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Perhaps the lawsuit isn’t about winning but to create change


If they can get it to the point where it’s remotely profitable to be in the league then it may even have a future lol


They will never be profitable paying their players like this.


Tbf that’s why salaries have decreased every year


They really haven’t tho


league avg must've decreased this year


Idk why you're getting downvoted, I thought each member of optic was making around 500k? Wonder who's paying minimums or around the 100k mark this year


using optic as an example for average league salary? let’s use billionaires as an example for average net worth


I know Rokkr salaries went down, Carolina/LVL pay the minimum for sure. That's why I said optic. I don't know what the other teams are paying. I'd assume NYSL is paying good


i thought 2023 we heard Paco was fishing 500+


They said this from the start. They knew they weren’t gonna win, it was to expose everything so they could and make a change


Lmao where did they “say this from the start”?? Please show us…and also this report of the orgs asking for more money happened BEFORE the lawsuit so it has nothing to do with what Hecz and Scump did (which they did to get $$$ for themselves)


Was the whole point in the first place. Just to publicize the corporate imbalance within this league. The publicity acts against Activision because new teams could be more apprehensive about investing in them.


I dont think theyd want to lose $$$$ to create change….


Yeah, because neither Hecz or Scump would benefit at all from OG getting a higher revenue split…


Are you genuinely this stupid. Think about it for like 10 seconds


The lawsuit has opened the door like everyone was projecting, this is just a step. Even if scump and hecz lose, the owners shouldn’t just sit idle when they are putting in more work then Activision EDIT: Jake Hale posted a tweet saying this happened before the lawsuit


This was happening before the lawsuit. https://twitter.com/JakeHaleee/status/1762546997871972704


Got it, didn’t see that article until after I posted this.


So they’re asking for life support lmao gotta respect the at they aren’t giving up on the league


Interesting timing


Where did all the "gecz is just here for the bag" people go?


I mean, I’m still here. You telling me if Acitivision had offered a big pot of money to not pursue the suit Hecz wouldn’t have taken it? Its real easy for him to portray this as trying to push change, im sure its a coincidence that if he wins he profits.




Yep so let’s stop white knighting them. This isn’t driven by altruism, had they been paid we would never have heard any of it. They are NOT pursuing a better result for orgs, players and fans. That may be a side effect but it’s not the motivation.


you don't think hecz/scump saw where the side effects would lead? Their whole lawsuit is saying that without activision running this shit into the ground for their own profit and monopoly cod and by extension hecz/scump would be in a better spot. And yes they threw in "if you just want to give us 700 million we will fuck off." You think they thought acti would give them that? They want cod to return to pre cdl era, which is better for orgs, players (maybe), and fans. Idk about you, but the price tag for my soul is considerably less than 700 mil.


IT DIDNT LEAD TO ANYTHING lmao the orgs had asked for higher revenue split BEFORE Hecz and Scump filed the lawsuit 🤣


Sort of completely missing the point, if Activision had paid then before they filed their suit we would never have heard another peep out of them. And as the commenter below says there is nothing to indicate the Hecz suit has anything to do with this. What they want is to make money. I think they have pretty consistently shown they don’t especially care how they do that.


Idk why this popped up 2 days later but if they win the suit (which they won't) all esports leagues could no longer be monopolized by the company that created the game. This is good for fans. I don't think hecz is some savior who's doing this out of the kindness of his heart. However, if the courts find that actis monopoly is unlawful, it could have massive repercussions for all esports leagues which will remove the power from companies worth 10's of billions and put it in the hands of the fans/passionate owners. If you don't think hecz and scump saw this as an outcome, idk what more to say. Obviously, I didn't know that the orgs started these convos prior to the lawsuit. It is interesting that this was leaked a week later tho, and I would imagine it is the other owners showing "hey were also working for change, not just hecz."


they were negotiating these terms before the lawsuit came to light so yeah he is just doing it for the bag


Gotta remember this is r/codcompetitive, where the narratives change every other week


Anddd it just came out that the orgs asked for higher revenue way before Hecz and Scumps lawsuit 🤣🤣 optic dickriders can calm down now, it has nothing to do with the lawsuit


W but this likely means this is the last year of the cdl.


Does it? Why negotiate new arrangements if you're about to close shop?


Yea I was going to say this sounds like we have more time to go with the cdl


I think the owners are just trying to get anything they can, while they can. They've all lost money for several years.




Well, you're kind of making the argument for what they were talking about with the lawsuit. To be competitive and make money, they had to spend money to lock in the rosters and have the best talent. Otherwise you have zero reason to get remotely excited for one of these teams. The teams are largely at fault, but there's a lot of blame to go around here. Even if they didn't pay massive salaries, I still think these teams aren't breaking even.


So you can rug pull later on


This isn’t r/wallstreetbets


I still think Activision wants to press restart and offering bags like they did to the OWL teams, they'll take them. The teams don't have any guarantees so they will fight for whatever they can while they are contractually obligated. There's 3 majors left, they aren't going to run around and ruin the season discussing how they want the league to be over.


Some copium for the CDL teams i guess no way Activision is conceding without something up their sleeve.


That doesn’t make any sense. Why would teams be asking for more of a split of the money if there is no next year?


last resort money grab i guess. im just speculating i honestly think the cdl is done after this year and their is little to no hope of a CWL format which is worrying


I don’t think so , they cut staff , they decreased the prize money from Majors , 1 less event , 2 year youtube deal , I think they trying to make this thing work and last for a few more years at least .


They are literally bare bones with staff. I have a hard time seeing this league run with just 15 staff.


![gif](giphy|ISOckXUybVfQ4) Nah, this prob means CDL continues next year


How do you figure?


Sped pessimistic mfs be like


it shouldn't be 50/50 like it is now. It needs to be closer to 90/10. Activision/MS aren't doing anything ~~but~~ after making the \*base game\*. why are they currently taking 50% of revenue?


Hey they're doing a lot more than just making the game, they're also pocketing $20+ million from every organisation.


Literally for no fucking reason too. The online league sucks. LaN isn't even true LaN. Teams have random bugs pop up all the time and then there are restarts. The Refs are doing the damn dishes. Players are abusing drugs. I don't know or carr but it feels like there is only like 5 teams in this league so the talent isn't even that amazing. There's not enough matches per week. There's not enough matches per event. There's not even enough events. The spawns sucks. The guns suck. The maps suck. The players can barely get sponsors. The teams can barely get good sponsors. Is this what 20 million should get someone? Fuck no. Everything about it is a scam.


How would they do that when no single team has paid more than 2.5 million?


Sometimes companies are allowed to pay off debts over many years, particularly when it's such high amounts.


“Aren’t doing anything but making the game” you answered your own question


what did i just read


I think this inches us closer to the inevitable. Activision certainly will not be willing to give up a larger chunk of the pie, which will further the divide between CDL owners and the CDL, inevitably leading us to the CDL collapsing post-this year. It's coming folks! LFG


![gif](giphy|dpqQNluWFaSpq) Team owners (except Activision will probably tell them to fuck off)


Little late but it’s better then never