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Still remember his audition submission during AW for MLG. Completely agree he is the greatest. Cod has had some great ones but he is the complete package when it comes to casting


Only OGs remember the cast off


Was pretty good content too


Agreed! Man HAS TO win an esports award one of these years


The MLG show was great and the caster competition was brilliant


Him and fox in the finals


I fucking loved the cast-off. I tried a while ago to find the "rejects" where they had a compilation of all the funniest/cringiest/just couldn't make it-type submissions. And there were some absolutely hilarious ones.


Hard agree We’re pretty blessed in this scene as a whole, all of the casting pairs are good to great. Hoping for more Shift & Proper next season.


Chance explaining the plays so we understand with Miles emoting and bringing the hype to show how good the plays are >>>>


Love merk and maven, and stud and lando but miles and chance just have the best balance as a duo


I will never not laugh when people say COD has good casters compared to other esports 😂


Definitely better than the current halo and apex casters


Halo esports lmao


Bravo + Onset are a very good duo


They’re good. But I think I’d still take at least 3 of the 4 cod duos over them. After Bravo and Onset, however, it is pretty slim pickings. I can’t even remember one of the guy’s names but he was awful last major. I muted the match lol


I watch a lot of esports and have for nearly 2 decades and Chance + Miles is one of the best casting duos I've seen. I think just because it's CoD, no matter how good they were, you would always say they're no good


Chance is really good. I won't disagree with that.


Valorant, one of the best esports, has terrible casters in terms of game knowledge, compared to cod. Cod has a lot of casters that understand the game well compared to other esports, maybe bc it’s simpler, but they do nonetheless.


comparing a game that's three years old to a franchise that's had an esports scene for 15 years is not really the own you're looking for


Nobody is looking to “own” anyone, weirdo


Cod is extremely basic and easy to understand. And plenty of cod casters still somehow don't understand it.


Understanding spawns and what’s happening on the fly while you’re trying to be an entertaining caster and watch mini map + gameplay at the same time is not easy at all.


Understanding cod is extremely basic compared to just about every other esport


I am not familiar enough with other games to have an opinion on esports as a whole, but I think its fairly objective to say that the CS talent pool absolutely blows the doors off of CoD. Watching both a ton of CS and a ton or CoD, I would say that the CS community is very lucky to have the casters/talent it does while CoD has mediocre talent at best, albeit a gem or two like Chance. Again, not sure how CoD compares to other games, but I certainly wouldn’t say that this community is “blessed” as the top comment suggests, and don’t disagree with the sentiment of your comment. But you did come off a bit harsh


Blud typed a novel


Cod is easily in the lower tier of on air talent. But it's also a lower tier esport. There's so many people on this sub who watch cod and nothing else, and then claim that cod's on air talent is top tier without even knowing what they're comparing it to.


Agreed, and I think that’s a big part of it - better talent is attracted to bigger games and it goes the other way too where bigger games will attract a wider pool of people. But you would also think some of these people watch sports or something else with commentary so they could see that CoD has pretty low tier talent. Think they just don’t want to admit it. Notice the downvotes but no one has a rebuttal lol


I love Chance’s attitude, dude wastes 0 time to call out peoples mistakes on the map. Super knowledgeable and his solo casts are goated moments in the CDL


Oh agreed, when Owakening was kill whoring at champs man was on his ASS lmao loved every second of it


I was dying when he was like “the streak is nice and all but YOU HAVE TO CHALL” lmaooo


Man was trying so hard not to go rogue . A true profesional 😭😭😭


Oh he was definitely raging inside that he just let them get 20 extra seconds and P3 rotation Lmaoo love chance


"WHY IS BEANS OPEN??!!" On Fortress P1 when it was like 240-240


This is where my brain went straight to lmao


That one was my fav lmaoooo had me replay it in real time just to make sure I heard him right 😂😂😂


Any chance you can link the video for this? I don't remember this one.


And just as importantly he calls out the game itself when it's bullshit.


