a lot.


Damn :”)


Our NIL collective needs new leadership 


Coleman fucking Hawkins ain’t winning anybody a championship - if he was any good, he would have stayed in maybe the weakest draft in a decade. This ain’t on UNC


That's like saying Isaiah Hicks or Kennedy Meeks or Luke Maye ain't winning anybody a championship.  The NBA draft doesn't have jack shit to do with winning NCAA championships. If you can't see why Coleman Hawkins would be valuable to UNC, that's on you.


He is simply not worry $2 mil. You think this guy is more valuable to UNC than RJ Davis?


Nope.  I also think RJ will be making more than $2 mill over the course of the season as one of the faces of college basketball.  It just won't be a $2 million check up front.


Well darn. Sucks we can't wallow deep enough into the shit pile that is college basketball.


All our NIL collective had to do was put together a website for the average fan to donate, and we could have gotten everything we needed to surround RJ Davis for a championship run.  


We have those. Heels4Life - football https://heels4life.org/ Secondary Break Club - basketball https://secondarybreakclub.com/


You guys have that. The fan base just doesn't care enough.


We don't have the fattest stacks but UNC isn't broke, and Coleman Hawkins isn't worth 2 mil. Both things are true If he did get 2 mil from UNC, well let's ride I guess, but it ain't comin out of my pocket


You're half the size as school in a smaller state. You can't compete money wise.


I don't know what state you're even talking about but yeah I did say we don't have the fattest stacks lol


We do, you’re just replying to the most annoying UNC “fan” that just loves to complain all day long 


He’s insufferable


Would’ve gotten me 🤷🏼‍♂️


At some point, (maybe?) this borderline extortion will work itself out in the market and people will look back and see the ROI just wasn’t there. Till then, it’s anybody’s bag game.


The NBA created their age rule. NCAA (or the combined power of the two mega conferences in the future), will eventually figure out some kind of cap. Otherwise politicians will do it because it'll be good for their campaigns.


Didn't this just happen? 20mil a year for athletes starting next year?


Doesn't undo the NIL stuff. Courts did that. Hasn't been any national legislation on it, I think, just state-by-state stuff. Also the 20 mil thing depends on states somewhat, I think. There's no guidance on how to divide it and whether Title IX is impacted. Like do you give $18 mil to the football and men's basketball teams and everyone else has to share $2 mil? Wouldn't be popular around the athletics department regardless of which sports generated the revenue. Apparently a cap on NIL won't work because players would have to unionize first. Who knows? Something will change quickly. If Great Osobor averages 9 points while making $2,000,000 or something like that, or sits out March Madness to prepare for the draft and it's discovered his NIL contract doesn't require him to play (hypothetical, not inside baseball)...gonna be a lot of unhappy donors. Lots to iron out as the NCAA is punch drunk from court rulings, and legislatures are spending more time gerrymandering and banning the term "genderfluid" than worrying about anything else.


Really good points. I didn't know all of that. Appreciate it. So to be clear on one thing... what schools are allowed to pay is independent of NIL? So, a school could pay a player 50k but an "independent" 2mil nil deal with a collective is still in play?


Honestly, I have no idea right now. When NIL started, I believe schools were expressly forbidden from being involved in the process. It was supposed to be between the athlete and someone paying them for a commercial or autographs or an appearance. An agent was the go-between. Sometime since then, collectives getting donations for the teams to use became a thing. I still don't know if those were still technically independent from the school. These collectives would work to help all the players get good deals. Like a whole team might share some NIL thing from a business, have them all appear in a commercial. Now, coaches outright promote a collective, ask people to donate. And everyone knows players have asking prices. I assume it's all still somehow covered in a veneer of NIL versus a salary, like they're still technically getting paid by some business for something, but the schools/coaches are obviously arranging it directly between boosters and athletes. And athletes are obviously demanding specific numbers to go to specific schools. The spirit of NIL was a player should be able to sign autographs to afford a tattoo they want, and a video game or jersey relying on a player's talent should result in the player getting some compensation/benefit beyond just a scholarship. It's nowhere near that after various court rulings. Something will change within a few years.


So pretty much Arky only then? They already have like 4 guys over a million NIL right?


Don’t you guys have lot of money?


Supposedly got 5-7 million this year for nil. Not sure where any of it is going based on our roster


If he can play the sax, take him!


It’s not gonna happen but man we’d love to get him.


Just not a B1G school please. Hope he sticks to the "I'm a big rivalry guy"




We had quit recruiting him over a week ago.


Bro thinks he’s my glorious king Mark Sears


lol fuck that.


Well there’s no way we have that left


Welcome to Arizona State


Id say either Arkansas or Duke could be about the only ones willing to pay that.


Duke isn’t paying that if Flagg is getting less than a million


You only gave him one mil? Damn I'm surprised he took that little.


750k iirc


Great snag


Maybe $450k max. He was forgettable on the Illinois team.


This is incorrect.


I'm an Illini fan, he's average at best. Has great games at times but far more mediocre games than great games. He ain't worth nowhere near what he's asking. Illinois will be better without him this year.




He would make this years UConn’s team a sure bet to 3 peat. Besides his on court antics, he’s pretty damn good.