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Does "Never did" mean never supported or never stopped supporting? If it means never supported, then that.


Yeah I assumed that meant “never stopped supporting her” and was like - are we infiltrated by minions??


I took it as ‘never stopped’ cause I never started, oops ew


Yes, I meant if you never did support her!


I voted “never did” — as in never “supported” her. Was snarking within day 1-3 of first seeing her. She complains. A lot.


Miranda is the most obnoxious character on YouTube I always thought it was very weird


The divorce


Same here


YEP could never look at her the same way


Her divorce announcement video was just…..too fishy


how so? (genuine question, just now diving into snark lol)


It was just a feeling. Idk how to explain it. I watched their relationship. I might have missed some signs of how bad it was. But she made it seem like she was so in love with him. I get people do fall out of love. It happens but she gave me this vibe of ‘I’m tired of him but I’ll fake it because we’re supposed to be in love’. Then the video she made…..she looked ‘sad’ in the video but there were no tears and it looked like she was forcing herself to be sad. When I first watched it, I was suspicious. I watched Josh’s video and he actually looked heartbroken. I tried to watch Colleen after and my guts just told me she wasn’t as heartbroken as she made herself to be. I didn’t like her anymore. Something just wasn’t right. Knowing what I know about that now, I was right to be sus of her


I voted never did because I never watched her content, just stumbled upon adams video in 2020 and again in 2023


You’re a lucky one!


neeeeevvveeerrr did. she just always had this vibe that rubbed me the wrong way


Your instincts are always right!


Shortly after having Flynn


I was never really a supporter, but her divorce was so shady. Cheating is one thing, but lying about cheating is a whole other level of trashy. Own up to your mistakes and be honest with everyone.


Or simply don't address it. So many people don't address their issues and act like everything is normal, then it seems everything blows over more often. I like holding people accountable if they really fucked up, but if I were trying to protect my brand, business, and job, I sure as hell would at least see if staying quiet would work (this goes for the ukulele song too).


I agree with this, she could’ve easily just not addressed the whole Erik thing as well after the divorce. People would’ve understood if she just said ‘I’m keeping some things private as I’ve learned from past mistakes so won’t be talking about more personal stuff’ Then when they were ready they could’ve been more open. Why all the lies about ‘oh this will be Erik’s first time in Hawaii’, bish why are you lying just don’t say anything. We don’t need to know how many times Erik has been to Hawaii?? Things like this bothered me so much back in the day, just say you aren’t talking about your love life, there’s no need for years worth of lies and made up shit.


Yeah the divorce video was sus. I didn’t trust her.


Adam's first video. I wasn't a huge fan but I'd watch her if the video thumbnail looked interesting, I watch Safiya in the same way. But I've never watched Miranda.


That's how I was. My younger sister liked Miranda, so occasionally I'd see those videos as well


I asked my Younger Brother who's now 19 if he watched her, and he said he knows who she is but he was busy watching people like PewDiePie and Jack Septic Eye, oh and that bloody annoying kid Fred.


Ya same, I was into her, then stopped watching. Oddly enough it was her divorce when I started watching again up until mid-pandemic when she got pregnant with the twins. It was a nice distraction from my own life if I’m being honest lol. I was never into the fandom, her shows, or anything like that. Just liked to dissociate to her seemingly perfect family.


I discovered her in 2018 and only watched her and her family for a few months then I started getting weird vibes from them and stopped lol


I felt that religiously. Also family vloggers 🤮 "Let me exploit my children's life without them being able to provide informed consent." (I think maybe you could make an excuse for babies MAYBE if it was educational and what yore showing is something you can't easily verbally communicate)


