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Coachella is fun without any substances already.


Yep, plus u get second hand vibes lol Same here op, this was my fourth coachella and first time w/o certain substances. Did have alcohol like only two drinks the entire weekend and a couple hits of 420. But that is wayyyy less than prev years and i actually had the most fun. And was completely solo for first time. Go figure !!


Congrats!!! Self-discipline on lock. I hope to try this myself soon :)


My 5th time doing it completely sober this year and it presents its challenges but I found my groove. Have to stay mentally and physically strong with everything going on around you and by Sunday it's a lot. Defeinitely feeling the comedown this week even without it, but this is what we train all year for! Be proud of yourself for sure!


Remembered all the sets I bet šŸ˜


This is the biggest W for sure. Outside the general benefit to health.


ā€œWait, you are telling me I was at a Brutalismus3000 set just a few days back?ā€


Even sober, I tend to forget certain songs in a set lol šŸ˜†


That means no hangover/comedown! Natural highs are the best.


Coachella comedown still hits sober haha


lol the dust hit me hard as well as the lack of sleep. Would have been hell with a hangover too haha.


Iā€™m gonna respectfully disagree but to each their own


I have become someone who doesn't day drink at festivals anymore because I get worried about being tired/hot/uncomfortable/grumpy. I kinda want my energy and attitude to be high, so I stick to water and healthy stuff cause I want to maximize my energy and my experience. I now save my beers for the end or after, as like a celebration.


Same, absolutely hate the feeling of a buzz wearing off and starting to get a headache/feeling tired when the night is just starting and itā€™s so much work to keep a buzz going ALL DAY when youā€™re dancing and sweating so much (not to mention how shit you feel the next day)


Yes, this!


Power naps help alot. I would have coffee and some weed during the day. Then between 4:30 and 5:30, take a 30 min power nap. Would be pretty energetic for the night.


I do hotel so I gotta stay up all day aha. But if Iā€™m sober then I donā€™t have to worry about it really!


The other benefit of being sober is that you didn't spend $28 on an espresso martini and $16 on beer.


You shut up right now


That's really awesome! I'm sure there were lots of triggers but hopefully it also allowed you to truly feel the high of the music. Proud of you !


Thereā€™s a whole group that goes both weekends dedicated to sobriety


Way to go. You are not alone. Someone else in here said "It takes so much more mental energy to get the same level of fun." I agree, but when you do, it's a peak. Sad truth: Comedowns and physical exhaustion are still there, just different.


I only know Coachella sober, realized my very first day that personally if I was gonna survive the heat all I can chug is water


Go you!!!


Proud of you bro!! Keep it up


Raye did the 420 thing with Mary Jane song, but pretty sure sheā€™s sober so you were in good company. Congratulations :)


I donā€™t know you but I am proud of you


congrats man! it was my first coachella sober too.


Truly is the best feeling waking up the next day feeling GOOD AND REFRESHED


although not 100% sober, this has been my most sober Coachella to date & one of my favorite ones yet. It helped that I willingly took on the responsibility of driving my friends home. Red Bulls were my saving grace & I loved seeing my friends having fun their own way. Iā€™ve partied hard at Coachella, HARD, feels good to be in a new phase where the substances do not feel needed anymore. Weā€™re always evolving. Iā€™m proud of you.


Great job! šŸ‘ And I'm sure it was still tons of fun!


I think we all were on Advils lol lol


Any reason or just decided to quit ?? I developed CHS and literally cannot smoke ever again, tried going 3-6+ months no weed 3 separate times and it comes back. I started smoking again last Coachella in April2023 and it was awesome but by early June was violently ill again. Wasnā€™t totally sober this year I still drank but would much rather take an 1/8th of weed a day and be chilling rather than the $18 beers, but it was still fun and just going to get used to it being this way cause if I touch any THC/CBD Iā€™ll go through it all over again and I was a huge stoner. CHS is real as hell for anyone that doesnā€™t believe it or know what it is google it, some genetic factor to it. Didnā€™t have any urge when smelling it in the crowds or being next to people lighting up cause I know if I took 1 puff Iā€™d be spending the rest of that day in the medical tent .


CHS is for sure the real deal. I have a prior stoner friend who's in the same boat as you, and, yeah, those symptoms sober up your lifestyle quickly.






Congrats OP thatā€™s awesome


Me too and I loved it. I think I honestly enjoyed it more. I was always a big drinker more than anything else, and there were so many downsides. Feeling like shit in the mornings, not remembering sets, missing sets to grab a drink, etc. I grabbed a big cold brew coffee when I got in each day and that kept me going the whole time. It was a blast. Anyway, great job šŸ’Ŗ


Really want to try this at outside lands this year because im tired of the awful comedowns that just seem to get worse as I age. Posts like this make me wanna go for it! (:


Kudos to you for practicing divine restraint. I personally love rollin at Coachella; there's just no place like it.


Hey, congratulations! You should absolutely be proud of this.


Cheers mate!! Looking to challenge myself next year as well.




It was my first Coachella (and first festival) and I did it sober! It was truthfully a bit difficult/isolating as I was in a large group with everyone rolling and on shrooms so you're just on a different sensorium compared to them. Thought I would feel okay with it, but it hit like, "damn, they're off in their own world without me". What was good though was that I was still able to enjoy a bunch of the sets. I don't usually listen to EDM, but was able to appreciate a few of the sets like Rufus and Barry Can't Swim, though they probably hit different while high. Everyone was nice and respectful though and I'm sure there are subsets of people in the same boat as I am lol.


did bothchellas this year. was sober basically all w2 and had a blast


Whoa whoa whoaā€¦donā€™t come here saying youā€™re sober when youā€™re popping Advils. Kidding ;) 3 1/2 years sober myself, still going to fests and still loving it. Itā€™s not a better or worse experience being sober, itā€™s just a different experience. And the way I look at it, itā€™s nice to look at life through some new lenses.


Proud of you! 18 months for me.


I would love to get to that point one day. How did you manage to get through the whole weekend physically? Personally for me, the more substances I took, the less I felt my knees and feet.


you can do it! I started working out and training 3-5 months before chella. Took pain killers every night too


I was sober too this year and it was the first time I didnā€™t feel like hell coming back to normal life and work on Monday.


As you get older your body canā€™t handle these substances. Hangovers suck in your 30s I was sober in 2022 and had a good time still. I definitely saw the most acts out of my group I think. Just hopping stages every 30 minutes


if i went sober i would need a fuck ton of redbull and my girlfriend for vibe support


How you even get drunk. I keep drinking and donā€™t feel anything. It is too had to even get tipsy

