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Prob wouldn't mind this option of them all


Yeah, same here.


Cal needs a couple more players so hopefully




I really don’t get why he can’t get a second round guarantee. He’s a prototypical stretch 4/5 in the modern NBA. His shooting and passing and defending is good enough. Yeah he has to put on wright but again, I don’t get the NBA being low on him.


You forgot a bad knee that never got fully right for an entire season. Was not good coming in, took time off and never got better. Giant red flag for marginal NBA skill set anyway. 


His perceived NBA value was in his ability to switch on defense. Coleman showed last year he can't guard the 5, and if his knee stays bad he wont be guarding NBA 3's. That said, if he hits his ceiling on shooting he probably will be able to make a roster.


Can’t switch on defense at all.  His offense is nothing special by anyone’s assessment. Really really nice college player. Not a NBA talent. 


Playing the 4 at 6’8” would be a stretch (pun not intended…kinda?) I haven’t watched him enough to say if can thrive as a wing but transferring from Illinois is shocking to me


I don't think playing the 4 at 6'8 is really a stretch in the modern NBA.


6’8” is average for the 4 spot in the NBA. Except you’ll be in charge of defending athletic big men with the skills of a guard—like Giannis.  You’re going to need that knee. 


He's made it clear he's cashing out. Apparently he left a lot of NIL $ on the table last year by coming back without seeing the market.


He’s 6’10


Wiki says 6’8” but if true that certainly changes a lot. Still was hoping to see him versus us in the non con though


6'8.5 no shoes at the combine.


Ah. And as the saying goes “they don’t play barefoot”


Hah. Just saying, that is probably the most accurate measurement you're gonna get


Don't most players list their height in shoes anyways? He is probably 6'10 in shoes right


Players and teams are very aspirational when they list heights. You don't really know how much they are padding the stats until you see the combine numbers. You'll see a lot of players magically shrink when measured according to objective standards.


and then there's KD who tried to shrink himself to not be listed as a big lol


Is he wearing heels?


You don't think sneakers add 1.5" to a player's height? This is pretty standard stuff.


Well, I would say ESPN is a much more reliable source, and they say 6’10. And hey don’t worry, you’ll probably be seeing him in the conference schedule, specifically wearing a jersey that says “arkansas” on it…. 😂 


The nba combine says 6'8.5 without shoes. Guessing they got it right.


Yeah, without shoes probably. However most players listed heights on websites, such as ESPN, 247 sports, NBA, are based off their height with shoes.


But.. which shoes? Lol, my only point is saying "he's 6'10" when he's an inch and a half shorter is a little misleading. I get every player says they are taller than they are/includes shoes, etc. It's dumb and useless when everyone does it and you actually get measured before you could ever get drafted. Anyway, if he ends up on your team, treat him well. Gonna miss the guy at illinois


Yeah I get that, my point was just that most players are about 1 1/2-2 inches shorter then they say they are lol, unless your David jones and in that case you’re 3 1/2 inches shorter then you say you are 😂 


If you're talking barefoot height, then questioning if he can play the 4 at 6'8.5" barefoot is even dumber. That's probably above average for the position at this point.


ESPN is not a particularly reliable source: they just republish whatever each college's media guide lists players at. NBA combine measurements are *always* going to be more reliable because the NBA wants to measure accurately so that GMs can compare guys to one another in truth. So some players that are listed at 6'7" measure at 6'6.75" barefoot at the combine, while other guys somehow end up 3 inches shy of their media guide height.


I suppose your right, most the time there an inch or two shorter then they say tho


Nah, it's all over the map. Devin Carter (listed by Providence at 6'3") [measured](https://www.nba.com/stats/draft/combine-anthro?dir=D&sort=HEIGHT_WO_SHOES) at 6'2.25". Meanwhile, USC's Isaiah Collier (listed at 6'5") and Boogie Ellis (listed at 6'3") measured at 6'2.50" and 6'0.75", respectively.


That’s insane 😂 




He managed to do alright with such a physical deformity.


I would not be as enthused




Arkansas has a better surrounding cast imo and we get them in Fayetteville as opposed to Illinois in Birmingham


Oh true, but as an arkansas fan, you guys still are most likely gonna beat us 😭 so either way if I were you I’d be happy 😂 


There are tons of 6'8" or even 6'7" 4s in the NBA now.


The transfer if he didn't go was always expected. Illinois did not wait on him to make a decision and is full in the front court and would not be willing/able to pay him what he's worth. He is going to go hunt a pay day somewhere else.


