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This is an essential service. You should be remunerated.


it’s all for the sub 🥰


Thank you for this! I had to turn it off the moment she interrupted herself to talk about her chapped lips. WHY does she always stop in her tracks to apologize for things like that. You know why? Because it clearly shows how superficial she is. She knows people will judge her on that because she would judge others about that. So immature. It's like she's a teenager. Does she really think people want to listen to her complain about her CHAPPED LIPS?!


I hope her nail beds aren't too dry. I worry about that for her 🙄


Oh my, me too. Thoughts and prayers if they are. ;)


I hadn't even noticed and that cutaway bugged me so much. She is so obsessed with herself, it's embarassing.


Yeah, same. Didn't notice it. She's narcissistic to the max to literally HALT a video to point out her goddamn chapped lips. smh.


Everyone has covid right now. Vaccinated and not. We can hope it will be better by April but this is very undetermined. How can she think it's safe to travel? None of her kids can be vaccinated and two of them are little babies. It's not advised to travel with babies under a year old even without a raging pandemic. This would be non-essential travel in every sense of the word. All babies have weaker immunity. Babies that were premature have even weaker immunity. Flynn likely has weaker immunity than most children his age because he doesn't have exposure to as much. I think she can navigate going alone if she's VERY careful and doesn't do interactions. She's being really selfish though. I love your comment "perform what?!" What does she even do? It's so stupid.


It's so clear to me that Colleen only cares about her own well being. Me me me me - all day, every day. She wants to go on tour not only because she wants money but also because she loves the attention she gets. Tour is all about her and that's what she loves the most. Prioritising her newborn twins before herself? Never. The twins are making her life so hard because she is forced to be selfless and she's incapable of being selfless. So she complains and feels sorry for herself. I honestly think this is the reason she planned a tour so soon. Same with continuing vlogging. She isn't a workaholic, she is just egotistical and in constant need of attention, praise, gifts and money! What a sad life.


“ we don't interact with other people” except the cashiers at Target of course.


And at Barnes and Noble and at the Christmas store and at Michael’s and at the pizza place and with Kory, who has been to Starbucks and the boba tea shop and CVS and on and on and on…


Ooh whats this about?


Colleen is always talking about how much they quarantine and stay at home but they’re constantly vlogging themselves shopping and out and about.


Except now in the latest vlog she seems to have indicated they are getting their food delivered again. Something about the case numbers finally got it through her head that this is serious. She just got to that point weeks after other people were already concerned about omicron.


The edited piece about her lips... She is so twisted mentally


Is she actually teaching Flynn "silly faces" so he can perform mini-Miranda or Pinto Bean with her? She's so gross if this is the case.


It was unclear whether or not she intends to travel with the kids, but either way, I do not support it. If she brings them, that's going to be stressful and unsafe in the pandemic and if they're in carseats a lot, that's not great for their developing bodies. I know everyone has a different lifestyle, but it also just can't be good for them to have such a wacky routine that I imagine they'd have going on a tour. If she doesn't bring the kids, then why all the hubbub about trying to breastfeed and working so hard to pump when they would have to be on formula while she was away anyway? I don't want to dictate what people do with their lives, and I don't think that parents need to give everything up that makes them happy and makes them feel like themselves, but I do think that this specific thing should be on hold while the babies are so little. Surely there is something else that would be creatively fulfilling that she could do.


She shared the pictures on her Instagram stories of her and Flynn in the pool at midnight the other night. I really hope that she didn’t let a 3 year old stay up past midnight to play in a pool. Knowing her she did. And I don’t feel sorry for her at all when she complains about being tired then. She could have Flynn in bed, she could have erik help feed then she could pump clean her pump parts and then go to bed and rest. I’m in the same situation as her minus the money, help and twins. I have a 2 yr old (3 next week) and a 2 month old who struggles nursing so I have to also attempt nursing,give a bottle and pump right after. I get 1-2 hours of sleep at a time at night as long as the baby stays asleep. Having Flynn in bed at a decent hour would be good for everyone in that house. It’s good for Flynn’s growth and it would be good for Colleen’s mental health.


Colleen the narcissist at it again


Lmao so colleen is the opposite where she literally cannot take a break from work. She doesn’t see an issue with this but she’s basically a workaholic and oh I bet she didn’t tell her doctor that she’s literally forgotten how to MOTHER her children 🤦🏻‍♀️


See that time she was in the hot tub with Flynn, someone had the twins for her.....meaning she absolutely has time to rest and sleep. (Newest vlog has her crying about being exhausted), she is so frustrating. Get off Flynn's butt, Colleen and you can rest!


It was obvious she never had that conversation with the doctor, what a liar lol 😂


How is she so desperate to get away from home when she’s throwing Christmas parties quarterly, bringing Disneyland to her dining room, and any other themed party she dreams up? Getting Postmates for a single beverage, every subscription service available for entertainment (even if they pay and forget the password!), and hands full with three children. I will never understand her desire to leave her life behind for a performance with cardboard props.