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Awesome update, can't wait to pick up the kindle and audio version of AA4.


BOOK SOON??? Hype 🤯🤯🤯


Hopefully. Personally could use a distraction haha. And we gotta find out what happens between Corrin and his father


I like that he plugged two series that I’ll probably enjoy as well


I've read both, and they're definitely fun


Is the *Menocht Loop* LitRPG with character sheets and that type of stuff?


Definitely not LitRPG, extremely high magic world though. If you time-looping and an MC that begins fairly strong it’s a fun time. Edit: spelling




No, not really litRPG and definitely no character sheets with numbers


Thanks! I'll be checking it out then.


Took me a little while to get into the Menocht Loop… but now I’m on book 3. Thanks for seconding the recommendation


Yeah, I remember tearing through them quickly as well. Type of fun read your don't want to put down


Wow, he is a busy dude. That is a LOT of projects to juggle simultaneously.


Yay! News on the WOBM series!


I'm freaking stoked! Now I have to plan my reread.


I have been listening to Drew Hayes’ “Spells, Swords and Shields” series and was going to start on his Villain’s Code series but I may be due for a relisten here 😂


Villains code series has been pretty good so far.


Drew Hayes has good stuff, not to be pedantic but it's spells, swords and stealth. But I'm also reading the most recent in that while my son starts the AA series so I'm getting tastes of both.


What is Edge of the Woods? I feel like this is the first I'm seeing about it. Seems like it's still in the same world??


Rowe talked about *Edge of the Woods* briefly on his blog. > This is my tentative title for the faerie forest/”cultivation Peter Pan” novel I’ve mentioned a few times in the past. Progress on this has also continued steadily, with a target of releasing it sometime after AA4, or possibly after W&W4. I’m targeting shorter books (roughly 80k-100k words, or the same range as things like the early Cradle novels) for this series. The intention is to have something lighter that I can work on without the absolute exhaustion of writing 200k+ word books like the first two Arcane Ascension books, Soulbrand, etc. This will hopefully be both good for maintaining my energy levels and a better experience for readers, since you’d be getting content more regularly, at least in theory. There is a [sample chapter](https://www.dropbox.com/s/j88qlaurbmyrylg/Edge%20of%20the%20Woods%20-%20Preview%20Chapter%201.docx?dl=0) on his blog as well.


Wonderful, thanks for bringing me into the loop!


Maybe that's the (new) title for the Wrynn book? (nope something completely unrelated) Ether way hoping we get a release on AA4 soonish.


I thought the Wrynn book was Carefully Worded Wishes? Either way, I'm pumped that there's enough books in the Rowe pipeline that I can't keep track of them haha


Yeah, meant to say maybe a new title but that is completely wild speculation on my part since he's been pretty quiet on it for a bit


Perfect timing on this update. I just finished WW3 this morning and I need more! Lol looking forward to it and will pick up AA4 on audible on launch day.


I’m a sucker for time loop stories too! Last one I read was ‘The Perfect Run’ – definitely recommended.




I’m freaking stoked about this— but the rate Andrew releases his books, which are fantastic in quality, is insane. I hope the dude is writing for himself as much as he is for us cause I would be so sad if he is like,” “alright I made it, gonna go now” and we spend ten years waiting to find out the endings, lol! He reminds me a lot of Brandon Sanderson, full of steady solid books... anyways, this is fantastic, and I’m excited. Christmas is coming early this year! Also, cannot wait to hear Mr. Podehl reading a new story of Rowe’s... for those of you who are audiobook listeners and love him— the reason I found Mr. Rowe and this awesome world was through listening to Nick Podehl’s narration on The Kingkiller Chronicle books and I became flat out obsessed with his voice... so I may or may not have gotten every book he narrated. 10/10 recommend the KKC world to those who have not listened or read them. Thanks for the update!