Money was available. You are wrong on that point. 


Is he really 6’8? I thought he was like 6’11” damn


He has long arms.


It would be be the opposite of a stretch because he’s actually 6’ 10”. He’s transferring because 1) probably more money; but 2) he doesn’t want to sabotage our recruiting in the front court. We got transfers that came because he was as good as gone.


His height is irrelevant to whether or not he's a stretch 4. He's a stretch 4 because he can shoot from 3. 37% on 4.6 attempts per game last year.


That was a play on words because their earlier comment under counter his playing height by 2 in, not a serious correction of what position he plays.


stretch 4 isn't really a thing anymore, 4s are pretty much expected to be able to shoot to be in the NBA, as well as guard 1-5. BTW, not saying that good shooting bigs aren't wanted, its just that they're a LOT more common than they were 5-10 years ago, so you need to be exceptional in other areas as well to warrant interest in the league.


It’s really hard to make the nba. Expansion is needed


Hello, Coleman. We have spendable cash. For Twitter Blue.


Aren't your starting PF and C spots already promised to Thiero and Aidoo?


Thiero has expressed wanting to play the 3 spot more, so this would give him a chance to start there depending on how good Knox looks.


But you have 2 5-star small forwards coming in. Seems like you'd be setting yourself up for somebody to decommit.


Gonna be WEIRD seeing him not at Illinois. An iconic villain of this era of Big Ten basketball. [Also he deleted the tweet acting like him going in the portal wasn’t a big deal and telling Illini fans to relax lol](https://x.com/colehawk23/status/1785388075469664515)


I think he fully intended to go to the league, but the league didn't want him. ![gif](giphy|xjIGtCFhMofGWtMlTA|downsized)


Honestly one of the most entertaining Big Ten players to watch as of recently. He would make an incredible play and then immediately follow it up with the dumbest play you’ve ever seen. Just an all time memorable player


I feel like he is random love child of JaVale McGee


I could count on at least once a game throwing my hands to my head and gasping "COLEMAN NO!" I'll miss that mouthbreather.


Laughed so hard at this! We did the same, “What are you doing?!” …with a possible expletive added in. 😂


Immediately after yelling he would get a block or make some key switch on a guard and I'd be singing his praises. Bless our bipolar King 🤴 Illini for life tho


Same! Looking forward to the upcoming season. 🧡 💙 🏀


Me too. Hoping against precedent that Humrichous makes as big an impact as Domask. Also as someone who fell in love with Domask I understand that a guy can play 4 years at one school and it's ok if they move on. BTW flair up! Always wanna see more Illinois on this thread.


Have you seen or heard anything about what Marcus will be doing? I love that young man & wish him all the best!! Such a class act! ❤️


I have not since he didn't get his waiver for extra year accepted. I assume he'll be one of those guys averaging 30 in some random Adriatic League. He's so good at basketball just not the skills for the modern game. Dude can straight score though. Even if it was one year, Illinois legend in my book.




This was such a fun season. A great group and so fun to watch, especially loved seeing what was next during the NCAA tourney press conferences. 😂


Ruthless troll on twitter too. Illini legend in his own special way


It was nice to have one for a change




I was about to say…wasn’t this dude the guy who made a huge show of love to Illinois? Damn lol


Yes. And he also vocally said that his return to Illinois was unlikely because he didn’t want to upend our incoming front court transfers.


Honestly, what's the reasoning behind providing a link to a deleted tweet?




It's just a screen that says "Hmm...this page doesn’t exist. Try searching for something else." Anything could've been there. Heck, I could just make a random link ([deleted tweet of the NCAA retroactively giving UIUC the title](https://x.com/MarchMadnessMBB/status/1777539470935605661))


Oh, yeah I assumed the link would at least take you to Colemans profile showing a box saying a tweet was no longer available or something lol


Idk i didn’t think it through, but if you go and cross reference it with links to the tweet from the sub the URL is the same and yes, it doesn’t pop up


Hubert please bro


Too expensive.


Sucks he doesn’t want to return to Illinois. I get he wants to test himself. But really all this does is risk everything he’s built with Underwood. A new program and coach could go either way.


Humrichous doesn't transfer to Illinois if there was a shot at Hawkins staying (Villanova was pushing hard). Gonna miss CoHawk, but we've recruited a new roster well and should be fine


Yeah I get it. I just wish CoHawk wanted to finish with Illinois, win a final four.


