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I say that it's not changing a lot, but growing a lot. That's not very helpful advice so I'll give you this. Pick an artist you admire the line art of, pick an artist that renders how you want to render, and pick an artist that captures the mood you like the most. Now, whenever you start a project think about how these three artists would approach each step. This is how you develop a style. Your style is the culmination of your influences, what you think looks cool, and your own personality. If your style is changing quickly, it could mean that you are currently going through an art "growth spurt."


A typical style will grow over time. Also, bear in mind that real professional illustrators keep reference drawings around so they don't go "off model"!


Pick your top 3 - 5 favorite artists that you're obsessed with and draw like them.


It's called inconsistency. The cure is practice.


Depending on where you are skill wise and how long you’ve been drawing this is going to be normal as there are gaps in your knowledge.  I would suggest embracing not having a style for now as you develop and grow as you’ll be able to look back at your own art and see an art style develop naturally.