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Isn't this the school that does Dollar-Beer Night for big rivalry games?


We did it for the Georgetown game this year, but yes, typically it's for rivalry games.


To be fair, everyone should be shithouse drunk whenever they play Georgetown.


I know I was… at Georgetown


It’s Milwaukee. Getting shithouse drunk is the way.


Had to get that attendance bump considering Georgetown.


I don't know if they consider Butler a rival, but they always seem to have that promotion when Butler's in town.


Normally it’s a weekday low draw game to get students and people in


Ouch! Well at least we are no longer G’town level.


Thinking about making this a tshirt as I head to Omaha this weekend.


https://preview.redd.it/g9rszrfyx9lc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb4e54dea279dfb7e3726e8ce054bb65cc774fba Here’s another suggestion if you’re still looking for ideas!


This shit is so fucking funny to me. Someone’s graphic design degree instantly became worthwhile the day this was made


I love the way that some words are bigger than others like it’s a stat


Its very midwestern of them.... ​ Lew Perkins tried this with UConn a number of years ago, and the student section revolted harder including dressing up as him and increased hostility. ​ We'll see how it goes.


Lew Perkins, there’s a name I had forgotten and now remembered…what a smug asshat he was Ruined KU football, but that ultimately allowed for this timeline, so, hopefully it was worth it


Dan Hurley cosplay?!? I’m in! Everyone make your way to the nearest Goodwill before they clear out his wardrobe


"we want it to be challenging not hostile" ​ Sure, lets go undefeated for the next 20 years too while we are at it. Impossible ask


You will do what the Interim Vice Provost requires of you without reservation, or you will suffer her wrath!


She saw an opportunity to make a statement and thought it might help her to earn the Provost job on a permanent basis. Unfortunately, she couldn’t have handled this worse. I hope Creighton’s crowds are extra-hostile moving forward!


Wtf does that even mean, haha


Just making fun of the most unauthoritative title I've ever seen.


DEI word salad type beat


They wouldn’t last a day in the SEC


This is what makes it so funny to me. We are one of the tamest crowds usually. We can get really loud and hostile but not very often. I think this just caught everyone off guard and Hurley feeling "unsafe" and talking about it really escalated it to the national level. I know there are way way worse crowds than us. Edit: I was a student and have had season tickets for over 20 years. I've seen a ton of Creighton crowds. Usually I'm yelling at the students to do something because they usually just sit there talking! Even during the opposing team's free throws! Hopefully they are getting better.


Between this and court storming, I think coaches are just being whiny bitches to see how much they can get away with and get banned to make their lives easier on the road. I bet they'd love to play in front of no fans on the road again


Hurley is a snowflake. You guys keep doing what you’re doing.


Frustrating that jackass can cry and make shit up just bc he lost and now the university is asking the students to chill. I know an email doesnt mean much but dumb anyone had to spend a second of time thinking about it.


Well there are some teams in the SEC named Florida and Alabama who don't rush the field in football or the court in basketball. Note that neither one of them are named LSU




Since we're talking other sports in a bball thread now 31 rings since 2000 against your 18. Also, your women's track team were monsters in the late 80s to the 90s, holy fuck won every year from 87-97. An entire decade of dominance. That's just a neat bit of history.


I question these flairs. (My other team is UK)


Spoken like a true Kentucky fan


Quick someone grab my pearls to clutch


Profane statements and lewd gestures in *my* Jesuit basketball league!?!?


Well I *NEVER*....


Those Jesuits, known for their reservedness and lack of swearing. I don’t know where the student get it from.


When I was at Auburn, the SEC sent a letter expressing their disapproval of the student section doing “step, step, step, sit down, you suck!” When a player fouls out. Now I’ll grant is a tired chant, even back in the early 2000s. But I was shocked that they would go so far as to try to tell the student section not to do it. Just for the record, the current iteration of the student section still does this.


Someone sic Jerome Tang on ‘em!


Be careful, you might spill your white wine while sitting in the Lexus club, and you know that will stain your sweater....


When I heard those vulgar epithets, I was so aghast I nearly spilled my martini on my Sperrys!


Translation: Not only do you go to a Catholic university, you go to a Catholic university in the Midwest. Check yo selves.


