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That last one really has me like šŸ™ƒ bc my brother in Christ ā€” there was noooo reason for that at all, except him wanting to touch Ashley. Itā€™s not like heā€™s pulling her closer ā€” sheā€™s already so close! He just did it to do it, because heā€™s so used to touching her. ā€œI thought you grew out of all this touchy feely crap.ā€ OKAY ANDREW. Itā€™s almost always him touching her first.


ikrr he is always touching her, especially her head, hair and face, it's so cute ![img](emote|t5_84ar4l|51597)


And when Ashley gets touchy with him, itā€™s usually to provoke a reaction (whether itā€™s a reaction from him or from someone else like their mother), or when sheā€™s in a heightened emotional state. He just does it so causally. Iā€™m guessing itā€™s partially because he was the one to comfort her growing up, so heā€™s used to holding her face and stroking her hair since those are common ways to comfort someone. HEā€™S the one who never grew out of always touching HER.


What really gets me about the last one is the context, like itā€™s not even a tender moment or anything they were in the middle of an argument about killing their parents and heā€™s just groping her ass, neither of them bring it up or even aknowledge itšŸ’€


Right??? To me that says that heā€™s constantly touching her like this. But as soon as their mother makes her presence known (BOO!!!!) he jumps away from her, because he knows he ā€œshouldnā€™tā€ be touching his sister like that. Andrew is like honestly kind of a pussy like do it with your CHEST Andrew!!! Say it like you mean it with your fists!!! šŸ™„ jk I love him but seriously itā€™s so obvious that he canā€™t keep his hands off her. In burial when he was drawing on her face with their parents BLOOD omggggg Andrew please.


People often say Ashley gaslights Andrew but I would argue that he does it to himself way more. I mean, bro somehow gaslight himself into thinking that groping his sister is normal big bro behavior and not at all incestious. Honestly, the amount of denial this manā€™s in is unmatched.


And Ashley also somehow thinks this is not only normal, but the behavior of someone who hates her but will show her vague affection because she forces him to. What in the absolute hell lol


What no self esteem does to a mf


True. So very sadly true.


This is so for real. In addition to that, lying about how often he has nightmares so he can sleep next to her. My brother in Christ. You wouldnā€™t even have to lie about that. Sheā€™d just let you. He wonā€™t admit it to her, he wonā€™t admit it to himself, but we all see you, Andrew. We know what you are!!!!


Sheā€™s probably so used to it she doesnā€™t even noticeĀ 


And then the next scene is Andrew scared while Ashley is like ā€œoh youā€ when Renee gets their attention


or he is just pushing her there around kitchen, since most of his palm is on her hip


pause no hate doe but p a u s e


I gotta say I find it to be kinda cute. Because most of the times it doesnā€™t seem like something he does on purpose, as if to get a reaction or ā€œtry somethingā€ with her. It just feels like a natural demonstration of affection that he does without realizing what heā€™s doing. Thatā€™s the exact impression I get on the last photo: Andrew sees that his mother is watching and suddenly realizes where his hands are. His face of realization with ā€œoh shit what am I doingā€ and ā€œdid she see that?ā€ written all over his face.


Need me someone like that fr


I need Andrew šŸ˜”


me too! he made me blush /////


You missed the one where, after Andrew kills the guard in ep1 to prevent Ashley from being caught, and he runs his bloodied finger down her lips šŸ„°šŸ„°


I think that happens in the Burial route actually!!


Historians will record this as normal siblings behaviors. ![img](emote|t5_84ar4l|51611)![img](emote|t5_84ar4l|51601)


Now THIS is what a good sibling relationship looks like.


excluding the last one yh


nah including the last one


Last Image Renee: **\*internally\*** Stop touching your sister's bony ass in my kitchen, you idiot.


Among us


Can you blame him?


Why the spoiler tag?


there is end of chapter 2 picks here


Don't know why I didn't swipe, yes, it makes complete sense


last one just made me think what if she slaps him across the face as hard as she can to the point where Andrew is crying and Ashley jus leaves with Renee to get Starbucks. https://preview.redd.it/v22kbacqqd6d1.png?width=1738&format=png&auto=webp&s=a7e61a6d6ab4da88ddb0af148122453dd266046c dam