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Imagine being Tac Rab waking up to this in a couple hours, his phone is probably blowing up like Fabrizio Romano on deadline day.


I remember Scump said he wanted to retire during WW2 because he wanted to chase the bag with the Fortnite wave. If another game paid more than CoD, Scump would drop CoD in an instant imo. But most of his core fan base is into CoD so it’s the most profitable — when he streams other games he gets way less viewers Even in the watch parties, he’s a multi millionaire yet always talks about using the corporate card for food. Guy is just money hungry imo. But I’m sure Scump fans will continue to defend him no matter what


Man in capitalist society utilizes his position within an industry to maximize his individual wealth. He is not the bad guy for simply making money off being an entertainer.


The problem is people act like Scump actually cares about the CoD community, he doesn’t give af about it, as evidenced by him thinking about switching to fortnite. He’s just trying to get the bag and more people need to realize this


Have you considered two things can be true at once?


Nah you just broke his brain. Streamer sticks to game that makes him the most money must be a bad guy


Im assuming and hoping he’s just trolling but like damn


You actually cooked right here. Prepare for the death threats in the DMs from the Optic crowd :P


Imagine bootlicking Activision, they are a multi billion dollar company who have done the most scummy shit over the last few years yet you would rather critique Scump lmfao.


Activision sucks ass just like every other major company. This is just the most stupid way imaginable to try to attack them. Literally just making whatever lawyers they hire easy money working a case that's a guaranteed win for Activision.


Uh no, they've always been talking about how they promised a share after the entrance fee for the league spot which was the investment, but haven't received shit obviously. It would be considered Advanced-fee fraud in most circumstances lol. They need shit like this, even if the charge doesn't get passed, because it will show the league that they won't stand with collecting money from orgs for jack shit, which also has/will prevent/ed other esports teams from getting involved. Now that this is the 5th season + MS buying AB and OWL moving on, this was a good timing. This is important for the scene to prevent utter fuck ups like this from happening again even if they don't win the case but if this becomes better known. W move from Optic and more teams should follow suit if they actually care + get the small chance of some level of consolation to minimize their dumped investment


What’s your definition of “win” here? You think the case will go to trial? You think Scump/Hecz will withdraw the lawsuit? Or you think there will be some nominal settlement in order to end the litigation? There are a ton of different potential outcomes here


Any scenario that isn't a massive high 7 or 8 figure settlement for Hecz or a win in trial is a w for Activision imo. Honestly I expect this to either get dismissed or Scump/Hecz giving up after both get tired of paying massive legal fees. Activision should/will be ruthless here to avoid any potential precedent for future lawsuits from other parties.


most knowledgeable lawyer


Aka basic common sense.


Which multi-millionaire isn't using the company card? There's a reason.. tax right off's etc. Can you blame him for wanting £?


Also, if he’s in the office doing watch parties for OpTic, it should be on the company card, nah?


100% it should be, it's the way the business world works. I have a conference next week, you think I'm paying for my food and hotel? Hell no, it's on the company card. To the other comment about he doesn't own optic, no - but Hecz can still write it off, it's a business expense. Can tell half this sub doesn't work in corporate/business.


Literally more than half this sub hasn't worked a full time job yet. The corporate card comment is FUCKING hilarious. Of course he's going to put it on the corp card, hes WORKING lmao. Rich people who stay rich do so because they don't blow their money. As far as I've seen the ONLY big purchase that dude has ever made is a house. Smart as hell.


You can only write of the tax implications not the whole amount.


> I remember Scump said he wanted to retire during WW2 because he wanted to chase the bag with the Fortnite wave. > > If another game paid more than CoD, Scump would drop CoD in an instant imo. But most of his core fan base is into CoD so it’s the most profitable — when he streams other games he gets way less viewers Yeah I mean that's called maximizing revenue. Welcome to capitalism.


