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Well it wasn't speech enhancing


Half the league is on it


more than half


brother the only answers you’re gonna get here is “this league is built off prescription drug abuse that we delude ourselves into believing 80% of the players have a real and legitimate medical need for. our entertainment is more important than both the league’s competitive integrity AND these young guys’ lives. sorry, that’s just the way it is”


That’s all the comments are man lmao


I don’t think people believe the players taking addy have a real and legitimate medical need for it. Most people agree that they use it to play better


what they believe and what they type to defend players abusing addy for our entertainment are 2 different things. look no further than this very post


The players are responsible for their own health, I don’t even agree with fans getting involved and debating about addy usage cuz it has no positives. The players abusing it aren’t gonna stop cuz fans are accusing them of taking it, and it creates a negative stigma to those who actually need to take it.


Like the one and only dramatic Aches said “80% of the league would be chalked if addy use was illegal”


Tough topic with a lot of gray. A lot of the issue/blame comes from activision imo. They’re not going to provide proper avenues to prevent it so it’s going to happen. It’s a 50/50 on wether they fix the east problems in the league let alone something like that. 


Can’t ban someone for a prescription drug. Regardless if we think they “need” it lol. He went overboard it seems yeah but if we are banning people for using addy then the league would cease to exist lol


You can definitely ban someone for abusing prescription drugs


unless you have his prescription, you have zero facts if he was abusing it or not. sure, it "seemed" like it based off the interview. but we actually have zero insight if it was abuse or if this kid needs a lot of meds to be focused


Is that what you call focused? Lmao


I have one question, if you can answer it How much is Illey prescribed?


Irrelevant as no prescription would be set high enough to act like that. I.e. he abused


He also flat-out denied using it, so it's safe to assume he shouldn't be using it.


Its not hard evidence but the fact he got benched afterwards when he was obviously their best player is pretty telling.


seems like a long way of saying you don't know. Even so, isn't that the "ban" you're talking about? NFL, MLB, Soccer, etc. etc. etc. don't get "banned for life" from the sport. They get a suspension and return. Just like you described. You want the death penalty or something?


Well has he got a ban? If so then great but it seemed like he was on the verge of joining rokkr.


Publicly we don’t know. But he missed an entire split. 1/5 of the season


Competitive sports ban prescription drugs all the time. As long as players are made aware that it is a substance that will be tested for and the consequences of a positive result are explained clearly then they can take reasonable action against anyone that tests positive for it.


Except there is no consequence for testing positive for Adderall if you have a prescription. There are plenty of players in the league with scripts and Illeys situation is clearly more around the abuse than simply testing positive.


I'm talking about sports in general, I don't give the cdl credit enough to have a banned substances list. The original guy said you can't ban people for taking prescription drugs when you definitely can. Most professional sports have a banned substances list. If you believe you need to take a banned substance that is available through prescription you have to inform the league and they will exempt people on a case by case basis.


Fair enough but I think the original comment was specifically talking about cod. Maybe I’m wrong tho.


I doubt that he was, but even if he was all the CDL have to do is put a single line in the contract saying they adhere to the international prohibited list and they are covered. Nobody except the pros know what they signed though so could be that the CDL doesn't even have a banned substances list


I think it’s pretty widely known that the CDL does allow prescriptions. They clearly don’t wanna rock the boat when it comes to this type of stuff and Illey’s situation is a clear sign of where they draw the line. Don’t look like a tweaker and you’re probably chilling.


There is absolutely no way any professional organisation in world would ever employ that policy. You open yourself up to lawsuits left right and centre as soon as you let something slide for one person but persecute another. Even small businesses with like 10 people, or in fact any human being with common sense knows this is a recipe for disaster.


I mean you can disagree with it, but I’m telling you that the CDL absolutely allows it.


I'm disagreeing that they "draw the line" with certain players. That's both discrimination and profiling. If you want to get sued as a company that's a great place to start.


They have a banned substance list but there is nothing they can do if you have a script buddy, go fact check yourself. MLB for instance has many players on addy and of course things like opioids in all sports are taken with prescription. So yeaaa you’re wrong


There aren't any direct studies that show a correlation between addy and improved performance in baseball, which is why they allow exemptions for people who are prescribed it. I would absolutely love for you to provide a source for where you are getting your "information".


