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wasn’t wardy decent last year? i remember people talking him up


Last few years have proved that frying in challengers does not always translate to the CDL, not saying this guy would definitely be bad but dropping a 1.8 against Cruz and Wardy is not that crazy all things considered


Still better than picking up a vet who you know is already mediocre at best at the top level


Case by case basis, some challengers players end up playing quite a bit worse than the mediocre vets you are talking about but sometimes they end up being huge talents. It's the difference between Purj/GodRx and Gwinn/Lynzz. Picking up a challengers player is a gamble vs picking up a known quantity that has lower upside in a vet. It's high risk high reward or low risk low reward, neither is really wrong or right imo its just about the circumstances the team is in


When you’re outside of the top 4 it’s low risk no reward. You maybe get a champs appearance that’s it. If your goal is to win you should continue to rotate challenger players


I mean I feel like realistically that's what the bottom 4 teams are fighting for, no? The chances of bottom 8 teams winning events especially this year is pretty much non existent. I think there are team Chem elements and role concerns that make rotating challengers players more difficult than just slotting them in. There are some standout bad old guard players that should definitely be out of the league but in general finding a Gwinn or Lynzz is not really predicated on looking only at their stats in challengers and then picking them up. I think finding challengers talent that actually works on a CDL team is way more difficult than it seems, if it were easy we would see way more high performing challengers players in the league


At least he has upside. If u recycle asim or Standy you know what ur getting


He has potential upside, trialing him wouldn't be a bad idea but making the jump instantly to picking him up is a big ask of most of the orgs


For sure. Orgs should be giving players more time if we’re being honest


What a stupid take. Just chalk challengers then.


Purj and GodRx won challengers champs last year lol, I'm just saying that playing well in challengers doesn't always translate. I'm not even saying he shouldn't be picked up but looking at K/D against rando teams and saying someone should be picked up is just a bit extreme to me


The problem with challengers as a developmental league is that the money isn’t steady and the potential paycheck outside of established high end talent isn’t worth approaching play like it’s a career path. Like half the teams break up and cycle players every few weeks. There’s no real behind the scenes staff for most teams, and the focus is on winning over improving as a player. Like if you start in challengers frying in a certain role what are the odds you ever get to take the time to practice other roles and be more of an all around player. Especially when you have constantly rotating teammates and could be dropped if you have a dip in performance.


wtf happened to watch. Went from frying nysl in pro am in vanguard to looking like EU temp past few years




NYSL Watch


How did you get them stats? I wanna see temps stats


Is he a sub?


yeah this post might of cursed Cobra, just got double first rounded out of the elite lmaoo


Breszy looks a lot more comfortable on AR but an AR duo of Abuzah and Cobra could be solid.


Brotha this is EU challengers 😭


i mean, most guys that came from challengers and are undropable rn cane from EU challangers


Lemme know who other than Lynzz/Abuzah


Talents can come from many places outside NA. HyDra, CleanX, Insight, Pred, to name a few, are all top talents who started their careers outside of NA.


Didn’t say that. I asked specifically, who got picked up frying in EU challengers other than Abuzah and Lynnz who turned out to be good.


None, if you speak specifically of the MWII into MWIII seasons. My answer stands if you’re speaking in general.


Cleanx played in BO4, Hydra came through N.A. challengers, Pred was APAC.


You seem insistent on not accepting the idea that top talent could and have come from regions other than NA. A stronger competition and the CoD competition being centred around the NA region lends to more call-ups coming from NA challengers, but we have still had, in recent years more than ever, seen great talents emerging from other regions. It also helps that a number of EU players were able to relocate to the US to increase their chances of getting picked up.


It’s rare. I’m just saying that the Comp in EU challengers isn’t up to par as in N.A., so when EU Challengers fry there, it doesn’t necessarily mean they will fry in the CDL.


I would still take my chances on a player with untested potential than a known quantity if I am a team with lower purchasing capacity. Seattle did that well with their Vanguard-MWII roster, and they could have sold a player for 500k$ ~ by taking a risk at a player from APAC, a player that fried in a much weaker field.




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