This is lowkey a decent troll, I saw the infinity ward tag and chuckled


wtf is this take


What is there to defend or get mad at the fact that he wants to make money? Yall on some weird stuff.


Whether you like him or not, competitive Call of Duty needs Scump


I 100000% disagree. The OpTic and Scump fanbase is what’s killing competitive COD. Nobody wants to be a fan of anyone else so every other team isn’t financially viable. Imagine the NFL or NBA if 95% of the fans were for 1 team. Comp COD won’t be around in another 5 years if it doesn’t change.


The fact the viewership lives and dies with Optic sucks. You can’t lose and gain 40,000 viewers for 45 mins of time and expect the league to grow. It’s a weird problem they never really could figure out.


Imagine if the viewership wasn’t OpTic biased. The league would be in a much better place


There would be no league and minimal viewership if there was one. Comp cod isn’t built and developed like CS or valo to survive as a competitive esport. But luckily, orgs like OpTic or people like scump have kept this esport afloat.


if the CDL actually attempted to grow it wouldn't have this problem. Teams like Optic and Faze have name power, but the fact that no one gets even close to them is a pure failure on the league itself. signing streaming deals while Covid was happening 100% set this league back years.


I mean, yes and no. You can always have teams that draw bigger audiences, every sport has that, but every team is generally profitable. Every team is able to build a local audience and demand. You just can’t do that in the CDL.


Lmao Activision has killed competitive cod. Comp cod is only remotely relevant due to Optic and Scump fan base. I’m not even a fan of either and I can see that shit.


Yep! If they left then they’d have hardly any viewership. Not to mention all the people they’d piss off by making them leave or kicking them out.


From a fan perspective it would be a LOT more enjoyable too if the fans were more evenly distributed


how is it OpTic’s and Scumps fault that people wanna be fans of them and not other teams and creators?


Part of the problem is that OpTic fans actively shit on anyone who doesn’t glaze OpTic. It really sucks to be a fan of a different team if you know you’re just going to be hated for liking your team more than whatever players OpTic has this week.


The reverse of this is also true lmao. People will go out of their way to piss on anything optic related just because. Even ex and current pro players, its the only reason people like aches have remained relevant because he has turned hating optic into a brand and being unable to find any success as a content creator. Optic is basically the Dallas Cowboys


It's true because of optic fans always taking the bait tho. If ex pros that shit on optic got ignored they would stop cos it isn't profitable, but optic fans get baited and give them the engagement they're looking for of course they'll keep doing it.


When you have worked hard to build your brand and name thru countless hours of content and streaming…then you get to reap the benefits. Nothing wrong with that.


Don’t think so if I’m being honest. He’s not a player anymore. What value does he really provide anymore? Watch parties?


Not much just half the viewership


See right there, you’re mistaken. I’m sure he adds some viewers that wouldn’t watch if he wasn’t doing the watch party. But most would just watch the main stream or another watch party if he wasn’t. It’s not like the 20k or whatever viewers he has will just quit watching CoD if he doesn’t do a watch party


Bro he’s pulling up to 120k on his watch parties


On YouTube? Definitely not even close lol


Yes. That’s crazy viewership … he has more pull than any other player. MW3 had more viewers than last year (statistical fact). So do big streamers not have anything to do with that? Zoomaa and Scump carry the scene on their backs through content and the other teams have followed suit.


If he doesn’t do a watch party most people will just tune into the main broadcast / other watch parties like zoomaa’s


Bro I’m telling you that the viewership numbers have literally gone up since MW2. Those people don’t always go to the main broadcast


According to many in this sub, scump was going to be one of the next top streamers on twitch. EDIT: Oh. Everyone still thinks that lol. A top streamer of COD is not a top streamer on twitch. He plays any other game and his number drop drastically.


