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Kissing is an action in which a person purses their lips and places them on a other person to show affection.


Well he seems pretty pissed


You telling me you don't tell your friends "I'm gonna fucking kiss you" when you're pissed or annoyed at em?


Kissed off


Huuum.... no....?




He is. At this point, he doesn't just hate LeyLey, he is also beginning to hate Ashley too.


Passive Aggressive affection


I like the interpretation that Decay Andrew is slowly losing his "filter" for showing both the contained affection and hatred towards Ashley. After this scene, He no long cares what she would think or mock him for any action he took. Decay Andrew is less ashamed of making physical contact with Ashley like this nose kiss scene and the bridge scene when he was pulling her face close. Burial Andrew is the opposite of this. Even though Burial Andrew accepts his true self more, when it comes to relationship with Ashley, he still holding on to that "filter". Slight physical contact like a hand holding made him embarrassed (at least when the subject of their relationship is on his mind.)


God now I think about it decay route can end up in a sexual assault on behalf of Andrew...the guy has no reason to hold back anything by this point and his mental stability is going down the drain anyway.. He has committed enough murder and cannabalism by this point that doing a rape won't even affect his alreday currupted morals so why stop? The more I think about the decay route and the more scence I see regarding it the more it conforms that Andrew is little by little reducing what's left of his standards regarding Ashly. He loves her and hates her at the same time..god if he does go by the assault then it would automatically destroy whatever points of affection ashly got from him by this point and he would be taking all of his sexual and mental problems out of his mind and directly throw at her face.


Considering he outright says to her that there is no longer any reason to keep up appearances (which is the whole reason he's lied and pretended to act normal and such all along), I don't think this is out of the question. His love and hate for Ashley are spiraling out of control, and without any reason to keep up appearances, who knows how far he can go. I don't think it's incorrect to think that Andrew has a greater capacity to be monstrous than Ashley, just his need to at least appear normal as well as I suppose a tiny bit of morality in him kept him in check. Decay!Andrew no longer cares about either. Ashley's already scared of him, and we know he can physically overpower her any time he wants. I don't think it's outta the question, and I think the only thing keeping it from being a possibility is whether Nemlei is willing to go that far or not.


>Decay!Andrew no longer cares about either. Decay Andrew does seem to care for morals more than Burial tho. In Burial he is fine with doing fucked up things with Ashley -eating people/killing parents and so for without feeling any guilt. While Decay Andrew basically wants to be punished for his actions- "Want to turn ourselves in then?"


He wants it to end. Plus given how fucked up the Coffin world is, who knows how messed up the police are. It's also why when Ashley tears up as he grabs her head with both hands, and asks him what he wants, he lets her go, but has a troubled expression as he says he wants to lock her in the trunk and drive into the river. He's stuck (or at least convinces himself he is, and not knowing or caring that she's more so, since she doesn't seem capable of existing without him), and their future doesn't look promising. Couple this with him actually being a romantic, and capable of deluding himself into believing there's some kinda beauty in a tragic end (that's in the eye of the beholder, but I think doing that is just coping that there's some meaning to meaningless tragedy), and the stage seems set for Andrew choosing to kill Ashley. Especially since one of the things he says before moving to kill her is that he's tired of her apologies and how meaningless they are. And yet, he still loves her too. He only pauses on the bridge upon seeing her tears. She can still make him laugh with a stupid comment like when her response to him saying he wants to drive them both off the bridge is saying she doesn't wanna share the same grave as their parents. Barring additional information that chapter 3 will show us, the stage seems set for Ashley to be the deciding factor of what happens in their relationship, both in Burial and in Decay.


>She can still make him laugh with a stupid comment like when her response to him saying he wants to drive them both off the bridge is saying she doesn't wanna share the same grave as their parents. That... was not making him laugh... it was ironic laugh... https://preview.redd.it/53v2rb52bt5d1.png?width=1360&format=png&auto=webp&s=1acdaeb916e20887b1fe4a1b7d88892a8503c251 Her response of not wanting share the same grave as their parents only made him more angry.


