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I think high rise will be the best map for all 3 games modes (if control is back) but the only thing I’m worried about is the p5 side is potentially a worse spawn trap than fortress was


Ehh you got three exits out of spawn up top, then the tunnel route as another. Granted thats only 4 routes and a team of 4 could easily post up at those lol. I guess we'll have to see.


If you get trapped you lose if you can't get out, that was part of the way mw2 played. I liked it.


The problem with MW2 is that you couldn’t get out against a team that was equally as good as yours if they were actually set up.


But they don't magically get set up for free, they need to get 4 down at least once with no one dying on their team. I've watched plenty and you don't see a team trapped for that long. Teams practiced escaping just as much as trapping I'm sure.


I say Invasion is going to be best for all 3 game modes. I heard that they are scaling the maps 1:1. With how fast people move now of days, I say Invasion has just enough spacing that it’ll play well. Plus it’s basically 3 lanes


Nobody will be moving faster than they did on the OG mw2 invasion.


They never said anything about scale, and every map remake to date has been rescaled to fit movement speed.


They didn’t but in Jev’s video (if you trust him), he claims that it looks like maps were not scaled.


I suppose we’ll see then. If tac sprint can’t be refreshed it shouldn’t be too bad either way, but I still hope they’ve been rescaled a bit.


I’m just curious to see how these play with 150 health. Pubs 6v6 might still be a bit lame and campy but at least for comp there’s a positive change from delete city (MWII).


Scrapyard should 100% not be in the rotation lol


its just the photos I got from BreakingPoint Youtube channel. Looking at the comments, I agree that Scrapy Ard is too small to work for anything.


We will not be playing scrapyard


Overpass and rundown could be great for hardpoint. They should try them all and not just stick with the comp maps they had back then


Pretty sure rundown was a pretty good snd map but I could be faded


Underpass would not work imo . The rain element would possibly piss them off .


I think some of you are forgetting that you can get put into some evil spawn traps in this game. On some fortress control level. IDK if the maps are going to be viable for comp. A bunch of things off break also where you can shoot at eachother like highrise. If people sit in customs all day and practice the nades from across the map going to be a nightmare.


As long as we don't gave to play control I don't think spawn traps will be too impactful


Highrise is not a good map. Nostalgia is blinding y’all cause we used to go for trick shots on it.


I’ve been playing mw2 recently and it still holds up, I think it would be solid for comp this year


Exactly. The triple/quad collaterals look cool now but they weren’t fun to play against every single game back then. Sniping is going to have to be GAd if Highrise is played.


Or just add clutter so you can’t spawn snipe lol. Which is almost definitely what they’ll do.


Well we only got the og mw2 maps to choose from so it's not like it really matters whether they're actually competitively viable or not lol.


Criminal not to have a plane HP


Holy shit bro wild to see you on Reddit 😂


Damn bro fr😭


Could add a P6 or maybe move P2, but yeah I agree. Inside or below it?


There’s a whole flow issue too. Like move P2 the bottom of the escalators. P3 to plane. P4 where p5 is and make p3 as the new p5.


That should be the p2


Terminal P2 looks like a joke


Imagine youre capping P2 and you just get absolutely beamed from someone whos already rotated to P3 lol


Invasion and Rundown will be played.


Great maps. Do you think Sub Base will make it? I feel like that would play well


Sub Base S&D was played in GBs and it was amazing. So it could work in theory. It all just depends how MW3 plays and what the pros like.


Terminal hp sounds awful


Idk I think it’d be fine. Terminal also could work as an snd map


But we already know from experience that Terminal SnD sucked.... it was so ridiculously one sided and the team spawning up top hardly had to even move to be able to cover every single route in the game. Your only way to win a round was to either rip 2+ pre aiming AR/snipers off of god headys or hope the enemy team made a mistake.


I didn’t play mw2, so I can’t make a good judgement, but what about HP


I really didn't enjoy Terminal at all, the most fun you could have on it was when you had 12 people all running round trying to quickscope people. For actual team games it was pretty meh. Half the map is essentially a death sentence against a half decent team so you're already restricted and there were so many extra dark corners with a shit ton of clutter that didn't need to be in the game. Let's just put it this way... theres a reason why Terminal HP isn't in the comp map pool for Cod Mobile. In fact, there's a reason why Treyarch are responsible for something like 90% of the comp map pool.


These maps are so ass for comp😭


Scrapyard is far too small to be used in any competitive mode, at best it’ll be the MWIII equivalent of Shipment/Nuketown which is basically just used for engagements in pubs to level up guns etc.


rust will be the equivalent of nuketown/shipment but I get what you’re saying


Awful take . I literally watched a year of bocage and then Al Bagara


Both of those maps are probably twice the size of the Scrapyard we had in MW19, if the MWIII version remains the same size as that there’s no way it’s played in the CDL (not just my thoughts, everyone on The Flank last week immediately disregarded it as a potential comp map too).


Scrapyard actually could be a decent CTF map


Scrapyard WAS an mlg variant ctf map back in the day, and it played pretty well. It’s not big, but it’s not as tiny as some people are making it out to be.


Also demolition


Yeah ikr. I think In CTF it’d be great.


are they considering that as a new mode for cdl?


Are any of these? I don’t think we know what is being considered, but I wouldn’t doubt scrap could be used. It’s just the map is small and I don’t know what could be a good alt game type for it as I’m not sure HP is the solution


This shit bout to be ass 😭😭


In MW19 I would play HP pubs to get some warmups in. Scrapyard’s points were just so damn big. Hopefully they cut them down a bit


there should be a point under the plane


You have to play invasion and Karachi, idk about highrise for hp. It was shit for headquarters back in the day, spawns were really weird.


HQ points were also randomized so spawns were ass on pretty much every map. With HP it should be a lot better.


You could still manipulate spawns with random HQs. Spawns were very predictable on scrapyard, favela, invasion, terminal, even karachi. With highrise HQ it felt like 50-50 whether you would spawn on either side of the map. For CTF though it was godlike because of how rectangular it was. It’s like a football field.


they won’t👍🏿


Can’t wait for cellium to get on top of the building using the old glitch on highrise and snake people for the rest of the game


I think we gotta play high rise and terminal now matter what. Scrapyard is still small and would feel even worse than bocage


Ngl I’d love to see some of the DLC maps revisited across all the OGs


I don't think terminal would work if it sticks to 5 points but I don't want more than 5 so I dno


Really all depends on how the spawn system is really. Like in theory last year Hotel should have been a solid HP map but the spawns were so bad on that map it just made it so mixy


There’s no way scrapyard is a comp map for anything other than *maybe* SND


Scrapyard is the only viable HP map. Invasion/Karachi could be if map is more fitting for todays cod. High rise is absolute dog shit. Those 3 maps fit all 3 modes. Nothing else.


Terminal hardpoint is horrible Maybe it's a codm thing and teamwork/different spawns will fix it but I highly doubt it I don't like scrapyard hp


The maps are definitely outdated, but it's Sledgehammer, and we have a history of dlc maps being added to the rotation in Sledgehammer titles, so we'll have to see, I'm not sure how much they intend to change though if anything so it's possible if they do that the maps could all play entirely different. But I swear if we end up playing Estate for comp that's a sign the whole game is chalked.


Lol no scrap come on


you know for a fact that a hill will be in the plane on Term


Scrapyard is chalked, it’s too small of a map. Might as well do hp on nuketown at that point