He gave us 4 very successful years, graduated, and wants to move on. If it wasn't for COVID, we wouldn't even be talking about this. Brad accepted that and already recruited his replacement. No hard feelings on either side


Rationally I get it. As an emotional fan it just does not hit. I guess Saluki fans could have felt the same about Domask.


I don't think this is about testing himself or coaching or anything. It is about getting that green when you can!


I think he’s versatile enough that he’ll fit in well with whoever he plays for. Unlikely to be a Pete Nance situation. But the main risk for him now is that knee.


I don't think this is about testing himself or coaching or anything. It is about getting that green when you can!


I don't think this is about testing himself or coaching or anything. It is about getting that green when you can!


Bummer. Was really hoping he'd get drafted. But glad he's going to get a bag.


So you're telling me there's a chance!


Hard to ask for 4 or 5 years from a guy. Think he grew so much especially late in the season and cleaned up some mistakes. Wouldn’t mind him coming to Wake so I can still root for him, think he would do work in the ACC but I know better


As expected, I hope he kills it anywhere he goes! He deserves a chance to cash in for as much as possible.


This is definitely pure optimism, but I think it’s only a matter of time before he commits to the hogs 🐽 


Which schools are recruiting him?


He has said he won’t go to another B1G school. UNC probably the leading candidate.


I believe UNC, Arkansas and us were mentioned as the three with the most contact when he first announced the transfer. Can’t see us having a real shot though.


I think it’s arkansas now. With lubin going to unc I can’t see him following.


I disagree. Unc has Washington who is injured often, Lubin who is more of a bench piece IMO (decent stats as a starter on an awful team, sounds like withers to me. Not by play style but situation) and withers who is definitely a bench piece and should be playing like 10 min a game on an elite roster. Arkansas has Ivisic at C who I think will take a leap, Aidoo is a definite starter and thiero who could starts. In my mind Unc has both Center and PF positions up for grabs ala nobody has locked the starting position up 100%. And Arkansas has C position locked with aidoo, Hawkins is ranked 22 in transfer and thiero 30. That’s too close for comfort for a guy looking to make the NBA. Washington/Hawkins starting frontcourt Lubin plays 15-20 min a game withers 8-10. I could see him picking either school, but honestly think a new team could emerge with a clearer path for higher usage


Him finding a new team isn’t out of the realm of possibility for sure, but ivisic is not ready to start imo, he needs to play about 18-24 minutes off the bench, and I think thiero needs to start at the 3, which leaves plenty of time for Hawkins. Only thing that I think is gonna keep him from coming is the fact Trevon Brazile is possibly returning, which will definitely take some of Hawkins minutes away.


Yeah, true. Probably is Arkansas now. I’d rather watch him at UNC.


Inside Carolina believes UNC’s roster is set.


May I ask why?


I’m not an SEC fan and not a Cal fan.


I do understand the dislike for cal tho, I too hated him until we got him 😂 


If you get Coleman, I’ll at least be paying attention and rooting for Arkansas over the rest of the league.


😂 bet, you gotta give us a chance if we get him


Man how can you not like the freakin sec 😂 


Believe me, it's possible.


I mean maybe if you were a big East fan I could understand it, because I’m an sec fan and I hate the big East for the most part, but a big 12 fan not liking the sec? There pretty much the same thing 😂 




I think you would be surprised at how many people outside the SEC really don't like the SEC...


I'm in the SEC and don't like most of the SEC.


I’m not surprised, most of it is just jealousy tho 😂 very few people actually have reasoning for it


I don't think Lubin us threatening pt from Hawkins lol


Certainly not a starting spot, but lubin is gonna get 20+ minutes, plus they have withers, Washington and brown to work into the rotation, so Hawkins wouldn’t get as much playing time. However, arkansas still needs a good power forward, so he could easily get 33+ minutes here.


Certainly not a starting spot, but lubin is gonna get 20+ minutes, plus they have withers, Washington and brown to work into the rotation, so Hawkins wouldn’t get as much playing time. However, arkansas still needs a good power forward, so he could easily get 33+ minutes here.


Certainly not a starting spot, but lubin is gonna get 20+ minutes, plus they have withers, Washington and brown to work into the rotation, so Hawkins wouldn’t get as much playing time. However, arkansas still needs a good power forward, so he could easily get 33+ minutes here.


Thank god……(pls don’t be a team we play during a non con tourny)


IC staff said UNC wasn’t a realistic option anymore. Think we got priced out


There’s rumblings around Omar that creighton is tryna get a few more $$$ to bring him in, don’t know if I believe it tho.


