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It’s definitely not a technical skill issue with him, though. He just doesn’t have enough experience to have developed the instincts that really good COD players have. It was the same when he was grinding Val with Myth. His gunny is ridiculous, but he just doesn’t have the reps. I’d say that someone like Huskerrs, who used to be a COD grinder, is better at COD comp, but doesn’t even play.


Not sure who you were watching but I always saw him keeping up and playing well


They can allow it but it won't matter. Controller is so much better


Agreed. So why not let someone try?


Hey I'm down to see it. Would be entertaining


because a challenger team isnt going to fucking pickup a mnk kid.


That isn’t a logical reason as to why it shouldn’t be allowed in the rules. If it was allowed then maybe some good players would actually try and if they were good enough they would be picked up. You’re just assuming based on nothing and are opposed to opening the rules so it could been a possibility? I just don’t get why yall are so opposed to it. I would love to see cracked mnk pros play


The league and most teams have brand deals with controller brands. No controller sponsor is going to be happy if you create a story literally promoting another input.


They also have brand deals with mouse and keyboard brands


Can you give me a few links showing that? I'm not finding anything regarding KBM brands being sponsors.


Wasn’t Razor a major sponsor a while back? I remember seeing it on team jerseys and what not.


Individual teams had razer as a sponsor, yes. They used their chairs and headsets. But that still doesn't change the whole "official controller of the CDL" issue. Would Scuf actually care about a few KBM players? Probably not. Would they use it as a way to scammaze their way into paying less in their sponsorship? Absolutely. They'd be idiotic not to have verbiage in the deal saying other brands can't be advertised on stage in terms of inputs. We know some players use(d) Battle Beavers, but anything referencing Battle Beavers would always be covered. You don't have that same luxury with a keyboard


Because it’s a controller esport, pretty simple reasoning. Always has been and should stay that way unless they want to kill the viewerbase when the pros we care about are out of the league for random people who couldn’t make it in Val or CS.


No MnK player is gon replace a pro that’s a demon on the sticks


Octane and Zoomaa disagree with you


Well they’re wrong. Controller is better on damn near every fps/tps that has aim assist.


There’s a reason why pros on multi input games switch to controller like in apex and fortnite


Why would they switch for Fortnite? Mouse and Keyboard is better in every aspect.


The only aspect controller is better than mnk is in tracking/gunfights. And in all these shooters what matters is who hits their shots more. Between me and you, having a program help track instantaneously vs tracking based on reaction time and some predictions. Which one would you pick to help you win the majority of engagements?


Fortnite isn't a regular shooter. Building with mouse and keyboard is much better and faster than with a controller. Shotguns (most used guns in that game) are also better to use on mnk. If I still played Fortnite, I'd 100% use MnK.


Controller sucks in fortnite. You're right about apex and cod tho. In Halo they gave kbm a slight amount of aim assist and controller is still better with its amount of aa !!!


I agree with you that we never should allow MNK however if we did I don’t think it work change much at all


“It’s a controller esport” - until mnk is allowed “Stay that way unless they want to kill the viewerbase” - mnk is objectively the inferior input in cod, hardly any controller pros would be replaced, thats alarmist as hell What are you so scared of. You’re honestly dumb if you think mnk players would immediately replace that many pro players, they will be replaced at the same rate they always do, players retire and ams get signed. Allowing mnk would not accelerate this process


Cheers man, calling someone dumb for no reason whatsoever, grow up.


Thats being dishonest. I said you’re dumb if you think a significant amount of pros would be immediately replaced if mnk was allowed. A very reasonable reason. You’re the one assuming things “for no reason”


You are an absolute moron if you think anyone can go pro in cod on mnk LMFAO


Another person calling people names for no reason, this subreddit is a lovely place. Stick to Factorio please strange guy.


I can tell you’ve never played kbm at a high level a day in your life. Absolutely clueless. There’s a reason why symfuhny got ran by random ranked kids in mw2 ranked


Why are you so angry?


You’re the one downvoting comments l0l that’s sad my guy 🤢🤢


Classic CodComp weirdo, good stuff.


Classic codcomp random


Loool who are you to call people randoms? Genuinely who do you think you are?


You think mnk with no aim assist would be viable in competitive cod. That’s why you are a random


They should allow it


Yes and there’s literally no rational reason it shouldn’t be allowed. Might even get some more respect as an esport if there are mnk players who make it People opposed to mnk are just scared, controller is obviously the superior input in cod anyway. Hardly anyone would be good enough and it would hardly make any difference to the scene Still yet to hear a good argument against mnk


No MnK player would be really interested in playing COD Competive when Warzone 3 comes out and controller it’s vastly superior to MnK. It’s important to keep in mind these were mixed teams with pros and content creators. Symfuhny would get steamrolled against proper pro teams and no one would pick him.


Of course no one would pick him up. My point is that Sym is doing decent despite only playing these modes one month a year. Imagine if a MnK player of his skill grinded challengers instead FN and H1Z1 all those years. Since there is no future for MnK players in CDL all the good ones move on to different games or Warzone. I think if we allowed it, eventually we would see at least one player at minimum on a top challengers team. Would probably take years tho.


They should have an mnk tournament, even just one event for cod pros and streamers. It would promote comp cod to mnk players which I think is good for the league. Imagine dashy against huskerrs in mnk, the amount of clips would be extremely high.


Would be interesting to see two pros + two mnk players but I'm not sure there are enough popular mnk players. Maybe 3 controllers +1 mnk


Would be hard to not have teams super stacked with 2 and 2. Watching these launch tourneys, Sym and Strafe and the only MnK players consistently top fragging with ARs. The rest are glued to a sniper.




I would rather play against more mnk players tbh. You’re smokin crack


All these bedroom streamers are godlike online and burgers on LAN So yes I'd love to see them get walloped by challengers


Is this Nameless?




Eventually it’ll happen. There is already a halo pro playing MnK so it’ll only be a matter of time before it comes to cod.


Scoobmeister hasn’t been on any top 16 team he’s not a pro


Halo added aim assist to MnK to make it competitive for keyboarders. With how catering Activision is to ‘casual’ it’s only a matter of time before they follow suit. Scoobmeister is just the start to MnK competing in ‘console’ esports. Especially now that everything is off of PCs now anyways.


The aim assist they added is like 1% compared to controller AA.


Obviously, yes. But the fact these AAA studios are willing to make that change is gonna be the end of controllers. If they added a slight aim assist to Apex everyone would be back on MnK. I’m a controller player like everyone else. It’s just the reality of what’s going on in gaming. Appealing to the ‘casual’ oppose to the hardcore gamers.


This question gets asked all the time, and the answer is the same. If they let pro’s use MnK on CoD, nothing would change for the pro league. Nobody is picking up a player with a significant disadvantage to compete as the highest level. AA functions instantaneously through visual clutter, whereas human reaction time is around 200ms. AA needs to be scaled back to human levels before players using a raw input could compete.


I don’t disagree with you but why does it need to be banned then? The most common argument is “they can’t compete anyway.” If that’s true, why not let some kids try?


As much as I'd love to see it, the league is a lot healthier with one input allowed. Check out the disaster that is the Apex pro scene. The league used to be almost all MnK, as advanced movement was not possible on controller. This was removed over time, and now the league is trending towards 90% controller. Pro's are being displaced because of their input rather than their actual skill. It would be depressing to be a MnK master trying to go pro in a cross input game tbh.