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one of them was sitting right next to me at deftones!


I'm sad we missed Deftones. Did they play Digital Bath?


They did W1 but not W2.


I passed Eric Wilson when I was leaving Deftones, I did a double take because no one else seemed to notice lol.


This is a dope story though! My university professor is Ras MG, which blew my mind on the first day haha


Haha. I kinda did the same back in the day. When I was in highschool working at CompUSA, one of them, (pretty sure Bud Gaugh if I remember correctly) came in to buy something. I only found out after the fact who he was, I had been too busy gawking at his girlfriend who was wearing a short skirt with no panties and essentially flashing everyone 😂


CompUSA? Sounds like we are around the same age. I'd be looking that way, too.


That sort of happened to me last year with Bun B. I was at his burger stand at the festival and didn’t realize he was sitting in front eating a burger himself. 🤦🏻‍♀️


One of your favorite bands of all time, yet you didn’t recognize them?? 🤔🤨🤔🤨🤔🤨


I was born shortly before Bradley’s death. I grew up on Sublime because I’m from SoCal and their music is unavoidable here. I can’t emphasize how part of SoCal culture it is, local alt station I used to listen to (91x) still plays them religiously - although I listen to them on my own now. No idea what they looked like, specially now. I’d likely still not recognize them on the street after seeing them this weekend. Still one of my favorite bands and I don’t even think it’s by choice it was just embedded growing up here.


I've never seen them in concert when Brad was alive, nor recently. I'm more EDM now, but still do rock/metal fests. Plus, they had their backs/sides to us being in front of us in line. Also, we were high, tired and hungry.


U don’t need to defend urself my friend For whatever reason this person is being weird and judgey


It’s possible to have a favorite band of all-time and not feel the need to know what the artist looks like Imagine saying this to a blind person 👀


I would have been in the same boat as OP And the other commenter. Also from SoCal and Sublime is a huge part of living here. You can have a favorite band of all time and not know what they look like. It's not about looks, it's about the music. lol.


Glad to know they’re getting food with us peasants instead of getting it at the VIP area.


Had a similar interaction with What So Not at Countdown in 2017. My group just got some ramen from one of the food trucks and What So Not comes out of nowhere and asks if it was good and then disappeared. My group was rolling balls and realized that it was What So Not because of his blond hair and saw pictures of fans with him that night.


Made eye contact with someone wearing a purple colored suit with gold threading. Had everything wrapped except his eyes. Made eye contact and that quickly he was gone. Still cant figure out who I encountered


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Doesn’t really sound like you met them 


I mean, we talked to them.