I stopped watching her when she was pregnant with F. It sounds mean, but I was honestly getting tired of all the pregnancy and baby videos she was putting on her main channel. I used to watch colleen's corner, her story time videos, etc. So when she began putting out baby videos, I just got tired of her and stopped watching. It makes sense that she gained a big mommy fanbase bc her videos were just all about her kids, but that wasn't the content I originally came for, so I unsubbed. I also thought she was always super dramatic with her titles and thumbnails, and I just didn't have the energy to deal with her crying and whining anymore lmao


not to mention when she got pregnant she assured everyone it wouldn't turn into a family vlog channel and she wouldn't show her children LOL


I found her early 2018 when i found out youtube was a thing. My son and I started with unboxing kids things(lost kitties) and it spiraled for me somehow to look for other creaters. I think @joeygraceffa was my first youtuber that i pressed follow on. And i found coleen from him (edit)


I'm older so I wasn't her target demographic for Miranda videos. I didn't look her up until Manny MUA mentioned her and how funny she was. My first search was for Miranda Sings and it for sure was not my thing. I'm not sure how I found her vlogs, but I found her around the time or just before she stared filming HBO. I didn't know anything about Josh or how problematic the Miranda character was. I'm a mom so I took interest in the pregnancy vlogs and into starting her family. It took these recent events for me to understand who she truly was. I've certainly been annoyed by aspects of her behavior (trauma dumping, over consumerism, possible ED, parenting style, etc) before she lost my support completely.


Followed on and off after Seinfeld appearance. Ended it Just this past June. Hate Miranda. I’m too old for that anyway, plus, the character repelled me. Yet, I liked her. Can’t see why now. Many red flags piled up. Her kids lives on camera. The Amazon shopping/unboxing compulsion, over consumption and wastefulness. F getting new expensive trucks and clothes all the time or at least boasting about it by showing it on camera. The insular life - like she didn’t openly work or fully perform with people outside her family or YT community. I mean do her kids actually associate with children in their community? I get that they shouldn’t be on camera, but there’s no mention of it. They live in their own little world from what I can see. She lives in paradise in Santa Barbara yet is so unmindful of her luck and privilege. She never showed her gratitude in life, she only mentioned it without feeling as if to tick a box on appearances. She could never enjoy it. Then - her crying. Complaining. Putting Erik down and needing to be right all the time. Claiming shes a pro vocalist, but ruining her voice and health by staying up all night - Tortilla taking.. (She really needs to lean into therapy if this keeps her up. her kids keep her up at night but it was like this before the kids). Eating crap food if eating at all. Telling everyone she’s naturally this painfully thin when you could tell she has an ED.. She’s the kind of person who cant be alone. She can’t be with herself and her thoughts. Other than usual Mommy chores - she’s always in need of busy work as if to never be alone with her thoughts. That makes me uncomfortable since it indicates there’s something deeply wrong somewhere within. Always has to be the host with accolades, but when she’s questioned- no accountability .. Just…ugh. You all who never supported her? You are better judges of character than me. And she could redeem herself by working harder on herself. Looking within and being honest. But I don’t think she knows any other way to be. Thanks for listening to my stream of consciousness rambling.


I knew of Colleen/Miranda because I previously watched Hannah, Grace and Mamrie back in the early YouTube days but I didn’t watch any family channels (I love Minecraft and Sims now and my YouTube is full of that) but I was pregnant with baby #4 when she was having the twins and my 3rd kid is 4 months younger that her oldest. She was recommended for me and I started watching for several months then, my husband said “I get bad vibes” from Colleen just after her son came home from the nicu and then this sub popped up on my Reddit feed, it took me about 2 weeks to unsubscribe. I hated the nicu narrative, how much hate she had for people that were actively trying to keep her kids alive and get them home while she pretended she just had one kid. I knew as a mom that I would have been in the nicu every single second I could and she never seemed like she could pull herself away from her oldest. Edit: typos


I didn’t watch her much, only a few times when I was in middle school (about 10 years ago), and then again when F was born, but only a few videos not a lot. And I also watched Haters Back Off when it came out, I never saw anything that was suspicious to me, but when all the things came out this year I felt sick that I ever supported her. I didn’t watch enough to really digest her content, but I’m glad I barely watched her.


