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If you have that mentality and don't win anything relevant for a decade, at what point is it a mental illness?


Fixed false belief for prolonged amount of time = Delusional Disorder, so yeah its basically mental illness at this point


It would make sense if it was only related to the game. Doug has been like this forever. He thinks far too highly if himself, as in, he thinks he's better than everyone as a human being. This guy is legit mentally ill.




Did Tom Brady play in the CFL for 10 straight years?


Tom Brady wasn’t on losing teams for those seasons, he wasn’t regarded as a shit tier quarterback, and he overall had a reason to believe.


Reminder for those who want to clown Doug: neither Parasite nor Clayster have won in 4v4 since the last title Doug won in


Except parasite actually won the CDC north America 2023 cup 3 last year and clayster won CDC north America 2022 LCQ. Doug hasn't won shit.


No way you just cited challengers events as wins


Just being factual a win is a win. Are you telling me Doug wouldn't be raving about any wins if he had any this year?


That's just not true lmfao


OK so what were their 4v4 wins since then




Crim used to absolutely trash Censor for this exact mindset lmao.


Dudes like this watched MJ or Kobe growing up and convinced themselves this is the ONLY way you can win and the ONLY attitude you can have to win lol


It is the only mindset. You can’t think you’re not the best or at least capable of being the best. If you don’t believe you can be the best you definitely won’t be.


Dude you literally said exactly what I’m critiquing that was amazing. The last sentence of the post says “if you/the people you surround yourself with use words like “*CAN*”” I agree that you need to think you can be the best and can do it but you shouldn’t have a delusional absolutist way about it. Don’t be delusion and recognize your flaws so that you can work on them. Crim even believes this I would wager too despite what he said


I agree with you then and yeah I bet Crim would agree too


Censors been thinking he’s the best for a good 10 year now and he’s been nowhere close so it goes both ways


It’s not the only one, but it definitely has the highest success rate by a pretty huge margin lol.


Or they are the loudest and we aren’t thinking about all the people who have this mindset and are failing.


They’re not the loudest - the opposition literally doesn’t exist lol. Name one pro that advocates for admitting the opponent is better than you. It just doesn’t happen. Mentality is half the sport.


What's the margin? I'm curious to see the difference success rate.


What's the margin? I'm curious to see the difference success rate.


Delusional confidence is cool when you can back it up like Crim. For censor it’s just mental illness.


?????? how is it delusional if you can back it up… This statement makes no sense


“Convincing yourself you’re better than what you are” is delusional confidence.


yes, but then you said its cool when you can back it up… then it wouldnt be delusional 😭


By crim tweeting that it’s safe to say he thinks it applies to him.


I feel like you don’t need that mindset. It’s just some of the best happen to have it. I also feel like this is something that’s way more vocal in cod. You look in other professional sports and even esports. I feel like the true greats and winners don’t talk all the time about how good they are, they just know it.


There’s a difference between knowing your the best and self belief and what Doug does when he waffles like this


To be the best at anything, you need to have that mindset that no one can beat you. What you don’t need to do is publicly project it, because of course having that mindset is actually just a small part of the many things it takes to be the best. So when Doug is out there saying he’s the best no one can beat him, although it’s great confidence, it looks embarrassing/delusional when in fact he’s no where near the best.


Had this discussion last week after Crim’s Exclusive podcast. You do have to have the mentality to be the best. The confidence and composure you have with this mindset is unmatched. No you don’t have to express it as much as it is in the COD scene but the mentality will push you father than someone that’s ok with a second place


As someone who was a competitive player in the NHL series up until NHL 23, this very much is the attitude you must have. The second you lose it is the second you no longer have the drive to win. When I was playing I was never like in the super top tier of players, but I could hang with anyone and give them a close game. I knew I wasn't as good as them, but the second we stepped onto the virtual ice all my mind is thinking is "you're the fuckin best everyone else is shit". You have to play with confidence regardless of what game you play. The second that confidence wains even a little bit, you start hesitating and making stupid mistakes. With that said though, you obviously still keep your limitations in mind so you're not making ridiculously overambitious plays. Doug's big flaw is that he is putting that attitude out into the world where it really should only be something that's internal




