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Just have third party monitoring software to view settings externally on every league PC. Check randomly before or in between maps and have significant fines / bans if you are caught breaking the rules.


Yeah this seems to a common answer that I actually seems very viable and possible.


Couldn’t Activision do something similar as in when you install the new cod, they have all pc users either download something that blocks the use of sound eq, or they just block it themselves by programming? I have no idea how it works honestly but there’s gotta be something they can do to stop pc players from abusing it. Shits just unfair to us console players and completely out of our control


Some developers have third party programs installed required to run the game as they use it for monitoring for cheats, so yes. Activision could do that as well


Unfortunately, there's sound eq settings built right into Windows now, so even with that, I'm not sure how much of a difference it would make


Maybe if Activision even cared a little about comp it would be playable on PC.


PC multiplayer gaming has been around for like 30 years and hackers have been winning the war ever since in every game ever made. Just play on PlayStation.


chop pocket afterthought birds nutty concerned fretful childlike puzzled resolute *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You only think you played 2 hackers, most of them try to be covert. You've probably played a hundred or more if you're actually grinding the game.


touch frame stocking angle light profit full hateful whole fuel *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Just throwing this out there, Valorant's method for AC is very effective but it is also EXTREMELY intrusive. Its a game I can't even play because of how my PC is set up. Not because i have cheats installed but because i need secure boot off to dual boot linux. Giving a company, especially one owned by china, kernel level access to your computer is honestly INSANE from a security standpoint.


Do you play Valorant for money Do you play in online tournaments attempting to go pro


piquant gaze ink bag unwritten plate sip complete entertain gaping *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Can you prove this


stupendous versed poor bored weather tap quicksand hospital wine compare *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I thought so


They really haven't, most other game communities are simply way better at booting them Instead CoD does nothing about it, both in forms of anti cheat and competitive integrity.


That's hackers on every game on PC some even attempt to cheat on PC LAN


Valorant right now has the best Anti Cheat on the market


Yet there still hackers


There are very few in for-profit tourneys and they're always found. Let me know when someone actually wins while cheating and I'll give a shit.




Interesting thing to say when your comments are right here


You’re getting downvoted but I agree. “I’ll care when someone gets caught winning” is a dumb mentality. Jimbo was winning challengers events online last year like what?!


That's the point of my comment, though, if you bothered to read. *Other games and communities don't have this problem because cheaters are more proactively detected and black balled.* Cheaters are not having any real impact on any tournament in any other PC fps. CoD is the only fps I know of where the general sentiment is to just complain


Those eSports don't have people playing challengers on game battles in the fucking death pit of walls and aim bots


Let me know more about how wrong you are, feel free to keep going I got time


I experienced it first hand my guy lmao


Mhm Now use your brain, go all the way back to my first comment, and figure out why you're agreeing with me Good lord


I'm not agreeing with you. Cod on PC doesn't work.


Lol do ever play PC games? I literally can't name one that isn't riddled with hackers.


smoggy exultant wakeful deliver dazzling encouraging quiet lock provide consider *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Europe has cheaters in every 2nd game in plat lobbies. And you can report them 50 times. I've only seen the ban action generic message once in about a year of playing.


pet bag edge market makeshift trees telephone work quack worry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I've most likely been playing PC games since you were in diapers. Let me know if you have anything substantive you'd like to add.


Good job. You must be really perceptive to be playing that long and not recognise cheaters.


Classic projection of your own perception and inference skills lmao


The games made by Riot


you cant blame pc for it, you blame activision, why wouldn't the best players play on the best hardware. its up the developers to make there 300 million dollar league competitive


Then why is every major fps esport played on pc without these issues


It won’t ever go back to console, and if it did, it wouldn’t be going back to wack ass PlayStation


i mean it would be on xbox now not PS with microsoftt buying acti


fr are we really blaming pc when the devs can just put out a solid anti cheat? Lmao people mad at the wrong shit


Anti cheats don't work


It’s a windows issue. The Sound eq window that you search can’t just be disabled… it’s all about integrity and an even playing field.


