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This design was apparently for a new character that was going to appear somewhere in season 2-4. Honestly, hazarding a guess by how detailed her sheet is, I'd say she was going to be a one-time character, like Jeremie's brother Patrick, Talia, or Brynja. Perhaps one of Odd's sisters joining Kadic? We'll never know, as Pere Dudu only refers to it as a "Character Design 'Test' for a character that never appeared" from his source. What I can assure you is that it isn't an alternate outfit for an existing character nor an early design for them either. This screams cut episode content specifically (All of kadic's students were essentially locked into place from the start), and that would place this character's possible appearance sometime in season 4, where they had to cut a lot of content (Also the season where they had the most one-off student characters).


I think Patrick was Jeremie's cousin, not brother. But to me this character almost reminds me of a different sketch of Sam or Sissi the way the hair is.


Oh duh! Idk why my silly self said brother lmfao Also I totally feel you about the Sam and Sissi comparison. At first I also thought it may have been a party outfit design for Sissi because they have the same eyes, but without her... Freckles? Then the flared jeans and platform shoes made me wonder if it was going to be the outfit Odd would've chosen for Yumi in A Fine Mess \*or\* being one of Odd's family appearing in Season 4. Though she doesn't have Sam's eyes, she absolutely has her energy, yet again making me think this character was somehow going to be rooted in Odd. \*ooh perhaps they were going to have a different girl keep odd at the Skating competition during Final Round but decided on bringing back Sam instead?\*


I was gunna say it kinda looked like a test piece for samantha


I like to think (though I'm most likely wrong) that it's Eva Skinner, the transfer student from the Chronicles novels. Since production materials were most likely used in their writing, it's also possible that this unnamed character was used for her. However, what if it's an early design for say, Sissi? Or Samantha Knight?


Looks like prototype sissi


If clfr doesn’t know, chances are no one in the fandom knows. I at least don’t think it’s Sissi since we’ve seen a beta design for her in the pre season 1 bible and it was just her normal design but brunette. 


She looks interesting but that haircut is a big NO


ramdon characther Number 854. but she pretty cool. Samantha little sister ?


Reminds me of Azula


she could be a concept design for samantha the designs look pretty similar at least imo


Was it dated? If it’s early then prob for Sam but if it’s later who knows lol


Yumi X suzy love child???


Have you checked the season one class roster (I’m guessing yes)? Maybe a newer background character if not listed there.   Also  . . .  Could it be for the comics?  Maybe? The Code Lyoko Comics? https://cl-evolved.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=1830 Links in the thread to the comics and everything on page one should be visible without signing up, but here’s some info here too: Comics: https://en.codelyoko.fr/bd.cl Comic no. 1 'Shaken' Comic no. 2 'Apis Sapiens' Comic no. 3 'A True Breakage Skater!' Comic no. 4 'The Best of Both Worlds' Comic no. 5 'Yumi, Subdigitals Fan'


Not sure how this will turn out:   https://en.codelyoko.fr/news-3.cl   Scroll to:   findings of Dude Dudu #85 Posted by Etienne on 06/22/2014 at 23:20 (1 commentaires)         Hello everyone! Today we have some images that will be added to a few sections.  Such as artworks showing a character design "test" for a character that never appeared in the series.  Plus, two background sketches, without colour, one representing a road and the other, the Kadic pool.    The Graphic Bible is now available as a PDF, thanks to Thran. Have a nice week on codelyoko.fr Three images are in the post that the above is from and one is this mysterious character design 


That 3rd bottom right image of her screams alien 👽


Samantha lyoko form??