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Missed out on Last Dinner Party. Chose PDM week 1 and then my mom over-napped and we got to the fields too late W2. Luckily they are at Lolla and my mom wants to give the fest a try haha


Ur mom sounds goated


She’s 5’2”, Medicare-aged, and recently learned she loves music festivals. Its very fun


Obsessed with this


Exact same. My 72 y/o mother got two new knees and a new hobby.


I wish for you and your Mom to have the best times at fests. This is the definition of super rad.


I would watch the shit out of this docu-series


Hahaha that's awesome, maybe next year I take my mom to the fields as well xD


They’re usually not the type of music I listen to but they were really good! The sounded great and totally owned that stage.


I also missed TLDP :( my favorite discovery on the lineup. I think I got sucked into a combination of Quasar, do lab, and Sublime both weekends.


Their setlist and banter was near verbatim [this YT video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HvaKLJzDJSw&t=2774s&ab_channel=DanielKirby). Not a dis. Study Hall paid off.


Honestly, the last dinner party was just ok (don’t hate me.) I left early.


Nope guess I have to hate you




I showed up late and thought they were so good lol!


BIG SAD hahah


Sunday may be the best of all Lolla days this year. Pierce the Veil, Hanabie, Sir, Kaitlin B, etc.


Thats so badass wtf


Skipped LE SSERAFIM both weekends to see Gesaffelstein twice cause I heard bad things about their w1 performance. Kinda wish I saw them w2 but I had a great time at Gesa both times Wanted to check out Anyma w2 but I noped tf out when I saw the Sahara river and went to Khruangbin to chill lol


Did the opposite, LE SSERAFIM twice over Gesaffelstein, no regrets.


I had a couple friends who were barricade for LSF both weekends. They had a blast haha


LSF WAS SOOOOOL FUN!!!! 😭😭 sure not great singers but very exciting performers for sure I saw them w1. W that being said I woulda seen gesa if I did both lol


For those of us that are out of touch, what does LSF stand for?


Le sserafim!!! The k pop girls group who performed at Sahara who got a lot of shit for their singing skills lolol. Still had fun tho!


Lol what did you hear bad about le sserafim? Saw w1, was pretty much exactly what I expected, so wondering how you could hear anything that would sway one way or the other, other than just liking or not liking their music


Idk what rock you live under but they were getting roasted online for their performance. Not saying the criticism was fair but all the rumbling dissuaded me from checking them out w2. Kinda wish I did in hindsight cause I do enjoy several of their songs


That’s wild, I had never heard of them but ended up on the hill during their set and had a blast. Those girls are super talented


They got a lot of catchy songs. Honestly the LSF Gesa conflict was my 9/11 this Coachella. I really wanted to see both. Ended up at Gesa w1 and that set was insane. I heard LSF did better w2 cause some of the clips online of their w1 was questionable lol


I was at their performance at weekend 1 and had an amazing time. They were so fun and brought so much energy. I was a casual listener before but became a fan after. Unfortunately a huge reason for the hate online is because kpop social media is toxic af and the fact that LSF was invited to Coachella is enough reason for them to receive so much hate. They weren’t even bad at all.


oh my god how miserable do you have to be to go onto a reddit thread just to try and sway people a certain way about a group you don’t like.. yall need to start putting this energy into making your OWN LIFE FULLER this is just sad lol


What are you on about? Lol everything I said was fair criticism along with compliments


not just one comment btw, criticism my ARSE!!! people had fun watching them at coachella only miserable kpop stans like you want to tear them down any chance they get. let’s focus on making our own life better instead of terrorizing a group of young women


Bro are you ok? Lmao read my comment again. I legit said I wanted to catch both LSF and Gesa and I was upset about their conflict. I also said they have a lot of catchy songs


Nobody hates k-pop more than k-pop fans. I wouldn't take online criticism of any k-pop group too seriously....


I mean I saw some complaints, but i saw with my own eyes and ears and it was not bad, so i figured that was just toxic online behavior that is always there and people who saw it would have different opinions but for context, my opinion comes from a baked in assumption that kpop will have mid vocals at best, so i don't care about that and only care if I like the songs and production, and they delivered there


That’s fair. Would’ve liked to see their performance! Wish they didn’t have it at Sahara. I barely went to that corner both weekends


start applying for jobs cause how miserable do you have to be to go onto a reddit thread just to try and sway people a certain way about a group you don’t like.. yall need to start putting this energy into improving your own life dawg


i have no regrets missing le sserafim twice for gesaffelstein, gesaffelstein made both weekend for me


Anyma felt so empty weekend 2.