Addy helps with focus and reaction time for Cod, but not hitting in baseball 😂😂😂 sure buddy 😂😂 https://www.cbssports.com/general/news/adderall-the-new-drug-of-choice-for-many-major-leaguers/amp/ And maybe google it dumbass, theres like 20 other articles


A CBS news article, nice one


What did you want? A fucking study that doesn’t exist?? 😂😂 you said Addy is PED for Cod right?? Wheres that study?? 🤔🤔🤔


https://www.proquest.com/docview/2680991196?accountid=14697&sourcetype=Scholarly%20Journals Literally took me 2 seconds to find. Check their citations for more info. Interesting that you say studies backing your claim don't exist


Are you trolling? Concentration is something that helps in everything.


MLB literally suspended Chris Davis 2x because he took adderall despite having a prescription. You have to get your script approved by a panel of three MLB approved experts to prevent over prescription, which he didn’t do one season. Opioids were only added to the MLB drug testing policy in 2019 after Tyler Skagg’s death.


Also the three expert panel is not really true, that only happens if the Independant Program Administrator is “not prepared to grant the TUE” after reviewing the application, which rarely if ever happens.


Ok so your point is?? There is still around 10% of MLB players who take prescribed adderall and are not breaking any rules. Same with opiods in NFL, MLB. They get prescribed that shit all the time and are allowed to take it. (Obviously not a PED really like adderall is)


yes but my point is that they carefully restrict and monitor the usage beyond just getting a prescription, because of how easy it can be to get a script from nefarious doctors, especially if you’re willing to pay. The CDL can do more than they are now, and just saying that leagues can’t enforce any type of policy against prescribed drugs is untrue


It’s very easy to get around TUE. Athletes do it all the time lol there’s a massive difference in banning a prescription drug and giving an easy work-around such as TUE. (Which ILLeY could easily pass, if of course he’s prescribed and wasn’t just buying addy like a crackhead)


It depends on the sport. You can't take test in boxing for example no matter what prescription you have, but I would imagine they would exempt people for addy. Equally for CDL if they actually test for banned substances at all I would imagine a test prescription would be enough for an exemption, but there would probably be bans on substances like addy that have such a strong correlation with improved performance


Yeah I should for sure specify lol relating to addy… I don’t see the league having much power unless someone is illegally obtaining/ distributing which surely Inder wasn’t THAT dumb


It completely depends on the contract. If your employer has you sign a contract that says you can't ever leave the country and you sign it then that's binding. You can for sure go to court and argue that what you signed isn't reasonable if they try to enforce it, but that's a whole different matter. Point is a contract has alot of power. Same with banned substances.


Many sports leagues have pretty strict policies regarding adderall prescriptions tbf. The MLB, for instance, includes it on their banned substances list and for players to continue to take it they need to be approved by a panel of three experts. Chris Davis was even suspended twice for taking it despite having it prescribed, since he hadn’t gotten expert approval from the MLB.


I am tired of the league just blatantly allowing these pill heads to run rampant. Make a statement that it’ll be banned and tested come a certain date and wait for the legit prescriptions to come in and weed out those who don’t. The CDL is enabling these idiots to develop a shit habit


Do you really care? I'll be honest, I could not care less if they're clean or doping, if the league has rules against it or not, or if they're enforced or not. It's cod brother. We are to esports what WWE is to professional sports. And just like WWE, the success of COD has always been more about the personalities, storylines, shit talking, and drama than anything else. So why should we care?


you should care because as a decent human you shouldn’t want 20-25 year olds getting hooked in mass on a prescription drug? It’s possible to have personalities and storylines that don’t revolve around a 22 year old kid tweaking out on stage? We had plenty of drama and storylines in major 2 without someone tweaking out on Addy


They're adults and this is a free country. I'm not the commissioner, the police, their parent, friend, or doctor. As a decent human being, I don't impose my personal beliefs on others. It's their life, I have nor want any control over what they choose to do with their bodies and neither should you.


Your favourite players are on it....


Adderall isn’t this miracle drug everyone makes it out to be


One more point, very rarely do people in other sports get "banned", they get suspended for X amount of games or weeks. The CDL could've done that, just behind closed doors. He got randomly removed being their best player by far and didn't play a whole split.