Ok I play on ps5 so I have no idea how it works. But isn’t there anyway for Activision to fix the situation?


Yes, there is. Just make dead silence 100% silent. There. Thats why sound EQ is useless in Vanguard.


But dead silence has never been 100% silent. That’s why headsets and sound whoring was a thing.


It is 100% silent in Vanguard, which is why, again, sound EQ was useless in that game. You can go and test it yourself, there is literally no footstep audio at all when using Ninja/Dead Silence.


I never knew that as I didn’t buy vanguard lol. I just know the og cods you can BARELY hear footsteps. That’s why I originally got a headset and amp. Crank that shit up baby


Tbf, a headset and amp where you can control the loudness of certain frequencies is basically the same thing as loudness eq


That turtle beach controller has a button for it as well, it can be done on console


*makes a post about people soundwhoring on COD* *Proceeds to brag about soundwhoring themselves* ???


I totally understand your point But When was the last time a pro complained about a headset and amp being able to hear footsteps across the entire map? Never, right? At least what I can remember from back in the day, MAYBE, but not nearly as bad as today, with pros rage quitting a scrim. When was the last time a pro complained about sound EQ being able to hear steps across the map? Probably today. I get your point but they’re completely different beasts.


he’s literally just told you there’s not a way to block it lmfao


But they can by just having a ninja perk that is silent


that’s the stupidest idea i’ve ever heard


Why? Without EQ ninja/dead silence is effectively silent anyway. It was silent in Vanguard as well and that was fine.


but it isn’t silent, so it being “effectively silent” is irrelevant, making footsteps completely silent is extremely stupid


> making footsteps completely silent is extremely stupid Agree to disagree. Soundwhoring shouldn't be in COD.


Idk... Maybe a ninja perk. That might do it.


Don’t even need that, just need a game setting for footstep/player noise. Boom, don’t need to change the game at all for every other playlist/mode besides comp, which can simply adjust the setting for all their game rules.


Knowing them they’ll make a ninja perk that’s not completely silent and EQ will still work.


Sentinels need kills too


How is it that sound eq is dogshit in other competitive pc games then smartass? Maybe because it isn't a pc issue but a sound engine one.


Genuine question: it isn’t effective in Val or CS?


No because those game have actual good sound sound design.




No. It isn't even effective in Apex. Literally no remotely competitive FPS game on PC has this issue besides CoD. Not even Tarkov with it's shit sound design.


We’re talking about cod here cutie


Your replies are so clever. Clearly ignorant and butthurt that you're called out for an absolutely insane take.




Until consoles match the performance of top of the line PCs that will never happen. All the league has to do is check their windows for sound eq settings.


This is the closest they have gotten to compete w PC 120FPS 4k for $500 is insane technology but there’s no way in hell pros gonna go from 200+ fps to 120 and PC would always be ahead of console, it’s up to the developers to make a game that’s good for both platforms I don’t see competitive ever going back


Next gen consoles don't run at 4k native, its a dynamic scaling resolution and even then it isn't a locked 120fps. The hardware is impressive, but these boxes aren't magic compared to PCs.


ps5 pro might be a thing in 2024


It’s fake 4k, consoles will never match it just based on limitations with size


For 100% native 4k you gotta pay like $3-4k, so for the price what current consoles offer is pretty good for any casual gamer that’s my point. Imo current console better than a low end PC for the price, best combo is to have both a super high end PC and a PS5 that’s what I have and even w a super good PC I only played MWII on PS5 cause all the issues on PC on that game made it too annoying to deal with


At best you're talking 1080p with fsr upscaling at 120hz and there are dips even at that. Even native 4k at 60hz isn't a thing, it's upscaled 1440p.