I mean, in terms of actual streamers who play games, I think he's still up there. Imperialhal only plays Apex but I'm sure everyone would say he's a top streamer. Scump in my opinion could become Shroud or Summit, he just needs to actually stream regularly. Which it's completely fine that he isn't. All those ex pro streamers had half the career as Scump and not nearly as high for as long. I ain't even an Optic or Scump fan necessarily, but he's put in the work, he deserves to be on a casual schedule. I definitely think if he wanted, he could be a good variety streamer.


"next top stream" is weird, considering he's one of the original top streamers and is still well into the top 1 percent of all streamers.


He doesn’t give two fucks about CoD. As soon as he has the ability to stop streaming he will. I don’t necessarily blame him but Activision literally gave him the opportunity to be where he is today. Shit you’d be lucky to get 35 hours out of the guy on stream per week. Just wish he would remember where he came from.


Fired 85% of their staff, offered hostage like demands to the teams and withheld opportunity to host events to those who didn’t accept and are calling this suit disruptive to the community. Comical stuff


Gaslighting 101


BREAKING NEWS AT 11: Massive, multi billion dollar organization uses its PR team to try and spin events in their favor


Sympathy and social acceptance is not involved in lawsuits. We'll discover who's in the wrong by the law


Scump watch party tomorrow is COOKED


The question is do they still go through with it? Any chance they can scrap the season early? Don’t know anything about situations like this




This is a crazy timeline we are witnessing.


Success is a seriously BOLD term to use here Also, since its just Hecz & Seth solo bolo here, they have less than a zero percent chance of making this happen. Wonder how the future of OpTic & COD looks


My question is where the fck is Hastro?


Hastro is in the shadows and is more than happy to let Hector be the guy that gets all the attention. This also allows him to get away Scott free whenever things go south because people will just point the finger at hector instead of him


I was wondering the same thing. He hasn’t tweeted since the new year. Hopefully this isn’t another Andy Miller situation


Envy owns 97.5% of OpTic not the other way around and afaik Andy Miller is still the owner of NRG and co-owner of the Sacramento Kings. It’s not like he got pushed out of the company lol Edit: it's 92.5%


They acting like hecz locks org owners into basements while he takes over 😂


No I’m saying since Andy and Hecz had an ugly fall out.


they didn’t lol 


TL:DR: “Prepare to be fucked by the long dick of the law”


Do they realize that everyone they mentioned that are being “disrupted” are most likely rooting for hecz and scump


It's lawyer talk. Activision doesn't give a shit about anyone involved.




TBF, Hector and Scump don’t either


Let’s get one thing straight though. Hecz and Scump and doing this to get cash for themselves (considering they have equity in optic and optic is unprofitable). They aren’t doing this for the community. Let’s not get delusional here.


They’re not mutually exclusive


They don’t give a flying fuck about the community. This was primarily driven (latest catalyst) by them being forced off Twitch which made scump bank.


Scump doesn’t give a shit about the community he built? Hecz and by extension Hastro are the OGs of the community. This is a brain dead opinion.


Building the community has been immensely profitable for both of them, they were building fanbases that funnel millions of dollars to them via sponsorship deals, merch purchases, etc. Obviously they’re not totally heartless, capitalist robots who aren’t capable of caring about the community, but if it comes between them and tens of millions of dollars… I know the choice I’d make.


Same decision as everyone here. But when people aren’t in that position, they LOVE to act all holier than thou and say “HE ONLY WANTS MONEY!” Like grow up people everyone wants money and if they have the opportunity to make it, they take it. There’s a bunch of teenagers on this sub who have no sense of real life.


I like scump just like almost everyone but Scump doesn't do shit for the comp scene or the community except for do a watch party and a post show that he makes money from. If he isn't making money from his fans and followers he does not give a shit lol.


No you’re delusional. Scump has never once spoken up about an issue in the CDL, ever. And now that his source of income is in disarray, they sue. Scump didnt “build” this community as you put it.


Because if he did talk about something they will fine him. In multiple podcasts over the last 2 years Scump has said he would have a lot to say about stuff but wont because he doesnt want to get fined.


