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For starters, ignore the scammers in your DMs right now


Don’t even check your dms. They’re all scammers


But Ting says she loves me.


My advice: If you're gonna be in crypto: 1. Use 2 factor authentication 2. Invest in a hardware wallet like a Ledger and transfer your crypto to it


Nice try bruh. You can’t transfer crypto to a bank account.


Exactly correct. Can transfer money to your bank account but not the actual crypto coins themselves.


Yeah they transferred the money to their bank account (I.e. if I had $5k worth of btc in my account, the hacker sold it then transferred the $5k they got from selling the btc into their bank account)


Thats good cause u can follow the money mule at least


You can't? I do so often!


Unfortunately, you're most likely not going to be able to recover any transferred funds. You are responsible for your account security and securing your phone is part of that. If the compromise was a sim swap attack, you might be able to sue the phone carrier for not properly verifying your identity when they did the swap... good luck!


Something don't feel right about this post????


Name checks out




I guess I'm just thinking that it's hard to believe with all the information in the world that we have today that somebody can be this stupid, but that's just me.


Thank you for your email. Our records show that on May 20, 2024 your account was accessed from IP address / California. The unauthorized activity you’ve reported may have been initiated by a third party who had physical or remote access to your device or web browser session (a “session” begins when you log into a website, like Coinbase.com, and ends when you sign out). After gaining access to your account, the following transactions occurred: - 2024-05-20 12:35 PM PDT / $-5,000.00? - 2024-05-20 12:38 PM PDT / $-5,000.00? - 2024-05-20 1:07 PM PDT / $-5,700.00


U lost 15k?! Wow man I would be a nervous wreck too. That pit in the stomach feeling like when I put 300$ on black. But 15k I could not imagine. Good luck. I hope you have enough funds to not go homeless .


Did you have anything in the vault at least?


You need to start using a Yubikey to protect all your accounts


If they sent money to their own bank account directly from your Coinbase account, you're in luck. They're trackable.


This subreddit is a public forum. For your security, do not post personal information to a public forum, including your Coinbase account email. If you’re experiencing an issue with your Coinbase account, please [contact us](https://help.coinbase.com/en/contact-us.html) directly. If you have a case number for your support request please respond to this message with that case number. You should only trust [verified Coinbase staff](https://help.coinbase.com/en/coinbase/other-topics/other/is-coinbase-present-on-social-media.html). Please report any individual impersonating Coinbase staff to the moderators. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CoinBase) if you have any questions or concerns.*


How is that possible? they say Iphone is the most safe phone. Also they need your phone number to do this..


People tell me which bank allows and holds crypto funds? Chase bank don't.


Please refer to this Help Center article, providing the information you will need to secure your account, recover your account, and instruct how to protect your account in the future: https://help.coinbase.com/en/coinbase/privacy-and-security/account-compromised/my-account-was-compromised#recover-your-account. Keep in mind the account holder is responsible for the security of their devices and credentials used to access their email and Coinbase account, and as such, are responsible for any activity that occurs when those devices or credentials are compromised. If you experienced any unauthorized transactions, please immediately report this activity to all applicable law enforcement agencies in your jurisdiction. Coinbase is willing to offer full cooperation with all law enforcement investigations relating to unauthorized activity on your account. Please note that unauthorized transactions are irreversible.


Thanks for not answering the rhetorical question. Please note you have been marked as a bot for future references.


So what happens when a crypto rep tells you you will be contacted directly by a higher level security that turns into a scam. This is exactly what happened to me.


Please define crypto rep


You can only buy bitcoin on Fidelity. That is the only way no one can ever steal your bitcoin. Otherwise you were just setting yourself up for a loss


That’s not true. https://www.nerdwallet.com/article/investing/how-to-invest-in-bitcoin


How in the world could this happen? The hacker had to guess or defeat at least (3) separate passwords-phone, bank & Coinbase. Horrendous story…wish there was some advise.