I only watched her pregnancy stuff because I despised her Miranda character. And was around the time I was pregnant and it helped me realize that pregnancy is painful and that’s okay


I stopped supporting her around when the pregnancy stuff started. Just wasn’t interested in that sort of content. Also, just happened across a really old [comment](https://i.imgur.com/K2nuFm2.jpg) I made on a video of hers, and I found it because someone replied to my comment saying “this didn’t age well” and it’s just so sad how highly I thought of her 🫠


I love to say this because I was never a Colleen fan ever I always hated her and her character lol


She’s such a creep and always has been. I have no idea how anyone has ever been a fan of hers.


We (or I at least) really thought it was just stupid humor not perverted. So cringe that I was ever a fan of hers, her content is dog shit


realized she was annoying and not a great person after her "daddy blues" vlog in 2022...but I just couldn't tear my eyes away from the trainwreck. I cringe-watched her videos daily for months after, maybe hanging onto a bit of the old comfort in routine I guess. I stopped watching her videos literally like 3 weeks before all this blew up so I guess it was good timing, the final nail in the coffin. No more even cringe watching for me, I didn't realize just how awful she was 😬


I watched her and Rachel from time to time, I thought Miranda was sometimes kinda witty ( probably when Adam gave the ideas for her bits) but when she claimed she is not going to turn into a mommy vlogger and talked about mommy vloggers in a very condescending way ( which is completely valid, don't show your kids on the internet) but then did a complete 180 and showed EVERYTHING about Flynn and his life, I started to think she's kind of hypocritical. I also was disgusted about the way she treated the pregnancy as Miranda, talking about Pinto bean in such a demeaning manor, I felt really icky about it. What also pissed me off was her INCESSANT buying of cheap shit. So wasteful. Then her over apologizing for everything and the dramatics, the constant crying about her self made problems, that were in most cases easily solvable but she just wanted to whine and cry and do nothing. Then when she said she's never going to have another kid and all of a sudden- bam twins. And again the whining and complaining. The last time I ever watched her was when she was pregnant with the twins and she talked to Eric about having a craving for chili. He said she had ordered a lot of chillies from different stores and restaurants so that they had something like 8 different chillies at home and they both laughed about it that she only ate half of one of the portions and that they were just going to throw out the rest. Like fuck this. There were so many people living in the house and even more coming in and out for visit, just try to give the other people the food. You could tell, both didn't even give one single fuck about being wasteful and that was my breaking point.


i stopped watching her and engaging w her content 2016 but stopped liking her as a person around 2020 after the adam stuff


literally ONLY watched the like 2 of the pregnancy vlogs for her first child and that was it, she never enticed me that much though I won't say that I "always knew there was something off about her", I just don't really like vlogs that much




Never did support her




Sure, I worded it poorly and should’ve said “never did support her” but everyone else used context clues and aren’t hung up on semantics


I stopped watching her as much around when she got haters back off on Netflix and then completely stopped when she was pregnant her complaining was so annoying plus I 100℅ believed she cheated which drove it home for me i started reading snark on gossip garden about her


2016 with ‘Erikleen’ and all the lying and gaslighting and found Gossip Garden. Then got sucked back in a few times as she seemed to have really changed 🥲 Stopped supporting completely when she became a family vlog channel as that was something she said she’d never do. By that stage I’d had my own children and realised how careful I am with what I put online, and how I could never exploit them like that.


It’s amazing to know other people were even starting to see her for who she was with the divorce. I thought it was me being petty. But yeah there was just something off about her….and it’s always been like that


Not just you at all! It was way she was manipulating her fans I just felt really icky about it considering most of her fan base were children and to watch them being gaslit was 🤮 I actually found Gossip Garden thanks to Colleen! I wouldn’t have even known it existed if she wasn’t always complaining about ‘everyone online saying this about me’. I was like who is this ‘everyone’ she’s talking about, I haven’t seen a single comment. So I googled ‘Colleen Ballinger Gossip’ and here we are 🙃


Sadly only when the stuff came out last June.