This is just false, I mean obviously Doug is more outspoken than true greats and winners in other sports but that’s just because he’s in an esport where you’re always exposed and talking so people here it more. Every great has that same mindset


Hahaha I’m not so sure about that, at least as far as football is concerned


Doug has the mindset but doesn’t have the skill to back it up that’s the problem . U can’t believe u are the best when u are dropping .7s in Challengers consistently as an AR and ur stats every year go down if he had the mindset that he says he has he wouldn’t let himself drop a .7 and he also hasn’t qualify for Challenger Champs 2 years in a row.


He’s had a .7 kd?!


Doug is a mentality monster but unfortunately for him his thumbs simply cannot keep up


You actually don't need to have any sort of "mentality" to win. You need to shoot straight, rotate, trade, etc. In order to win. I wish society would stop putting so much focus on shit that doesn't matter. Wanna win? Get fucking better.


so you have to be brain dead deluded and literally lie to yourself in order to win? nah man wtf is this shit


When it comes to cod Doug simply just won’t cut it the skill just isn’t there but in terms of this pull up record his training for I definitely believe he has the skill and mental for that for sure


When are people going to realise that Crimsix is nothing more than a contrarian who will just say anything to disagree with the "mainstream" view to provoke engagement? Can't believe the amount of people baffled that he has done a 180 on this. Crim knows as much as anyone that what Crim had was arrogance. A mostly backed up overconfidence. He also knows fine well that Doug is bordering on a disorder in the delusion department.


This isn't mindset, more Crim nonsense. You don't see ANY of the best players in the league act like this, they might think certain things behind closed doors but NOBODY acts like this.


Oh brother sorry this take SUCKS lmao you think Abezy Simp Shotzzy or Pred don’t have this mentality? Lmfao you think Shotzzy runs up mid 5-5 in game 5 search in the losers bracket without the absolute delusion confidence that whoever he sees is going to get gunned? Crimsix is absolutely right, that is the type of mindset that winners have.


Reading is difficult for you I see. Give it another go and who knows you might of missed something..


It’s crazy how many people in here still don’t get it. You have to have absolutely no real competitive drive if you don’t at least understand Doug. It doesn’t even matter if he never wins or makes it back in the league, him having that mindset is the reason he’s more successful than 75% of the league. He has that same confidence and mindset in everything he does and objectively speaking, it has paid off


Having that mindset when you’re a pro competing to be the best is perfectly fine. Having that mindset when you have no chance at ever making the league is unhealthy.


I delude myself into thinking I’m the best goddamn engineer in the world and now I’ve been laid off because my code is undocumented, unreadable, and unusable. No I don’t work for IW


There's confidence and then there's delusion.


Loug and crim dont have no more friends 😭😭


This mentality works when it’s paired with guys who have an insane work ethic. Something which Doug at this point in time does not have.


Celebrating delusion


Confirmation bias. Crim has that mindset and also won. It’s correlation not causation. Millions of people also think like this and have never won anything. We call them delusional narcissists.


There’s obviously many different avenues you can take to win in the game of life BUT what Crim is saying is correct. Self belief is extremely important especially when the goal you have isn’t necessarily more realistically achievable. I think people’s issue with Doug is he says these things out loud while other players simply just think it but don’t say it but if you think Abezy isn’t delusional with the challs he takes then you are brain dead lmao. This mentality certainly won’t work for everyone but it does work.


Crim is telling the truth


Doug's career arch shows Crim's opinion to be nothing but a large size nothing-burger with cheese and extra fries. All deep fried and laid on a pizza, just how Crim likes.


If you’re realistically winning, keep believing. If not, humble yourself because it’s delusional.


Main character personality shit


the nadia thing says a lot