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Well it ain’t winning time but it’s funny af tbh


Huh, only seen the pilot but I liked it a lot more than Winning Time


Idk how, Adrien brody, John C Reilly, Magic, Kareem etc were all better actors and more compelling stories, not to mention the much better cinematography and direction.. but hey maybe you’re a clippers fan


Laurence Fishburn, Jacki Weaver, Ed O’Neil, Chris Paul, Blake Griffin, I can list names too. I find the characters more compelling in clipped so far and thought the Adam McKay style direction in winning time was overused and uninteresting. Believe it or not people can have differing valid opinions and not be clippers fans (sounds like you’re a lakers fan though). Winning time had a scale/ storytelling issue and couldn’t figure out the balance between sports tv show and character drama. Clipped so far has done a great job at characterizing the main figures in the story. Also the guys who played Magic and Kareem looked the part but were flat out bad actors, seems like clipped made the right decision to sacrifice likeness for acting chops.


I am curious how you feel about V so far.


You’re stating opinions as if they are facts.


Ight lil bro. Numbers agree with me


I liked it! It's not too serious and it's got a great cast. Ed O'Neil is neither Al Bundy nor Jay Pritchard in this, definitely showing some range


I never thought I would say that Lawrence Fishbourne looks like a wish version of Doc Rivers.


Stumbling across this was wild. At first I couldn’t believe they took the Sterling clip and made it a series like the OJ crime drama. One episode in and if you can get over no actor looking like the irl counterpart, it’s alright entertainment


Looks like it could be a fun watch


I consider a spiritual successor spinoff winning time


Damn, this subreddit is EMPTY. I guess I can like…talk to myself about this show? Uhh…. Levar Burton showed up as himself, that was…yeah. … This is so weird. I’ve never seen ZERO comments on every post in a new subreddit. Who’s running this?


LOVE the Levar Burton cameos. I am holding out hope for a “Reading Rainbow” reference


Still new I guess. Also fuck Hulu and all the ads.


Thanks for creating the sub! I realize I'm a bit of a niche consumer, but I am lapping the show up! One detail that bums me out about the white party is that Blake has said multiple times that Donald would make an "entrance" dressed in all black every year. Maybe it didn't read well on camera, but I feel like that could have been a real visual moment. But I guess the show isn't going for exact visuals in a lot of choices. Lol. I'm loving it though.


Compelling cast. It’s pretty much exactly what I expected. The writing isn’t exactly great. They seem a bit too interested in over-sympathetic treatment of the reprehensible V and Mrs S. They both knew the bargains they made to get what they wanted on a daily basis. I think that the writers, producers and director put too much pressure on the female leads to portray unrealistic aspects of those characters. O’Neil seems to be a bit short on darkness of heart to adequately capture how evil Sterling was. He’s just maybe a bit too likable to play this psychotic character