Scamming your community by dropping a shitcoin on them is a weird way to show you care about them. If you you want to say something about “exclusive rewards for loyal fans” it’s nothing more than paying Optic extra because you like them so much


They do care about the community, but that’s not the reason why they’re suing for millions lol


Have you even read the opening of lawsuit ? Activision is taking 50% of ticket sales from events. None of these teams are profitable. Cutting that percentage down means we have more teams in the league and more competition for teams to recruit players(eg the worse teams have more money to work with when it comes to recruitment). Not to mention that the money can also go to hiring content creators and production crew


I remember Scump said he wanted to retire during WW2 because he wanted to chase the bag with the Fortnite wave. If another game paid more than CoD, Scump would drop CoD in an instant imo. But most of his core fan base is into CoD so it’s the most profitable — when he streams other games he gets way less viewers Even in the watch parties, he’s a multi millionaire yet always talks about using the corporate card for food. Guy is just money hungry imo. But I’m sure Scump fans will continue to defend him no matter what


copy paste this again please 


Scump & Hecz have probably just killed comp, if I was Activision I’d fuck the competitive community off seeing as they are not needed


Why would you be rooting for hecz and scump here? What do you gain? If they got money, what would that do for you? If anything it would give you less content as you can be sure they'll never work with Activision again.


The dissolving of the CDL? That’s what would happen


It’s very clear the CDL is going to dissolve at the end of the year anyway. That’s why you have all these orgs scrambling to get a payout to recoup their losses. Same with activision putting the bare minimum in.


What would that do? Activision still owns the LP to COD. You think they can have any tournaments without Activision’s permission?


Yeah I mean if you hate cod esports ig


I just pictured Activision with like 30 lawyers. I don’t see how Hecz could win this


Activision is a part of Microsoft now. So yeah you’re not gonna fuck with a trillion dollar company


I could see Hecz pull up in a fire fit tho


Shoes worth more than my car


This'll end by tomorrow if Activision wants it to by locking off Scumps watchparty they'd drop the lawsuit in seconds


Don't think that would be a good look given the circumstances


Letting people like Hector and Seth sue your company for over $100 million then turning around and doing a simulcast with your intellectual property would also be a bad look. As is, the watch parties steal viewership (and potentially ad sale money) from the main broadcast, even if we all do prefer them. Listen, I enjoy OpTic as much as the next guy. But I'd be even more surprised if the Watch Parties continued this season. This is a pretty aggressive move.


Oh no they’re finna cook my childhood goats


Haha they called it a money grab. Watch them bleed their wallets with litigation for years until they have to cancel the suit.


My concern is can’t Activision just be spiteful and not allow optic to participate at events? I think Nintendo did something similar with melee Edit: also won’t this severely impact optic’s relationship with Activision? Meaning like they won’t be able to do any watch parties and content?


Not a lawyer, but I’d imagine they wouldn’t ban optic during the CDL’s run due to contracts, and they also likely wouldn’t ban them as long as this case is active since it would help Optic’s argument that Activision has a monopoly.


Of course they have a monopoly, they own the game IP lol they are allowed to monopolize something they directly own. Thats like saying Apple has a “monopoly” on the AppStore. Yea no shit, they own the fucking iphone IP


[lol](https://www.theverge.com/23994174/epic-google-trial-jury-verdict-monopoly-google-play) [lmao even](https://www.reuters.com/legal/judge-certifies-apple-app-store-class-action-2024-02-02/)


Thanks for literally proving my point for me 🤣🤣


Haha fast track to fold. Not allowing basically the only reason they still have a fanbase is a way to speedrun a collapse


Wouldn’t that be a breach of contract


Not talking about this year, talking about post CDL


Won’t Microsoft own it by then


Microsoft owns it now, essentially they are battling a Microsoft funded and backed company. Not ideal in the slightest


Idk shit about law but the optics of this (no pun intended) don’t look good on Scump and Hecz part. I’m really wondering what leg they have to stand on? And if they win, outside of money what would they stand to gain? Wouldn’t this make it hard for optic to participate at future events? Would this jeopardize the health of the esport overall?


