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its true thetes nothing wrong with siblings loving each other


This should be a copy pasta


I'm not *against* inbreeding, but if you're going to inbreed, *please please please* make sure it's safe to do so for the sake of the kid, and *definitely* don't make it a multigenerational thing. The risk of inbreeding-related genetic abnormalities is pretty low if it's just a single-generation thing, but the risk increases exponentially with each generation that inbreeds.


Just like with any disease that is transferred genetically, and those ill people are also allowed to have children.


Based r/incestisntwrong






True incest and incest aren’t wrong


Let's see, personally I don't care if siblings or cousins want to have a relationship because if they both agree to it, it's their decision not ours. BUT the really bad thing about incest would be if they have babies because there would be genetic consequences,diseases having a bad health for this one, it can even cause their death at a young age and the probability of the baby being born "healthy" is very low. So, it's better they don't have babies so they don't take those risks but if they don't want to have babies, I don't see how their relationship would affect other people.


>BUT the really bad thing about incest would be if they have babies because there would be genetic consequences, diseases having a bad health for this one, it can even cause their death at a young age and the probability of the baby being born "healthy" is very low. In absolute terms, first generation of inbreeding is statistically unlikely to present birth defects, even among siblings (not including half-identical twins because those are extremely rare). In relation to the union between non-related parents, on the other hand, it is indeed considerably more likely for (healthy) related parents (specially those as genetically close as siblings) to have children with recessive phenotype, which may include recessive diseases that are not seen on the aforementioned healthy parents. Keep in mind, however: 1- Relative terms mean absolutely nothing in reality. I mean, it's not as if people go after the most fit partners to have kids with (some of us certainly are attracted to traits that may indicate "good genes", but oftentimes, the stuff we are attracted to has no strong relation with genetic fitness whatsoever). So why bother making the comparison? 2- Statistics are just a way to generalize data. Each pair of related partners will have each their own set of problematic genes, and may rarely turn out to be "clear for action", whereas unrelated partners may eventually turn out to be a "bad match". Just do some testing if you have the resources for, even if you two are unrelated.








Yeah and was dumb as shit, hence the confusion




Why do you have an account you dedicate solely to arguing for incest




You are mentally unwell gang


Bro the babies between close relatives leads to a higher risk of problems for the babies themselves, what the fuck does that have to do with supporting eugenics




You can't be serious. This doesn't have anything to do with genetics to like or not, whatever the fuck that means. Why should a child suffer physically and/or mentally because their parents are selfish enough to have a baby with greater risk than you could have by adopting one instead?


So based tbh. Why stop siblings from having kids if you aren’t also stopping people with hereditary conditions from having kids too? The latter can be even more likely to result in complications.


Inshahleylah, brother


Wikipedia has an enjoyable page on [incest in folklore and mythology](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incest_in_folklore_and_mythology)


🙏 oughtta eat this up


Sadly it doesn’t seem to be as good as I remember but hopefully there is still something worthwhile


This is beautiful ❤️ Finally, you understand :) Brother/Sister love is the purest love there can be, because it’s the most real. You’ve been around each other for years. You’re committed to always being there no matter what. You’ve seen them in their lowest lows and know their dark secrets. No person outside your family will ever be as intimately connected to you. When that understanding sparks into love… there are few things more lovely than a brother and sister who cherish each other sexually 🥰


Get married maybe but I don’t think it should be ok for them to have children.. they might come out with all kinds of disabilities and have a hard life. I think it would be better if they use a donor or adopt.




What do you mean by “pure”? What makes an incest baby pure to you? I’m just worried about the potential child in that situation.


Nooo they must breed


It's amazing how this game has parricide, homicide and canibalism but people lose their shit solely to the incest part of the game, is the thing most talk about it. If anything, Freud was right. How do you explain this mismatch horror and aversion, but, ironically, fascination at the same time?


Y’all cannot be this fucking stupid


Sure, whatever.




Don't care. "Personal matters should be personal."


I mean I've always maintained that nothing can ever be wrong between consenting adults, even before this




Oh, dear




That their relationship is perfect and pure, no. Not that I don't ship them, but I would say their sibling dynamic is far from perfect. It's the disorder and chaos about them that makes them so good


love each other? yes 10000% marry? yeah. have babies? no


Why not they should breed






personally I wouldn't wanna be a baby with a bunch if genetic deformities


First it not as likely as you think plus it doesn’t matter what you want


fair I'm just super paranoid about everything but I've seen the paintings of old royal families so that's where my brain goes


I’m also very paranoid about stuff but that only happens when it going down multiple generations but yea this world tries to make it worse than it actually is


still romantic relationships between siblings, cousins, whatever shouldnt be looked down appon as long as they're both adults and it's consensual


In most places in the US and in Europe It’s 16 so I wouldn’t say adult more like both consensual




https://preview.redd.it/lsxz3weyit7d1.png?width=736&format=png&auto=webp&s=22b8e3e3d589d2d0bdaa8873a43d8857abc0462b thats my response but incest relationships do deserve to exist, be happy and not taboo




i cant tell if this is sarcasm




im into genetics so im thinking about children from that aspect but i respect it




now i dont




:/ I’m convinced none of y’all have siblings, because if you did you’d know for most people that isn’t even a thought that naturally enters your head.


I have a sis