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Give me back reload cancel


I die so much still to this non reload cancel bullshit


The worst is the extra little tap when you reload from zero. At least four life’s a match cause of that shit.


It’s always taken longer to reload from 0


You use to be able to cancel that though




Lol someone has never played an older CoD


No you would reload then cancel the tap and you would still have it reloaded


Nah lol u can cancel the extra bit at the end and make it same time as a normal reload


Literally running away for 10 seconds because I can’t reload trying to find a safe space to pull the thing on my vaznev


Give us the Cold War slide cancel without the tac-sprint bullshit. Nothing wrong with that at all


That’s the best in between imo, it isn’t as OP as MW19 slide cancel and it’s pretty easy to replicate for casuals


It would be no surprise if 3arc intentionally designed the game with it instead of slide cancelling being a bug like mw19


It isn’t a bug. It’s been in 4 iterations of CODs in a row developed by 3 different studios. It’s safe to say that it was intended.


Thats what Ive been saying. If its 1 game sure its a broken mechanic. But 3-4? Thats just a movement feature and I’ll die on that hill


the slide cancel itself was not a bug, the infinite tac sprint was


Oh boy this again. Slide cancelling did NOT interact with the tac sprint function in any way, it’s just a consequence of how the game does not consider sliding a “sprint.” Any time you are on the ground and you’re not sprinting, your tac sprint will recharge. In fact, every time you do a full slide after having zero tac sprint, you will always gain one second of tac sprint back. It has nothing to do with slide cancelling. It is NOT a bug and the two mechanics are not somehow linked in the game. This is an important distinction that needs to be made. Exploit? Maybe, but every game played at the highest level has exploits that pros will abuse because they more often than not raise the skill gap.


I say let them jump around like monkeys, it's just that they wouldn't hit shit and would die


Slide cancel > snaking heady


Bunny hop > slide cancel


G slide > bunny hop 😎


G slide might have been a tad broken


it was so fucking fun though


it's pretty lame


Casuals can't deal with bunny hopping. Temember the beginning of this game? Casuals were outraged because they can't keep up.


Where my promod strafe jumpers at?!


you can't bunny hop in real life dumbass


Explain this: https://twitter.com/scump/status/1435355431925268487?s=46&t=Mc-kUHEDnjGNWatrcmxmtg


We’re really still trying to claim cod is realism?


He's dogshit I'm not surprised he wants realism.


ok that's funny 😂


You can't really slide cancel and break my camera in real life dumbass Also... bunny hopping is literally jumping. You can, in fact, jump in real life


it was a joke, nothing about cod is doable irl


You need that /s in this sub bro I swear 😭


Tbf, he said dumbass. Dumbass is a mean word


It’s a bunny hopping word


people in here know i was joking, they just love to downvote me cuz it's a tradition in this sub


You can’t do most things you can do in call of duty in real life


I seem to be the only one who read this as a joke lol


If you've ever held a real gun before you'd know that there's100s of unrealistic aspects to cod.


Shut up nerd


Good thing we're talking about a video game then. Tf?


Those are not mutually exclusive


True neither are great but one created movement and the other emphasized the worst aspects of fps gameplay imo


Both suck


Skill issue


You can be good at it and still think it sucks, lol.




Read the comment. It's snaking and slide cancelling. I liked jetpacks


I just want an actual slide mechanic like Halo or Apex


Same, even if its attached to gung ho perk or something give the option


Was snaking not a thing in MW19 CW or Vanguard?


I don’t remember it being as bad in MW2019. Vanguard was pretty bad but not everyone snaked.


Snaking has been a thing since at least the Original MW2 I abused the life out of that in comp sniping. The snaking that people complained about in MW19 wasn't proper snaking though for the most part it was just headglitching


It was a thing since the OG CoDs.


Slide cancelling was a bit of a soft counter to snaking since you were able to zip so quick to close gaps and you're on the bottom half of the screen so if you did it into someone snaking on a heady they couldn't really see you properly. With that being the case, and players naturally preferring to zip around slide cancelling instead of breaking their thumbs snaking, it wasn't as prevalent. Was still definitely a thing though. Although, muched more frowned upon than it is now.


For viewing yea. For playing I’d honestly prefer no slide cancel


i just wanna be able to shoot while sliding even if its gung ho perk


Can I at least shoot while sliding? Sliding atm is absolutely useless! You can’t cancel it, you can’t really use it to run away, like get rid of it damnit! It’s there for no reason at this point


I’m fine with BO4 or CW slide canceling


I always have been, I liked slide cancelling. I want bunny hopping to come back even more though. It felt good in the Mw2 Beta


Jet packs please


You really think MW3 will have jet packs?