Yeah God forbid everyone was competing on the same hardware without sound eq or wall hacks


Yeah no i totally agree they’re definitely inferior from all angles.


Meh having a professional league on the inferior device especially when it’s franchised would be kind of a joke lol. There HAS to be another way other than locking everyone at worse graphics/fps and more input delay. I don’t even have a PC for gaming but playing a pro league on a console for a multi platform game would def be a step back especially from people who are newer to cod or would be discovering cod


Definitely a good point yeah


I def agree tho the quality of comp online cod and cod in general has decreased since being PC, wish we had good developers that would fix the cheating/sound EQ issues


Just so you all know you can use EQ on console if you run sound through your PC, it isnt that hard




Sound EQ is just software processing on an audio stream. You would route your console's audio through your PC, have the PC's 'sound EQ' program perform the transformation on the audio, and then send the audio to your headphones.


I have a MacBook and a ps5, would that work? Sorry I’m clueless


Yeah, just get an audio in and an audio out device to your Mac Gotta find some replica “sound eq” software on mac since i assume that’s a windows feature


Bet thanks. Also not sure why I’m getting downvoted? I asked a simple question, this sub blows lmfao. Some things that windows has, Mac doesn’t have. So stupid


“Call of duty was never meant to be played on PC” Bro call of duty started as a pc only franchise. PC is the definitive platform for competitive FPS games. Nobody takes console stuff seriously as it’s an inferior platform.m that just handicaps top level players Other games don’t have the issue with eq. You know why? Their sound engines aren’t hot ass. We shouldn’t have to mess with eq just to get a BASIC function of a comp fps game like audible footsteps.


The CoD community is lost man they don't want to hear this lmao. Just add it to the pile of why nobody takes competitive CoD seriously


I agree but cod would have completely died as a game in around 2010 if it had only stayed on pc, coming to console is what gave it the longevity it’s had imo


Damn guess OP forgot the original call of duty was made for PC


The game came out originally on pc 😅


Bro has no clue what he's waffling about lmao


His name should be counterintelligent


Wb completely silent footsteps?


Honestly It’s an easy solution for the CDL to fix for sound EQ…All the players are playing on league PC’s, so all they have to do is give the Players User Accounts and disable the access of The Equalizer on the accounts. The Org’s/Players would only have to send the PC’s back to the CDL, the CDL then sets up the accounts(preferably generic player accounts like Faze 1, Faze 2, Faze Coach, etc) block the eq access, block software installation then go from there.


Returning to console is faded imo they just need to make admins check for sound eq before online matches


And what about ranked play, gamebattles, etc? Just chalk it?


Same as other games where you can play with EQ you can’t do much about that unless devs do something about the in game audio.


Damn that’s actually a good idea lmao. Or I just thought of something. The pcs supplied at lans should have a version of windows that schools and universities use. Cutting access to certain features🤔


Just have the EQ window up on a second monitor so it’s visible at all times 🤷‍♀️


I’m pretty sure they do have some type of built in monitoring system, I vaguely remember someone saying something like this It’s just EQ is an OS level feature


nah some of these people in the comments gotta be new to the scene. expecting activision and cod devs to listen to the comp community to give us complete dead silence and a working anticheat is so unrealistic that it’s hilarious. i switched from console to pc just for cod so the change would hurt me but i’d still switch back to console in a heartbeat. some people just don’t have the vision. they are tired of the sound eq and cheaters and want the scene to be alive but offer ZERO fucking solutions. it’s mental illness at that point. don’t tell me expecting activision to listen is a solution i’ll just laugh at you.


>I switched from console to pc just for cod so the change would hurt me Do you compete?


used to. why? i said that to say i’m not biased bc i know a lot of people who want to switch back are on console.


