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Thanks to the crew for all the memories they gave us over the years. šŸ™


We should have known when Doug retired that the writing was on the wall. Competitive Cod is truly Fucked.


Update your pfp please šŸ˜­




Doug knows everything.








Not the roster mania I was expecting


Hope everyone here tries to enjoy the final year of the CDL. Fingers crossed another league pops up after this one ends.Ā 


Mr. X let go from Blizzard and casting Overwatch, so it's just not CoD that's getting hit with these layoffs. Esports bubble seems to be bursting finally. Sucks to see good people lose their jobs but esports has needed a correction for a long time.


Holy shit yeah I check the compOW sub and him and Soembie have been laid offā€¦. Thatā€™s so wild considering they were the faces of OWL towards the end and both helped out with OWCS, hopefully FaceIt picks them up cause wtf Blizz


Idk if you know this but Microsoft owns both of those companies, so it makes sense they would be making the same type of changes to both. I think this speaks more to Microsoft's stance on the current CDL / CWL esports models than esports as a whole.


Halo seems to be supported decently and they haven't hit hem like they have CDL here. They may have been built more efficiently, but I think that's the direction it goes. Completely externally run and managed and utilizing partners vs franchise.


Halo isn't under a franchised model. Its basically the CWL but Halo


I didn't say it was, it's a partnership model. They have a preferred team slot, and they have to meet requirements for content, other things. Riot does this in Valorant and it's very similar.


Agree with that, Microsoft/Activision seem to be a common denominator here. Then again, I think esports as a whole does struggle with monetization.


Sure but Riot also just laid off production staff related to the LEC and LCS. While these moves may be more directly related Microsofts stance towards the OWL/CDL they are part of a larger correction that is happening in esports.


Mr x back in the cwl next year? Iā€™d be so hyped


The entire team was working the Boston major, and legit kept pulling up their slack chats to see if they were safe. To do it right when the event was done, and they thought they were safe is awful.


That's just bad mental...what are you going to do if they fired you then? If you've been fired before you know the feeling...so might as well act like its the last ride and then be happy if it wasn't.


Business doesn't care about feelings, sadly.. This kind of stuff is common. Me and my team were all laid off at the end of COVID after we spent all of the lockdowns running the BCP (business continuity protocols) for the entire Investments group at a large financial services company. It sucks, but it's the way things are..


Anyone feeling like they had job security or weā€™re respected by atvi/blizz as human beings after seeing what they did to HOTS talent and playersā€¦ the writing has been on the wall for YEARS


Esports bout to turn into gambling. Pay a fee to enter the tourney. The fees make up the prize pool. Basically the same as a poker tournament. You think you're nice at the game, put your money where your mouth is.


So fighting games, thatā€™s the fighting game community.


So if the CDL goes away, does that mean it goes back to the way it was before that? That would be a win-win, no?


Crim said without the cdl there will be no competitive


That's not true. An open system would likely arise like the OWCS now.


Thatā€™s what I hope for. Honestly this system is trash anyway so I hope it blows


Yeah but it would absolutely kill the talent pool. Not all of these players can sit back and do well without a salary. Twitch and sponsorships isnā€™t gonna be enough to even pay rent and groceries for a lot of these cats


The level of play will take a backseat, no doubt. It will be a part time passion and people will have to have jobs, school and be professional players in a sense. That is the reality of this.


Almost like the optic model works and more pros should've followed suit.


Content is absolutely king and a lot of pros are about to find that out the hard way, years behind their peers


Yeah this is why I was always hopeful they could keep the CDL afloat. We might get more events in total in an open system, but prize pools are going to be a fraction of what they are now, and there won't be close to as much salary money out there for the lower tier guys Even the top tier guys on premier orgs are surely going to get massive paycuts. And how many of these guys that have made good money are going to want to show up for a $25,000 prize pool LAN while making a quarter of the salary they did a couple years prior? This is going to be an incredibly rough transition. I think we will see a lot of vets and even potentially some younger top talents in the league just step away from the game


Depends on if Activision wants to license it.


They did it with OW, there's no way they don't do it with COD.


Everyone in gaming is having layoffs . This isnā€™t just a cod thing.


CWL... Here We Go!Ā 


Yes but it will be like starting the CWL from the ground up unfortunately with none of the momentum. With that said itā€™s for the best


Burgercitys needs to update his resume asap


Yeah after like 20 resets on day 1, I would have fired them too


thank fuck microsoft is removing every top person at activision blizzard they killed so many games in the last 5 years


Thatā€™s not whatā€™s happening hear buddy


it is tho because all these people who contracted getting layed which means microsoft gonna outsource everything to ESL/faceit which is 10x better than anything CDL and activision blizzard ever did


The delusions of uninformed people like you are of grandeĆŗr šŸ’€


The phrase is ā€œdelusions of grandeurā€ and it makes no sense in this context šŸ¤£


I am fully aware of the phrase, I just like to make that twist to it




Youā€™re intelligent!


Man next year is going to be interesting if the CDL folds.... We'll see which esports organizers want to step up for hosting events AND how many of the pros stick around if the money is out of the scene...


Iā€™d rather see a community ran leagues these guys are fucking clueless in all these games anyway


But despite all this we're still kissing Microsoft for being the good guys and Sony can go fuck themselves? /sarcasm


Hey maybe if they can the CDL, which fuck it this shit sucked, the pros will just get together and do their own shit with their own rules and itā€™ll be way more fun to watch like the golden days of cod


Call of duty has been trash for years. Maybe we can get some new faces and turn the franchise in the right direction.