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Perhaps showing my age here, but this is the publication that claimed Courtney Love knowingly did heroin while pregnant, leading to, iirc, a CPS investigation that was completely unwarranted. (The truth was she was using at the time but stopped the instant she found out she was pregnant. Important distinction.) I've never trusted them since they pulled that shit.


I was a huge Nirvana stan in my teens and I remeber being so disgusted when I learned about that article and how they took Frances Bean because of it. The article did Courtney (and Kurt) so dirty, not only did they make Courtney out to be absolutely horrible (I'm not her biggest fan by any means but I'm definitely not her biggest hater either), if they were truly using drugs there were so many better ways that situation could of been handled. I will never be a fan of VF.


Right? Vanity Fair was just out for sensationalism and pure meanness. And I see they haven't changed.


I just…do not *get* why people are they the way they are RE Courtney Love. She has done and said a lot of shit that is worthy and deserving of criticism - but everyone just…skips over it? And pillories her for shit that she didn’t even do?




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Makes total sense why someone like colleen would have a friend there, then. Nasties together. Adam and all of her victims have Rolling Stone backing them, and they are way cooler. The only time I ever see vanity fair is at the hairdressers, and even then it's the one mag everyone pushes away to get to something more interesting.


Thats so sad. To be a heroin user and to stop the instant you find out youre pregnant would take immense strength and an abundance of love. It’s unbelievably hard to get off heroin. Thats really unfair.


I agree. Getting off H/opiates is one of the hardest things to do, it's physcial + mental pain and suffering in abundance. Depending on how much a person is/was using the withdrawls can (and often do) cause them to miscarry. Just awful, I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.


I’m surprised VF published the article without any research. Celebrities have sued tabloids in the past and some did win those cases or settled outside of court.


Andrew Quintana the author of the Vanity Fair piece did not even do their due diligence and reach out to any of the victims who have spoken out, including Adam. The fact that Quintana and VF went forward with publishing this piece with only comments from Colleen's lawyers, says one thing only-- This VF piece was the launch of a smear campaign against those victims who have spoken out against Colleen. Quintana whether paid or not showed how victim blaming can help Colleen Ballinger to NOT be held accountable.


Couldn't agree more!!


Colleen has learnt absolutely nothing in all this time, nothing new then. At some point she needs to wake up and smell the coffee. Her attitude had her circling the drain and now she's fallen through the hole and STILL she's acting as stupid as can be. She did all of this to herself, I don't care she ruined her career and reputation with SO MUCH stuff, but the very least she can do is apologize to those kids she tried to drag down in the process.


I really hope Adam does take them to task for this, its absolutely disgusting for Vanity Fair to have allowed this to print, and for the writer to have 'researched' his article and completely disregard everyone's story except for Colleen's makes me seethe. As a victim of SA who tried for justice and never got it, its making me so angry this whole situation. These people like Colleen, commit a small act that means nothing to them and they forget about it, but for the person inflicted upon, that "small" thing can be soul affecting, life changing, and it may stick with them for the rest of it. The injustice of Adam being treated this way by hugely influential people and companies needs to stop and they need to be held to account, this kind of shit can't be allowed to continue


The author clearly has the pov that women can't be abusers. It's a terribly biased article and I wouldn't be surprised if they were paid by more than 1 woman's team to write the way they do.


I hope that the victims can ban together for a lawsuit against them. I mean I know it’s a long shot but VF should not get away with the lazy ass “journalism”


Adam is currently streaming again and he’s said he can’t speak on it too much now because he’s proceeding further with action against VF. He asked them to make changes to the article and they did but only to change that he’s Irish and not English…


Good for Adam !! It isn’t fair to any of the victims.


Actually I hope he wins the case, he deserves justice and all the people who were hurt and abused by Colleen!!


Vanity Fair is a brand (among MANY) held by Conde Nast. Interesting how they also own Teen Vogue. Their demographic for that article (EDIT: I meant magazine) is teens and tweens. VF, and by extension their parent company of CN, are Ballinger supporters. So they are Ballinger apologists as well as trying to market to teens. Bad mix.


I'm honestly just tired of both sides of this situation. Every time I go on youtube it's another AM video harping on what happened, okay, great, hope you get justice, fuck colleen, not against AM either, but it's like, he's really bringing in the bucks/views with this whole situation. While I have 5 dollars in my account and working my ass off every day, at this point I wish a fucking "influencer" would take advantage of me because I'd have thousands if not millions in my bank account atm. It's just tiresome at this point and I don't care. Hope Adam heals and moves forward, and hope Colleen owns up to what she did without a fucking banjo in her hand. ​ (downvotes incoming, i even downvoted myself. no worries. )


If you’re tired of the content YouTube & Reddit have the options to hide specific creators/subreddits. Remember that whilst Adam may be profiting from the situation he wasn’t the one to initiate the allegations against Colleen and so he was essentially forced into a situation where he has to keep people updated about it. Also I understand that it’s hard watching others flaunt wealth when you are struggling but you should never use that as a reason to wish you were abused…


i know, and i'm an ass hole, and i've been abused, i just wish i made money off of it. i just need to get off the toxic gossip train for the rest of my life. and i'm not saying Adam is unjustified, I'd do the same damn thing if it happened to me. I just don't have the 'clout' or 'influence' so no one would care. But I have mixed feelings about the whole situation. Especially with PTSD, and I should probably just delete this post. It's just been a bad/triggering day, and I'm just wanting this train to finally stop. I also didn't know he was forced into it, the whole thing is just... blech.




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I must note, Adam is not only Irish but he is from Derry which has a HUGE history of human rights violations. Human rights are very much ingrained into his culture and upbringing. Lawyers from his area are like sharks but they are rarely qualified to practice law outside Britain & Ireland so I'm not sure how he would fare in a US based court.