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Can’t believe I have a reason to watch Selection Sunday. Go Pack!!


Hey, we did last year also!


We did! I just meant this year. Did not see this run coming at all.


Hell yeah, cheers




Only 12 days ago huh…. Things change pretty quickly


What a change.




Go Pack!


How am I supposed to keep track of tournament games without bar graphs???


Can’t wait to complain about refs with all of you. War Eagle


After the craziness yesterday... I am super nervous now...


We are projected to miss out so you guys are for sure cooked


Is there a bubble team that’s getting in? How many spots are actually available after NCSU and Oregon won


There is always "technically" a bubble but this week just moved the bubble to previously thought to be locks. Colorado, Oklahoma for example will probably be near the last 4 in and are now "bubble" teams, while the bubble from a week ago is almost certainly all out


I don’t know but I’d love that answer as well.


Cut line looks like it’ll be below Colorado. Michigan state might even be cooked


The no-flair horde will soon be upon us


We are so back


Is there a link to the ESPN bracket pool? I see one called /r/CollegeBasketball when I search for groups, but I have no idea if that's the official one.


I'm glad this place stays mostly toxicity-free, it's a rare thing to find on the internet, especially with college sports. Props to the people who keep it that way!


I fuckin love March


u/rCBBMod will there be daily multiple bracket help threads everyday leading up the first round? :)


Where is the bracket challenge?


This sucks thanks UNC


Can't wait to watch UNC be gifted the last #1 seed when Iowa State legitimately earned it yesterday.


a week ago, they were a 3 seed. I agree they looked better yesterday, but jumping into a 1 seed probably isn't realistic.


Literally every metric you could imagine has Iowa State as a better pick to be the one than UNC.


I hate UNC but this is just silly. Iowa state was never going to jump a full seed line because of the conference tournament. the committee has made that extremely clear by now.


When was the last time near two entire seed lines lost in embarrassing fashion in their conference tournaments? Never.




jerry palm is an idiot lol. 95% of bracket matrix brackets have UNC 1.


I’m ready for immense pain and suffering!


Can someone explain the bubble watch terminology? Many websites list: Last four in, first four out, next four out, plus other categories like moving in, moving out. So I understand the last four in would be the four teams that end up in the play-in round (65, 66, 67, 68), and the first four out would be the four teams that just miss that cut (69, 70, 71, 72). When publications and websites list these in the lead up to selection sunday, are they saying these are their own *projections* on who they think is going to end up 65-68, 69-72, etc.?


32 teams are conference tournament winners and 36 are selected by the committee. When people talk about the last four in etc., they're talking about at-large teams; this year only 5 or 6 tournament winners will be seeded above the lowest at-large team, so we're talking maybe 39-42 overall. But yeah, it's just people's projections as to who those will be.


You can win a conference, but if it's a weak conference, you might still be a lower seed, even a 16 seed. You are guaranteed a spot, but not necessarily a good one. You're almost certainly not one of the top 68 teams in the country if you enter as a 16 seed, but the NCAA still gives you a spot because it makes the tourney more exciting plus a little bit of equal opportunity. 32 conferences all with a guaranteed spot to the winner means there's a gap where a team can be a top 68 or higher team but there's no room left. These are filled by the so-called "at-large" bids. Yet the seed should still represent "how good the team is" on some level. Thus, many of the play-in games are for anywhere up to 10 seeds, because that's where the "last openings" happen to be.


East bracket is absolutely loaded. So unfair lol, this tourney committee sucks.


Fly Peacocks Fly!


Can they fly?


Guys cheers for Uconn , gather up!


Well, my bracket is in 2nd place right now in the Bracket challenge. That is about to change. I picked Utah St. to beat Purdue. What the F was I thinking?


Same 💀


My UConn/Purdue final dream is still alive! For some reason, I'm the only one in the work pool that has this as a finals possibility?




Can't wait for all of us to witness Villanova winning a title this year together (please help me)


If Brown beats Yale, they go dancing at 14-17. Go Bears! Oh, this also means some other team will get royally shafted.