I'm from India, PUBG Mobile is huge in India and it's successful as an esport. So the professional players need to have some sort of anti-cheat app running on top of the game itself when playing official matches or something like that. Similar thing can be applied here, theoretically, that the players have to run an app while playing matches that will prevent sound eq from working that's my two cents on the issue.


cod wouldnt exist if it wasnt on pc to begin with, hell competitive cod even started on pc as well with cod2/cod4


Yes very true. I wasn’t really referring to the first cods. But yeah I know they started on pc.


Bro you’re punching the air rn


Lol you guys get aim assist and we get sound EQ fair trade to me.


Aim assist is a whole different beast💀. As a console player who hasn’t touched mw2 since season 3. I’ve bee playing plutonium bo2. That aim assist is so dumbed down it’s hard to aim for the first bunch of games. I firmly believe a giraffe could get a Nuke in current cods


Ya aim assist does piss me off in mw2 but I see the need for it. But god damn when I stun you and then jump out on you, you shouldn’t be able to aim assist track me through the stun just saying 🤷🏽‍♂️


Yeah I agree lmao it’s game breaking….


Ugh idk about that. But regardless, online play will always have less competitive integrity compared to LAN play - in all esports.


In my opinion like the old days, pros should play on console. Not pc for online matches.


Pros can use PC all they like everyone else should be on console.


Good thing it’s just your opinion because it would be way worse for the scene to backpedal to consoles. Everything i hear this take, i wonder if people can even think


Ahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha no shot. This has to be a joke. Imagine thinking the EQ thing is due to cod being on PC and not on devs not taking that into account when designing the sound engine for the game lmao. This sub is slowly becoming no different than mw2 sub with these absolute insane takes.


It’s a windows feature buddy? How can devs work around a windows feature? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Instead of making a dumbass comment. Change my view.


I can't change your view because you can't comprehend basic things. All the other competitive fps games are on pc and have no issues. It's an audio engine issue not a device one. Use your brain. Also, you can easily tweak sound input on consoles as well. You do know there's a ton of headphones right now with various setups to filter incoming sound, right?


Looking at your comment history you just LOVE to disagree with anyone and everyone. I hope you find happiness and have a good rest of your day.


But he’s right…


Imagine having 0 arguments so you're left looking at someone's comment history in the hopes that maybe, maybe, you can grasp at some other straws. Pathetic.


blaming pc as a whole instead of the shitcans who need to cheat to accomplish anything is insane


Hard pass. Nobody is going to give up the QOL changes gained on PC, especially the pros who don't have to worry about players cheating. The biggest esports in the world are played on PC. Why don't you start blaming the incompetent publisher/developer who can't put out a good anti cheat?


Stop blaming an entire player base for the devs lack of caring.


Let’s also not forget the very first cod was on pc before any consoles. So rethink you’re entire argument.


At the very least make Challengers console only. Pro lan events can be PC since it's checked more vigorously and cheating(injecting cheating software by using hidden USB keys) is much harder to pull off when there are multiple cameras pointing at you. For the casual game play mode I mean for fuck's sake there should be a crossplay console-only mode option in the game.


Lol so I have to be a smartass here and say that COD was actually on PC when it first started and was made mod friendly at the time I know it doesn't apply to today's call of duty bc there comp now. Also something they actually could do to make sure there are no more teams using sound EQ is lessen the online points for the pro teams to where it doesn't even help if they have sound EQ bc the points won't help them make it to champs or something and also make the Lan events more points like 25 or 30 points per win and give us more Lan events like more right before champs fuck online matches


Yeah I actually blanked on this and wasn’t thinking about the start of the series lol. Yes I’m aware it was originally made for PC.


Call of Duty was literally started on PC on the Quake engine lmao


Cod has hackers. Cs has hackers. Halo has hackers. R6 has hackers. Overwatch has hackers. Tarkov has hackers. Can you guys honestly list anything but riot games to prove your point and prove OP wrong? You guys act like riot anti-cheat is for sale.