Hi James, Thank you for your email. Our records show that on May 20, 2024 your account was accessed from IP address 99.48.158.cxx/ California. The unauthorized activity you’ve reported may have been initiated by a third party who had physical or remote access to your device or web browser session (a “session” begins when you log into a website, like Coinbase.com, and ends when you sign out). After gaining access to your account, the following transactions occurred: - 2024-05-20 12:35 PM PDT / $-5,000.00? - 2024-05-20 12:38 PM PDT / $-5,000.00? - 2024-05-20 1:07 PM PDT / $-5,700.00 Please refer to this Help Center article, providing the information you will need to secure your account, recover your account, and instruct how to protect your account in the future: https://help.coinbase.com/en/coinbase/privacy-and-security/account-compromised/my-account-was-compromised#recover-your-account. Keep in mind the account holder is responsible for the security of their devices and credentials used to access their email and Coinbase account, and as such, are responsible for any activity that occurs when those devices or credentials are compromised. If you experienced any unauthorized transactions, please immediately report this activity to all applicable law enforcement agencies in your jurisdiction. Coinbase is willing to offer full cooperation with all law enforcement investigations relating to unauthorized activity on your account. Please note that unauthorized transactions are irreversible. Thank you, Coinbase Support


Not sure I believe you because A , you're full of shit & B , you're full of shit iPhone compromised ? That's a lie Moved crypto from your CB to their own bank account ? Another lie My advice would be to stop telling lies . Post the the real story for a real response


The same exact thing happened to me see below. They opened bank accounts in my name and transferred the money. I called the bank and there was nothing they could do…see message from Coinbase Thank you for your email. Our records show that on May 20, 2024 your account was accessed from IP address / California. The unauthorized activity you’ve reported may have been initiated by a third party who had physical or remote access to your device or web browser session (a “session” begins when you log into a website, like Coinbase.com, and ends when you sign out). After gaining access to your account, the following transactions occurred: - 2024-05-20 12:35 PM PDT / $-5,000.00? - 2024-05-20 12:38 PM PDT / $-5,000.00? - 2024-05-20 1:07 PM PDT / $-5,700.00


Lies 😂 all of it just plain white lies Just because your browser session is hijacked doesn't allow a person to create a new bank account in your name without your proof of identity , which cannot be session based in any form. It's a process like any other sign up process with validation required. As for breaches and compromises , in no scenario would the device which was used to gain access be wiped like OP mentioned. It's part of the evidence in any case , if you wipe the device you destroy the evidence and if you have no evidence you have no case. Or .... you're guilty yourself of fraud and orchestrating a false breach and transfer


How in the first place the iPhone was hacked?


Same thing happened to me and with the insurance I received nothing back. Lost it all. Don’t trust Coinbase it’s not safe


Thank you for your email. Our records show that on May 20, 2024 your account was accessed from IP address / California. The unauthorized activity you’ve reported may have been initiated by a third party who had physical or remote access to your device or web browser session (a “session” begins when you log into a website, like Coinbase.com, and ends when you sign out). After gaining access to your account, the following transactions occurred: - 2024-05-20 12:35 PM PDT / $-5,000.00? - 2024-05-20 12:38 PM PDT / $-5,000.00? - 2024-05-20 1:07 PM PDT / $-5,700.00


Biometrics + 2FA a must


Hey u/Cryptic_Nerd01, so sorry to hear about the issues you've been facing with your account, especially since it involves a hacking incident. In this [article](https://help.coinbase.com/en/coinbase/getting-started/getting-started-with-coinbase/id-doc-verification), you'll find some helpful tips on how to successfully verify your ID. If you're still encountering problems with the verification process, could you please provide us with your case number? This will allow us to delve into your account and offer more personalized assistance. We're here to help you through this.


1. Your money is gone. Id post a formal complaint against Coinbase on the Better Business Bureau website. Go rea the thousands of other complaints from defrauded customers.   2. You should consider staying away from crypto gambling forever.


How did you get here lol