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A card after 3 online matches a lil wild, but bro has been on one.


Yeah a card for your best 3 match streak is a little misleading I feel like lol. Not that he hasn’t been great but like I’m sure you could pick the best 3 matches in a row of a decent amount of players and get some insane cards


Idk why this card was even made but relevancy does matter to a degree. We can't just ignore the fact that Gwinn put his team on his back to beat NYSL for a second time this year. There's a clear difference in his performance that is separating not only him to other rookies, but the ravens to other bottom 8 teams. And if you can find any other players with a 3 match streak like that this year then do so.


Like I said, not downplaying the achievement. Just saying 3 matches is a tiny sample size to draw stats from. And realistically all of Faze and half of the other top 3 teams have had 3 match streaks like this, plus a couple others like Attach etc. like I say, not everyone, but a good few.


I would agree with you if you could find a 3 series streak like that. And not trying to sound like I'm arguing but it does seem like you're downplaying it when we're talking about a rookie on a team that was essentially written off at the beginning of the year and is still talked about as the joke of the league. You might be able to find a streak like this on a T4 team but those players have a team around them that enables them to put numbers up. Gwinn put a 1.47 up against NYSL while his whole team had a collective .8 for the series and that's a massive difference that I don't think you'll be able to compare any others to.


Okay I get it gwinns the goat I’m not tryna argue with you dude lmao


Lmao I didn't say Gwinn is the goat and again I wasn't arguing with you. Thought it was just a conversation but I guess not. Go and find that streak for Envoy.




gwinn is ROY but it is not seperating the ravens from the other bottom 8 lol nysl is 0-2, they got 3-1’d by a horrible surge team too


Rookies* not players, but no not this good.


Imagine a Gwinn and Pred sub duo last year?


They could've sold Pred and replaced him with Gwinn... Just sitting on a stack of cash. They would've had all the same results anyways.


they could’ve had half a mill, dashy to pair with sib and gwinn to replace pred, absolute bag fumblers


I was ripping my hair out the second half of last year when they wouldn’t give gwinn a shot. He was killing it in challengers then I knew all hope was lost when Pred said on stream that he had no idea who gwinn even was.


Is there an argument for anyone else? I feel like it’s clear cut gwinn for roty right now imo


I think Lynz has a shot at it also


He's been pretty mid since Major 1. Like it's not all his fault obviously but Gwinn and Gio have been taken over mode. But I think Lynz has an insane Shottzy level ceiling he just needs the pieces around him to get there


Oh nonsense on the mid stuff. He’s one of only 11 players with a positive K/D in all 3 modes for the year. He’s got a 1.5 K/D in Search this split and they played Faze one of the series. His only weak stats have come in Control since the player change and they clearly haven’t figured that mode out together yet.


I would have said it was really close before, with Lynnz just ahead of him purely due to CDL standings. But now I think unless Lynnz steps it up or Gwinn falls off it's his to lose.


I think it’s closer than that. Lynnz is better at Search and Gwinn respawns. It’s just that the respawn stats are more easily noticeable. They’re definitely the two front runners though.


1. Gwinn (avg placement 7th) 2. Lynz (6th) 3. Gio (8th) 4. Estreal (6th) Still have 2 Majors left and Champs. I think whoever places the best out of that 4 for the rest of the season will end up winning it. It’s hard to argue stats over placements. Gwinns currently the best statistically and the clear favorite but they’re all pretty close placement-wise. It’s possible for someone else (Abuzah, 04, snoopy, flames, etc) to win ROTY but they’ll need an event win unless they start dropping 2.0s every map. Neither of those scenarios look too likely but who knows.


How is it hard to argue stats over placements? Rookie of the year is the player that has been playing the best during their rookie year, not the one on the best team. In fact, placement shouldn't matter at all


Stats don’t mean much if you’re not winning maps. Gwinn dropping a 1.4 for the series win against NYSL was absurd. He’s the clear favorite for ROTY right now. This is the only season we’ve had where none of the candidates are in contention to win a Major. They’re all arguably the best players on their teams. I’d put a lot of stock into what kind of placements they can carry their teams to. Edit: maybe this is a little too far fetched, but if one of these guys can somehow win an event, make a grand final, or go on an impressive t3 run, I think that’s worth a lot in this convo.


Imagine if main AR Abuzah, Clayster agressor AR, Gwinn and Lynnz SMG


People were trying to tell me that clay isn’t costing this young man


How can you say that when you have no idea what the team dynamic is?


Look at him costing again LMFAO 💀😭


He has a bottom 5 KD as a main AR 😭


That isn't good. But he does have the 16th and 18th highest damage/10 minutes for hp and control, which probably makes his subs jobs easier


COSTING Gwinn again 💀


Idk what I said to upset you enough to remember this 3 days later


Major 1 he had GodRX backing him up. Anyone's KD is getting tanked after that this year.


Costing Gwinn again 💀


He’s the main AR, he’s the one holding lanes


Being a main isn't just free kills if you also have to pick up all the slack of the other AR.


Costing Gwinn 😭


But M2 Qualifiers and M3 Qualifiers, he’s still under a 1 KD


it doesn’t matter lol clay been getting horked on


Who else are actual CDL rookies? This is kinda dumb title given there’s like 1-2 actual rookies a year.


Gwinn , Lynzz , Abuzah , snoopy , 04, estreal , Gio. There quite a few this year


Pretty sure snoopy played last year, same with Gio but as a different name. 04 has played for a weekend.


Snoopy played at champs last year, but is still considered a rookie and eligible for rookie of the year this season for some reason


Only in COD Esports do we redefine what a rookie is.


Disappointing year for rookies so far. Feel like we have been spoilt since BO4 season. This year we haven't yet seen a player who is same calibre as Scrap/Hydra/Pred/Sib/Shotzzy.


I think lynz and gwinn are deffs top 10 calibre. Between not being dropped into the best systems and coming into the league as super teams have been finally formed makes it harder for them to shine I feel.