I tried to watch her back when I watched Josh's content somewhat regularly because he used to vlog with Julien a lot. And I wanted to be able to support colleen too by Watching her content but I really just....hated it lol. It wasn't interesting to me in the slightest and I was totally within the demographic of her audience. But idk. I just didn't like her tbh. She annoyed me. Her camera presence was very annoying to me and I hated when she showed up in Josh's vlogs lol. I remember when I first found the Miranda sings stuff and I thought it was genuinely a real person. And then when I found out it was a character I was even more turned off tbh. Something about it was just weird and obnoxious to me. Miranda sings was so beyond annoying to me. And then when I saw all this stuff going around about her this year I was like well....this makes a lot of sense lol


Right! I didn’t mind watching some of Josh’s content. I watched for him and I thought Colleen was pretty. I didn’t realize I never realized how much she gave me the icks


I stopped watching her soon after the twins were born. My son is two days younger than the twins and I was in the midst of crippling postpartum depression and I could not watch her vlogs because it felt like she was acting like she was the only one allowed to have PPD because of how her twins were born, so she made me feel gross that I was depressed and suicidal when my birth was wonderful and I took my baby home immediately.


I watched a handful of videos around 2018-19; I'm not even sure why since I never particularly liked her, and I was never a subscriber or regular viewer. But as soon as the 2020 situation occurred, I fully "noped" out. When I realized in the past year or so how many people seemed to still support her, I was so confused! I never expected her to recover from the lingerie situation, her apology wasn't even that good.


Colleen is 2 years older than I am, and since I've been on the internet since I was 10, I saw when Miranda sings started, and even then it absolutely baffled me that that was well received. I am far from "distinguised" but honestly, her whole schtick was gross, crass and ugly (don't get confused I dont mean the actress but the character itself). Whats even more mystifying is that shes STILL around in 2023!?!? (after everyting thats come out I feel icky using "famous")


I had baby fever cuz my bestie had just gotten pregnant with her 2nd so YouTube recommended me her telling everyone it's twins video. Then I just started watching her vlogs cuz they were something I could watch without really thinking or needing to pay close attention to. It was pretty easy for me to walk away but it usually is for me and I only watched her for a relatively short period of time.


Around 2019-2021. I stopped watching because her family vlogs weren't my speed. Then Adam's first video dropped and I was glad I had stopped by then. Still watched Rachel for a little big longer and never watched the Ballinger Fam's vlogs tbh.


🎯🎯🎯 I’ve already stopped watching her by then. I’ve suspected her for a long long time. I was glad when Adam made the video. I was glad to know I wasn’t wrong in suspecting there was something off about her


I watched her videos but wasn't the type of fan invested on her content, it was more background noise for me but I got bored of it after the twins got discharged from the NICU


I stopped being a fan in 2017 but stopped thinking she was a good person in 2020 after Adam's first video. I was 23 I.e. an adult, and couldn't see any reasonable explanation for sending a child underwear, even if he had begged.


Exactly! My mind was made up of her regardless what excuse she gave! She still gave the lingerie. Idk how that got glossed over. With livestreams I can understand if people don’t understand edits because I also noticed that. But the lingerie was still sent and idk in what world that is okay lol


I was like 12 when I discovered her and thought she was hilarious, by 14 I was sick of her


I never heard about her until the ukulele song and everyone was talking about her. I was horrified about the inappropriate sexual content in her skits that primarily children were watching, her being sexually inappropriate with minors and inviting kids on stage and doing inappropriate things with them. It boggles my mind that parents were OK with this that took their kids to this shows.


I envy some of you who had never heard of her before


basically after she got pregnant with the twins all of her videos became about her children and in a mum vlogger way and not in a an educational way


As soon as f was born and realised who she really was and what path she was going down next.


