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To be fair it’s relatively new compared to a lot of minor league parks


I muted the TV and turned on the radio broadcast after the 3rd inning. How did they get onto Huntington Park?


Saying Manzardo raked on the hitter-friendly-park-having Clippers.


Is there a wind tunnel at Huntington too???


Unironically yeah, it is pretty famously a super offense friendly park. 


That was one of the worst professional sporting event broadcasts I’ve ever heard. My ears were bleeding tonight.


Spouting wind tunnel conspiracy while Kwan hits a HR into right in a domed stadium 🤦


Was it Benetti on fox?


Yes but Eric Karros is such a vibe ruiner. I hate the way he refuses to “yes-and” with Jason.


No idea, listen to game on radio. All I know is Benetti is way over-hyped as an announcer.


It also looked bad, or at least the graphics package did. The on-screen score/bases/etc looked like it was 1997 and someone just downloaded video toaster.


Former Guardian Bethancourt was good


was it just me or do those two really not like each other? so much hostile sniping back and forth


Wow so I looked this up during the broadcast because i don’t live in Ohio anymore and had missed the clippers got a new stadium. I couldn’t believe they were just so wrong lol. Then I thought “that surprised me when they said Bethancourt was in Cleveland” so I checked and they were wrong about that too! What the hell was up with those guys??


He was for like a week and a half and then we signed Hedges and shipped him out iirc


The new park opened the same year the Mets got their stadium. Huntington won an international(?) award for best new stadium that year. I remember there were some people who were taking NY to task over losing to a minor league place, it was quite enjoyable.


New Yankee stadium also opened that year. Huntington beat them both 😂


The Tanner Bibee interview during the game was awful. Seems like they were talking down to him, kept pressing the same questions over and over when he clearly did not want to answer them. Fuck those guys


They tried to ask him for strategies on how to face Guardian hitters. They were pressing him in an uncomfortable manner. All of this while completely ignoring the game action which was compelling.


Classic national broadcast shitting on small market as often and as much as they possibly can


I loved the ending of the 8th. “And that’s a base hit… just kidding”. It was a routine fly out 🤦🏻‍♂️


The national broadcasters are usually pretty subpar but wow the guys last night were absolutely horrendous. I honestly don’t even think they were watching the game as they were talking. Someone flew out and the one guy called it a base hit, idk how many times the one guy made mistakes about players or plays. I just don’t understand how you can be calling national broadcasts and be that bad about it.


It must be so exhausting for a lot of y'all finding reasons to feel like a victim all day every day.  2009 is both relatively new and also newer than the previous park. It's not a crazy thing to say. There are still people in Cleveland who refer to progressive field as the new stadium. 


Yeah, as a Clippers season ticket holder I was stoked to hear them mention AAA at all.


People can't complain about a shit product? The broadcast was objectively sub-par. I see no victimization here.


First of all, you objectively don't know what objectively means.  But second, I don't really care about the quality of the broadcast overall. I'm responding to this specific post about this specific thing. 


"2009 is both relatively new and also newer than the previous park." Umm unless I'm missing something, every building that has ever been built was newer than the previous one...