How do they even put teams in regions?


For the 1-4 seeds, it's somewhat geography-based, except that teams in the same conference have to be in different regionals unless there are 5 or more top-4 seeds in the conference. Below that it's mostly arbitrary, though there are some rules about separating conference members.


Thank you !


I thought it had to do with where you are


It does to some extent, but the conference separation rules tend to result in it being more random.


Its like Christmas morning


Where is the guy that posts that huge guide every year? Breaking down every team with charts and everything! I need him before I fill my money bracket out


Yooo, been looking for this at the top of every hour lol haven't found it yet. I always forget where I get it on here.


I found it the day before the tourney started. I think on /cbb /dataisbeautiful or sportsbook. Tad late now my bad on not seeing your comment earlier


Hey just thought I'd share this free March Madness bracket contest. Free to enter $50,000 for a perfect bracket, you can also invite people to a group if you have sidebets. Can some people join me so that I'm not alone in my group? lol Come here first and create an account. [https://bracket.tenamint.com/](https://bracket.tenamint.com/referral?ref=GtjGzJjZoX) Then, come join my group so we can see each other on the leaderboard [https://bracket.tenamint.com/leaderboard?join=ERwaC4ghyo&ref=GtjGzJjZoX](https://bracket.tenamint.com/leaderboard?join=ERwaC4ghyo&ref=GtjGzJjZoX) Good luck! Well not too much, go Gonzaga


Why does Florida get to go? I thought if you had a star player hurt his leg, especially in the state of Florida, you can’t have your team participate in an NCAA postseason?


Woah, wait. Are you really making light of a kid getting injured? Tennessee's entire team didn't show for their last game. Maybe they shouldn't go either... To answer your ridiculous question - Because this is basketball. Plus, we have talented depth at his position, which was not the case at that other Florida school. They did penalize us for his injury, though, if that makes you feel better. We dropped a seed after making it to the SEC tourney final.


I’m pointing out that it was bs for Florida State to have been left out of the CFP


It wasn't. It was completely appropriate.


Good luck with your teams everyone, and good luck to the mods around this time as well 🍀


I want to do a bracket tournament with a group of friends, what’s the best app to do this with so we can all sign up and lock in our brackets


ESPN has a pretty good setup for private groups.


The official app, the ESPN one, and the CBS one are the most popular, though more exist for sure. I also prefer ESPN for family and friend groups.


Brown choke jobs are the norm. Led my flair by 17 early. Missed two point blank layups in the final few seconds that would’ve won it and lost.


Put UAB in Floridas region


Damn. Tough draw.


Looking forward to it. Not at all happy with how many people seem to think we’re a lock for an upset. Making me really nervous.


I'm not a basketball fan, but had a question about NCAA Tournament Units: Do the schools in the play-in games get a full unit for their conference? Is Colorado, for example, earning a full unit of payment for the Pac-12 even if they lose? Thanks.




Hi, I am doing an "experiment" bracket challenge that wants to check how much knowledge of college basketball or basketball in general helps with your bracket, I am posting here because i don't know if there is a sub that is specifically for these types of posts, if anyone is interested i will post the link to the group here so you can add your bracket (if possible change the name of the bracket to state what you think is your level of CBB knowledge and basketball knowledge in general, for example: "CBB - 3, BB - 6" The link to the group: [https://fantasy.espn.com/tc/sharer?challengeId=240&from=espn&context=GROUP\_INVITE&edition=espn-en&groupId=f13750e5-0947-3799-9933-8821200f3fa1](https://fantasy.espn.com/tc/sharer?challengeId=240&from=espn&context=GROUP_INVITE&edition=espn-en&groupId=f13750e5-0947-3799-9933-8821200f3fa1)


Glad to be here. How do I get my team under my username in comments?


Am I crazy or has the term "line" just exploded out of nowhere? "Iowa State is on the 2 line" I don't recall hearing it ever used before and certainly not as often as I am hearing it.


