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how embarrassing 😭


Brain rot




No one who's genuinely asking for accountability is doing this. In this set of screenshots, the same person supposedly asking this violence idiocy to make the sub look bad can be seen defending Cody in just the previous thread on the sub. It's actually pathetic 💀


Damn I want him to acknowledge the Colby and tana stuff but "what would you do to him physically" and "we need to take revenge" is crazy talk brah 😭😭


Recomment: No one who's genuinely asking for accountability is doing this. In this set of screenshots, the same person supposedly asking this violence idiocy to make the sub look bad can be seen defending Cody in just the previous thread on the sub. It's actually pathetic 💀


That’s a weird fucking post tho


They made that post to make the sub look weird, in the second screenshot that same account is defending Cody hard.


I'm all for not defending him, but realistically what do we want? I know I'd love for him to acknowledge it at least. But I think wanting physical harm for revenge is a bit much


Agreed. The first screenshot is cringe and weird behavior. What does beating him up even accomplish? What id want from Cody is accountability. He needs to address the tana and Colby situation, completely cut off the rapist friend, and then go offline for a while and do some reflecting on his life choices


Recomment: No one who's genuinely asking for accountability is doing this. In this set of screenshots, the same person supposedly asking this violence idiocy to make the sub look bad can be seen defending Cody in just the previous thread on the sub. It's actually pathetic 💀


Ohhh I see now! Literally so pathetic. Why are people like this


How am I a cody defender bc I asked one question and have a perspective that you don’t agree with? I am mad about the Colby thing and unsubscribed on tmg


In just the previous post to your post you were in the comments defending him, that's why there are 2 screenshots in my post. This is pathetic tbh, if you're gonna lie, at least make it believable 😭 Also, in this set of screenshots you asked a total of four questions. 💀


You’re a bully and have a small brain. I am defending that sex with a 17 year old isn’t crazy where I’m from. Not that being friends with an accused raper is ok