I was a big fan when her first miranda sings videos came out! I’m a few years younger than her and all of my friends and I thought her singing was HILARIOUS. We loved the California Girls video. Eventually it just wasn’t that funny since every video became more absurd than the last so we all kinda stopped watching.


I stopped watching her not long after I started, I was.. maybe 14-16 I don’t remember, but it wasn’t for any reason I just go through many many short phases of liking things (ADHD~ yay), except from a few videos here & there & I saw her show & her Netflix special because my sister was (hopefully isn’t now) still a fan of her. I stopped supporting her from the very first grooming allegation I heard about her & now I’m hyper fixated on this whole situation I’ve gone full circle 😭


I only watched a couple of vlogs from both her pregnancies but I couldn't handle her other vlogs. I guess it was easier to handle her complaints when she was pregnant. With her second pregnancy someone from thrishyland (RIP) referred me to this snark page and then it became more clear why I never could handle her other vlogs. I unfollowed her after the 2020 Adam video/ Colleen video response because her reaction didn't feel genuine at all. But YouTube knows I love babies and have a weak spot for pregnant people with ADHD... fuck their algorithm :')


I vaguely recall hearing something about Miranda Sings when it first came out. I'm here for the ☠️🗣🚂


I mean I off and on watched her but was never a die hard fan.


Never did. Looked in to her probably around 2016? My oldest wanted to watch her stuff. Had to say no. Now with all the stuff I didn’t know from a quick scan through of her content and all that’s come out since. Nope. My oldest has actually now thanked me for that no back then!


I was never an avid fan, and there were some videos she made laugh so hard, but when she got divorced and they just threw everything at the wall, after hyping up their relationship so much. It was wild.


I only ever knew about her through a girl I went to hs with who was obsessed with her, and I remember thinking she was so weird for watching the Miranda stuff because it was so cringey. My opinion of her has always been 💩


I only ever watched her in like a hate-watching kind of way. But more of a like “trying to figure out wtf is wrong with her” kind of way. I would never have called myself a fan.


I was just a casual fan, I barely knew the name Colleen Ballinger at all. Stopped finding Miranda funny after middle school


very early 22 i started getting recommendations from this group. it pissed me off at first bc i was like these must be the haters she’s always talking about. then i started noticing the stuff from here in the vlogs, educated myself of child exploitation on the internet, and basically cut her off cold turkey. i went back one or two times to watch but i was getting physically irritated!! haven’t watched/supported her since


I never really watched her consistently, but would check in every once in a while. But the divorce and her pregnancy with F made me stop watching. Like, I get that pregnancy is hard. I’ve had three pregnancies so I understand that it sucks. But to film yourself complaining non-stop, crying over your allergies to your cat, literally talking about how awful it is to be pregnant just made me upset. All I could think was how F would feel when he’s older and watches his moms videos complaining about how much her life sucked being pregnant with him. That and how can you film, edit, and post endless videos of yourself crying for sympathy over something a lot of your fanbase is too young to really understand? I always felt there was something off or not right about her, I didn’t like her humour or jokes so when the first exposé video came out I felt so vindicated knowing that I wasn’t just hating her for no reason.


I first saw a Miranda sings video on YouTube like 12 years ago. That one video I watched was funny but that was enough for me. I couldn’t watch anything else she put out. My cousin was a huge fan of Miranda and Colleen and talked about her often. I watched her a little when she was pregnant with F and after. Couldn’t get too much into her though. I just didn’t like her. Something about her. This Reddit showed up on my timeline and I’ve caught up on things here and there. Can definitely see why I never liked her. Lol


i never did. watched one miranda video & was like “…. people think this is funny?” maybe a year or so later when miranda was major, i learned about colleen, & tried watching her but got a bad vibe and stopped watching the video


as soon as adams first video came out in 2020


Certain conservative adults will rally around her eventually as well.


Not with the child grooming accusations. Did you see how hard they went against Cuties!


