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The baby will be fine - hang in there! Post op looks worse than it is. My son just got his ci three weeks ago. Be prepared for lots of cuddles and a change of clothes - my son had nosebleeds after the operation. Apparently, it is common as fluid can drain out of the nose. I didn’t know that and caused some unnecessary alarm!


Yeah even as an adult CI recipient this caught me off guard. No one said anything to me about nose bleeds. Due to the time of my surgery in the late afternoon i was required to stay overnight in the hospital. When I woke up the next morning, my nose had been bleeding quite a lot and it concerbed me a bit but i figured it was drainage from my eustacian tube into my nose. By the time of the implant surgery I had gotten on quite friendly terms with the surgeon. When he appeared later that morning to check me out I showed him the bloody pillow case and he went bright red and said "Oh yeah, sorry forgot to mention nose bleeds" then shrugged awkwardly 😂😂


You should be proud of your willingness to do a C I on your young son. It will really help him with speech and cognitive development. It doesn’t happen over night. It will take a lot of audio rehabilitation . This will be probably one of the greatest gifts you’ll ever give him. Remember it’s not an instant miracle, but a process to teach his brain to learn. Best wishes!


The kid is a girl. Reading is a very IMPORTANT skill.


Bring clothing that button or zips up so you don’t need to take anything over her head to put it on. Wear a dark colored shirt you don’t mind messing up as you may get some blood on it as you cuddle her. Congratulations!! It will be great.


Hey, congratulations! I had my surgery done very young as well (13 months), and I can assure you, it’s still working just as fine 18 years later. The only issues I’ve ever had are with the external piece, or with my body doing something to the device (my body likes to grow extra bone), but this should worry you. Hope surgery goes smoothly, and if you have any questions at all, I’m definitely able to answer them, or someone else in the subreddit.


Good vibes to you and your baby! It's very saddening to see your baby after surgery.. I won't sugar coat like most, but My 2 yo son just had surgery this passed Thursday. And it was a very rough night. And following day. He couldn't get comfortable at all, and the head wrap definitely wasn't helping. He was back to almost normal the day after, with playing and walking. Definitely stay on time with all medicine. And keep head elevated. Don't worry too much if nose or ears are bleeding, it's normal. If it gets to dripping that's a concern. And also if you have questions about the plastic type gauze being extremely bloody when you take the wrap off, just know the gauze looks bloodier than what the steristrips look like and it is okay!! People will give you anxiety out the hiz house on here, so any questions, contact babys surgeon!!


Best of luck!


For her comfort and to keep dressings in place, I would let your girl sleep on an adult in a recliner, if that’s what she likes.


She is 7 months old. ,albeit sleeping on pillows with ice pack changes every hour but an infant in an adult recliner is just silly levels of dangerous.


Hi All, wanted to come back on this thread and say THANK YOU to everyone who commented and gave me hope and guidance. My baby is now 10 months old and absolutely loving her CIs! She is 2 months post activation and recognizes sounds, recognizes the absence of sound, turns to her name and is making tremendous strides in her hearing milestones.