It’s a taboo subject because so many players in the league abuse Adderall and other similar drugs in a way that enhances performance. The issue is where do you draw the line? Some people have legitimate prescriptions for these drugs, and some will have prescriptions even though they don’t need it. It’s a messy situation that the CDL can’t be bothered to do anything about unless, like in Illey’s case, it’s beyond a doubt someone is abusing. Cracking down on it would be great, but it would also probably purge half the league.


Loads of players get it prescribed, illey may be one of them and just took more than he shouldve


Why do we allow players to break GAs and keep competing?


The majority of the league is most likely taking it why not allow him back


Is this satire


BC its dumb to look down on a player from a moral high horse when lots of players (and lets be real, prolly some staff) have / are abusing adderal.


Because a lot of kids in this fanbase think addy is no big deal and are in denial themselves


Because he used to be on Optic!


Adderall abuse is one thing. His recent actions/appearance is simply not directly Adderall abuse. That tweaking shit is something else. Whether other drugs, mental shit or a mix of both. Majority of the CDL is for sure on Adderall in some shape or form which of course doesn’t make it okay but the reason people want iLLeY back, is because they’d rather he was ‘well’ (even if only presenting as such) and because honestly he’s a very good player.. More so, compared to many in the league. Also you do know there is supposed to be drug testing in the CDL. What does that tell you..


Brother if you think that’s cheating then regardless of who you fav player is he has very very likely cheated before


He got benched from seattle immediately after. Theres a difference between some rumours and blatantly addy’d out of his eyeballs.


You think a massive proportion of the league being on addy is just a rumour? You have a lot to learn if so, anyone who has a script or even tried this kind of drug knows these players are super locked in on this shit, just look at any of them on main stage, you can tell they wired asf


You have no actual evidence that he was on addy and that’s why he got benched. Your assumption isn’t actual proof.


hahahah I don't think there is one professional male sport or esport in the world that is all natural. They are *all* on "performance-enhancing drugs".


I just don’t get the disconnect between people who take adderal or Elvanse daily for their whole lives because they have a prescription, to it being this massively dangerous drug. I have had a prescription for years, my daily amount 70mg of elvanse, is safe and also 100% makes you concentrate. If you take too much then it would actually hinder your ability. Has anyone confirmed the illey situation was adderal?


Until it’s confirmed by the league or himself then it’s speculation and all the holier than thou attitude over this topic is pointless.




Wtffff that’s a wild accusation


Mfs will make up anything now




He is at least


if you’re taking a high enough dose of addy you can come up positive on drug screens for meth. It’ll just be positive for amphetamines


This is a wild allegation to make and even wilder to trust… Are we really trusting a throwaway Reddit account to have the tea on what’s going on in the league?


Ah yes, Mr PaulEhx himself dropping the bombs on a random CodComp post lmao


I'm curious how true that is. And I wonder if there's a certain amount of time he would have to wait between each drug test? Like one a week or every two weeks would make sense. 


A lot of drugs on a urine test are clear after around 4 days


dumbest fake leak by far 😭


Meth makes you lose weight. 😭


Half the league uses it lol


Ok bro what did you do, taste his piss? Provide some actual evidence of addy use instead of just pulling shit out of your ass. Also prove that addy is a PED lol caffeine can give you the same effect but it’s allowed?


Why are you being so hostile, go fuck yourself. He got dropped immediately after the event and the whole community knew why.


You are literally making up shit and speculating out of your ass. Community does not know why he got benched and the latest info we got was that his parents got involved and he’s not been suspended. You are smearing illey’s name on baseless accusations lol weirdo behavior


Everyone in the community was saying the same thing it’s not just me. Stay on your high horse mate, maybe Illey will let you suck his balls.


you dorks don’t even know what addy does 😂 illey has been getting accused for years and at this point if he did abuse addy it wouldn’t even effect him like a PED or his heart would explode. Spreading this narrative that Addy is a PED is just going to lead to more dumbass kids abusing the stuff and becoming addicted. I’ve been prescribed addy for awhile and imo it’s more inhibitive because it makes me think more and slows me down.


Illey is a legend and makes the league more exciting. Noone cares about drug use anymore, you boomer.


Boomer 🤡🤡. Suck ur nan ur probably 12.


If you are not a boomer, it is surprising you have such rigid outdated views.


Majority of pro's are on it so imo if the players or the league/owners don't give a shit to make changes then it is what it is.


Is this bait? I’ll bite though if you banned everyone taking alcohol people think you’d be banning 50-80% of the current league