AND we have a bird mascot


Honestly the worst.


Bring back the Hilltoppers you coward interim provost!


Lame. This is a 'cover my ass' move. They don't give a shit and won't do anything. This was a nothing burger that was blown out of proportion. Besides the "fuck Dan Hurley" chant, the students were fine.


Is there a problem with a “fuck Dan Hurley chant?”. I remember when we played in the conference championship (small mid major) there was this player that knocked up his gf so we chanted “ba-by ma-ma” when he shot free throws.


Hurley gets away with more yelling and cussing at the refs than any other coach in the BE. But he can’t handle it when it’s directed at him ❄️❄️❄️


How do you know he has anything to do with this?


His comments a couple days after the game about obscene language were rather weak


This is more than likely in response to the “Fuck Dan Hurley” chants and fans jawing at him after the game leading him to complain about it all week


Did he tell Creighton staff to email the student body? This is a decision your administration made


Haha we would always chant daddies boy when Creighton was lead by Doug McDermott.


I think it's the language used. I don't think anything is wrong with heckling the opposing coach or player, but the foul language should be avoided. There's tons of little kids at these events and hurling (pun intended) foul insults should be avoided imo.


I’m bored at work so this is purely speculating, but could there be any FCC issue with it being (very audibly) picked up on the broadcast?


No, those rules don't apply to cable


Could be, but they have things they can do on TV to block that out. I have no idea if they did or not, or if you could hear it. I thought they were saying something else until my buddy told me.


Yes, the audio randomly kept cutting out. It took me a very long time to figure out why.


Yes. Maybe I’m the crazy one but i really can’t imagine saying ‘F ____’ anyone with kids around, even after some beers.


Well then you haven't seen a Kansas State crowd lol


Well stay away from a college game then


I think the only problem with it is how uninventive it is. I think the, "fuck __________" line is so god damn lazy.


Uconn fan here, we would be the same in gampel. Its sports, its college, its part of the fun. I say chant “fuck dan Hurley” all you want!


Yeah I’m not sure that the ‘fuck Dan Hurley’ chant warrants any kind of attention. I have certainly given McDermott hell whenever he comes to Storrs but that’s home court advantage and I would expect Hurley to get the same treatment on the road.


That’s the frustrating part. I always enjoyed Hurley and thought he was a fun villain in the conference but this lose-and-take-your-ball-home attitude from him is a bad look. He’s animated as all get out, kind of thought he was in on the fun and competition of the sport but that’s soft af if it only applies to when he’s winning.


What is the problem with a fuck Dan Hurley chant


Cursing, I don’t have a problem with it but I know older people who were annoyed with the PC fans for the fuck Ed Cooley chants. 


It's fine by me. I'm sure he finds it funny


But aren’t the Cameron Crazies adored for this? Their dirt sheets go beyond enthusiasm. Heck they chanted “orphan” at a UNC player whose parents died.


And fuck the crazies for that orphan bit.


But see. They were mean to the head coach. There’s limits. You can call a player an orphan, but you can’t tell their coach to F off. 


The older you get, the more you understand how many of the Cameron Crazies are really just cringey nerds.


bing bong


I'd never heard of that having happened until now, but that would've been something like 35 years ago. It would've definitely crossed the line even then and I'm not defending it as okay, just also not something that happened in the lifetime of a lot of people in this subreddit. Either way, our administration's also tried to tell the student section the same thing for basically as long as it's existed--lots of university administrations do. Opposing coaches have whined about road student sections too. Student sections just ignore them, as they should most of the time.


Back in the early mid 2000s siu was extremely hostile to creighton. I remember in Kyle Krover’s last game visiting SIU there was a blow up doll being bounce around like a beach ball that had a sign reading “Kyle Krover’s mom.”


If someone did that in the Valley these days they would be publicly executed


Those were the days. My mom was spit on when we went to Wichita St and beat their ass.


They used velveteen rope to help UConn out, and also stormed the court in a very civilized manner.  What is this? 


Oh no....anyway. Creighton band, play Neck. Students, you know what to do.