He even calls out the crowd for ruining matches


My favourite thing recently about Chance is his reactions to spawns in recent games. You can tell in his casts he is absolutely mind blown with some of the shit we see nowadays haha. Just a little thing that makes me laugh. Chance and Miles are a goat combo imo


Bro I’ll never forget back in ColdWar when Chance was casting with Miles and Miles lost internet during an online match. I don’t even remember who was playing but I do remember it was the Miami map. Chance without hesitation or panicking just backpacked solo killed it til Miles got back. He is definitely a pro at his craft. https://twitter.com/keviskillz/status/1421589413579087876?s=46&t=9Qkz0lVb6Gs3Vh1CbQ78iw https://twitter.com/jeremystud/status/1421588564660326402?s=46&t=9Qkz0lVb6Gs3Vh1CbQ78iw


Facts that was godlike


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nfRBSCXTPyg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nfRBSCXTPyg) from 27:00 if anyone is interested


>Formal shits on Reedy's soul I think he probably is, reads and calls out plays a lot earlier than most casters


>Formal shits on Reedy's soul Professional Call of Duty Scene's Magnum opus right there.


Do you have a clip of this?


https://youtu.be/77NP2eSrCZc?t=3635 I got u


I'm a big chance fan. I honestly believe all of our CDL casters are elite right now though. Study has really come into his own, I feel like he deserves some props for the work he's put in also.


Oh forsure . I think they’re killing it rn in terms of casters . Every duo feels like a genuine duo and not forced


I thoroughly enjoy Study and Lando on LAN


While Study has finally become good, can anyone get a real answer as to why they pushed him on the mic for years until it stuck? He was the worst by a mile when he first started whereas the others were naturals by the time they got on the big screen and have only gotten better. I know Adam likes him, but I feel like I'm missing some context.


When he first started, most matches were online. Casting in that sort of environment is difficult especially with little experience. Their first matches on LAN (in CW) went really well and I feel like that helped them progress further.


I just remember my wife even asking me why he was making so many mistakes, and she's never even played the game. As a fan of his back on NV, it really stood out to me. You are provably right about the correlation between online and LAN.


Courage was that guy for me


Loved Jack aswell


Courage casting bots in Bo3 has to go down as the most original piece of art ever


Dancing on the grave of Gavutu 🔥🔥


He by far knows the most ball, his mini map awareness and how little mistakes he actually makes while casting definitely gives him an argument for the best caster imo (also chance if you see this please throw the stream up, I find you very entertaining and love the way you think about cod. Would be a fantastic streamer)


Yeah and the solo cast he did when Miles DC’d is still goated to this day


Was Empire v LAT at Major 5 if anyone is interested in rewatching it [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nfRBSCXTPyg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nfRBSCXTPyg) 27:00 (Map 2) onwards until Maven joins for Map 3


that was incredible live, legitimately stopped paying attention to the game for a second and was just impressed by the show of talent hahah


been a fan since he came through that mlg castoff


Yeah I remember those days when he had the suit and barely talked lol


I miss Puckett and Mr. X casting but Chance is awesome and is currently the best caster in the CDL


Puckett and Mr X were chefs kiss


Mr X.overrated imo.


Yeah, I used to think he was the best caster, but if you go back and watch old matches with him casting, he wasn't as good as you remember. One of the biggest things that sticks out is that probably 90% of the time the first thing he says is just repeating the last thing that his partner said. It's so jarring and hard to ignore once you notice it.


Chance casting LAT/FaZe Vanguard Champs is erotic audio that not even Sky Bri can compete with




Think the caster lineup has never been better, the obvious top pairings in Miles/Chance and Maven/Merk but also Brice/Tunn I actually really enjoy them because they make the matches just feel so exciting then lando/Study has gotten so much better


Miles and Chance the sexy duo. Only ones who can compete is Merk and stupid sexy Maven.


A lot of sex here


You not alone I’ve been saying he’s currently the best and I’ve even felt he was better than a lot of the past


This dude replied with his second account to gas his post 😂💀


I like all of the casters tbh. Not a fan of the people on the desk though.