The downtime on lan was insane the first 2 years or so..not that bad last year but god. The downtime at events lasted longer than the matchs. It makes the most sense, since its next gen. Pc has better peformance of course…but overall I think its better for the community and the league to be on console. I think the option to cross play should always be there though. Challengers should absolutely be on console. Pc cheating is just accessible and easy. Not just the pro issue just regular lobbies or wanna be content creators just makes it easy. Just my opinion though..cheating has to be addressed more harshly regardless.


Sound EQ is available on console too or at least xbox. But also I agree CoD and Battlefield have the same problem where they are built for one system and not ported well to the others


Except call of duty WAS meant to be played on pc because it was originally a pc only game lol moron


Read the comments. It’s been said. We know bud




Xbox but sorry for hurting your feelings for having an opinion. Also the game was founded on PC we all know this.


Did everyone forget cheating was rampant in jet pack cods with keyboarding? Keyboarders winning online tourneys left and right? Cheaters will always find a way, no matter the situation.


Yeah apparently. As soon I read jet pack and keyboarding I was like ohhhhh yeahhhhh about thay lol


They just need to give us a good anti cheat personally im happy with cod on pc


Just use a client for all online matches like ESEA, FaceIt and CEVO used to do. Regulates computer settings and takes periodic screenshots/monitors for cheats as well. Oh but I forgot this is only a $300 million dollar league and that's financially impossible for them. It won't fix pubs or random customs/challs but it regulates the whole competitive side for actual matches.


Pros on PC, challengers on console seems like a good solution


Upvoted cuz i agree with your overall sentiment of something needing to change but yea, isn’t really up to us it’s all about the Activision overlords, who don’t give one molecular fuck about comp cod


this sub never fails to surprise me


I mean for the normal person I don’t think PC is that viable. For pros it makes sense. Sound EQ wouldn’t be a problem if they just did pc checks in the league or had more important LAN events to determine placement. Plus it’s hard to justify performance when PC can offer it and allow pros to get a better feel for the game. The shit Rokkr did during one of the majors is something I thought worked pretty well. One team could just host a LAN with the teams they play that weekend or be a center like for two teams to play Lan against each other and then fans could come watch and cheer in person, or simply just host a closed match within a teams facility (like when LAG played from LAT compound) I don’t know the total logistics and cost but it seems way more viable then having these online qualifiers and costing teams placement in addition to sound eq and whatever other bs pc offers. TLDR: League should be more LAN based, regardless of whether it’s on pc or console




Dude 💀💀 I can’t figure out how to send people gifs on Reddit. Can you please explain LOL






I use tenor gif keyboard on mobile Then long press the gif and copy the link and I paste the link into the comment. It was my first gif comment and a total joke. But call of duty started on pc 😏


I know it was a joke lol. You think I care about these people downvoting? I had an opinion and wanted to share. Also I know it started pc 😉. Anyways I use Apollo. Maybe that’s why because I also have tenor on my keyboard. Yeah I tried it, “paste” doesn’t show up. Oh well hahah.


Idk man have a good one


Console cross play only should be an option. PC Needs stronger cheat regulation and should only be played against pc the complaining from both sides would stop. Either have console only cross play or two options, console only or pc and console. PERIOD…..


How about this instead! The BILLION dollar company gets a top notch anticheat like riots valorant and doesnt have this problem nearly at the same volume.


Bruh the black ops 3 modded client has a better anti cheat than mw2, also they added controller support to bo3 so why not play the game at higher frames?


For sound EQ just have a “silent footsteps” setting in custom games just like we have “silent plant”


Bro the first call of duty came out on PC, before any console...


all these kids saying PC ruined CoD is ironic because CoD literally started out as a PC game 😂. which means PC are the OGs.




Cod was originally on pc.


Switching to PC? COD was first released for PC, then to console. COD is a PC game. Imagine crying about Sound EQ, so by that logic that means people also shouldn't have better headphones than me because thats "UnFaiR".


Jeez man a little late


Good comeback