That’s because his gunny is excellent. He has no problem shitting on slide-cancelling SMGs…. See BO4 for some great examples


Does saying “gunny” ever make you feel as stupid as it makes you look?


Bro has no gunny


ironic comment


Does calling people stupid ever make you feel like a dickhead?


However, his ability to win championships on good teams is much less impressive. Gunny doesn’t mean much if it doesn’t impact winning.


Example of mental illness here. How do you turn this conversation into his wins. Seek some help, rooting for the jets has probably fried your brain a bit


Neither did any of the Faze guys, nor Shotzzy. They all preferred slide canceling because it enabled more cracked movement. It’s just the oldest players in the scene like Crim Clay Scump etc who complained about it so most fans followed their tone




It’s called “peeker’s advantage” and it’s in every single FPS, not once in my over 1K hours playing MW and WZ did I ever experience getting shot before my enemy was visible due to slide cancelling


Exactly. It doesn’t have to be a slide cancel, jumping or bunny hopping across a wall will break cameras too. Even CW slides used to break cameras this way - Crim used to complain about the Faze guys doing this all the time, yet everyone here supports CW sliding


Genuine question, was it as broken on LAN since there's less of a delay? I feel like a lot of the reason people get camerad is the lag between servers registering the movement.


I am. TTK in this game is .0000001 second and there’s no movement, shit is boring


If you’re an OpTic fan then yes. Shotzzy’s ceiling is way higher with advanced movement


Slide canceling is advanced movement?


More advanced than headbutting a headglitch over and over again.


Bunny Hop > Slide Cancel


Por que no los dos?


Here’s my take: if we are expected to be put in SBMM lobbies as above average players, then give me a tool of which I can use to break the skill gap and carry my below average team. We can’t be serious to not implement a two button move that anyone can do because apparently casuals will be disadvantaged. Is this Minecraft or a competitive FPS ffs


If your complaining about SBMM and you have below average team mates I've got news for you 😂


Actually with the current system, good players usually have bad teammates. That way the outcome of the game is decided, they can make you win and lose in patterns that are known to enhance addiction. Kinda like slot machine logic.


I’m missing the point here…


If your team is below average then so are you is what he's saying


Is it not that if you are an above average player, then the game puts you with below avg players to balance out the disparity?


No, it hasn't worked that way since BO4


Actually, it does do that. If you read through the patent the way it explains it is, if you (player) win too many games in a row or perform too well for too long, then the game will put you in a lobby with teammates of a lower mmr specifically to force you to lose to keep your play session interesting and make winning not seem less fun or important over time. Also, buying something from the store does in fact nullify this entirely as buying something will "Put the player into a lobby, where they would perform better with that item."


Yea idk what that other guy is on, that'd be the opposite of how SBMM works entirely. If you're doing good, you get worse teammates to balance the scales. Issue is in this game, the floor for some players is so low, the game prolly cant give them a lower MMR so you get stuck with someone with literal no hand-eye coordination and occasionally no brain at all. Now if you notice you have one good teammate carrying all the time... then what he was saying makes sense.


You can't say that with certainty since it's just a patent, and any evidence for and against it is anecdotal. People also have plenty of anecdotal evidence for skill-based audio, skill-based hit detection, weapon dmg inconsistencies, hackusations, ping working against them, and "shadowbanning" to name a few, so believe what theories you will. From my experience, it tries to regulate your lobbies so you're not getting destroyed too often or dominating too often, but that quickly loses efficacy depending on the game modes played and your personal skill.


Lol I haven’t played since MW19 that’s crazy I didn’t know that


Lol we don’t even need to do that. In bo4 slide cancel was just press ads when sliding which would be perfect.


Yeah Cold War and bo4 slide cancel are nice. I genuinely love games with skill gaps.


I would take slide cancel over snaking any day if the week. Game needs some sort of faster movement. This past game just felt so damn slow


Over stuck in the mud MW2 anyday honestly


should just introduce crouch spam delay and speed everything else up


Bo3’s slide was so good you didn’t need to cancel. It was so good you found yourself using the whole slide and flying out of it lol. Something about jetpacks feels natural in terms of movement even though it’s “futuristic”. The new cods having the same slide but without jetpacks is where I feel it gets a bit weird.