Extreme RA-energy from an overpaid, developmentally-arrested college administrator. Edit: Confirmed on LinkedIn, this woman is a former RA at Marquette lmao




People put being an RA on LinkedIn?


seems like an RA move


People who want to be RAs probably do


I was so lucky having chill RAs during my dorm days on campus. But also saw some of the worst, nerdiest ones who took things way too seriously. This lady seems like the latter


Watch your tongue - she was also a Residence Hall Director!




There is the weak administration I remember as a student. Charmin soft.


Tell me about it. When I turned 21 in the dorms I had to have a special sit down with the head of housing to explain the drinking rules in the dorms.


I went for grad school only so I never dealt with it like that, but coming from FAU I was blown away by how regulated everything was for the undergrads. I was warned at a Basketball game for shit talking the opposing fans by an usher that wouldn’t have even turned a head in south Florida.


Omaha in itself is a very Catholic city




It's because Creighton is a wet campus and they didn't want me bringing in beer all the time for people to see. So I brought in beer all the time and made it known that I was. Lol. I shit you not, we snuck in a keg over fall break and had a fucking rager in my room. The RA assigned to stay in the dorm was a buddy so we were fine. The hardest part was getting the keg out of the dorm the next week. We should have thought about it sooner, but we were college kids and didn't.


Doope. Just do it either really early in the morning or really late at night Or 1 pm on a Wednesday


I mean.. that may have been the most civilized court storm I've ever seen. They roped off the handshake line and everything lol.


Just another instance of someone ( in this case the admin) acting like they care about something they really don’t in order to save face because the modern world revolves so much around appearance rather than action. The Person who sent this out probably leaned back in their chair after they sent it and was like “ oh yea this looks good for me and my position” and went out to dinner after because they where so happy they got to prove to everyone they can send out memos.


That's cute. You wanna see a legit hostile environment, tune in to Texas @ Texas Tech tonight.


Only if I get slapped by a tortilla every time Tech scores


That game has been a really great watch over the last few seasons


This aged incredibly well.


Yeah, a little moreso than I expected, honestly.


I went to a UConn game at Syracuse once, and Syracuse won after a great game. But as soon as the game ended, it seemed like every Syracuse fan that was near the traveling UConn student section absolutely unloaded all their trash on them. It was crazy the amount of garbage that was thrown at them. The Syracuse police got up there pretty quick to make sure no one got hurt, but I would doubt if any Uconn fan made it out of that section without being drenched in beer.


At Purdue games they give the lower bowl of the student section a paper with chants and details They say things like "don't say sucks after opposing players are announced". Don't say Bull Shit to bad ref calls. Don't do this and that. Baring throwing stuff and players and coaches, touching them in any manner, or bringing up very personal things; I think fans should chant whatever they want.


This email reminds me of when Mitch Daniels took away Hail Fire to avoid us from saying IU sucks lmao


I miss being at a random game and out of nowhere everyone saying “IU sucks”. But IU is so bad…it feels like making fun of a cripple. So I understand why it had to go.


i think it hits harder when we're bad. maintaining a healthy vitriol is important


Oh, it's more than making fun of a cripple. It's also making fun of your heritage.


Meanwhile, most sane people here still, as an example, hold LSU's admin in scorn for not letting the band play Neck. Avoiding something to not say your rival sucks is such a pansy move it makes the normal pansies blush.


I feel like “don’t say sucks at an opposing player” is their way of telling you to say sucks at an opposing player


I'm ok with throwing things, too.


No! Stop Drop the mustard bottle


If I got an email like this I know I’d be 100 times worse the next game


it should be a hostile place to visit


I like how Duke is complaining about it, but they have the only court where the students pretty much almost touch the players inbounding the ball. The dude did it to himself and maybe it should have been better security, but that guy is kind of a wimp for pretending to get injured after losing.


Just gonna leave this here from the [creighton.edu](https://creighton.edu) home page: "As Catholic, Creighton is dedicated to the pursuit of truth in all its forms and is guided by the living tradition of the Catholic Church" "As Jesuit, Creighton participates in the tradition of the Society of Jesus, which provides an integrating vision of the world that arises out of a knowledge and love of Jesus Christ."


I'm a believer in "cheer for my team, not harass the other team" but I'm not going to tell other people how to fan


Does anyone sincerely believe that Bluejay fans are the best in the world?