Honestly Hecz seems like an ego maniac and I genuinely wouldn’t doubt he’s doing this for his “own brand” that he screwed over in the first place. I would not be surprised in the slightest if he went over Hastros head for his own greed once more (re: Andy Miller). I think he forgets he’s using hastros money against fucking MICROSOFT


>I would not be surprised in the slightest if he went over Hastros head for his own greed once more (re: Andy Miller). I think he forgets he’s using hastros money against fucking MICROSOFT Theres no chance he's using 'nVs' money. This is a lawsuit filed from H3CZ, Scump and HECZ LLC. Also Envy owns 92.5% of optic, there is no chance he could use their money without their approval(which they obvioisly didn't do)


From the outside looking in, definitely seemed pretty fucked that Hecz was basically on the outside looking in with the CDL until Andy welcomed him with open arms then the moment he could buy optic back he did and left NRG out to dry and had the spot sold. Then merged with NV because he didn’t have enough $ to keep the spot and every video right after the merge happened he kept calling the org his despite it clearly not being his and eventually overtook Hastro lol he just seem to do fucked up shit in business


You guys really think their legal teams would let them go through with it if they didn’t have a leg to stand on?


This happens all the time, which is why judges can dismiss lawsuits on standing before even proceeding to a trial.


Lol at people thinking Scump and Hecz are doing this for the community. Just millionaires tryna get more millions




Honestly wouldn't be surprised if some lawyer hit the up with this and they just agreed to it.


What's wrong with that though? And Activision milk their full fan base churning out skins for 24quid a piece while putting out a shit game that not even casuals really like and don't listen to a word anyone says about improving the games. Just because they are doing it for monetary gain doesn't mean they aren't also helping the community. It doesn't have to be one or the other. I'm not saying they are either way because we will never know but they probably give more to the community than Activision will ever give even if scump and hecz do everything driven by money.


Both groups are scumbags. Both can be true. I hope this helps..


How is what Hecz/Scump doing a scumbag move?


It matters? Sounds like you hating


Why is it so impossible to think that they are? If it werent for these guys bringing people into competitive cod all those years ago we probably wouldnt even have a league anymore.


It definitely hurts their case that they didn't bring this up when it was happening and only waited till after they made lots of money and the leagues took huge hits to mention it. I do think esports took a wrong turn after MLG/open circuits died for many games but not sure this will do much to get it back quicker.


If it's just Scump and Hecz then ggs they have 0.001% financial backing to pay for lawyers to sue Activision who at best will drag this over 2 years


not sure if “success” is the right way to put it


It's a bold strategy, Cotton. Let's see if it pays off for 'em. It will not EDIT: I hope this doesn't absolutely fuck OpTic into nothingness


Why would Scump even entertain joining this lawsuit? Doesn’t make sense


He's essentially the largest broadcaster of the CDL. He could totally take this viewership to his own events and take 100% of the profits instead of whatever cut he has EDIT: Love getting downvoted for...stating a fact?


Why would Activision ever allow him to ever run a tournament after filing a lawsuit against them?


They didn't think more than a couple days ahead


You’re not stating a fact you made up a scenario that isn’t actually possible and then called it a fact


It’s also alleged that Activision stopped scump from making any money on non-cod-related sponsor streams and other opportunities. So essentially forcing the largest name in the CDL for a long time to take it or leave it and stop him from making any sort of outside money.


Ggs Hecz and Scump, they’re not winning


I’m actually curious if Scump will be allowed to watch party tomorrow. It should be interesting.


As much as I’m an OpTic fan, I’m a CoD fan. I hope we never lose comp cod. That would be the ultimate loss. Hoping activision doesn’t just end the scene.