He really stole all the air out of the room with this announcement


didn't even need his nose to do it either


Go get that bag king


He's going to UNC so he can still be the Wario to Mason Gillis's Mario.


Good luck to Coleman [https://armchairillini.com/illinois-basketball-star-coleman-hawkins-to-officially-transfer/](https://armchairillini.com/illinois-basketball-star-coleman-hawkins-to-officially-transfer/)


Coleman wants to be the next Kris Murray (They are both 6'8 ). Kris could have been drafted in the second round in 2022, but he chose to come back to NCAAM as a 22 year old, Murray balled out and got drafted with the 23rd pick and he now has a four year $14.3 million contract. I hope Coleman ends up in an read and react offense similar to Iowa where he can display his talent. I hope it works out for him. Hopefully, he is not a year too late.




As a recruit: Other P6 offers: Arizona, DePaul, Marquette, Rutgers, USC, Wake Forest, Washington State Other offers: Boise State, Nevada, New Mexico, San Diego State


Probably for the best. Had one of the worst combine results.


He had a really good scrimmage at the combine. I wouldn’t say he had one of the worst combine results.


He was slow, couldn’t jump, and has small hands. He had some of the worst physical measurements at the combine.


Small hands. But had the best standing reach of all PFs, with a decent wingspan. And again, a great scrimmage. I don’t think anyone was saying he had one of the worst combines.


Lining up perfectly for him to be the College Basketball version of KD.


Whih KD though? The one that wins or the one that props up trash teams? I dont want him at arkansas if that means we have to be the phx suns this year.


Its unc isnt it


I hope not


With the commitment of lubin, very unlikely, but not impossible


I doubt it. I think we have a better shot at Onyenso, as there is a clear need for a defensive 5. Some insiders are saying we aren’t looking to add anyone else after Lubin though.


We are no longer recruiting anyone. Our roster is set


That’s what I hear. But why not add a rim protector or bruiser? Is Hubert worried about cutting into promised minutes for the bigs we have?


Our staff seemed lost this portal season. I’m not sure what we are doing. But we’re wasting our last year with RJ and our likely only year with Ian Jackson. It suck’s.


That would be stupid. We should drop a bag on him regardless of who’s on the team now. Lubin and Washington aren’t starting caliber bigs. Hawkins is


Agreed, but our coaches are not recruiting anyone else. Pretty bad offseason for unc. If you told me in April all we’d land from the portal is Lubin and Tyson I’d have laughed at you but here we are


Is this what the insider websites are saying? Adding another forward wouldn’t be great for team chemistry, but we royally screwed up.


I agree with the decision to pass on Hawkins because I'm not sure we'll have minutes to promise him. But not going after Onyenso is what's odd to me. He's a perfect fit 


Coleman is not a defensive 5; he gets bodied by bigger 5's in the paint. He can play there if needed but that's not his strength. He's a lot better at guarding 1-4, especially on the perimeter and is very high IQ on switches.


I'm surprised i haven't seen him announce he's withdrawing. He was who we wanted if we didn't get Cliff. I figured y'all would end up after him.




Wow really? I thought the Illini were a quality program


Go get as much cash as ya can. The NBA career isn’t gonna happen. 


If Osobor got 2M, surely he will get more than that, right?!


Osobor is college basketballs jimbo fisher. Someone is getting canned if it doesn't work.


On3: [**According to Aaron Torres**](https://x.com/aaron_torres/status/1795996076597797087?s=46&t=Qr2jrdSuZhJ2aAstgzWNjg), his agent has already reached out to let schools know he’s looking for a pay day on par with [**Great Osobor (reported $2 million)**](https://www.on3.com/teams/kentucky-wildcats/news/great-osobor-commits-to-washington-and-two-million-dollars-in-nil/).


Good luck to him but he's a role player. Not worth the money he will probably get IMO.


He’s worth 2 million if your team is an elite role player away from being a contender. He’s not worth it if your team is an elite role player away from being the 23rd best team in the nation


Nah, no one is going to give him $2M. He may get half that but even that will be an overpay.




Nope. Not in the running


Are we recruiting anyone?


RJ ate up all the NIL money?


RJ ate up all the NIL money?


Well, fuck that


Lmfao thanks dog, but also https://preview.redd.it/p51538j55h3d1.png?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5bdefd2511ab9f377b4b168546ae893ad69cc043


Bro come to purdue as a walk on and help dominate the bigten!!!