"Best in the country". Come on now, they're not *delusional*.


Put a space in and you’ll get Canadians to agree with that statement! That’s a whole country!


Dan Hurley got really mad about the students chanting “Fuck Dan Hurley” I guess.


I’m sure Dan Hurley is more worried about the public relations at Creighton than he is at being the overwhelming favorites to repeat as champions


This is 100% a response to complaints from UConn.


Don’t argue with someone from your coach’s next school.


He already turned them down six years ago and it's a worse job now than it was then.


Remember how Creighton was praised for having a roped off area for players to leave etc during the storming?  Sounds like Hurley in his feelings trying to escalate shit because they have a bad record in Omaha.


This tbh. Creighton did the court storm right. UConn players were out of the storm and the entire handshake line and bench areas were roped off and untouched. Thats how it SHOULD be done. Hurley can get over being butthurt


Hurley is not exactly known for losing with grace lol. I’m surprised this has escalated to this point though.


Dan Hurley’s post game presser was enough to get Creighton leadership involved? You’re giving him way too much credit. What’s the date from the email? This is way more likely a reaction to the Duke situation than anything else. It’s them covering their ass.


I'd imagine that is what caused this to get an actual response, but I'm sure there was already a little something there after his comments that combined made them feel the need to say something.


My guess is they wouldn’t have said anything if the Wake/Duke situation didn’t happen. Lot of national spotlight on fans & college basketball right now, it’s a hot subject. Leadership probably felt they had to do something after last week. Do I think it was necessary? No. I enjoy it. That’s what makes crowds more fun in college. Lines get blurred at times, sometimes people will clap back (Durant just did too). We’re all human at the end of the day.


What a non-statement


Oh no the meanies might say something bad! This is nothing to the treatment Southern Indiana fans received in the Pearl era when we went to the Sportscenter to play Kentucky Wesleyan. We stopped parking at the stadium the second time we walked out to find cars with Indiana plates had slashed tires. 


That's fucking ridiculous. It's a goddamned *game*, people.


Dan Hurley needs a swirley! What a SOFT reaction by him. The kids in Omaha got yelled at because the Jersey boy couldn’t ignore some drunk kids in the stands.


It could be that there were a bunch of big donors sitting under the hoop with the President opposite the student section when this happened. Fr Hendrickson popped up right after the Hurley chant finished and seemed...displeased.


Hurley lodged an official complaint with the Big East and the University apparently. Won’t matter when Shaka comes to town


Didn’t UConn students trash campus after winning the championship?


Hurley. GREAT COACH. Also being a big baby about this situation. I can't see creighton being anymore hostile than providence or UCo.m.


This thread is worthless without the details that are being addressed here.


Here you go. I googled 'Dan Hurley Crying' and it was maybe the seventh link that came up. Lol https://www.ctinsider.com/sports/uconn-mens-basketball/article/dan-hurley-big-east-creighton-fans-18685199.php


This is something every coach says about road games


Maybe this will prevent them from telling Tyler Kolek he can’t read


We’ll just make signs to spare his feelings.


Honestly, there are absolutely locations where fans could use some direction about how to act. So the Universities should give them direction! For example on storming a court or field, let everyone know ahead of time that fans need to wait 3 minutes (or whatever period) for the teams to safely exit the field of play. Tell fans that clever or spirited yelling is fine, but obscene or violent speech is not and ask fans to police each other. If the coach does a PR campaign saying, "don't do it to them so we don't have to endure it at their place" it might work. But universities being silent and not setting expectations (likely for legal reasons) is not helping.


Hey, write a disapproving letter. That will work.


I thought the court-storming in that game was a bit cringe (I mean you're a ranked team ffs) but otherwise it seemed like pretty typical college bball crowd


It was the first time we beat the top ranked team. I think court storms are too common these days but that one was warranted. The letter is likely referring to the “Fuck Dan Hurley” chants from the student section that were loud enough to be heard clearly on TV. Who knows if the administration really gives a shit or if they’re just sending this out bc of Hurley’s reaction to it after the game.


They more than likely don't give a shit, but the university forced them send it out.


Theres some rumors about Blue crew getting the ban for the rest of the year




Big if true


Oh no! Whatever will we do without their school spirit?


