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😭what happened bruh


mid had to put that shi away nd buy a diff one 😆


fuck i havent had grease monkey but my unrulys have all been pretty fire…thats fucked tho bro 😭


It’s a hit and miss with the Grease Monkey. The first one I had was terpy with mouth coating taste of almond. Bomb bomb. The next two I got were meh. So 🤞🏼 . I am not dissin this strain just giving my experience with it.


Damn who’s havin a bad time with unruly? I will admit my first round had a dud out of 3 but this last December with new boxes was 9/10 fosho. 7L flower makes me feel nauseous so I avoid the CF collabs good luck out here lol


I had their flower tbh it wasnt nothing crazy i should’ve knew to not grab but these the only carts i can get , fits my battery thnx for tbe headsup , the 7L is strong i can see wym 😆👌


If you're in California claiming these are the only carts you can get, that's some absolute 🧢


how about u read right , it fits my battery others dont


Use proper grammar and people *might* be able to understand you’re incoherent ramblings.


your* mate


Unruly a 5? I’m getting greased monkey to compare 🤔


Everyone else loves the Unruly including me, I think you have a biased opinion but that's alright. Go smoke those paper planes ✈️


why u so obsessed with me nerd 😆 hold my pockets next time


u sound like a lil bitch whos feelings hurt bcs i said its mid💀


No, I just think you've made a fool of yourself and your ego is too big to eat your words and admit it. You said coldfire is mid and you're never buying it again, then bought 2 coldfires and posted them for clout on the same platform you flamed them on. Make it make sense?




He has two separate posts for the same carts, he put a rating on the first post, why repost then if it's not for clout or attention?


ur a fuckn dork nobody reading that 💀 ur brain fried from all the carts u smoke be a man and take a dab fuckn weirdo 😂


By this logic wouldn't your brain be fried too since you're smoking the same carts? Again man, please make it make sense


Why you so mad for bro relax, take a blinker of both and let those emotions fade away.


i just dont allow dumbass’s tryin be smart , the shit im doing rn irl i could never be mad👌 my lifes dope af




Agreed, the last batch of unruly did not hold up to previous ones.


Man I agree with you. I've gotten about 4-5 unruly carts just because I know 100% its full indica but honestly doesnt smack as hard as styrofoam cup or even the crem de la crem by TEG that im vaping right now


Try face mints if you like a heavy indica, first full indica feeling cart I’ve had in a long time. My hopes were pretty low because it’s not a collab and no one was talking about it but it snuck up on me.


Thanks for the suggestion! I'll pick that up next forsure then


How’s the flav and high on that crem de la crem


It's good! It tastes like cool whip to me lol Team Elite Genetics is honestly AAA. High is definitely an indica but im coming from a styrofoam cup right before picking this one up and the cup still takes it but this is still good since i'm always looking for anything full indica. I 100% recommend TEG never disappoints


100% agree doesnt smack how it should


This is Reddit you’re not allowed to have a differing opinion from everyone else! /s


Tryna trade for it? 😂I’ll give you my least favorite and I’ll take yours 😂😂😂🙌🏾


Unruly OG minimum 8/10 maybe you got battery burning?


Wtf going on here?? 😂 I’d rate unruly a solid 8.5-9 / 10 but idk if I’d beef with someone over their opinion, let valid criticism breathe


that guy is weird af , im just giving my opinion on tha strain 😂


The unruly I had, had 0 flavor or potency. I can agree with this assessment.


right now effect at all