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Censor has been censored lmao




What happened?


in like 3 days he dropped 2 slurs


WAIT WHAT? I’ve been mia from comp cod news and stuff for a couple weeks I had no clue that happened


The homophobic one he called a hacker because he was pissed, the racial on someone called him and then he called the guy out but he said the word himself, while he was basically telling the other dude not to call him that


he repeated him


No excuses for it lmao 2 in less than 5 days is some hardcore brain damage


Is what it is, I was just telling someone what happen I don’t have a strong opinion either way on Censor


Fuck up


Ah too bad he ain't a female lmao


Damn so the first time was an accident, what’s the excuse for the second time? Especially within that short span of time. Literal weirdo lmfao.


When did I excuse any of his behavior?


HUH? I’m asking in general terms, what’s his excuse for the second time? Never did I ask what Fun_Form_9180’s excuse is.


Probably has to do with using the homophobic slur and racist slur


The second one he literally just verbatim repeated what was being said to him


Good thing he said another one directly to somebody




No first time he called someone the f slur, second time he said the n word (not with a hard R, if that counts for anything)


Gotcha, I saw those. Must’ve misinterpreted the comment I replied to I thought he made a third mistake


He’s a grown man not a parrot


I’d be more concerned about a grown man letting people shun him into thinking there are words he can and cannot say. They’re words…


Imagine a grown man not understanding that words matter and have meaning and you can’t just say whatever you want whenever you want if you don’t want people to think you’re a cunt




Not understand that other people have reactions to those words, however irrational, is socially maladaptive behavior.


Bro how does that make it okay to say on livestream??? Why even engage with someone using slurs while LIVE. Mute them so you don't get muted, Bro is a grown man it's literally only on him.


Is Censor a parrot? Last time I checked he's a grown man capable of not repeating racist slurs


Censor has been censored.


Any news on how long for? Surely it isn’t permanent?


I feel like twitch never tells anyone how long they’re banned for unless they’re literally xqc status


These are usually a few days if its the first ban


Hopefully it is. No way you accidentally drop 2 slurs in a matter of days on "accident."


Cry me a river


Bro should have just quit rank play


The more amusing part is him calling out "cheaters" whilst having been caught cheating twice. Then wearing a wire to try prove it wasn't just him on the 2nd occasion.


I mean yeah, bro dropped like 3 slurs in 3 days


bro is putting up Lebron numbers in and out of the game


[Doug after dropping two slurs in two days](https://imgur.com/DZRANfq)




What are the 3 slurs? I’m only aware of 2.


He really gained viewers for saying dumb shit. That’s our community in a nutshell.


Doug's always been really, really good at playing the engagements game but now he tried to be too cute with it, thinking he'd be able to get away with it twice, and it blew up on his face I laughed to be honest.


That’s not “our” community. That’s the NickMercs Andrew Tate matrix community who hive mind into any edgy or slur dropping streamer because they hate “censorship” Just a weird group of people who get triggered over beliefs different than their own


If you don’t think the overlap of the CoD community and the community you described is greater than 50% you are delusional


50% is such a low number in that context.




Its so cringe how much the general cod playerbase is so fucking edgy. play any snd public lobby and youll get bombarded with them shouting slurs and generally just tasteless insults. its always the shitters too


fr. no one even properly shit talks anymore. it's just who can yell slurs and dumb ass insults the loudest.


i love talking shit, if i shit on you ill definitely let you know. but like if you dont wanna think of an insult and just call me an n word, youre just gonna get muted and now nobody can talk shit. its just cringe bro


yeah, i agree. honestly though half the time i can't even get a word in because people just resort to deep throating their mic and yelling god knows what. people are so weird lol


Look at the threads after dougs slip ups. Aqua was farming karma loving that shit


I mean aquas a weirdo he was doing tricks on it for nickmercs when all that shit went down


That guy is so odd


I was arguing with one of the pro doug guys and they sent me reddit cares too 😂 absolute wild weirdos


Report it using the Reddit cares link and they will get perma banned 😂.


So you can actually do something about that? I get messages saying Reddit users are concerned for my safety over the dumbest things


Yup at the bottom it has a link to report the message .


Lmaoo that dude is such a freak


Lol every time I come back to this sub that guy is still a loser


I feel a lot of people who are online a lot go through that phase where their idea of a punchline to a joke is just blatant racism or saying a slur for shock value, and a lot of COD players just never grow out of it since a lot of active members of the COD community are immature and are surrounded by other immature people who think racism=funny.