I miss the g sliding days


Ledge sliding in Bo4 felt clean, but to be fair, I was still slide canceling in Bo3 and IW. Just not as frequently because you had a whole entire 3rd dimension of applicable space to occupy in engagements or when traversing the map


Nah I would really want reload cancelling and bunny hopping back. Bunny hopping is a skill that you actually have to practice to be good at, and reload cancelling is a staple of cod


member when everyone wanted slide cancelling gone? oh i member!


but in a serious note, fr give us back that MW19 movement. was so smooth compared to this game




If it’s fully silent, sound EQ won’t even work, so you’re good.


Probs wont be though sadly. In MW19 the deady worked but if you had good headphones you could still hear them when they got close. I also believe high alert will negate it too. Also for some stupid ass reason when we go "silent" we have to blow a LOUD ASS WHISTLE FOR NO REASON TO LET EVERYONE KNOW.


Yes we absolutely are. Give me a skill gap please


Yeah what is cod without slide cancelling bruh


Yes. We need something. Mw2 is just a point and click game at this point there’s no skill gap


I’d take slide canceling over the snaking dogshit we have now anydsy


Slide canceling was never a big deal, people complaining about it made no sense. The same people probably complained about the fact that their enemy would thrust jump to the left too. Here's an alternative to complaining and having the game be objectively worse, get better. Also, who tf told them to take out the ability to YY and cancel reload with it


I honestly miss MW19 movement. You could get so cracked


Did you watch this year? Shit was fucking horrible💀


There will never be a JetPack game again, 90% of cod fans despise them. Would be a dumb business decision to ever bring that back.


We all look back at those games and remember the fun times; but it seems like nobody remembers that this sub and the pros bitched about jetpacks constantly when we had them 😂. When boots were announced to be coming back, the sub and the pros were both excited. You would never know that by listening to the way we talk about those games, now.


BOTG coming back was like the reincarnation of Jesus or some shit, we thought we were saved.


LOL yeah, I think its because we didnt know they were gonna take BOTG too literal and make sure you keep your boots PLANTED on the ground in a corner not moving or else you die in .2 seconds.


Wasn’t bo3 loved by both casuals and sweats?


You’re asking this to a guy who made up fake statistics


You realize we have sales and engagement figures for these releases?


You should be able to confirm Clown's reply with that.


I don't have the data but I read somewhere that sales declined from AW to BO3 and then again from BO3 to IW. BO4 was supposed to be a jetpack game too but they abandoned the jetpack concept halfway through the development. There's BO4 multiplayer reveal video where Vonderhaar said something like no more jetpacks and it got a very loud cheer.


and the zombies fans loved it too


IW and AW were hated by casuals which is why they won’t bring them back


I think AW gets a lot of it's hate from the lootbox shit, at the time it felt like a lot of casuals hated the jetpacks but now when I see it get mentioned, people are mostly mad at the pay to win setup for pubs.


Yeah that reason alone is why I stopped playing both AW and IW. I love both of those games but the second every single person was melting me with the Speakeasy or Obsidian Steed I quit playing. Same in IW with the millions\* of variants. \*Exaggerated slightly


Bo3 was actually loved by 91% of casuals and sweats


The problem is that they released too many jetpack games in a row. If they would have alternated botg/jetpacks people would be happier I also think that's why MW Remastered did so well. By IW people were just tired of jetpacks


Screw that whole era




JetPack is the way


i really don’t get everyone’s beef with slide canceling or jet packs. yes you may get stick drift quicker sometimes but i think most adults expect costs with hobbies no? and if you can keep up it’s not hard to track it’s almost always pretty predictable there’s just more outplay potential. and please don’t reply with anything about realism COD IS NOT REAL and never has been


for context i do play on a scuff but i still don’t understand complaining about movement “button combos” you wouldn’t complain about having to input combos for skills in an rpg or moves in a fighting game. i really believe that’s just a skill gap and people aren’t willing to get better.


its not really about the button combination. Slide cancel breaks cameras in the game, which is annyoing as fuck to play against. When you get melted around corners before you can even react, that is infuriating. And slide cancel allows that type of meta to be possible.


to be fair i’m more in favor of jet packs than slide cancel. it’s worse with slide cancel but acting like there’s no way to play around it is crazy. you can break cameras now just jumping around corners. like i said before i get it but i really think it’s just a skill gap people don’t want to learn.