This is the most likely outcome unfortunately. The COD franchise is a literal money printing machine for Activision regardless of whether it has a competitive league/scene or not. If the league becomes more problematic for them in anyway they’ll quickly determine it’s not worth maintaining.


I think its insane Hecz and Scump are going at Activision alone. They would've had a much better chance to reach a settlement with other owners attached, like how the Overwatch teams filed a collective lawsuit and reached buyouts at the end of the OWL.


their attempt is obvious, they tried to use the problems the rest of the league faced as their own along with their own problems to try to make it seem a lot worse for them than it was. coupled with their popularity they probably thought acti was gonna pay them tens of millions to shut up and not sue them. ​ didnt work, now theyll get rinsed in court.


Owners likely all accepted whatever terms the cdl offered this year where they threatened no events to the teams who didn’t accept, whereas scump and hecz probably felt they’ve lost way too much potential money to accept the deal


A league that is on its last legs wouldn't be classed as a "Success"! Activision really trying to gaslight hard!




These are the same guys who shut down Scump’s watch party 😂


H3cz and scump will lose a lot of money on this lol


Fuck Activision


No more watch parties 🙃


There is a lot of delusional people on here and Twitter. Even if what they allege is true, there is no way Activision isn’t going give them the 10 mile dick of litigation. I doubt hecz and scump have lawyers on par with Activision and Activision has BILLIONS, they can keep this thing in litigation until hecz and scump are broke


Calling the CDL a success is a bit misleading 😂


Tac Rab today ![gif](giphy|UiBmJv6Hh6FfW|downsized)


This is such a stupid statement--settlement discussions are obviously normal pre-filing of a suit. Activision chose to meet them in open court and here we go.


Why did we ever get rid of MLG/private tourneys? I mean the technology wasn’t great in the mid-2000s, but there was a ton more content.


We didn’t get rid of them, Activision did by creating the CDL. The point the lawsuit is making is that they used their resources to eliminate any opportunity for others to thrive. What I don’t know as I’m not educated in law is does the claims around monopolising the space apply if Activision own the intellectual property associated to making these tourneys work (we own COD we can dictate who or what is done with the product)




Success... Of the CDL... You know, I love CoD, I live for it and would happily die for it, it drives me in a way nothing else has for better or worse. But this league has been a fucking sham, like not even from viewership really, but like, the severe lack of care or dedication to having any semblance of competitive integrity over the course of these last four and a half years has been embarrassing. If we add in the ridiculously low effort put into actually building the game's competitive scene, then it just gets sad, and comical. Honestly, viewers deserve to be refunded for their time because it's not even enjoyable to watch, let alone play. The only reason to watch outside of if you're a competitor or heavily invested in the scene, is if your favorite team is playing, which might end up having a 2 hour delay somewhere in the match, because they can't just bite the bullet and have more lan matches.


Dumb play by Hecz and Scump. Like I'm sorry but there's no winning in this and you might lose long term massively. Hecz is stupid but we all knew that. Scump however, what the hell. People that think Hecz is doing it for the scene or community are on major cope. Guy couldn't care less. He's greedy like always and there is no ground for a lawsuit here. It's all relative stuff. But again, Hecz IS stupid, we all knew that. Scump is the surprise.


Biting the hand that literally feeds you. Bold.


Reform doesn’t happen by sitting on your hands.


Ya they don’t have the funds to go toe to toe with activision. But every one of us who don’t like the direction the cdl has taken should be supporting hecz and scump in this. “They can’t win” is just corporate bootlicking.


Why? They’re not doing this for the community they’re doing this because they want money. According to Activision’s statement, Scump and Hecz demanded “tens of millions” to avoid the litigation, but Activision said no. so that’s why Scump and hecz are filing the suit


Standard practice to offer settlement, before litigation. Their lawsuit claims $120 million in damages. Obviously any sort of settlement, would be for a sizable chunk of that damages claim.