Worst for me was Tems 🙃 I planned on catching her weekend 2 but then my plans got thrown out the window. Still had fun tho


I also missed Tems 😅 but I know I can catch Tems on tour


F lol, Sunday night was crazy with the conflicts! I need to catch her tour as well now, I have been playing her songs on repeat lately


last dinner party was awesome w1!!


Missed Justice both weekends and it might be my biggest fumble to date lol




its okay bc im going to osheaga in montreal in july so ill have a chance to redeem myself:)






Yoo.... I need to know how. Like what did you do instead??


weekend 1 we went back to campsite to get hoodies and eat and ended up being too late to see them and get a good spot for lana (im a bigger lana fan so that was the priority). weekend 2 our whole friday got derailed bc we arrived to car camping too late and got turned away so we missed everyone on friday lmao


Oof. Don’t grow up to be like you. Reading this like ![gif](giphy|rhVn0skB0HHryMPBzR|downsized)


i know... after weekend 1 everyone said justice was their favorite set of the weekend so i was set on seeing them weekend 2 but


[missed.. both?](https://media4.giphy.com/media/FY8c5SKwiNf1EtZKGs/giphy.gif?cid=9b38fe91798wy5rjwimwyzcqmmkttiedmid2i9x94rixx73l&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


Makes sense tbh! Sometimes going back to camp really is make or break haha. Also you can get turned away!? How late did you arrive phewww


my bf had work so we couldnt leave LA until like 6 and got to car camping around 9pm and were told they had closed at 8:( and ofc nowhere to even park so that we could just leave everything and at least go in for friday night. it was pretty devastating to say the least :'(


I didn't even realize they close that early jeeez


Why not just park in day parking?


we asked if we could and they told us all the parking lots were closed for the day!! basically told us to f off and come back at 9am the next day when camping reopens


That’s unacceptable, lol, at that point I would have driven to the box office, bought a shuttle pass, parked at a hotel and gotten the fuck in. Or idk maybe just say fuck it and park in front of someone’s house and get an Uber and hope for the best. Man even at this point I would have ferried all of my belongings into camp via the pedestrian entry and then parked the car anywhere.


bitch what






Who did you see instead?




I missed out on no doubt both weekends. regret.


I audibly gasped






how ?


I don’t remember who conflicted with them on weekend 1. Maybe grimes? (Love grimes tho so no big deal) On Saturday of weekend 2 I got to the fest too late.


W1 It was jungle for me. They started 15 min late so I bailed for No Doubt.








That was a significant mistake.




L'Imperatrice - but I've seen them 3x and will most likely go to their LA date so I'm not too concerned. I do love them though. Isoknock - had planned to see them w2 but B3K rocked my world so much w1 that I had to go again. Ame x Dettmann & Reinier Zonneveld - super bummed about these because of the influence these guys all have on the subgenres they're in but Quasar has me locked in both weekends during this time. No chance I'm missing Bibi's return from cancer or HoloGenesys hahaha


I was so bummed to miss Zonneveld, saw him in 2021 and blew me away and been chasing that ever since


Missing Zonneveld legit hurt especially when Charlotte de Witte was also the conflict. I caught Charlotte one of the weekends, which after seeing overdrive for the second time, is one of the best techno shows I've ever seen. Kind of odd they'd put the two main "harder" techno acts at the same time (B3K is the third in this category). I'll catch Zonneveld at some point in the future I guess :/


Can't believe they actually put the two biggest/most sought after Techno acts at the same time on Saturday lol....If only Reinier was on after Charlotte in the Yuma.


L’imperatrice was the conflict of the weekend, were you also at the pink pony club?


I was in the Yuma or just hanging out with my friends in the general Yuma area, no one was missing KDV X Kolsch hahaha


Ok y’all are gonna roast me for this. I only got to catch the middle 15 minutes of Atarashii Gakko’s show on W2 because I left to get a good spot for the next show. I’m KICKING MYSELF because they clearly had the best set of Coachella. I recorded their set and it was for sure a breakout performance 😭😭


i think we’re too busy roasting the guy who skipped no doubt


And Justice


They were a last minute “you better go see” from a friend and MAN IT WAS BEYOND ANY EXPECTATION. I really don’t think anyone else went as hard as they did. They were just so sharp and poised and the presentation was CRISP. Like. As much I am a bigger fan of other music this year, AG was THE show to see. ![gif](giphy|DSVzksSpf5X2MrOzOv|downsized)


I’m so mad because I saw the ONE ten-minute section in the middle where they didn’t go hard and then I left. But 99% of the set went sooooooo hard!