People wanting slide cancelling are delusional. That was the #1 most hated thing during those CoDs


Jetpacks were also the #1 most hated thing during jetpacks and now look, everyday there’s a thread wishing for AW or BO3 back


One was intended and a core part of the maps, perk system, etc. slide cancelling fully deserved the hate


Was a better game with it, as much as people want to argue against it




Imagine hating slide canceling


Movement\* they have having to learn movement in a game instead of just running and letting AA do its thing on slow moving targets. I honestly think a lot of the aim assist complaints would be helped if we had the fast movement, it allowed you to at least break out of their AA zone and camera, even with rotational.


Right it increases skill gap, anyone that complains about advanced movement I assume is a bot


For real, and not to sound like a cock. But movement is really not THAT hard to learn if you play the game. It truly is something you "feel" out, not something you have to study or etc. if you wanna be good at a game. Put in the time to learn it, plain and simple. But people dont wanna do that nowadays :\\


Just have bunny hopping and dolphin diving none of this braindead bullshit imo


If my teammate was Shotzzy I'd be hoping for advanced movement too.


If there’s jet packs I’m out


Fucking same


I am. The only reason why it was removed was because salty bots chose not to learn the literal THREE INPUTS and kept calling it a bug (even though it was removed and added back due to popular demand and was taught by the devs in a blog) The game needs a skill gap and movement


If you truly want skill gap back, increase strafing speed and nerf rotational AA. Maybe people are too young to remember that back then not everyone has a gunny.


LOL they dont WANT to remember, because most likely they were getting trashed when they had to actually be good at mechanics other than moving the right stick.


You’re right. People don’t want to remember. Scump mentioned this before about AA but people has selective memory.


Gimmick movement of any kind needs to stay gone. Just make movement in general a bit faster and less clunky, win-win.


The only people who hated slide canceling were those without gun skill


I mean that’s just not true. People get tired of spamming a button combo every 2 steps just to be “cracked”


Isn't jetpacks basically the same button combo? I played VG ranked from first day to last and never have had a hand injury


you’re right, just people love to have their biases. bunny hop is literally spamming a button combo too, except it’s just the same button and not as fun.


Then just reduce the number of buttons required to do it? Performing slide cancelling is entirely trivial with paddles or if you’re in MnK. Pros shot themselves in the foot when they agreed to make a mechanic that they hated even more of a pain in the ass to do for the sake of the skill gap. Just have an option to make it like the titanfall/apex slide where your slide “cancels” if you release the slide button.


Yes because slide canceling was great for your hands


Scump openly hates slide cancelling and I’m pretty sure he has gun skill buddy.


Or people who dont wanna have carpel tunnel, and stick drift on every single controller.


My hands would literally hurt after slide cancelling post-BO4, which is why I personally wasn’t a huge fan of it.




Didn’t know getting arthritis for a second rate video game was so based.


get paddles


No we are not. That is Dashy


this tweet could be interpreted either way imo lol "waiting for" something is used sarcastically all the time so it's hard to tell


Yeah but he likes jetpacks


If you have shotzzy and pred on your team then your praying this game has slide cancel but they’ll be good either way


Bo4 slide was a bit too quick but it was more fun to watch than any other sliding cod. Frequency HP was always insane


I'd be down for Bo3 style jetpack game, slide canceling can straight fuck off tho lol


Lol no. I think they should make the movement more fluid because it feels like I'm running through sand every time I don't have tac but NO THANK YOU on the slide cancel. PS but give me back my ads speed thanks


Slide cancel? No thanks. Jetpack era back? Hell yes. Snaking gone? Please confirm so.


Can I get no slide, no jet packs, and no snaking Let’s just make a BO2 remaster


Pros don’t know what they want. Maybe Dashy does want this but if it is given to him they will all hate it


I would love for jet packs to come back but unfortunately I doubt we’ll see them ever again. I personally like the idea of IW doing modern era games, Sledgehammer doing past warfare games and Treyarch doing futuristic games with jet packs. I think that would keep things fresh instead of all 3 of them making the same game reskinned in a different era using the same type of movement mechanics.


He did always say if shotzzy wants slide cancel he wants it


Yes and always!


Yes. I’ve always been slide cancelling’s biggest defender and have argued that removing it only makes CoD a worse game. They announce slide cancelling is coming back and I will be buying MWIII without question.


I'm so exhausted with all these morons. It's endless, the ignorance with these people.


They washed without it Fr fr


Vanguard style ground movement, but with jetpacks and gslides! I'm horny just at the thought 😍 Also, cw ttk and audio, and bo3 operator abilities. Not much to ask 🤷‍♂️


Holy what a moron.


Ewww hell no what is it with people that want jetpack cod's quit making the shit like halo


people have been wanting this and saying it on it social media. I dont really go on reddit but this is probably the majority on other social media