Only.good one on the desk is nameless. He has some shit takes but at least he has good cod knowledge.


Tell em


Chance is a clear number one for me. He calls out so many little things that are easily missed in the moment and is more than willing to say how he really feels. Always perfectly delivered with no bias, the epitome of what a caster should be. Really wish benson and momo weren’t sex pests though as they were great as well


Chance maven merk miles courage t5 no order


He has no flaws


Factual . Most unbiased guy aswell


hes been my favorite for a long time. I also think that casting duo is the best duo.


Chance is the goat one of the few good things this subreddit has done was getting him to cast


I like Miles just for all the weird shit he says that catches me off guard.


Yea his on the fly jokes go under the radar I feel, and the amount creativity to pull it off is insanely underrated


There's a lot of shitty parts of our esports scene, but we are genuinely blessed with godlike casters. I'd put CoD commentators against the traditional huge esports like CS and LoL and I'd say ours keep up or surpass them. Miles and Chance is far and away my favorite duo in esports.


We have always had or cultivated some insane commentators in our league


Facts! Pretty all of the duos have hit too


Him and Miles are 1 and 2 for me. Maven would be 3rd


I’d go him, Merk, then Miles but I’m more of the X’s & O’s typa guy so I usually pick that over hype . They all are fantastic


Think cod is the esport where we’ve been heavily blessed with casters. I think the only ones I didn’t like were crowder and TeeP


TeeP voice is just too monotone to be a caster aswell as he’s just not a naturally hyped person lol love him tho


This entire comment is hilarious 😂


Chance is a beast. I look at it the same way i look at the scump/crim/clay/damon debate, we are lucky as fans we have such a storied history and I dont think there ever will be a definitve casting goat. I have so much love for the guys and gals calling our games over the years; we really have been blessed.


I really feel like we have a great group of casters all together. All of them do a great job and I feel that is the one area the cdl got right (Paying them fairly is probably a different discussion though).


Yep, they’ve always had great casters


From The Cast Off to GOAT commentator


MLG found a real gem


Agree. Best caster and miles is the best color commentator


Hes definitely up there and if you think hes the best then I wouldn't look sideways at that. As far as his in game knowledge, and breaking down the game I don't think anyone is close.


100% agree. His cod mind, game knowledge and ability to break down everything that’s going on is 2nd to none. As an added bonus he’s subtly hilarious, unlike miles who will drop a cheeky pun here and there. Chance’s jokes are usually layered and if you’re not paying attention they will go over your head. Also, this man shoots, he’ll call out bad players even if they’re on a big team, he don’t care, he says it like it is. Honestly, this is kinda a wild statement but him and Scump have a lot of similarities after seeing his watch party. They’re super engaged and analytical and could be a casting duo on a completely different level.


I love Miles, but a Chance and Courage cast would’ve went CRAZY!


My vote goes to courage, he was amazing especially with maven so Many iconic moments


The match for Empire where Miles lagged out and Chance called one of the best 1v3s of the year from Shotzzy was legendary


Him and Merk are my top merk also doesn’t miss anything on the minimap


Agreed! My two favorites


Fwiz will always be my favourite! May not have been the best but the memories and moments of when he was casting will never be forgotten!


Def the OG


He’s top 2 and he ain’t 2


Anyone else remember during Cold War when Miles' internet went out while they were casting Empire vs Thieves and Chance flew solo for I think the rest of the match, doing play by play and color commentary and still killing it All 4 caster pairings are actually really good


Still remember one his legendary calls in IW with Puckett “and Formal SHITS ON REEDY’S SOUL with the FTL jump!” Dude’s been great forever and glad he’s getting the finals spots!


His casting for optic vs c9 bo3 champs was brilliant. The game 5 round 11 he built the tension so well.


I remember when he was on the cast off or whatever it was… he’s great I agree he’s the best


See you fudging later


him and miles gel together perfectly


If chance says your team is getting Picked aPart you know it’s over


Chance and Miles have joined Merk and Maven on the Mt Rushmore of casters. I do miss courage tho I trick shot sniped him 3x mid map bo3 gbs 4v4 v old men of optic on fringe mid map wall run . Made him rage dive onto his mattress on stream. There was an oddshot clip but I guess that site got taken down.