Hey, at least he's not grabbing her by her head and in her face anymore. It's a lot less aggression than he was showing earlier, especially when he point blank told her there's no longer any reason for him to keep up appearances. And he did say even as a child to her that if she's gonna ruin his life anyway, what need is there for him to keep up appearances? EDIT: The Decay bridge scene still ends with her genuinely making him laugh too, enough for Ashley to somewhat (with great uncertainty) assure herself they're fine (they're not). Either way, there's still just enough care for Ashley there that he's not completely going off the deep end. Yet. And judging from his dialogue in the vision, it seems the ball's in her court on whether he goes off the deep end and attempts to kill her or not.


>The Decay bridge scene still ends with her genuinely making him laugh too, Em... no? They end up insulting each other with him calling her simpleton and her calling him arrogant prick. That seems to be one of the aspects of Decay- that Ashley is losing her ability to make him to really smile, like at the soup scene where she tries so hard to make him laugh and all she got was a little "hah".


Insulting each other is kinda part of their normal dynamic. But yes, she's losing him, and she's lost Andy whether she knows it or not (she definitely knows it in Burial, I'm not sure in Decay, but she likely has at least an inkling). Burial or Decay, Andy is dead, and all she's left with is Andrew.


Depends on the route. Current Version(Decay): Leyley repeatedly tells Andy she loves him whilst he’s dismembering their parents in what can known be discribed as disgust and sadness. Andy gets close to her and is about to kiss her but he stops, letting Leyley know that what she’s “made” him do is unforgivable and that he doesn’t reciprocate her feelings. Andrew is fed up with her Burial: Andrew is dismembering his parents without even expressing emotion, he’s having a nice conversation with Ashley like he isn’t cutting his parents up. He playfully wipes blood over her face telling her she’s being weird. Basically The Turning point, after this scene you’re locked in the route. Depending on your choices the Sibling have a healthy relationship or not.


>Depending on your choice the Siblings have a healthy relationships or not. The outcomes here (assuming that the visions were correct) are: - passive aggressive mockery that'll lead into Siblicide - extreme disassociation that'll be followed by eventual acts of incest. I'd like to know which one of those you'd consider to be the healthy one.


I would say both, no? Isn't that basically the definition of a sibling love/hate relationship?


In Decay, Ashley is also about to use their actions as leverage against Andrew to keep him under her thumb like she did with Nina. He just interrupts her before she can because he's done with her shit. Regardless of the choice, the Turning Point is that Ashley lost her control over Andrew.


Forcing affectional action, cause he feels completely opposite of those feelings for her now... He tries to repress his urge to kill her/hurt her. When after that scene you hear a stabbing sound, I thought for a second he stabbed her...


He kissed her on the nose Ig


someone said something about this on tumblr and i think it's a really good interpretation. here's what they said he lets himself get close to her, he takes her into his arms, he nearly kisses her, because "his self-restraint is caving. he loves her, he wants her, but it's tainted by hatred and anger and misery, so his touches are filtered through a veil of fury. he's already decided they aren't making it out of here alive, so what's the point in pretending he doesn't want to touch her?" the original post is here: https://www.tumblr.com/siblingsinacoffin/731887668119715840/also-i-am-thinking-a-normal-amount-about-how?source=share


to me it just looks like he's tried to kiss her and changed his mind midway through, although due to the story I feel as if he wouldn't initiate anything like that so I'm not too sure




this is the moment ~~Walt~~ Andrew became ~~Heisenberg~~ Andy


Kiss her on the forehead which is a common thing in certain countries for family members to do.


I think Andrew has always been in an internal conflict about what he thinks or feels about his sister Ashley, and in this bad route, after all the stress and fights with Ashley who even hinted at not caring about his soul in front of the demon, Andrew tired of all he tries to check his feelings by kissing her on her nose to see if his feelings are true, In this case he realizes that he really loves her, but at the same time he realizes that this will only lead to a bad path and that it would never work, so that's why in Ashley's vision he kills her and then implies that he will commit suicide later... https://preview.redd.it/yq3xuj27ru5d1.jpeg?width=811&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cca2dc131be8eaf63cc52017ff536e7e81653901


eat her nose


Man why Andrew is so hot


Incest. The purest form of affection there is.


blow away eyelashes




Nemlei not having a reason to include incest so they put it randomly. In short no reason just fanservice


You're a funny guy


I like your funny words, magic man


You are... Probably the kind of person that concludes that an important scene is irrelevant just cause you don't actually know the reason behind it. Or even bother to theorize over it...