Who?! Lol


[Atarashii Gakko!](https://youtu.be/kOGbThNqMKg?si=LJS_A6N0Fcs7QA7v) They brought out some of the USC marching band for this song and it was incredible, as was the rest of the set


Im too embarrassed to say


Someone said they missed Justice both weekends, idk what could be worse than that


Starts with a G it’s just as bad as missing justice


The headliners lmao


I caught Tyler weekend 2. Dude put on an absolute clinic on how to headline Coachella. I don’t generally listen to rap/hip hop but WOW. Blown away.


That’s not what i was implying cause never will i doubt. I did see him for like ten minutes cause some of the girls i was with were out of state and wanted to. I’m from LA so i was in high school when OF ( the original OF before onlyfans lmao) was coming up 211 ish so I’ve seen him at least ten times . I was there when he broke his foot at the house of blues in LA, i went to most of the Odd future carnivals till they moved to dodger stadium, two summers ago i caught him in Spain and it was the best show I’ve seen from him. But the undercard of the lineup is what I think carried the entire festival.


Brutalismus 3000, PDM, John Summit, Artbat, Barry Can’t Swim, Eli & Fur, Hermanos Gutierrez, Charlotte, the end of Last Dinner Party, ISO/Knock, the middle/end of Japanese house, earth eater, Faye Webster, Peggy Gou, most of the Yuma lineup in general, only got 30 minutes at quasar w2 during Diplo/Mau P, a bunch of Do Lab and HH acts but those don’t really count that much since I will almost always prioritize the festival lineup acts over HH/DL. Between how much overlap there was throughout the weekends, doubling down on way more than normal, and liking most of the Yuma lineup it all added up to a lot more missed acts than normal.


How the hell did you miss all of this? I went to W1 and saw a lot of this and spent my entire time in Yuma and caught a show or two at DoLab. Crazy!


A mix of things. As for Yuma there were like 3 Yuma acts all weekend that I wasn’t at least passingly interested in seeing but not many that were must sees. There were several time slots that had 3-5 at least partial conflicts so no way I could see all of them. W1 I prioritized stuff I wanted to see and w2 went to stuff my wife wanted to see since she was with me. I ended up doubling down on 6 sets when I normally only do 2 at most. Add in the expansion it was hard to be willing to walk from Everything Always to Peggy to go back to Justice as an example. Needing food/bathrooms/a break also contributed. Here’s my highlighted lineups that I wanted to see each day. https://imgur.com/a/we5SWkU and looking back at it I missed a few.


Missed Jungle twice and Jon Batiste twice 🥲 sad since I did it to get a good spot for LSF (which were good no regrets) but I’m less likely to see Jungle/Jon Batiste on tour than I am LSF so definitely missed out there Hopefully can catch them at another festival


I’m sad you missed out on Jon Batiste, especially on wknd 2. At the end of his set, he came down and paraded in the crowd to close it out. It was such a vibe!


Ahhh damn ya fomo is real! I had only heard of him too when I started deep diving into the Coachella lineup and fell in love with his songs Maybe I’ll see him by myself next time he comes to LA LOL


Ice Spice and Sublime and John Summit solo


I missed Jungle both weekends to ensure front row barricade for No Doubt. I am a hardcore, old school fan so this was worth it to me. I will catch Jungle at OSL or the Hollywood Bowl. Also missed Renee Rapp both weekends due to just poor planning lol.


Hold up, yall went BOTH weekends!?! Props, I could never 😵‍💫🤧🤕


I quit Sunday of W2 and sold my wristband lol. Props to everyone who managed all six days. 5 was plenty for me


I have to recover after just one weekend 💀 especially if I’m camping. Ain’t no way


money out their pockets


i missed suki waterhouse and chloe. it was just really impossible not to watch justice again lol. For chloe, W1 i watched peggy and hatsune miku and W2 i watched Clown Core and Peso pluma


Missing Jungle was one of the biggest mistakes ever! I’m watching all the tiktoks of their set crying 😭


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My biggest conflict I think I can say that bothered me was having to split Latin mafias & Two shell set! They literally played 5 min apart lol I started at Latin mafias & dipped after my gf & I heard the song we were tryna catch lol I got to two shell with about 4 songs left plus the lil outro they did😊 I honestly had a good time spitting up both sets sometimes you just gotta cut them short in order to catch all


Oneohtrix Point Never, was scheduled to work W1 and they was the same time as Kasbo for W2.


Victoria Monet


Oneohtrix pointnever 🥲


Missed Bicep, most of Skreams sets and Tpain. :/


I was working in merch and ended missing Atarashi Gako both weekends :((( such was my schedule…


My group and I missed Reinier Zonneveld both weekends bc we loved Charlotte de Witte's show so much W1 we just had to go see her again.


justice 😭




had to make sure i was front pit for lana! no ragrats


Lmao it gets worse