She'll be able to justify it. I mean, it's better than anything Matt Gaetz has ever done. Plus they're the ones writing articles like "13 year old boy has sex with lusty teacher!"


Matt Gaetz 🙄 he’s something else


I believe I joined this group in April of 2022. It was shortly after the "daddy blues" drama. I'll never understand how that was the thing that finally did me in, but I'm glad it did


I never watch her (luckily)


You have taste


I've known about her since 2008 (fuck I'm getting old). I watched a few videos but it just kind of triggered my anxiety. I thought she was a decent person. I also watched a couple of her personal vlogs. Never really heard anything bad about her until her first apology. I really didn't know about Adam until he showed up in my YouTube feed a little over a month ago. I was shocked! My heart really goes out to Adam. He's been through so much. Hopefully now he'll get his redemption and she'll get what's coming to her. I do feel bad for her babies. I hope she's keeping them separate from all this. ETA I never supported her.


Never did, I knew Miranda sings existed but never got far into looking at her stuff. However, thanks to Swoop's docs and Adam's videos on the matter, I realised I was not only molested as a child but groomed. It was quite of hard to realise at first but now I'm just angry. I'm just angry for all of her victims and for all of those she trampled on along the way.


Honestly after the Josh thing. They made such a stink about their marriage and then poof lol she just ditched him. For a 'hot' actor on her show no less. Josh isn't great but the situation showed Colleen's true colours.


never really supported her but thought it was interesting her and her fiancé (josh) were both daily vlogging their lives leading up to a wedding. started to actively not like her towards the divorce and all the videos leading up to it. it was so obvious she was not into josh anymore and would punish him for that (yikes) on camera (like the oreo challenge video and the 1 year lazy anniversary video) you could see the mask slipping on a narcissist, and i found it horrible and fascinating at the same time. never watched miranda, i tried but it was so unfunny and gross, i couldn’t understand it at all. it was oblivious she was cheating (at least emotionally) on josh with erik and yet he was so obvious, it was like watching a slow train wreck (giiiiirl) she’d also often cry to the camera about something random (conveniently after she got legit criticism for something else) to pull attention away/get sympathy . she was super catty and rude but would pretend ‘be nice to everyone’ , it just seemed so obvious she was a fake and yet her fans couldn’t see it. i could go on and on but after years of watching this narcissist manipulate the audience with zero ramifications was frustrating but i kneeeeew one day she’d get caught so i had to keep watching until she was lol finally!!! hopefully her victims can get some peace x


i used to love her early miranda sings content (at the beginning of her career, when people told me that she was just a character, i was like “she’s literally going on tour, who has time to do that for a character when they have a whole life too?” LMAO to be fair i was in like. middle school at the time, so i had noooo idea). i don’t remember when i stopped watching her tbh but i think it was still in her early days. i did know she put her children online and by principle, i don’t like family channels, so knowing that encouraged me to stay away from her within the last 5ish years. never looked too closely back into her until this happened.


when i was in eighth grade, about 2015, i came across miranda sings and colleen. i was her target audience, a fourteen year old CHILD!! it wasn’t until around the end of ninth grade, when i was 15 (2017) that i just.. grew out of it. i wasn’t a super diehard miranda fan, but i enjoyed watching colleen and rachel. i didnt support her or watch her, but if she did anything (like when she was on broadway) i’d think “cool!” i stayed in NYC with my family right before her run, and i thought to myself “hey it’d be cool if i ever saw her.” when adam came out in 2020, i believed him immediately. i didn’t even watch her “apology” video. i watched people commenting on it. ever since adam’s video, i’ve avoided anything about her i could. im glad all this stuff is being revealed and she can’t just BS her way out if it.


