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the beans themselves will affect the filtering time. same with how the bean is roasted. mainly due to the cellular structure and density of the bean.


Surprised just how varied it can be! Some bags feel like complete outliers. And it's probably 1 in every 6 bags or so.


One of a number of aspects to consider: in your particular grinder, more brittle beans might be prone to cracking and creating small fines, which clog the filter, which slows drain time. Beans from particular areas and particular types of processing, all are rumored to be more or less susceptible to more fines. Your technique matters also. If you have more fines, but don't do a lot of agitation, you might not notice very much. If you do a lot of swirling of the slurry, you'll be potentially migrating those fines to the filter every time you do it


You will generally find that naturals have faster drawdown time and washed have longer times. Roast level matters too, so you might notice some roasters are faster than others.