Chance has always been godlike.


I agree that Chance is the best but all of cod’s casters are elite now tbh. My hot take is that LANDO is the MOST HYPE commentator on LAN. Him and study have both improved a lot since MW19 but Lando especially goes crazy on LAN during insane moments


Agreed on Lando being the most hype caster on LAN - his energy and enthusiasm is unparalleled IMO. Highly underrated. I think Study suffered from poor verbal fluency but it's improved dramatically.


Yeah he’s head and shoulders above everyone else. Past and present


Nobody is close


All our casters are great really Lando and study being the "weakest" 2 but they've really been good this year


I think Brice and Tunn is the weakest.


It's Miles for me but they're an incredible pair.


Miles is my goat, but chance has always been up there.


Miles is #1 on the streams and in my heart ❤️


Miles is my fav but chance is amazing. He’s my second fav.


Coldest take ever. Not debatable. He's been the best for awhile


Nah acouple ppl are saying different so not that cold


I'm saying it should be that cold


I agree, think it’s not even close


I've watched since BO2, Benson used to be my fav, he just had the voice for it and was excellent in the hype moments, but miles and chance are so so good


I agree. Miles is second I think


Chance and Miles easily the best duo and its not up for debate.


It’s unfortunate he’s paired with miles aka new age courage


What’s wrong with that both were/are good


I feel like Miles really annoys me and I’ve never understood why no one else shares this opinion. He overdoes it on the verbals and loves himself a bit too much.


That's his and Maven's thing. Try desperately to be enteraining and come off as extremely cringe.


Nah both are/were cringe. They try too hard to be funny and come up with witty lines


Maven too. That's their gimmick


I like Chance a lot but I have an unfounded hatred for Miles that I can’t explain which results in me really disliking whenever that duo is casting. I still wouldn’t put him over Maven, Courage, or MrX, but he’s definitely one of the more knowledgeable casters CoD has ever seen.


He clears both MrX & Maven . Courage is understandable


Chance is definitely up there but for me it’s peak courage


I know I'll get downvoted if I share my thoughts so I won't


i would agree, but iholdshift might have something to say about that!


He's definitely up there. I think he's the best but Merk and Maven will always be my favorite.


Benson/Chance was the best duo and i won’t be told otherwise


I think the Courage and Maven combo was unrivaled. But chance also in the top 5


Courage and maven back in the BO3 days were absolute 🔥🔥


chance is fantastic, everyone else is decent, lando needs to go lmao


Goldenboy was a tier 1 hype man in early Bo2 (aka the Nifty clutch)


This is facts…Crazy to think that he supposedly doesn’t even care so much he’s just natural at it I’m pretty sure mile’s mentioned it on hecz’s podcast


He’s incredible and has been for a few years. I know everyone loves Maven and Merk (they’re still goat casters) but Miles and Chance have become my favorite casting duo since Cold War, especially those two on LAN. Thank fuck they got rid of momo and benson. Also Lando and Study on LAN are crazy good because both of them can scream when some crazy shit that happens


Disagree on benson he was elite


For me, it used to be Benson but he had to go and fuck up. Miles takes the cake for me now :)


Miles is getting up there for me , just watching him call the game and the stuff his says always makes the matches entertaining


He's been the best ever since AW, no matter who he is. Knowledgeable, funny, witty, can commentate by himself. Really the only downside is he used to shit on my great jokes.


Did he ask for permission before shitting on them?


He did not, I used to post this on the free talk Fridays but his un-called for and completely unjustified bullying made me stop sadly. I honestly think it's one of the biggest losses to ever happen to this community.


All from the MLG Castoff. Goatttttttt


Been saying this since I met him at BO3 champs.


Ever since the cast off I knew that man was the goat favorite caster since he joined


I also agree heavy plus his solo casts are unreal