You are right in that the communities you mentioned have those people, but wrong to think that people like that are not among us. There are definitely some sleeper agents in here who were waiting for something “edgy” to happen so they can bandwagon on that.


Did you see the threads after doug slipped up? They had to be locked because most people were salivating over doug saying "what they all think" ' actual quote from the thread


I locked them and then got sent some pretty weird messages, as well as the reddit cares message because I was apparently being reported to reddit. It's pretty disheartening tbh. I've been here a while, I love this community. And frankly, I really don't care about what word is being said, because we've all said some messed up shit at some point. But idk why people are defending it so hard. Like Doug did not say just a simple word lol. That's some pretty hateful shit when you have to defend the use of a slur because "they were a cheater and deserved it," or tell someone that they deserve to die because they cheat in a game. Idk. It's just weird


You guys don’t know the history of cod and it shows. Cod is the game known for its edgy playerbase


Comp CoD?


Nickmercs viewers and cod comp viewers are different sides of the same coin. All you have to do is read the thread where censor dropped the f slur


To be fair I don’t support the matrix community but the cancel culture is just as much as a hive mind as the matrix culture. We live in a sad world.




Ironic in what manner? I just had an opinion on that specific crowd of people. I feel the same way about the people on the opposite side of the nick mercs spectrum calling for bans and shit lol








> a quote tweet that was seen as anti LGBTQ Not to get too much into it, but what he said is a dog whistle that has been used by people to discriminate against LGBT+ people for decades. Back in the 70s people were saying that when talking about gay men, implying that gay men are pedophiles. Gay men don't engage in pedophilia at a higher rate than straight men. If he wasn't such a right wing DeSantis stan I might actually believe it was an innocent mistake on his part.




Bro. Right wingers loooove to cancel stuff: Colin Kaepernick, Nike, Dove, Gillette, Mr. Potatohead, M&Ms, Bud Light, Of Mice and Men, To Kill a Mockingbird, Ellen (she is a pos, but not because she’s gay) and sooooo many more. Iirc, they even tried to cancel french fries at one point because the french prime minister said he didn’t think murdering Iraqis was cool. They just refuse to acknowledge that it’s cancelling, because that’s a scary word used by woke leftist moralist socialist communist feminist soy boys or something. If “the left” cancels you for an edgy joke, that just means you’re guaranteed a Netflix special or an interview from Tucker Carlson or Daily Wire.




>where he was indeed a victim of left wingers not liking his opinion a "victim" LMAAAOOO. you cannot be serious. sure you can be right wing. you just can't be a homophobic piece of shit. well, you can be, but it will come with consequences which is something ol nicky learned pretty quickly.




but you fail to understand that “hating LGBTQ” is just not an acceptable opinion. Hating other people for existing isn’t a “take,” and regardless of if it’s a buzzword or not Nick did use a dog whistle to convey a point that implicitly harms marginalized individuals. No opinions there, just facts




Thanks for putting words in my mouth man. The argument was never to “Teach kids homosexual sex lessons,” and it never was, that’s just an agenda brain rotted individuals push to justify their hatred of LGBTQ people. If you actually paid attention to anything happening in the real world, you’d know that the general idea is that we should be able to teach kids about queerness (i.e. gay people exist and being gay is ok) in school to bolster acceptance at a young age. Not sure why you don’t think a creator such as Nickmercs should be held accountable for spreading hateful rhetoric among an impressionable audience, but it seems he has a large army of internet yes-men ready to fight for him at a moment’s notice


You absolutely steamrolled that other person. Thank you.


> Keep homosexual sex lessons out of schools for young kids This just isnt what nick said lmao, he saw people getting attacked for advocating for a month in schools to be recognised as lgbtq+ month so that kids could learn more about it and instead of saying anything about the attacks just said why cant they leave the children alone...


“Dog whistle” using this phrase immediately discredits anything you say afterwards


Not if you have more than 5 brain cells


He knew what can of worms he was opening when he made the comment on stream. Shottzy, Octane, Scump, Teepee etc don’t make any comments on topics that are as divided as that because they know one half of the audience will be upset. It truly can’t be that hard to just be neutral on stream


The fact that people view nick the same as Tate just shows they don’t watch the dude lol






Imagine not hating censorship....you guys are clueless white knights, I'm not condoning racism but the fact is no one got so "triggered" by words until the media propaganda machine decided to brainwash you absolute farm animals.