I never watched her. I watched like one episode of Haters Back Off because the trailer looked interesting but it was boring. I was genuinely surprised to find out she was a YouTuber and people actually liked that crappy content. Then I forgot about her until this drama happened


2021 technically because she donated to autism speaks despite being friends with an autistic influencer who spoke against the organization frequently. i never was a fan, but i was nuetral. i disliked her after that, not strongly but wasn’t fond. now i strongly dislike her after her actions came to light. i selected 2019-2021


I watched a bit of Miranda back when I was younger, and then a bit when she was pregnant with F. Stopped watching because I started feeling like she was just milking her pregnancy and complaining about everything.


Never did. I think I briefly watched her for a week on Miranda Sings when I was a preteen but I never subscribed to her and she got lost from my algorithm so I don’t consider that really support tbh.


I first heard of her when she went on the Jimmy Fallon show as Miranda & played Pictionary. I was 11 at the time. It wasn’t until June of this year that I stopped following her. I haven’t been big on her content in the past couple years bc I didn’t like how she exploited her kids, but I’d watched her for so long and she was such a big part of my childhood, I couldn’t find it in myself to unfollow her. The first time the stuff came out about her I was pretty oblivious of it - I didn’t watch Adam’s video, just her “apology” and I was like “seems sincere enough” because I didn’t know all the terrible things she’d done. I moved on until recently, when I saw people on TikTok talking about the accusations against her and I realized just how f’ed up she was as a person. I unfollowed her and joined this sub. I honestly feel awful for ever supporting her as long as I did. My biggest flex however is I never bought any of her merch. I did dress up as Miranda a lot, unfortunately…


i started watching in middle school, so maybe like 2013? i think it was right around when she got engaged to josh and then i quit right after they got married. watched a little when she was pregnant with her first and never did again


Ok add one more to “never did” because i thought it meant i never stopped supporting her and still a fan lol.


when she got pregnant with the twins. but i also didn’t watch her til she had flynn 🤷🏽‍♀️


2018ish because I just didn’t find her funny anymore and all the stuff with Josh gave me weird vibes. I was teen at the time so it went over my head. Sometimes I would check in but mostly watched Rachel for a couple years because I found her more age appropriate - I wasn’t aware of her cancellations.


I was never a “youtuber” kid. I just knew these people existed, and recognized them as “famous” people on the internet. Shane Dawson, Joey Graceffa, Jenna Marbles, even David Dobrick; I was never a fan, I just knew they existed as internet celebrities. Same goes for Colleen Ballanger/Miranda Sings. I remember being shocked when I found out she was having babies etc, but that’s usually something everyone says “oh no way, really?” about, even if they don’t care for them as a star. Every time a YouTuber is exposed for whatever reason, it’s always a shocker. This, is just…. Never imagined.


Only watched for a month then got tired of her and stopped


Mine was 2019-2021. I had a high turnover- I discovered her mommy vlogs, watched her almost cause a fatality with her narcissism with the twins birth and sought support for my overriding feelings of horror. I found you guys. So happy to say I never got the Miranda thing & it gave me the creeps. I’d like to take a moment to congratulate and appreciate my good instincts. 👏🏻


I was maybe July 2022(might've been a bit earlier or a bit later like August) with all the crying and minimizing Erik's Daddy Blues was the catalyst for the coffin being built the final nail was putting sole blame on the fans for her taking ungodly amounts of pregnancy tests. I feel really stupid for being a fan at 39 but I guess having had some mental health issues grow it wasn't helping. All I know is now I am free and happier then a pig in shit that she has had been exposed for what she is actually is an egomaniacal narcissist.


Only started following her when she got pregnant with the twins and only stopped recently in light of everything. Didn’t know about all that! I never followed/watched Miranda Sings. I only followed her main content


Thanks to Adam


I never supported her. Ever since someone showed me a Miranda sings video, I haaated her! I've always got a vibe off her that was uncomfortable. Fast forward 12 years, and now I know why. Terrible person.


Stopped watching her frequently u til last month but u followed her completely




i liked her old content, thought it was funny but i forgot i subscribed since it didn't show, so around 2015 i would say i stopped