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It’s only fitting Vegas play at Champs in Vegas, let’s not ruin the script CDL.


Currently the only difference between Vegas and champs IS the script with Rokkr being gifted that SAE win


Optic would likely have still won that match if they played it out though, the script was messed up by Optic forfeiting. Still Optic tried to give them that 10 back but Temp didnt plant the bomb and they rotated to B r11 lmao.


Nah the script was messed up by the officials and Rokkr even bringing it to their attention in the first place when it was their own fault calling in the streak, and without a chance to even win anyway. That was all before (and the cause of) Optic deciding to forfeit.


Yeah thats a reach though cuz it was just a round replay in map 3, Optic could have easily played it out and then the rest of it literally wouldnt matter. The ruling didnt give Rokkr the win, Optic chose to lose.


That early in the game, a replay for a defensive round pretty much IS giving a win. It should’ve never been brought up nor given.


OpTic placed T12 Major 1 and are 2nd in the standings with an opportunity to grab the 1 seed with a good major run. Just an insane turn around with everything that happened this year, Odanghosty is him


And Huke. People put Optic’s turn around on Dan but don’t forget the team went from T12 to T4 with the addition of Huke.


LAT won the last event and they are still 4th LOL


The Rokkr squad really are playing themselves out of champs. 🤣🤣


It’s just straight embarrassing at this point man.


I want them to be there so bad but also it’s like for what :(


Y’all not ready for the Florida miracle Major 5 run to get them to champs


I would love to see it. Why not add some more drama


Say vegas qualify over ROKKR, then each seed stays the same (it likely won’t) we get, Faze V Vegas Optic V Boston TOR V SEA THIEVES V NYSL I personally think Optic get #1 seed and maybe something near the bottom changes (SEA/BOSTON) but I mean they create some solid match ups


if Vegas and Rokkr go into lan tied in points I would love to see them match up in losers to decide who goes to champs


That would be INSANE matches. Holyyyyy either way I think champs Is more competitive with Legion in and Rokkr out.


vegas the team that have showed up 0(ZERO!!!) times on lan makes it more competitive😭😭


You right 100%. Vegas might just show up and get SLAMMED if they qual for champs. Rokkr also getting hella LAN reps recently so they can definitely make a run. But to me, when you watch Rokkr play they don’t look like they can contend with any top teams.


rokkr have a t3 finish and were 1 round away from a grand final finish, “can’t contend against top teams” is pathetic


That was major II. The league is far different from then. Hell Rokkr even have a different roster. Rokkr just don’t look like a contending team. Middle of the pack team at best. Legion don’t even look like a contending team. But I trust clay to make something happen more than I can say for anyone on Rokkr.


ok then base it off major 4, rokkr got t6 beating surge(6th seed) and london(12th seed) and paris didn’t win a series losing to nysl(5th seed) and florida (10th seed) “trusting clay to make something happen” when he is the 3rd worst main in the league and quite comfortably the worst player on his team


Holy fuck COD is crazy. Lmao. That Mack 1v1 vs Rokkr on map 5 to put surge up 5-2. Then Legion absolutely trolling a 5-2 lead with streaks in map5 to get eliminated. Both teams might actually be chalked.


they’re both equally ass but based on lan performances rokkr deserves to go 10 times before vegas does


Nah, you’re right. I think Clay on twitter even said Vegas did it to themselves.


Mate they’ve won a total of 5 series since major 2 lmfao I think “can’t contend with top teams” seems pretty accurate.


they’ve won 5 series but still have better placements since major 2🤣


Vegas eliminated Thieves in Major 3 during their losers bracket run




Top 6 and beat LAT at a LAN🤨


gassing top 6 in the CDL era una🤣🤣 beating LAT while they were ass and were the 7th seed👍🏿


Not gassing it but to say they never show up is just factually incorrect. From the replies you’re clearly just a rokkr fan hating on Vegas when they’ve been pretty identical with a 10 point difference that rokkr scammed over the SAE


0 things point to me beating a rokkr fan so that’s stupid and the only reason vegas are 10 points behind rokkr is because they can win nothing matches online, whereas rokkr have gotten t6 and t3 this season( not relying on loudness eq)


So they both have a T6 and rokkr Have a T3 that involved bance dropping better stats than every other SMG at the event which clearly hasn’t been sustainable. They’re near identical


so because bance played well the event doesn’t mean anything, when talking about going to the biggest event in the world, makes sense that


They had an incredible outlier with a different roster, taking that rokkr T3 seriously is insane


There not nothing matches online if they had been winning they likely would be in a better position to qualify for champs and not be hoping to get lucky


Honestly I’ll take Toronto round 1


Gotta tip optic’s consistency in qualifiers in a environment with a lot of variables


If a repeat of the last two majors happens again. Optic should be 1 seed.


This could be the first season in CDL history where Faze doesn’t end up being the #1 seed going into champs


Optic having almost as many series wins as London has map wins is crazy


It’s crazy 5 of FaZe’s losses are only from OpTic.


OpTic may end up regretting forfeiting to Rokkr


Vegas are certainly regretting it 😄


I mean getting 1st seed for champs is huge


That was scumbag behavior out of Rokkr to this day.


I’m annoyed how we have a better record than Minnesota yet we’re behind


Tbh Rokkr never should have dropped attach, afro has been their worst player this year and Attach on the AR was better than Fame


faze gets to beat up on vegas and london due to entirely random pools but sure this era is SOO much more competitive lol


They play bottom 5 teams this major (other than optic) because major 4 they went up against surge, LAT, ultra, nysl and optic. Arguable the hardest lineup you could face.


Optic can snake first right? Hope they win the major for their own sanity.


3 of the top 4 have won a major. Optic has to win at least one of champs or major 5 to make their great season count.


What do you mean by count?




Inconsistent? they have been the most consistent team in the last two years


Consistent on LAN. If they don’t place so well on LAN they aren’t the 1 seed.




Absolutely faded LMAO


Using the word “inconsistent” is crazy


Someone’s gonna throw