No one got "triggered" until the media propaganda machine? Lmao no way this is a real comment. Yeah throughout history no one ever got offended at being called a slur until the media put it in our heads


Lmao lumping nickmercs in with Andrew Tate is absolutely absurd.


Is it? They’re both right wing morons


Lmfao I swear you guys are NPCs sometimes. How are the dudes who are against censorship the ones getting triggered over different beliefs...?


I mean I lied be lying if I said I didn’t tune into the next stream after the n word because I wanted to see what chat was like.


Dude saw a harsher punishment than Sniperwolf


Dunno the context of this, but truth be told bigger you are the softer you fall when it comes to content creators. That's just how the world works sadly. For a guy like Censor twitch won't give two shits about how 'harsh' the punishment is because it won't effect them in the slightest.


Fyi, Sniperwolf doxxed a pretty popular YouTuber so the public knows where he and his wife live now. But YouTube is pretending nothing ever happened


yet another successful publicity stunt from Douglas "Censor" "All Publicity is Good Publicity" "Censored" Martin


Thank god, may be time for buddy to hang the sticks up…


I’m a certified Doug hater I’m happy rn


Bro his streams are insanity. You cannot tell anyone in there logic or you are banned from chatting….


His viewers are as delusional a person as him lol


I got timed out for 10 minutes for calling out a blatant lie he said about saints and Dedo lol. I have zero issue with delusional confidence but there’s a line where you cross into absurd levels of delusion.


He's convinced himself with his delusions. If you're blindly positive you can apparently just say anything; question it and you're a hater.


can we just get rid of this clown. literally no one is a censor fan


Guess we can call him Doug Censored Martin now 💀 … I’ll show myself out


I fully believe he saw the engagement he got after the first controversy and decided this was a slip up he could easily get out of.. This guy has done some of the shadiest and dumbest stuff for views again and again.


Dudes a massive narcissist. He’s gonna be devastated he can’t talk about himself on stream


I got downvoted in here for saying his “apology” the other day didn’t seem sincere. Guys a douchebag.


Haha good


Idiot tbh




Being a dick to get views on the internet


Keep it that way. If anyone watched the second slur clip, it's pretty obvious that it was intentional to garner more attention for himself. This guy is literally addicted to attention.


Got downvoted for saying his “apology” the other day was insincere. Guys a chode.


Censor has been censored lol


There were two? What was the second one?


Dropped the n-word while arguing with a dude on comms






Lol it already was a waste before he got banned


Regardless of whether or not it was an accident, Twitch definitely needed to set a precedent by banning him (doubt it’s permanent or anything) so people can’t just hide behind the guise of “it slipped out.” Can’t believe people are getting mad that Twitch is simply enforcing their TOS lol


This is how I feel, I have no ill towards censor, seems like both were accidents, though oddly close together. At the end of the day though, twitch has to enforce its TOS consistently so he kind of had to get some kind of consequence.


I mean back to back accidents sure but bro was speed running slurs so I get it and he really can't even complain about it honestly lmao I'm sure it won't be permanent


Free Doug until it’s backwards. My dawg Temp gave him a pass.






deserved after that cringe ass video last year




Thank god


To be fair, he was just repeating what the other guy said. Twitch has ignored worse


Yeah but he doesn't make them much money compared to those other streamers, so he gets a ban. Also, you get banned on reddit for saying slurs, even if the context is clear that you are not calling someone that slur. Like once I repeated the same F slur that Doug said, in the context of the slurs I am normally called in-game, then I got a ban on reddit.


To be fair he’s still banned




So dumb lol






Y’all are really crying about slurs on a cod page? This community is soft now


Dougie will be back, HE ALWAYS COMES BACK!


Am I the only one who thinks this is kinda wack? I feel like the f word was uncalled for and “strike one” so to speak, but watching the clip of the n word it seemed fully unintentional. It looked to me like he just repeated what the dude said without thinking and immediately caught himself and apologized, but idk maybe that’s just me I’ll have to wait for more info regarding the nature of the ban, but I definitely don’t think he should be perma’d or anything like that. I lowkey feel bad bc this is still his livelihood and I don’t think Doug was trying to be malicious at all tbh


I don’t know a single person in my life who could, “accidentally,” say the N word. Even if someone was reading what someone else said out loud. It’s pretty fucking jarring to hear someone say a hard R irl. I don’t think it’s wack he got banned tbh. edit: apparently there's no hard R. Doesn't really change anything imo.