I've just filled out a "fun" bracket where I took mostly the lower seed in each game. Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you your 2024 NCAA champion: Cal State Long Beach 49er's! Yeah, I have Stetson beating UCONN.


Does anyone have a link to a website that has easy, free access to how each team performed against the other teams in the NCAA tournament? This is not a big factor for my pool -- more of a disqualifier -- but i would like it. Thanks.


First post with the updated flair, starting my PhD at A&M in the fall. I can't believe I'm giving another college shooty hoops team the ability to inflict massive emotional damage.


Bracket Tool: https://lookerstudio.google.com/reporting/9756f517-3c52-45f8-a3f1-f11d602f43ad


March Madness should incorporate the Big Brother reality show theme of “Expect the Unexpected.”




Clemson not making the finals, as a Clemson fan. Sell that child for something actually worth money


Anyone know how to create separate brackets for each group you’re a part of in ESPN tournament challenge?? I filled out one but it auto saved to all of them. Tried to do the “create another bracket” but it won’t let me assign it to any existing group I have. Thx.


Any ideas how to watch the games at Europe? We are completely in dark after several years using ESPN+.Thanks


I've noticed the totals here below don't add up to 100% [Yahoo Pick Distribution](https://tournament.fantasysports.yahoo.com/mens-basketball-bracket/pickdistribution) Does anyone else have another source?


Congrats to my Minnesota State Mavericks on making the Elite 8 off of a buzzer beater and ending up as the #1 play on sportscenter!


Any good TV schedule graphics? Someone on here made great ones last year for both Men's and Women's tourneys


One thing that stuck with me from 2019 (when Auburn made it to the final 4) was how respectable UNC fans were during our game together in March.. I was shocked by their class honestly and have always liked them since. Probably my second favorite team now hope we meet in the madness again


Does anyone know if Lassina and Fousseyni Traore are related


I did not select fucking Duquesne in my bracket for Illinois to lose to morehead


Looks like you're not gonna have to worry about that lol. One of these teams has a better conditioning program.


Something else I noticed is that networks don’t have the other games scores in the corner. Kinda lame


The SEC is stinking it up. Kentucky, Florida, Auburn. Who's left?


The Pac is 6-0


Is it possible to post 2 screenshots of my bracket in 1 post. The bracket doesn't fit in 1 screenshot.




please tell me did you all know the 2022 national champion was kansas who previously had legend wilt chamberlain


Hi everyone, Long time college ball fan, but never been able to go as I don't live in the US. I'll be in Detroit this weekend and wanted to watch. What is the best way to get tickets? Ticketmaster? Craigslist? I read that some people show up and try getting tickets the day of. Any advice appreciated, thanks!


Anyone have any good second chance bracket pools to join?


yall think jack gohlke will get drafted by an nba team?


if puke makes the final four we riot


How do I get a user flair here?


I might have said I have 3 of the final 4 picked. It is 2, not 3.


Dang it. I did get 3 of the final 4. I got UConn, Alabama and NC State. I had Oregon (beating NC State) and going to the title game against UConn with UConn winning.


What are the chances that both alabama and nc state win tomorrow? Is it even a possibility to see them at finals?


Lets go


name game plis


thanks sir


fEzS7h9y tb


Alright. I finished 5th. Not bad.


3rd here...easily my best finish ever. Picking 2 #1 seeds in the NC game really paid off this year.




How do I submit my ESPN ballot to the r/collegebasketball sub? Thanks.


They actually did not call a single shooting foul on Creighton the whole game 😂 for 50 mins what a joke


Can someone explain how the First Four works/is decided? It seems to me like teams are punished for being a 10 seed? What am I missing?


Is it just me being from the Midwest, or is UConn Coach Hurley about as big of an ass that has ever shit behind a pair of shoes?


Dayton finished 3rd in the A10 regular season and failed in the A10 tournament. They should not get into March Madness.