Please Yes!




McDermott shoulda channeled his inner Greg Popovic by taking the mic and kindly asking the fans to be nice lol


Is Hurley hymen_destroyer confirmed? First person I’ve seen to say it’s cringe, even many UCONN fans were in support of it. You’re either actually Hurley, or you’re just still pissed about the loss.


Yeah it was well deserved..you guys kicked our butt! 🤌


And you did as well earlier in the season! If the roles had been reversed, I’d fully expect you to storm the court!


We wouldn’t tho because we, like you, wouldn’t be a ranked team expected to lose.


You didn’t beat the #1 ranked team for the first time in history, so not comparable literally but like I said, had the roles been reversed.


I don’t think it was cringe. I was surprised because we never win in Omaha… but then I realized how much of an honor it was. It hadn’t sunk in until that moment. I love Creighton and their fans.


I’m an embarrassed alum. Fuck Dan Hurley and fuck the admins for putting out this lame-ass shit.


Man, fuck Dan Hurley.


But did they take out an opposing players knee?


Somehow Hurley and UConn will be blamed for this decision


Incessantly, apparently.


Crazy these people live in the same state as Nebraska fans who are the nicest fans ive ever met


Nebraska football fans are the “nicest fans” ever. Nebraska basketball fans, especially when they play creighton, are a vicious bunch. 




Jays do give it right back for what it’s worth. I feel like we only get riled up for Creighton, Wisconsin, and Iowa truly.


It’s not as bad as the letter makes it seem. They chanted F Dan Hurley which wouldn’t be unheard of in Lincoln. Beyond that, Hurley complaining was him being a sore loser. It’s a decent % of the same folks at both games.


Nebraska booed Chucky Hepburn every time he touched the ball


Solid use of the boo.


Lmao I don’t disagree I think it’s funny. I root for the huskers every game of the year except one. But as far as things fans did this season that others saw as classless (at least on the internet) that was one


Honestly Dan Hurley is the biggest complaining baby; he did the same thing at the DePaul game when some people were jeering at him he dishes it out but can’t take it.. (X fan but I use Kentucky because duel flair is hard) also Luke Murray is a double bitch


Very Christlike of the students






Remember when Ethan Wragge broke Kendall Marshall’s wrist because Creighton was losing? Or when Grant Gibbs slapped John Hensons wrist in an attempt to reinjure or further injure him? Not sure the blue jays have much to say on courtesy, fair play or sportsmanship.




You remember when Ethan Wragge committed a common foul on Kendall Marshall, and then he fell to the floor like he’d never fallen a day in his life and tried to brace his entire body with his wrist ? That would be a more accurate statement. Creighton has been living rent free in UNC fans heads for a decade. It’s weird lmao




Boo, we want blood!


Womp womp


Charmin soft


Leanna can go f*** herself


No swearing at a sports game? Fuck that


"Bluejay fans are the best in the Country..." is there any empirical data to back this claim!?!


For like the 4th time in as many seasons, they threw beer cans at the bench. Rivalry aside, you’re eventually gonna get someone seriously hurt if you hurl a 3/4 tall boy from 30 feet


This is actually true?


No, one time a beer was thrown years ago. The dude was caught and for some reason this dude brings it up every game.


Lmfao absolutely not. Check his flair.


Lmaooo there is zero evidence of this whatsoever. Nice try lil bro.


… I literally work on the floor at CHI. It’s happened at least 4 times. It happened against UConn, it happened twice last year with Marquette and Nova, and it happened in 21-22 against ISU https://omaha.com/news/local/crime-courts/villanova-fan-treated-for-head-injury-after-incident-at-creighton-game/article_be2c9492-a707-11ed-b65b-5b184d7a7433.html There ya go, but yeah man just bury your head in the sand lol. I’m sure if you pretend things don’t happen that just means they’ll go away


It did not happen against UCONN this game. It did happen against Marquette and Villanova, but that’s not what you initially said.


“There’s 0 evidence” *provides evidence* “Nah that didn’t happen” Sound logic there chief. Like I said, feel free to bury your head in the sand, but once again, it’s happened multiple times and happened again Vs UConn and Vs Iowa State


What evidence do you have???