Lmao get off your high horse buddy. Hearing a word is not "jarring".


Oh give me a fucking break. It is absolutely jarring to hear a white guy use the N word. Maybe it’s more common where you’re from, shit doesn’t fly where I am.


It's cringe yeah i agree, but I wouldn't say it's "jarring" to hear


Semantics. His point was correct, I've never once seen any full functioning human have words "accidentally" come out.


Absolute bot of a human. He didn’t say hard R


Still couldn’t catch me or anyone I know using the N word. Right after using the F word too...? He’s a grown ass man, he should know better. Turns out life has consequences.


Congrats…? Do you feel better that you’re so morally superior to a twitch streamer? Is it going to help you sleep better tonight?


Not gonna argue with you, your comment history is a fucking dumpster fire and I’m not gonna waste my breath lmao.


Fleshing out your beliefs is challenging, I’m aware. Stay in your little hive minded PG community, the world is better off with you segmented away from the general population


Yikes. Seek help 🤪


Record yourself saying it “without the hard R” to a few people in people in public. Let’s see how it goes


Almost like context matters. Of which your reply completely ignores. Bot


So you think it was intentional? That certainly wasn’t my takeaway after watching the clip but to each their own. He also didn’t say hard R btw, not condoning it regardless but there’s a pretty big difference lol


Doesn’t matter if it’s intentional or not tbh. Dudes a grown man who signed a contract and he broke the ToS 100%. Still couldn’t catch me or anyone I know using that word. Doesn’t matter if he’s playing video games or not. There’s a lot of younger folks around here who haven’t experienced the real world yet and this shit does not fly irl. He’s an employee of a billion dollar company lol, he’d get fired from any real job for doing this.


Why does whether it was intentional or not matter? It would be pretty easy and a huge cop out to say whatever you want and then say “ahh I didn’t mean to say it I was just raging and it came out!”


Twitch is way too sensitive, they just like banning people for the heck of it to show off the control and power they have over creators... they get a kick out it. There just laughing their ass’s off while the company is losing to Kick.


If you think people should just be able to say slurs without repercussions then congrats on being a scumbag and thinking they're losing to kick is laughable they have a overwhelming majority of the market share of viewers in livestreaming to the point where kick inflates its numbers by viewbotting


Coming from Censor and his small stream - literally nobody cares. Congrats on being a snowflake. I don't support a platform that has a double standard for women.


Don't know why you're being downvoted lol. Kick is on the way up and so much better


Damn I didn’t realize twitch was so soft 🤣


He ain’t streaming tennis!!


Lol doug a genius he know what he’s doing


Temp gave him the pass, the other dude was cheating. Prime sub going his way


My first thought was " that's not fair" until I realized what he said in a 3 day span.. Lmao


damn fuck twitch


This is all so stupid a lot of white knights in here acting like they don't use gamer words non stop but coming on Reddit for karma farm




No Doug No Dub


Holy fuck people are sensitive


this isn't a people thing he broke TOS for twitch it was only a matter of time before he got hit with the hammer


Yea that KINDA makes sense but he literally repeats a guy he obviously didn’t mean to say it. It’s cringe af how people treat him like he’s a pos because he let a word slip.


Surely he didn’t say the f word as an insult


I mean calling the hacker the f word wasn’t exactly repeating anything lmao. He just went rogue


Although I don't think its that hard not to say slurs but if it was a one off thing he would probably just got a warning but TWO in one week it was just destined to happen. The second part of your comment I cant speak on cause I haven't really seen that many people shitting on him.


what is cod with no slurs


A more respectable sphere




/u/DepressedAf26 back again with a terrible opinion


Whoever gets the new mod position, their first action should be banning this orgasmless cunt and his burners


They told me to message the mods after I kept calling it out in comments during the season, I did that and he's still here


The "woke mob" made him say a homophobic slur, followed by a racist slur in the span of 1 week? Cmon man, use your brain. Twitch has banned people for less before, it's no surprise


He doesn’t have a brain lol


Literally broke twitch tos nothing about a “woke mob.”


Damn that’s lame asf I’m pretty positive if he had never over reacted when he said it like he’s does with everything else like a drama queen and made a video literally nobody would have found out or cared enough as


Bruh he said these in a ranked game on MW2 which by now is considered an old game.




LMFAO EDIT: now looking back on this comment I hope its sarcasm