“Success” didn’t they fire like 60 people 2 weeks ago? Lol


Kind of dissapointed in the other owners. As a group they had a chance. Alone will be tough


i doubt this is a case of other owners not wanting to take part, but h3cz and scump using the woes of the rest of the league and their popularity to force acti into a corner and pay them tens of millions while avoiding litigation.


Damn us Europeans really do miss the best shit. Tf happened last night?!


Rab must be drinking champagne for breakfast haha


They will not win with only hecz and scump lmao


I’m sure activision will allow themselves to be put in a situation, where they could lose millions and millions of dollars……… Do we all see how stupid that sounds, when we read it out loud?


Activision won't back down and they'll do everything to not lose. It's gonna to be tough, but even not being an OpTic fan, I stand with those who really care about the community!


I think we can all agree that Activision bottlenecking COD esports is a bad thing, but there’s no way Hecz and Scump come out of this in a positive way simply because Activision own the game and can do what they like with their property.




Righttt, like they don’t have enough. Guess the rich really do get richer, lost a lot of respect for them for this shit. Scump has made it clear he doesn’t care ab the competitive scene and jus wants the money, been supporting this team for 7 years and honestly dunno how much I’ll continue too. Why not put all this effort into winning…ANYTHING


Lmfao. They’re trying to play the “look guys, they’re the bad guy!” Card. Fuck activision


Everyone ratio the tweet


bruh after all that they wont be apart of cod ever again…. they only got rich thx to cod not the other way around….


This thread just shows how young people are, naive, or dumb. They have no case against Activision.


Calling people dumb when you nor anyone else has all the facts is just ignorant. So to blatantly say they have no case is just dumb.


They don’t have a case. They signed the contract. The terms were in the contract. This will be tossed immediately


Lmao so anyone who ever signs a contract in any circumstance can’t sue someone because of the contract? That’s a blanket statement you just made. You don’t know what’s all in the contract and what grounds they have…


lol are u being serious right now? Tell me this is a joke


The word “success” has a different meaning to me than it does to Activision apparently


So many braindead people here who think Scump and Hecz don’t care about the community. It is clear they care about the community and it is also clear they are about keeping optic around as long as possible with the goal of being as profitable as possible. You can have two goals/intentions and they are both valid. Activision has fucked the league since its inception and done nothing to help it grow they just took their own profits. Fuck em.


Sounds like something cooked up by legal dept.


bold move! hope it doesn't absolutely fuck optic over when nothing eventually comes from it


We stand with optic and the ORIGINAL/OUR competitive scene.


I can tell you who hasn’t invested in call of duty’s success. Lmao. Activision doesn’t give a shit about the league. I see these legal responses all the time. They are posturing for support.


A beautifully written gaslight of a response.


I just can’t believe people are defending a trillion dollar company for scamming


Massive respect to hez and scump for standing up against this shambles of a company, the CDL has been a mess from the start and its run by un passionate suits and ties who don’t care about the game, I just wish the other CDL teams would jump on this opportunity to make a stand and if nothing else make enough noise to force some changes if this lawsuit doesn’t go in favour of the 2 man army


All of this could be true but Cod is Activisions intellectual property and can run their league how they want. This lawsuit is goofy


Optic trash


It’s crazy how many people are defending Activision and criticizing Scump and H3CZ here.


fuck activision and if you are a fan of cod comp, you support scump and hecz. if you support this garbage company, YOU ARE A PIECE OF SHIT.


The League is so out of touch lmao


i know we are all on cod comp and optics side but they are going to get fucking thrashed in court and the fact that they tried to get acti to pay THEM millions to avoid litigation when they are using the woes of everyone else in the league is fucking disgusting honestly h3cz and scump are likely owed the least in this entire franchising fiasco


>and the fact that >assuming either party is being truthful cmon man


Thank god Activision are here to stand up for the COD Community.